We all called it. Trump is gone so NOW Cuomo tweets: "We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass... We must reopen the economy

The Arab countries in the Middle-East that attacked US on 9/11 have 22% of their populations vaccinated.

Yet Trump's Warp Speed only vaccinated 2% of the USA!!! All the Elites here got vaccinated!!!

NO country attacked the US on 9-11. There was NO state actor. OBL had his citizenship revoked in 1994 and was living in Afghanistan.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. They hailed from four countries; fifteen of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates

Yeah? So what? REgardless, I'm in no hurry to take a rush job vaccine. Maybe if I was elderly and/or a lot of other risk factors.

We need it badly here. My wife & I, help our elderly parents and she also works as caregivers to other elderly. I need to do HVAC & appliance service calls in homes of high risk people. 2 different friends of ours have had Covid-19 that tear threw their entire families on Thanksgiving & none of their family members made it back to 100% healthy. The best of them still can't exert themselves & have Covid Fatigue!

So I would prefer the vaccine ASAP!

Let me know if it fucks any of you up. I wish you luck.

Yes, of course I'll let you know.. A couple of friends have already taken the vaccine and they had a sore arm for 24 hours.

Hey, gambles sometimes pay off. I am hoping for the best, for most of you early guinea pigs, I mean, front line responders types.
We are living in the most deranged and cowardly time.

Let me give you all a hint, in case you've missed it the last few months: all of us in the West are going to be facing the biggest shift in influence in our lifetime. Some were SO dedicated to power, and their brokers behind the scene so determined to maintain it, that they lost much of Europe and Far East to China simply to get this power.

We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass. The cost is too high. We will have nothing left to open. We must reopen the economy, but we must do it smartly and safely. #SOTS2021
Where's the hypocrisy?
Death to you and your infants.
So were you born a peice of trash or just raised that way?
We are living in the most deranged and cowardly time.

Let me give you all a hint, in case you've missed it the last few months: all of us in the West are going to be facing the biggest shift in influence in our lifetime. Some were SO dedicated to power, and their brokers behind the scene so determined to maintain it, that they lost much of Europe and Far East to China simply to get this power.

We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass. The cost is too high. We will have nothing left to open. We must reopen the economy, but we must do it smartly and safely. #SOTS2021
Where's the hypocrisy?
Death to you and your infants.

What the hell is wrong with you?
The Arab countries in the Middle-East that attacked US on 9/11 have 22% of their populations vaccinated.

Yet Trump's Warp Speed only vaccinated 2% of the USA!!! All the Elites here got vaccinated!!!

NO country attacked the US on 9-11. There was NO state actor. OBL had his citizenship revoked in 1994 and was living in Afghanistan.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. They hailed from four countries; fifteen of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates

Yeah? So what? REgardless, I'm in no hurry to take a rush job vaccine. Maybe if I was elderly and/or a lot of other risk factors.

We need it badly here. My wife & I, help our elderly parents and she also works as caregivers to other elderly. I need to do HVAC & appliance service calls in homes of high risk people. 2 different friends of ours have had Covid-19 that tear threw their entire families on Thanksgiving & none of their family members made it back to 100% healthy. The best of them still can't exert themselves & have Covid Fatigue!

So I would prefer the vaccine ASAP!

Let me know if it fucks any of you up. I wish you luck.
My sister in-law is a nurse at Tampa General & got vaccinated about 3 weeks ago. She didn't have any issues.

Good. I'm glad. I guess those normal not "Warp speed" procedures were just for show then, right?

We going to leave these new rules as the new normal? And if not, why not? Why take it slow with life saving research?
The Arab countries in the Middle-East that attacked US on 9/11 have 22% of their populations vaccinated.

Yet Trump's Warp Speed only vaccinated 2% of the USA!!! All the Elites here got vaccinated!!!

NO country attacked the US on 9-11. There was NO state actor. OBL had his citizenship revoked in 1994 and was living in Afghanistan.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. They hailed from four countries; fifteen of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates

Yeah? So what? REgardless, I'm in no hurry to take a rush job vaccine. Maybe if I was elderly and/or a lot of other risk factors.

