Wayne LaPierre goes batshit crazy

Ah but you have to look at the Second thru the lens of the Fourteenth. You missed my fabulous debate with Dante didn't you?


Heller vs DC was a tad vague but McDonald vs Chicago clearly tied the Fourteenth to the Second.
The 14th came almost 100 years later.

It has no relevance or insight into the 2nd's intent, from the founders' perspective.

Hey stupid, both are part of the Constitution.

WA Supreme Court: '2nd Amendment applies to the states via 14th Amendment due process clause'

Supreme Court: Second Amendment Applies to States.

The Supreme Court today held that the Second Amendment -- as recently redefined in D.C. v. Heller , in which the Court overturned D.C.'s handgun ban -- applies to the states, not just the federal government. Heller made this decision inevitable, so the only suspense with today's ruling was with respect to 1) the size of the majority and 2) what rationale the justices would use to "incorporate" the Second Amendment. The Court -- with the same 5-to-4 lineup as Heller -- chose to incorporate the Second Amendment through the due-process clause of the 14th Amendment rather than through the "privileges and immunities" clause.
Moron - we are talking about the intent of the 2nd. The founders didn't time-travel first to the late 1800s before writing the 2nd.
There are many States which allow fully automatic firearms.

In Texas you have to have a Class III FFL and I think it's the same in most other states.

Yes... All of the States which allow them basically make you sign your Rights away, and allow your home to be searched at any time once you obtain the license. I've been told it really isn't worth the aggravation.

I've had my FFL for ten years, never had my home searched and I haven't lost one single right.
His acting crazy is just what President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is counting on. The American public does not like 'crazy'.

Keep up the great work!

I don't give a rat's ass what the American Public likes. The American Public has proven that it is about as smart and a bag of hammers (The election of obama being exhibit A). As long as LaPierre is fighting, as long as gun sales are up, as long as gun manufacturers are getting rich, as long as obama and the left keeps trying to take guns, the NRA will maintain it's power.

This is the kind of attitude that let Obama win in a landslide and let the Senate pick up even more Democratic seats, and will keep Democrats in power for a long time.

Keep up the great work!

Jesus Christ you are full of shit aren't you. I mean seriously? Do you even believe 1/10th of the shit you say?
Wayne La Pierrre's article in the Daily Caller shows just how nutso-parnoid this nut has gone.

"The NRA's long journey into "prepperism" has been fascinating to watch. The gun lobby even sells a ragnarok-ready machete with its logo on the handle. But it feels like one more feint that alienates the NRA from the gun owner it's supposed to represent. How many recreational gun owners are 1) worried about an apocalypse and 2) have guns or ammo clips that stand any chance of being banned right now?" ~ David Weigel

The Nightmare Vision of Wayne LaPierre

By David Weigel
Feb. 13, 2013

The NRA's volcanic spokespundit begins his State of the Union response tour in the virtual pages of the Daily Caller. (Given that the DC runs a gun giveaway contest, it's a perfect pairing of voice and medium.) It's as coherent as you'd expect, but it includes a rhetoric shift that the NRA's been making more and more since a "gun ban" of any kind became politically ludicrous. Used to be that you had to fear a powerful government taking the guns away, depriving you of the power to resist tyranny. Now, you have to worry about the government collapsing, leaving you in a Mad Max universe with no gasoline.

After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.
You could pause here and ask which gun prohibitionists see this as "utopia." It's as fatuous as suggesting that Randians all want to emigrate to Somalia. It's also mostly false, because many looting rumors were bogus, and -- famously, we thought -- murders slowed, then stopped, during the blackout. But forget it, Wayne is rolling.
Meanwhile, President Obama is leading this country to financial ruin, borrowing over a trillion dollars a year for phony “stimulus” spending and other payoffs for his political cronies. Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won’t be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.
Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face—not just maybe. It’s not paranoia to buy a gun. It’s survival. It’s responsible behavior, and it’s time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that.

Find LaPierre's meltdown here> Stand and Fight | The Daily Caller

What the hell is a ragnarok-ready machete? You are worried about a NRA logo on a knife when disturbed kids get to cut off virtual heads with virtual machetes in any video game shop? Look at the freaking Hollywood filth and violence that masquerades as entertainment. It makes a NRA logo on a machete seem pretty tame.
Wayne La Pierrre's article in the Daily Caller shows just how nutso-parnoid this nut has gone.

