We are in the midst of a cold civil war

That scares the hell out of Trump supporters. they are doing everything they can to change our system so that cannot happen.
Nope, it is Republicans who are supporting minority candidates and Democrats, who have nothing to offer the country by identity politics, who are terrified of having to run against a Republican minority candidate.
Old white guys are not considered a minority. (yet)
As the Washington Post recently reported, “Democrats have set or essentially matched records for the number of female, black and LGBT nominees.” Meanwhile, “Republicans’ diversity statistics have either remained static or declined in each category, leading to a heavily white, male slate of nominees.” Republicans seem to be retrenching in the white-identity politics that favored Donald Trump. Their candidates continue to be older, whiter and more often male.
As you and the Washington Post point out, it is the Democrats who are focused the race, gender or sexual proclivities of their candidates, what Bernie Sanders has condemned as identity politics, while Republicans remain blind to these differences among Americans and focus on presenting affirmative agendas that benefit all Americans.

You're honestly arguing that Republicans are blind to race, gender or social proclivities?

Um, wow. That's so industrial level Koolaid you're drinking.
Were you less bigoted you would remember Colin Powell and Condeleeza Rice both led polls among Republicans for the Party's nomination for president before they withdrew their names and Marco Rubio led the polls until he performed poorly in the primary debates. Clearly, Republicans are more interested in a candidate's abilities and proposals than in his or her gender, race, religion, and if Democrats were more interested in the abilities and proposals of their candidates neither Hillary nor Obama would ever have gotten the nomination.
you need to look at the total demographic of the Republican party members and candidates. A token minority does not change the party.
That scares the hell out of Trump supporters. they are doing everything they can to change our system so that cannot happen.
Nope, it is Republicans who are supporting minority candidates and Democrats, who have nothing to offer the country by identity politics, who are terrified of having to run against a Republican minority candidate.
Old white guys are not considered a minority. (yet)
As the Washington Post recently reported, “Democrats have set or essentially matched records for the number of female, black and LGBT nominees.” Meanwhile, “Republicans’ diversity statistics have either remained static or declined in each category, leading to a heavily white, male slate of nominees.” Republicans seem to be retrenching in the white-identity politics that favored Donald Trump. Their candidates continue to be older, whiter and more often male.
As you and the Washington Post point out, it is the Democrats who are focused the race, gender or sexual proclivities of their candidates, what Bernie Sanders has condemned as identity politics, while Republicans remain blind to these differences among Americans and focus on presenting affirmative agendas that benefit all Americans.

You're honestly arguing that Republicans are blind to race, gender or social proclivities?

Um, wow. That's so industrial level Koolaid you're drinking.
Were you less bigoted you would remember Colin Powell and Condeleeza Rice both led polls among Republicans for the Party's nomination for president before they withdrew their names and Marco Rubio led the polls until he performed poorly in the primary debates. Clearly, Republicans are more interested in a candidate's abilities and proposals than in his or her gender, race, religion, and if Democrats were more interested in the abilities and proposals of their candidates neither Hillary nor Obama would ever have gotten the nomination.

The same party that embraced the birther conspiracy and elected King Birther to office after his rants about Mexican Rapists.......is blind to race, gender and social proclivities?

Laughing.....c'mon. Really?
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.
Slavery was wrong and supported by the Democrats. Today, the Democrats are supporting murdering babies and perversion. The Democrats were wrong then and they're wrong now.
Democrats of 1860 are the Republicans of 2016. Abortion is just one issue. Probably the toughest one. The rights of a woman against the rights of the unborn child.

Lord, here's another one that has been told that the parties switched after Civil Rights was passed.

I just find it funny that Republicans passed Civil Rights then moved to the Democrat Party that voted against Civil Rights and that Democrats who voted against Civil Rights then moved to the Republican Party which passed it, lol.