We need it badly here. My wife & I, help our elderly parents and she also works as caregivers to other elderly. I need to do HVAC & appliance service calls in homes of high risk people. 2 different friends of ours have had Covid-19 that tear threw their entire families on Thanksgiving & none of their family members made it back to 100% healthy. The best of them still can't exert themselves & have Covid Fatigue!

So I would prefer the vaccine ASAP!

Let me know if it fucks any of you up. I wish you luck.
My sister in-law is a nurse at Tampa General & got vaccinated about 3 weeks ago. She didn't have any issues.

Good. I'm glad. I guess those normal not "Warp speed" procedures were just for show then, right?

We going to leave these new rules as the new normal? And if not, why not? Why take it slow with life saving research?

Keep you chin up and take precautions.

The Arab countries in the Middle-East that attacked US on 9/11 have 22% of their populations vaccinated.

Yet Trump's Warp Speed only vaccinated 2% of the USA!!! All the Elites here got vaccinated!!!

NO country attacked the US on 9-11. There was NO state actor. OBL had his citizenship revoked in 1994 and was living in Afghanistan.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. They hailed from four countries; fifteen of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates

Yeah? So what? REgardless, I'm in no hurry to take a rush job vaccine. Maybe if I was elderly and/or a lot of other risk factors.

We need it badly here. My wife & I, help our elderly parents and she also works as caregivers to other elderly. I need to do HVAC & appliance service calls in homes of high risk people. 2 different friends of ours have had Covid-19 that tear threw their entire families on Thanksgiving & none of their family members made it back to 100% healthy. The best of them still can't exert themselves & have Covid Fatigue!

So I would prefer the vaccine ASAP!

Let me know if it fucks any of you up. I wish you luck.
My sister in-law is a nurse at Tampa General & got vaccinated about 3 weeks ago. She didn't have any issues.

Good. I'm glad. I guess those normal not "Warp speed" procedures were just for show then, right?

We going to leave these new rules as the new normal? And if not, why not? Why take it slow with life saving research?

Keep you chin up and take precautions.

Yes, yes, I'm aware of the rapid pace that they are moving on this particular case.

My question was, are they going to do this with all research moving forward and if so why not?

i'm making a point. Do you see it? it is pretty obvious.
The Arab countries in the Middle-East that attacked US on 9/11 have 22% of their populations vaccinated.

Yet Trump's Warp Speed only vaccinated 2% of the USA!!! All the Elites here got vaccinated!!!

NO country attacked the US on 9-11. There was NO state actor. OBL had his citizenship revoked in 1994 and was living in Afghanistan.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. They hailed from four countries; fifteen of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates

Yeah? So what? REgardless, I'm in no hurry to take a rush job vaccine. Maybe if I was elderly and/or a lot of other risk factors.

We need it badly here. My wife & I, help our elderly parents and she also works as caregivers to other elderly. I need to do HVAC & appliance service calls in homes of high risk people. 2 different friends of ours have had Covid-19 that tear threw their entire families on Thanksgiving & none of their family members made it back to 100% healthy. The best of them still can't exert themselves & have Covid Fatigue!

So I would prefer the vaccine ASAP!

Let me know if it fucks any of you up. I wish you luck.
My sister in-law is a nurse at Tampa General & got vaccinated about 3 weeks ago. She didn't have any issues.

Good. I'm glad. I guess those normal not "Warp speed" procedures were just for show then, right?

We going to leave these new rules as the new normal? And if not, why not? Why take it slow with life saving research?

Keep you chin up and take precautions.

Yes, yes, I'm aware of the rapid pace that they are moving on this particular case.

My question was, are they going to do this with all research moving forward and if so why not?

i'm making a point. Do you see it? it is pretty obvious.

That the vaccine may be risky? I think that's a long shot.
My sister in-law is a nurse at Tampa General & got vaccinated about 3 weeks ago. She didn't have any issues.

It's different with different people. Some experience no reaction. Some get headaches, nausea, others have more severe reactions. It all depends on the person. It's not so much what happens to you now, it's what happens in the long term some people worry about.
I've seen bad long term issues with nearly everyone I know who caught covid, plus there is a very high percent of long haul covid victims, so I prefer the vaccine side effects.
how do you know they had wuhan virus?
Trump cancelled Obama's order for ventilators and protective gear to put that money on his silly wall..