"The NRA's long journey into "prepperism" has been fascinating to watch. The gun lobby even sells a ragnarok-ready machete with its logo on the handle. But it feels like one more feint that alienates the NRA from the gun owner it's supposed to represent. How many recreational gun owners are 1) worried about an apocalypse and 2) have guns or ammo clips that stand any chance of being banned right now?" ~ David Weigel

The Nightmare Vision of Wayne LaPierre

By David Weigel
Feb. 13, 2013

The NRA's volcanic spokespundit begins his State of the Union response tour in the virtual pages of the Daily Caller. (Given that the DC runs a gun giveaway contest, it's a perfect pairing of voice and medium.) It's as coherent as you'd expect, but it includes a rhetoric shift that the NRA's been making more and more since a "gun ban" of any kind became politically ludicrous. Used to be that you had to fear a powerful government taking the guns away, depriving you of the power to resist tyranny. Now, you have to worry about the government collapsing, leaving you in a Mad Max universe with no gasoline.

After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.
You could pause here and ask which gun prohibitionists see this as "utopia." It's as fatuous as suggesting that Randians all want to emigrate to Somalia. It's also mostly false, because many looting rumors were bogus, and -- famously, we thought -- murders slowed, then stopped, during the blackout. But forget it, Wayne is rolling.
Meanwhile, President Obama is leading this country to financial ruin, borrowing over a trillion dollars a year for phony “stimulus” spending and other payoffs for his political cronies. Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won’t be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.
Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face—not just maybe. It’s not paranoia to buy a gun. It’s survival. It’s responsible behavior, and it’s time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that.

Find LaPierre's meltdown here> Stand and Fight | The Daily Caller

What looters?

The 14th came almost 100 years later.

It has no relevance or insight into the 2nd's intent, from the founders' perspective.

Hey stupid, both are part of the Constitution.

WA Supreme Court: '2nd Amendment applies to the states via 14th Amendment due process clause'

Supreme Court: Second Amendment Applies to States.

The Supreme Court today held that the Second Amendment -- as recently redefined in D.C. v. Heller , in which the Court overturned D.C.'s handgun ban -- applies to the states, not just the federal government. Heller made this decision inevitable, so the only suspense with today's ruling was with respect to 1) the size of the majority and 2) what rationale the justices would use to "incorporate" the Second Amendment. The Court -- with the same 5-to-4 lineup as Heller -- chose to incorporate the Second Amendment through the due-process clause of the 14th Amendment rather than through the "privileges and immunities" clause.
Moron - we are talking about the intent of the 2nd. The founders didn't time-travel first to the late 1800s before writing the 2nd.

You have no idea what their intent was.

You didn't time-travel back to 1789 to ask them.
I don't give a rat's ass what the American Public likes. The American Public has proven that it is about as smart and a bag of hammers (The election of obama being exhibit A). As long as LaPierre is fighting, as long as gun sales are up, as long as gun manufacturers are getting rich, as long as obama and the left keeps trying to take guns, the NRA will maintain it's power.

This is the kind of attitude that let Obama win in a landslide and let the Senate pick up even more Democratic seats, and will keep Democrats in power for a long time.

Keep up the great work!

Jesus Christ you are full of shit aren't you. I mean seriously? Do you even believe 1/10th of the shit you say?

That's what is going to happen come 2014 if this keeps up.
I have all my guns uncluding fully automatic weapons. So, no they don't disagree with me.

Prove you have automatic weapons.

I have nothing to prove to you, but you're welcome to come to my gun shop and we'll go out to the range and I may let you fire my model 1928 Thompson complete with a 50 rnd drum magazine.

Ok, so you have a financial interest in selling guns to every nut in the country. Just like the NRA.
I don't give a rat's ass what the American Public likes. The American Public has proven that it is about as smart and a bag of hammers (The election of obama being exhibit A). As long as LaPierre is fighting, as long as gun sales are up, as long as gun manufacturers are getting rich, as long as obama and the left keeps trying to take guns, the NRA will maintain it's power.

This is the kind of attitude that let Obama win in a landslide and let the Senate pick up even more Democratic seats, and will keep Democrats in power for a long time.

Keep up the great work!

Jesus Christ you are full of shit aren't you. I mean seriously? Do you even believe 1/10th of the shit you say?
I realize that inside your bubble Romney really won, but that's your mental issue, not mine.
Prove you have automatic weapons.

I have nothing to prove to you, but you're welcome to come to my gun shop and we'll go out to the range and I may let you fire my model 1928 Thompson complete with a 50 rnd drum magazine.

Ok, so you have a financial interest in selling guns to every nut in the country. Just like the NRA.