It's like saying, "Hey, I hate and despise baseball so what am I going to do? I'm going to buy a baseball team, play baseball and become baseballs biggest fan...just because." it's so stupid and what's really crazy is that people, a lot of people actually think it!
Their believing their own party propaganda. What actually happened is the Democrat party decided to give black people government freebies to buy their votes.
At least the Democrats gave freebies to people that were in need. The Republicans gave their freebies to large corporations and rich people. If you are a rich minority, you received freebies from Republicans but only if you are rich.
You don't give government handouts to buy votes. Idiot.
Slavery was wrong and supported by the Democrats. Today, the Democrats are supporting murdering babies and perversion. The Democrats were wrong then and they're wrong now.
Democrats of 1860 are the Republicans of 2016. Abortion is just one issue. Probably the toughest one. The rights of a woman against the rights of the unborn child.

Lord, here's another one that has been told that the parties switched after Civil Rights was passed.

I just find it funny that Republicans passed Civil Rights then moved to the Democrat Party that voted against Civil Rights and that Democrats who voted against Civil Rights then moved to the Republican Party which passed it, lol.

It's like saying, "Hey, I hate and despise baseball so what am I going to do? I'm going to buy a baseball team, play baseball and become baseballs biggest fan...just because." it's so stupid and what's really crazy is that people, a lot of people actually think it!
Their believing their own party propaganda. What actually happened is the Democrat party decided to give black people government freebies to buy their votes.
At least the Democrats gave freebies to people that were in need. The Republicans gave their freebies to large corporations and rich people. If you are a rich minority, you received freebies from Republicans but only if you are rich.
You don't give government handouts to buy votes. Idiot.
All politicians give freebies for votes, you idiot.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.
Slavery was wrong and supported by the Democrats. Today, the Democrats are supporting murdering babies and perversion. The Democrats were wrong then and they're wrong now.
Don't like abortion, don't have one. Choice is the name of the game.
Slavery was wrong and supported by the Democrats. Today, the Democrats are supporting murdering babies and perversion. The Democrats were wrong then and they're wrong now.
Democrats of 1860 are the Republicans of 2016. Abortion is just one issue. Probably the toughest one. The rights of a woman against the rights of the unborn child.

Lord, here's another one that has been told that the parties switched after Civil Rights was passed.

I just find it funny that Republicans passed Civil Rights then moved to the Democrat Party that voted against Civil Rights and that Democrats who voted against Civil Rights then moved to the Republican Party which passed it, lol.

It's like saying, "Hey, I hate and despise baseball so what am I going to do? I'm going to buy a baseball team, play baseball and become baseballs biggest fan...just because." it's so stupid and what's really crazy is that people, a lot of people actually think it!
Their believing their own party propaganda. What actually happened is the Democrat party decided to give black people government freebies to buy their votes.
At least the Democrats gave freebies to people that were in need. The Republicans gave their freebies to large corporations and rich people. If you are a rich minority, you received freebies from Republicans but only if you are rich.
You don't give government handouts to buy votes. Idiot.
Farmers getting government handouts approve your message (as they laugh)
Democrats of 1860 are the Republicans of 2016. Abortion is just one issue. Probably the toughest one. The rights of a woman against the rights of the unborn child.

Lord, here's another one that has been told that the parties switched after Civil Rights was passed.

I just find it funny that Republicans passed Civil Rights then moved to the Democrat Party that voted against Civil Rights and that Democrats who voted against Civil Rights then moved to the Republican Party which passed it, lol.

It's like saying, "Hey, I hate and despise baseball so what am I going to do? I'm going to buy a baseball team, play baseball and become baseballs biggest fan...just because." it's so stupid and what's really crazy is that people, a lot of people actually think it!
Their believing their own party propaganda. What actually happened is the Democrat party decided to give black people government freebies to buy their votes.
At least the Democrats gave freebies to people that were in need. The Republicans gave their freebies to large corporations and rich people. If you are a rich minority, you received freebies from Republicans but only if you are rich.
You don't give government handouts to buy votes. Idiot.
All politicians give freebies for votes, you idiot.
No, they don't. You're confused. I bet you think all they money in the United States belongs to the government, huh.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.
Slavery was wrong and supported by the Democrats. Today, the Democrats are supporting murdering babies and perversion. The Democrats were wrong then and they're wrong now.
Don't like abortion, don't have one. Choice is the name of the game.
Really? What choice does the child have? Idiot.
Democrats of 1860 are the Republicans of 2016. Abortion is just one issue. Probably the toughest one. The rights of a woman against the rights of the unborn child.