Got a link to that claim, because I can't find anything on it. Here is what I did find though, and you can't complain about the source either:

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's administration has confirmed that Trump has been wildly inaccurate when he has claimed he inherited "no ventilators" from the Obama administration.

Ventilator figures released for the first time by the Department of Health and Human Services this week definitively debunk Trump's narrative about how his team was left "empty cupboards" in the national stockpile.

A spokesperson for the department said there were 16,660 ventilators available in the stockpile in March for immediate use -- far more than the 10,760 ventilators the Trump administration has actually ended up distributing during the coronavirus pandemic as of Tuesday.

And those 16,660 available ventilators "did not include any acquired by the current administration," the spokesperson said, speaking on behalf of the department but on condition of anonymity. The total number of ventilators available for immediate use in January 2017, when Trump took office, "would not have been much different" than the 16,660 available in March of this year, the spokesperson said.

Thank you. Trump lies so much I am not surprised. He sure was whining that Obama left no vaccine for the Covid. I heard him say that.
four years on here dude, no one has been able to produce one trump lie. but hey, take a stab at it. Post one of his lies. your challenge for the day.

Are you an independent thinker or parrot?
Obama had ordered ventilators.. Trump cancelled the order.. He got a rush job at 5 times the price.

Bull. New York had backup ventilators, but they sold them because of the cost of maintenance.

Really? Where? Who did they sell them to?

Five years ago?? Are you kidding me? Just how stupid are you?

I'm not sure what you think the timeframe has to do with anything; but then, I'm not a moron like you, so I'm ill-equipped to understand what passes for thinking with your sort.

NY sold off the ventilators 5 years ago.
Trump cancelled Obama's order for ventilators and protective gear to put that money on his silly wall..

Got a link to that claim, because I can't find anything on it. Here is what I did find though, and you can't complain about the source either:

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's administration has confirmed that Trump has been wildly inaccurate when he has claimed he inherited "no ventilators" from the Obama administration.

Ventilator figures released for the first time by the Department of Health and Human Services this week definitively debunk Trump's narrative about how his team was left "empty cupboards" in the national stockpile.

A spokesperson for the department said there were 16,660 ventilators available in the stockpile in March for immediate use -- far more than the 10,760 ventilators the Trump administration has actually ended up distributing during the coronavirus pandemic as of Tuesday.

And those 16,660 available ventilators "did not include any acquired by the current administration," the spokesperson said, speaking on behalf of the department but on condition of anonymity. The total number of ventilators available for immediate use in January 2017, when Trump took office, "would not have been much different" than the 16,660 available in March of this year, the spokesperson said.

Thank you. Trump lies so much I am not surprised. He sure was whining that Obama left no vaccine for the Covid. I heard him say that.
so obammy had a vaccine?
Trump cancelled Obama's order for ventilators and protective gear to put that money on his silly wall..

Got a link to that claim, because I can't find anything on it. Here is what I did find though, and you can't complain about the source either:

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's administration has confirmed that Trump has been wildly inaccurate when he has claimed he inherited "no ventilators" from the Obama administration.

Ventilator figures released for the first time by the Department of Health and Human Services this week definitively debunk Trump's narrative about how his team was left "empty cupboards" in the national stockpile.

A spokesperson for the department said there were 16,660 ventilators available in the stockpile in March for immediate use -- far more than the 10,760 ventilators the Trump administration has actually ended up distributing during the coronavirus pandemic as of Tuesday.

And those 16,660 available ventilators "did not include any acquired by the current administration," the spokesperson said, speaking on behalf of the department but on condition of anonymity. The total number of ventilators available for immediate use in January 2017, when Trump took office, "would not have been much different" than the 16,660 available in March of this year, the spokesperson said.

Thank you. Trump lies so much I am not surprised. He sure was whining that Obama left no vaccine for the Covid. I heard him say that.
four years on here dude, no one has been able to produce one trump lie. but hey, take a stab at it. Post one of his lies. your challenge for the day.

Are you an independent thinker or parrot?
"we won Georgia easily", Trump said.
We are living in the most deranged and cowardly time.

Let me give you all a hint, in case you've missed it the last few months: all of us in the West are going to be facing the biggest shift in influence in our lifetime. Some were SO dedicated to power, and their brokers behind the scene so determined to maintain it, that they lost much of Europe and Far East to China simply to get this power.

