Wayne LaPierre goes batshit crazy

Wayne LaPierre is insane because he now opposes background checks, which were, or are, the most sane item on the entire list of gun control measures.

Get your facts straight.

He opposes "universal background checks" because he, (like most rational thinking Americans understands that the govt. cannot be trusted) believes that it would become a national registry.

LAPIERRE: I mean, that's exactly what it does. I mean, I think what they'll do is they'll turn this universal check on the law- abiding into a universal registry of law-abiding people -- and law- abiding people don't want that.

Read the entire interview here.

So he wants loopholes through which the criminals can legally buy guns.

Like I said, that's insane.

What law in place could have prevented Sandyhook?

The kid couldn't even buy a gun. That's why he had to off his mother.
Get your facts straight.

He opposes "universal background checks" because he, (like most rational thinking Americans understands that the govt. cannot be trusted) believes that it would become a national registry.

Read the entire interview here.

So he wants loopholes through which the criminals can legally buy guns.

Like I said, that's insane.

What law in place could have prevented Sandyhook?

The kid couldn't even buy a gun. That's why he had to off his mother.


Children get molested in this country every day.

Does that make it stupid to have background checks for applicants to places like daycare centers,

to see if they've ever been convicted of child molesting??

You are as insane as Wayne LaPierre.
Wayne La Pierrre's article in the Daily Caller shows just how nutso-parnoid this nut has gone.

"The NRA's long journey into "prepperism" has been fascinating to watch. The gun lobby even sells a ragnarok-ready machete with its logo on the handle. But it feels like one more feint that alienates the NRA from the gun owner it's supposed to represent. How many recreational gun owners are 1) worried about an apocalypse and 2) have guns or ammo clips that stand any chance of being banned right now?" ~ David Weigel

The Nightmare Vision of Wayne LaPierre

By David Weigel
Feb. 13, 2013

The NRA's volcanic spokespundit begins his State of the Union response tour in the virtual pages of the Daily Caller. (Given that the DC runs a gun giveaway contest, it's a perfect pairing of voice and medium.) It's as coherent as you'd expect, but it includes a rhetoric shift that the NRA's been making more and more since a "gun ban" of any kind became politically ludicrous. Used to be that you had to fear a powerful government taking the guns away, depriving you of the power to resist tyranny. Now, you have to worry about the government collapsing, leaving you in a Mad Max universe with no gasoline.

After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.
You could pause here and ask which gun prohibitionists see this as "utopia." It's as fatuous as suggesting that Randians all want to emigrate to Somalia. It's also mostly false, because many looting rumors were bogus, and -- famously, we thought -- murders slowed, then stopped, during the blackout. But forget it, Wayne is rolling.
Meanwhile, President Obama is leading this country to financial ruin, borrowing over a trillion dollars a year for phony “stimulus” spending and other payoffs for his political cronies. Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won’t be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.
Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face—not just maybe. It’s not paranoia to buy a gun. It’s survival. It’s responsible behavior, and it’s time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that.

Find LaPierre's meltdown here> Stand and Fight | The Daily Caller

We need to have him adjudicated as mentally ill.

A paranoid delusion is the fixed, false belief that one is being harmed or persecuted by a particular person or group of people. Paranoid delusions are known technically as a “persecutory delusion.”

It involves the person’s belief that he or she is being conspired against, cheated, spied on, followed, poisoned or drugged, maliciously maligned, harassed, or obstructed in the pursuit of long-term goals.

Small slights may be exaggerated and become the focus of a delusional system with a person suffers from a paranoid delusion.

The focus of the delusion is often on some injustice that must be remedied by legal action. The affected person may engage in repeated attempts to obtain satisfaction by appeal to the courts and other government agencies.

Individuals with paranoid delusions are often resentful and angry, and may even resort to violence against those they believe are hurting them or a loved one.

Paranoid delusions are most often diagnosed in the context of schizophrenia. But they can also occur in non-psychotic disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, or the use of certain medications or street drugs.
Wayne LaPierre is insane because he now opposes background checks, which were, or are, the most sane item on the entire list of gun control measures.

Get your facts straight.

He opposes "universal background checks" because he, (like most rational thinking Americans understands that the govt. cannot be trusted) believes that it would become a national registry.

LAPIERRE: I mean, that's exactly what it does. I mean, I think what they'll do is they'll turn this universal check on the law- abiding into a universal registry of law-abiding people -- and law- abiding people don't want that.