I am bound by law to conduct background checks on the sales that we make. But reserve the right to refuse service to anyone I please.
The NRA is now little more than a gun industry trade group. They're going to argue for every measure that sells more guns,

no different than what you would see from big oil, big tobacco, or the defense industry.
Wait, the Liberals think that you can add a trillion dollars to the debt yearly, inflate the dollar, lower the national credit rating, and spend money we don't have, and have no economic consequences?

You are retarded. Have you not seen Greece? They had an economic collapse, big hoards of people are fighting over potatoes that fell out of the back of a truck.

Oh, but this is Obama's America, that could never happen here!

Wayne La Pierrre's article in the Daily Caller shows just how nutso-parnoid this nut has gone.

And yet you do not point to a single proposal or comment he made. Just a blanket "he's crazy" retort.

How about some specificity? Tell us exactly why you feel his statements are not sane.

Or are you just trolling???
This is the kind of attitude that let Obama win in a landslide and let the Senate pick up even more Democratic seats, and will keep Democrats in power for a long time.

Keep up the great work!

Jesus Christ you are full of shit aren't you. I mean seriously? Do you even believe 1/10th of the shit you say?

That's what is going to happen come 2014 if this keeps up.

Perhaps the left will win more seats, it won't be because of the NRA. It will be for the same reason that obama won last November; because the stupid and lazy now outnumber the smart and productive. It won't have anything to do with the NRA.
This is the kind of attitude that let Obama win in a landslide and let the Senate pick up even more Democratic seats, and will keep Democrats in power for a long time.

Keep up the great work!

Jesus Christ you are full of shit aren't you. I mean seriously? Do you even believe 1/10th of the shit you say?
I realize that inside your bubble Romney really won, but that's your mental issue, not mine.

Again, I find it hard to believe that even you believe 1/10th of the bull shit you post.
The NRA is now little more than a gun industry trade group. They're going to argue for every measure that sells more guns,

no different than what you would see from big oil, big tobacco, or the defense industry.

Good. That means my money isn't wasted. What's good for the gun industry is good for my right to own guns. I'm happy with that.
Wayne La Pierrre's article in the Daily Caller shows just how nutso-parnoid this nut has gone.

And yet you do not point to a single proposal or comment he made. Just a blanket "he's crazy" retort.

How about some specificity? Tell us exactly why you feel his statements are not sane.

Or are you just trolling???

Wayne LaPierre is insane because he now opposes background checks, which were, or are, the most sane item on the entire list of gun control measures.
Wayne La Pierrre's article in the Daily Caller shows just how nutso-parnoid this nut has gone.

And yet you do not point to a single proposal or comment he made. Just a blanket "he's crazy" retort.

How about some specificity? Tell us exactly why you feel his statements are not sane.

Or are you just trolling???

Wayne LaPierre is insane because he now opposes background checks, which were, or are, the most sane item on the entire list of gun control measures.

Get your facts straight.

He opposes "universal background checks" because he, (like most rational thinking Americans understands that the govt. cannot be trusted) believes that it would become a national registry.

LAPIERRE: I mean, that's exactly what it does. I mean, I think what they'll do is they'll turn this universal check on the law- abiding into a universal registry of law-abiding people -- and law- abiding people don't want that.

Read the entire interview here.
Wait, the Liberals think that you can add a trillion dollars to the debt yearly, inflate the dollar, lower the national credit rating, and spend money we don't have, and have no economic consequences?

You are retarded. Have you not seen Greece? They had an economic collapse, big hoards of people are fighting over potatoes that fell out of the back of a truck.

Oh, but this is Obama's America, that could never happen here!


Every time I hear Obama speak on your economy I think Zorba, hopa and my dishes are freaking out because I have this need to break one.
And yet you do not point to a single proposal or comment he made. Just a blanket "he's crazy" retort.

How about some specificity? Tell us exactly why you feel his statements are not sane.

Or are you just trolling???

Wayne LaPierre is insane because he now opposes background checks, which were, or are, the most sane item on the entire list of gun control measures.

Get your facts straight.

He opposes "universal background checks" because he, (like most rational thinking Americans understands that the govt. cannot be trusted) believes that it would become a national registry.

LAPIERRE: I mean, that's exactly what it does. I mean, I think what they'll do is they'll turn this universal check on the law- abiding into a universal registry of law-abiding people -- and law- abiding people don't want that.

Read the entire interview here.

So he wants loopholes through which the criminals can legally buy guns.

Like I said, that's insane.

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