Wayne LaPierre goes batshit crazy


Children get molested in this country every day.

Does that make it stupid to have background checks for applicants to places like daycare centers,

to see if they've ever been convicted of child molesting?

Yet, there is no federal requirement to complete background checks for daycare employee applicants. It's up to a state to impose such a requirement, or not, just like the purchase of a firearm.


I think you should explain to us why it is so important to you that convicted felons have some means of legally purchasing guns.

Convicted felons cannot legally buy a gun you moron!!! And if you get caught selling them one, you'll be a convicted felon too!
Did he say he wanted loopholes?

Background checks that do not cover all types of purchases have loopholes by definition.

It would be as if the drinking age were 21 but you could sell beer to minors legally if you put it in vending machines.

The background checks they want to put into law would require I get a background check on my son before I could gift him a rifle or sell my brother a pistol. Or a person would have to do a background check on their mother before they could give her a gun for protection.

You people are fucking retarded!!

You said it so well, they are retarded!
And the latest NRA position is to oppose background checks that would prevent the above mentioned from legally buying a gun the day they walk out of prison.

We oppose registration, not background checks.

Registration leads to confiscation. Just ask the Canadians.

Wrong on both counts.

The NRA is on record opposing the universal background check, and no,

registration does not lead to confiscation. We've been registering and permitting handgun ownership in NY for 50 or more years,

and the handguns are still here. Stop being stupid.

New York is not the federal government, and If New York thought they could get away with confiscating all firearms, they would have already done so.

Registration is the way around the second amendment. If the federal government can get away with universal registration, the next step will be a tax on those firearms. Once the tax reaches a certain level, people will voluntarily give up their firearms to escape paying the tax. Only the rich, the politically connected, and the criminals will still have firearms.
The rightwing nuts think that the NRA is getting stronger because the NRA is increasing its appeal to them. But in the process it's moving further and further away from normal America.

Remember how Glenn Beck's stock moved up with the rightwing nuts the nuttier he got?

That's what's happening with the NRA now. Why? Because the NRA is following the business plan that all the organizations in the conservative entertainment complex have followed,

in order to get rich.
Spot on! :clap2:
Let me put my own perspective on this!

A woman is living in Connecticut, financed by alimony from a corporate executive, is well off, and is raising a son, even with home schooling, who is anti-social. She's a gun nut and takes the kid to the practice range with her and is buying weapon types that were once illegal in her state, namely AR-15 weapons, but her state only outlawed the Colt weapon that I once possessed, so they bought a Bushmaster weapon, a variant on the same weapon which modern featurers.

Now what other details do we know about it? This 20 year old is using his brother's ID and I assume the obvious that it's an older brother, because the cops picked up the brother in New Jersey and even though not explicitly said in what I read, it was obvious that brother was older.

Now figure it out! These gun nutters have nothing better to do than raise a son who will shoot his own mom 4 times, take the already prepared weapons and ammo, go to a school and shoot one child 11 times, while killing all the rest. He was hunting children down until he can't find them anymore, because those union teacher that you hate so much for being in a union were hiding those kids until he ran out of kids to find, so he goes away to kill himself when he knows his day of destruction is done and the cops are at the scene.... I know it's a run on.

When are the rest of you maggots going to follow his example, because you aren't much better than he is? You go on the internet denying an assault rifle was used and believe you are correct, because you can't accept the description of an assault weapon, even from someone who bought an assault weapon, so described by gun dealer, probably before you maggots were born.
Let me put my own perspective on this!

A woman is living in Connecticut, financed by alimony from a corporate executive, is well off, and is raising a son, even with home schooling, who is anti-social. She's a gun nut and takes the kid to the practice range with her and is buying weapon types that were once illegal in her state, namely AR-15 weapons, but her state only outlawed the Colt weapon that I once possessed, so they bought a Bushmaster weapon, a variant on the same weapon which modern featurers.

Now what other details do we know about it? This 20 year old is using his brother's ID and I assume the obvious that it's an older brother, because the cops picked up the brother in New Jersey and even though not explicitly said in what I read, it was obvious that brother was older.

Now figure it out! These gun nutters have nothing better to do than raise a son who will shoot his own mom 4 times, take the already prepared weapons and ammo, go to a school and shoot one child 11 times, while killing all the rest. He was hunting children down until he can't find them anymore, because those union teacher that you hate so much for being in a union were hiding those kids until he ran out of kids to find, so he goes away to kill himself when he knows his day of destruction is done and the cops are at the scene.... I know it's a run on.

When are the rest of you maggots going to follow his example, because you aren't much better than he is? You go on the internet denying an assault rifle was used and believe you are correct, because you can't accept the description of an assault weapon, even from someone who bought an assault weapon, so described by gun dealer, probably before you maggots were born.

