We all knew it would happen: Trump apparently throws Giuliani into the trash heap.

"The small print at the bottom whispered something very different: The first 75 percent of these #StoptheSteal donations to the Trump fundraising apparatus were redirected to Trump’s Save America leadership PAC, which was for Trump to spend more or less as he wished"
Come on Indiana, don't expose the grift.
Our country's border is wide open and God knows who or what is pouring in from all over the world. Biden is busing them to YOUR city. And all you can talk about is TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP. Wake the fuck up, your country is being taken from you.
what? how could the border be wide open? there surely is a yuuge bigly beautiful wall as an effective obstacle, paid for by mexico.
Anyone who willingly enters the orbit of that person deserves whatever they get. What's amazing is that people still do.

April 4 2021
It started with an unusual and “aggressive” move: the addition of a small, bright yellow box on Trump’s campaign donation portal in March 2020.

“Make this a monthly recurring donation,” the text in the box read. The box had automatically been checked off as soon as donors landed on the page, the Times reported.

In order to avoid this recurring donation, donors had to manually opt out, the Times said.

Months later, the donation portal added a second pre-checked box. This time, the box automatically directed an additional contribution from the donor in honor of Trump’s birthday in June, according to the Times.

According to the Times, One 63-year-old Trump supporter who was living on a fixed income of less than $1,000 per month intended to donate $500 to the campaign but ended up having $3,000 taken out of his account. Another generous, but not that generous, doner thought he was contributing only $990 to the orangey-white supremacist cause but ended up shelling out close to $8,000.
Of course they do. They can't say anything positive about the stuttering fuck they voted for so its Trump.

For a guy they say they hate, they can't stop bringing him up on every thread.

Oh wait. I forgot. The idiot they voted for is wrecking the country so they have nothing positive to say about his idiotic ass. Never mind.
Of course they do. They can't say anything positive about the stuttering fuck they voted for so its Trump.

For a guy they say they hate, they can't stop bringing him up on every thread.

Oh wait. I forgot. The idiot they voted for is wrecking the country so they have nothing positive to say about his idiotic ass. Never mind.
That IS the thread.

We all knew it would happen: Trump apparently throws Giuliani into the trash heap.​

Our country's border is wide open and God knows who or what is pouring in from all over the world. Biden is busing them to YOUR city. And all you can talk about is TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP. Wake the fuck up, your country is being taken from you.
It's understandable.

We can reverse the Beaner Flow at will.

Rump, on the other hand, presents an existential threat to American representative democracy and must be rendered un-electable, quickly.
You really think Joe got 81 million votes??? you are nuts my friend....
^^^ There it is again.

Trumpsters just can't believe that the rest of us aren't consumed with adoration for the orange buffoon like they are.

So there must something wrong. There MUST be! SOMEBODY must have CHEATED!

That's how small and protected their world is.
^^^ There it is again.

Trumpsters just can't believe that the rest of us aren't consumed with adoration for the orange buffoon like they are.

So there must something wrong. There MUST be! SOMEBODY must have CHEATED!

That's how small and protected their world is.
There is no way he gets that many votes without covid election rule changes....illegal rule changes.....
“Trump raised a whopping $102 million in the first half of 2021.”

Trump, the consummate grifter.
Yup..and like most grifters..he spends other people's money. That 100m is his..and Rudy has outlived his usefulness.
People have not realized that Trump is finished with the big lie..it serves its purpose..to keep the base united...but Trump is not going to throw good money after bad..unless, of course, the money belongs to someone else.

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