We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass. The cost is too high. We will have nothing left to open. We must reopen the economy, but we must do it smartly and safely. #SOTS2021

Is there a bigger ASS HOLE than Cuomo? I don't think its possible in the history of mankind. When he's concerned about the economy its now good? before it was only selfish and shortsighted

Now? New York reopened after poistive test rates went way down at the end of spring into early summer.

They go up, we shut down, they go down we re-open. It's called sane dealing with the problem. Where is the inconsistency?
Exactly! When lefties need the cases to go up, the cases go up. When they need the numbers to go down, the numbers go down. That's the game.

You are beyond ridiculous.. Trump should be focused on distributing the vaccine NOT encouraging his people to storm the Capitol..

Democrats should be focusing on getting ready to take over distribution of the vaccine, not trying to manufacture one last "gotcha!" They should have been focused all last year on effectively combatting the virus, rather than using it to further their agenda.

So I think we'll just sneer at any "moral outrage" from you.

Trump is still president. He's been president the past 8 weeks when he was tweeting that the election was stolen and he was inciting his fringe people to overturn the election. He was begging for money and raised millions from those fools.
well without the physical ballots to show it wasn't the claim is still active. see the physical ballots is the claim that they were illegally processed and duplicated. so one needs to see the physical paper. I understand logic isn't a word in your vocabulary, you're a fking demofk, you have no other options.
Trump cancelled Obama's order for ventilators and protective gear to put that money on his silly wall..

Got a link to that claim, because I can't find anything on it. Here is what I did find though, and you can't complain about the source either:

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's administration has confirmed that Trump has been wildly inaccurate when he has claimed he inherited "no ventilators" from the Obama administration.

Ventilator figures released for the first time by the Department of Health and Human Services this week definitively debunk Trump's narrative about how his team was left "empty cupboards" in the national stockpile.

A spokesperson for the department said there were 16,660 ventilators available in the stockpile in March for immediate use -- far more than the 10,760 ventilators the Trump administration has actually ended up distributing during the coronavirus pandemic as of Tuesday.

And those 16,660 available ventilators "did not include any acquired by the current administration," the spokesperson said, speaking on behalf of the department but on condition of anonymity. The total number of ventilators available for immediate use in January 2017, when Trump took office, "would not have been much different" than the 16,660 available in March of this year, the spokesperson said.

Thank you. Trump lies so much I am not surprised. He sure was whining that Obama left no vaccine for the Covid. I heard him say that.
four years on here dude, no one has been able to produce one trump lie. but hey, take a stab at it. Post one of his lies. your challenge for the day.

Are you an independent thinker or parrot?
"we won Georgia easily", Trump said.
he did. Let's go get all the ballots and we'll show you. Tell the GA folks to turn over the ballots for inspection. You seem to be okay with that to prove him a liar. Let's go.
Obama had ordered ventilators.. Trump cancelled the order.. He got a rush job at 5 times the price.

Bull. New York had backup ventilators, but they sold them because of the cost of maintenance.

Really? Where? Who did they sell them to?

Five years ago?? Are you kidding me? Just how stupid are you?

I'm not sure what you think the timeframe has to do with anything; but then, I'm not a moron like you, so I'm ill-equipped to understand what passes for thinking with your sort.

NY sold off the ventilators 5 years ago.

Yes, and has never replenished the stockpile, despite knowing full well they weren't prepared to handle a pandemic situation.

I'm glad I had this opportunity to explain the glaringly obvious to you. Come back again, and I can fill you in on that whole "water is wet" scenario.

Trump cancelled Obama's order for ventilators and protective gear to put that money on his silly wall..
let's see that canceled order.
Thank you. Trump lies so much I am not surprised. He sure was whining that Obama left no vaccine for the Covid. I heard him say that.

You really hear and see a lot of things that aren't there apparently. So tell me, what vaccine did he say Obama didn't leave him when there was no vaccine invented for covid?

That was the hysterical part. Trump blamed Obama for not leaving him any vaccine for a virus that didn't show up until Jan 2020. I laughed til my sides hurt. Trump's knee jerk reaction to ALWAYS blame someone else are Trump's funniest moments.
you have that quote?

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