No assault rifle was used. No long rifle was used ...period.

Let me put my own perspective on this!

A woman is living in Connecticut, financed by alimony from a corporate executive, is well off, and is raising a son, even with home schooling, who is anti-social. She's a gun nut and takes the kid to the practice range with her and is buying weapon types that were once illegal in her state, namely AR-15 weapons, but her state only outlawed the Colt weapon that I once possessed, so they bought a Bushmaster weapon, a variant on the same weapon which modern featurers.

Now what other details do we know about it? This 20 year old is using his brother's ID and I assume the obvious that it's an older brother, because the cops picked up the brother in New Jersey and even though not explicitly said in what I read, it was obvious that brother was older.

Now figure it out! These gun nutters have nothing better to do than raise a son who will shoot his own mom 4 times, take the already prepared weapons and ammo, go to a school and shoot one child 11 times, while killing all the rest. He was hunting children down until he can't find them anymore, because those union teacher that you hate so much for being in a union were hiding those kids until he ran out of kids to find, so he goes away to kill himself when he knows his day of destruction is done and the cops are at the scene.... I know it's a run on.

When are the rest of you maggots going to follow his example, because you aren't much better than he is? You go on the internet denying an assault rifle was used and believe you are correct, because you can't accept the description of an assault weapon, even from someone who bought an assault weapon, so described by gun dealer, probably before you maggots were born.

Tell me you know your whole post is bullshit.

They couldn't find any record of his first VICTIM having been at a gun range for over a year.
Tell me you know your whole post is bullshit.

They couldn't find any record of his first VICTIM having been at a gun range for over a year.

You think any gun range would admit to being the place where the Lanza's went?

These are the law dogs baby. No one has to admit to anything.

The police have been thru all the local gun ranges records. This is a left wing Axelrod moment on Nancy.

First victim by the way.

"Put out the headline". Doesn't matter if its a lie.
Tell me you know your whole post is bullshit.

They couldn't find any record of his first VICTIM having been at a gun range for over a year.

You think any gun range would admit to being the place where the Lanza's went?

These are the law dogs baby. No one has to admit to anything.

The police have been thru all the local gun ranges records. This is a left wing Axelrod moment on Nancy.

First victim by the way.

"Put out the headline". Doesn't matter if its a lie.

You don't think those records went into the shredder before the first camera crew arrived?


Nancy Lanza was a nutcase. As far as I'm concerned, she was a perp, not a victim.

If she hadn't bought all those guns, and let her kid go to ranges and play violent videogames all day when it was clear he was nuts, this never would have happened.
Wayne LaPierre goes batshit crazy
LaPierre was ALREADY batshit crazy - he's just no longer trying to hide it...
Wayne La Pierrre's article in the Daily Caller shows just how nutso-parnoid this nut has gone.

"The NRA's long journey into "prepperism" has been fascinating to watch. The gun lobby even sells a ragnarok-ready machete with its logo on the handle. But it feels like one more feint that alienates the NRA from the gun owner it's supposed to represent. How many recreational gun owners are 1) worried about an apocalypse and 2) have guns or ammo clips that stand any chance of being banned right now?" ~ David Weigel

The Nightmare Vision of Wayne LaPierre

By David Weigel
Feb. 13, 2013

The NRA's volcanic spokespundit begins his State of the Union response tour in the virtual pages of the Daily Caller. (Given that the DC runs a gun giveaway contest, it's a perfect pairing of voice and medium.) It's as coherent as you'd expect, but it includes a rhetoric shift that the NRA's been making more and more since a "gun ban" of any kind became politically ludicrous. Used to be that you had to fear a powerful government taking the guns away, depriving you of the power to resist tyranny. Now, you have to worry about the government collapsing, leaving you in a Mad Max universe with no gasoline.
After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.
You could pause here and ask which gun prohibitionists see this as "utopia." It's as fatuous as suggesting that Randians all want to emigrate to Somalia. It's also mostly false, because many looting rumors were bogus, and -- famously, we thought -- murders slowed, then stopped, during the blackout. But forget it, Wayne is rolling.
Meanwhile, President Obama is leading this country to financial ruin, borrowing over a trillion dollars a year for phony “stimulus” spending and other payoffs for his political cronies. Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won’t be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.
Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face—not just maybe. It’s not paranoia to buy a gun. It’s survival. It’s responsible behavior, and it’s time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that.

Find LaPierre's meltdown here> Stand and Fight | The Daily Caller
It really doesn't matter how many loonies on the left parrot DNC talking points. The house isn't going to pass some silly, draconian, ineffective gun control law.

Find something constructive to do with your time.
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