Read the entire interview here.

So he wants loopholes through which the criminals can legally buy guns.

Like I said, that's insane.

Did he say he wanted loopholes?
Used to be that you had to fear a powerful government taking the guns away, depriving you of the power to resist tyranny. Now, you have to worry about the government collapsing, leaving you in a Mad Max universe with no gasoline.

When exactly did the government change to where you don't have to fear it any longer ?

Now you only have to fear the government leaving and providing for you ?

james madison who wrote the second amendment said - "Americans need never fear their government because of the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation."

Now who would know better what the 2nd amendment is all about then the guy who wrote it?
Wayne La Pierrre's article in the Daily Caller shows just how nutso-parnoid this nut has gone.

And yet you do not point to a single proposal or comment he made. Just a blanket "he's crazy" retort.

How about some specificity? Tell us exactly why you feel his statements are not sane.

Or are you just trolling???

Wayne LaPierre is insane because he now opposes background checks, which were, or are, the most sane item on the entire list of gun control measures.

Sorry, not sane. As California and Canada learned, requiring background checks on all firearms purchases had NO effect on the rate of violent crime. None whatsoever.

That would make the imposing of such measures, well, insane.
Wayne La Pierrre's article in the Daily Caller shows just how nutso-parnoid this nut has gone.

"The NRA's long journey into "prepperism" has been fascinating to watch. The gun lobby even sells a ragnarok-ready machete with its logo on the handle. But it feels like one more feint that alienates the NRA from the gun owner it's supposed to represent. How many recreational gun owners are 1) worried about an apocalypse and 2) have guns or ammo clips that stand any chance of being banned right now?" ~ David Weigel

The Nightmare Vision of Wayne LaPierre

By David Weigel
Feb. 13, 2013

The NRA's volcanic spokespundit begins his State of the Union response tour in the virtual pages of the Daily Caller. (Given that the DC runs a gun giveaway contest, it's a perfect pairing of voice and medium.) It's as coherent as you'd expect, but it includes a rhetoric shift that the NRA's been making more and more since a "gun ban" of any kind became politically ludicrous. Used to be that you had to fear a powerful government taking the guns away, depriving you of the power to resist tyranny. Now, you have to worry about the government collapsing, leaving you in a Mad Max universe with no gasoline.

After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.
You could pause here and ask which gun prohibitionists see this as "utopia." It's as fatuous as suggesting that Randians all want to emigrate to Somalia. It's also mostly false, because many looting rumors were bogus, and -- famously, we thought -- murders slowed, then stopped, during the blackout. But forget it, Wayne is rolling.
Meanwhile, President Obama is leading this country to financial ruin, borrowing over a trillion dollars a year for phony “stimulus” spending and other payoffs for his political cronies. Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won’t be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.
Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face—not just maybe. It’s not paranoia to buy a gun. It’s survival. It’s responsible behavior, and it’s time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that.

Find LaPierre's meltdown here> Stand and Fight | The Daily Caller

We need to have him adjudicated as mentally ill.

A paranoid delusion is the fixed, false belief that one is being harmed or persecuted by a particular person or group of people. Paranoid delusions are known technically as a “persecutory delusion.”

It involves the person’s belief that he or she is being conspired against, cheated, spied on, followed, poisoned or drugged, maliciously maligned, harassed, or obstructed in the pursuit of long-term goals.

Small slights may be exaggerated and become the focus of a delusional system with a person suffers from a paranoid delusion.

The focus of the delusion is often on some injustice that must be remedied by legal action. The affected person may engage in repeated attempts to obtain satisfaction by appeal to the courts and other government agencies.

Individuals with paranoid delusions are often resentful and angry, and may even resort to violence against those they believe are hurting them or a loved one.

Paranoid delusions are most often diagnosed in the context of schizophrenia. But they can also occur in non-psychotic disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, or the use of certain medications or street drugs.

If you declare him mentally ill, you will have to add him to the Democrat Party. The democrats are as fruit loops as they come.
The problem with background checks, for you mentally deficient lefties, is that it will virtually prevent private sales of guns, and permit others to get private personal information on someone else. This is not only a violation of my rights and liberties, but it's an infringement on my privacy. Wayne LaPierre understands this. It only seems irrational and insane to the permanently brainwashed.
The problem with background checks, for you mentally deficient lefties, is that it will virtually prevent private sales of guns, and permit others to get private personal information on someone else. This is not only a violation of my rights and liberties, but it's an infringement on my privacy. Wayne LaPierre understands this. It only seems irrational and insane to the permanently brainwashed.

and once you identify someone as being a threat, what do you do then? nothing? let them go on with their lives? so you deny them a gun. what if they get one illegally or killl by someother means? you know the government will be open to law suits because they identified a potential problem and let it go.
The NRA is now little more than a gun industry trade group. They're going to argue for every measure that sells more guns,

no different than what you would see from big oil, big tobacco, or the defense industry.

yeah yeah, that's the new spin..did you get that from Hufferpost?

So he wants loopholes through which the criminals can legally buy guns.

Like I said, that's insane.

What law in place could have prevented Sandyhook?

The kid couldn't even buy a gun. That's why he had to off his mother.


Children get molested in this country every day.

Does that make it stupid to have background checks for applicants to places like daycare centers,

to see if they've ever been convicted of child molesting?

Yet, there is no federal requirement to complete background checks for daycare employee applicants. It's up to a state to impose such a requirement, or not, just like the purchase of a firearm.

Get your facts straight.

He opposes "universal background checks" because he, (like most rational thinking Americans understands that the govt. cannot be trusted) believes that it would become a national registry.

Read the entire interview here.

So he wants loopholes through which the criminals can legally buy guns.

Like I said, that's insane.

Did he say he wanted loopholes?

Background checks that do not cover all types of purchases have loopholes by definition.

It would be as if the drinking age were 21 but you could sell beer to minors legally if you put it in vending machines.
Criminals will be criminals.

Dog catchers elevated to a Congress, Senate or Presidency cannot stop those that are madmen.

They can't even freaking fix a pothole for crying out loud.
What law in place could have prevented Sandyhook?

The kid couldn't even buy a gun. That's why he had to off his mother.


Children get molested in this country every day.

Does that make it stupid to have background checks for applicants to places like daycare centers,

to see if they've ever been convicted of child molesting?

Yet, there is no federal requirement to complete background checks for daycare employee applicants. It's up to a state to impose such a requirement, or not, just like the purchase of a firearm.


I think you should explain to us why it is so important to you that convicted felons have some means of legally purchasing guns.

Children get molested in this country every day.

Does that make it stupid to have background checks for applicants to places like daycare centers,

to see if they've ever been convicted of child molesting?

Yet, there is no federal requirement to complete background checks for daycare employee applicants. It's up to a state to impose such a requirement, or not, just like the purchase of a firearm.


I think you should explain to us why it is so important to you that convicted felons have some means of legally purchasing guns.

they already have one, its called the black market. Which only grows the more restrictions are put on legal gun owners. we are in the process of creating another drug war for ourselves.
So he wants loopholes through which the criminals can legally buy guns.

Like I said, that's insane.

Did he say he wanted loopholes?

Background checks that do not cover all types of purchases have loopholes by definition.

It would be as if the drinking age were 21 but you could sell beer to minors legally if you put it in vending machines.

How nuts are you?

Biggest law on the planet.


People aren't listening.

So why don't we have the power to make sure the asshole goes down trying to kill us?

Children get molested in this country every day.

Does that make it stupid to have background checks for applicants to places like daycare centers,

to see if they've ever been convicted of child molesting?

Yet, there is no federal requirement to complete background checks for daycare employee applicants. It's up to a state to impose such a requirement, or not, just like the purchase of a firearm.


I think you should explain to us why it is so important to you that convicted felons have some means of legally purchasing guns.

Felons cannot LEGALLY purchase guns. And you know that.

What they can do is acquire them illegally. And that's exactly how they obtain them, from black markets, friends and family that do not and will not follow your regulations, however well intended. Your proposed legislation will have NO impact on firearms in the hands of criminals. California requires background checks on all firearm purchases. So does Canada. Neither had any measurable impact on the rate of violent crime.
So he wants loopholes through which the criminals can legally buy guns.

Like I said, that's insane.

Did he say he wanted loopholes?

Background checks that do not cover all types of purchases have loopholes by definition.

It would be as if the drinking age were 21 but you could sell beer to minors legally if you put it in vending machines.

The background checks they want to put into law would require I get a background check on my son before I could gift him a rifle or sell my brother a pistol. Or a person would have to do a background check on their mother before they could give her a gun for protection.

You people are fucking retarded!!

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