Lord, here's another one that has been told that the parties switched after Civil Rights was passed.

I just find it funny that Republicans passed Civil Rights then moved to the Democrat Party that voted against Civil Rights and that Democrats who voted against Civil Rights then moved to the Republican Party which passed it, lol.

It's like saying, "Hey, I hate and despise baseball so what am I going to do? I'm going to buy a baseball team, play baseball and become baseballs biggest fan...just because." it's so stupid and what's really crazy is that people, a lot of people actually think it!
Their believing their own party propaganda. What actually happened is the Democrat party decided to give black people government freebies to buy their votes.
At least the Democrats gave freebies to people that were in need. The Republicans gave their freebies to large corporations and rich people. If you are a rich minority, you received freebies from Republicans but only if you are rich.
You don't give government handouts to buy votes. Idiot.
Farmers getting government handouts approve your message (as they laugh)
Business. Not the same thing.
We just won the cold war with the left, Kavanaugh gives us control of the SC. Dem's can pass all the crazy ass socialist crap they want now we'll slap it down in the SCOTUS. That's why Dem's are so unhinged over Kavanaugh.

Dems are already becoming use to being slap-happy.
I'm only 42 but my experience with a lot of traveling and speaking to so many people from different parts of the world where they had conflicts and civil wars....And also living in the us for 20 years, I can tell you is just a matter of time....there are so many ingredients of a civil war, and in my opinion what will speed it up is the election of a divider like Trump.
I have never seen in my life a very divided country ideological like the US....and what will not help the case of avoiding of a civil war is the availability of weapons to the masses and also the LOW IQ and ignorance of so many, and mainly on the right....Yes I said it, it's a known fact world wide, that those that are racist, bigots, ignorant about others, other cultures, world affairs, etc....tend to be the religious nuts.
Don't get me wrong, the left have their downfalls as well.
That being said if one should have a plan B when the shit hits the fan....as far as i'm concerned.
Nope, it is Republicans who are supporting minority candidates and Democrats, who have nothing to offer the country by identity politics, who are terrified of having to run against a Republican minority candidate.
Old white guys are not considered a minority. (yet)
As the Washington Post recently reported, “Democrats have set or essentially matched records for the number of female, black and LGBT nominees.” Meanwhile, “Republicans’ diversity statistics have either remained static or declined in each category, leading to a heavily white, male slate of nominees.” Republicans seem to be retrenching in the white-identity politics that favored Donald Trump. Their candidates continue to be older, whiter and more often male.
As you and the Washington Post point out, it is the Democrats who are focused the race, gender or sexual proclivities of their candidates, what Bernie Sanders has condemned as identity politics, while Republicans remain blind to these differences among Americans and focus on presenting affirmative agendas that benefit all Americans.

You're honestly arguing that Republicans are blind to race, gender or social proclivities?

Um, wow. That's so industrial level Koolaid you're drinking.
Were you less bigoted you would remember Colin Powell and Condeleeza Rice both led polls among Republicans for the Party's nomination for president before they withdrew their names and Marco Rubio led the polls until he performed poorly in the primary debates. Clearly, Republicans are more interested in a candidate's abilities and proposals than in his or her gender, race, religion, and if Democrats were more interested in the abilities and proposals of their candidates neither Hillary nor Obama would ever have gotten the nomination.

The same party that embraced the birther conspiracy and elected King Birther to office after his rants about Mexican Rapists.......is blind to race, gender and social proclivities?

Laughing.....c'mon. Really?
Long before Obama or Hillary got the nomination, Republicans wanted to nominate Condaleez Rice and Colin Powell, but they didn't want to run, and if it hadn't been for Reagan and the two Bushes advancing a black man and a black woman to Secretary of State, the Democrats would never have screwed up enough courage to nominate Obama or Clinton. The difference between the two parties on race and gender is that Republicans will support minority candidates on merit and Democrats only support them because of race and gender. In terms of proven merit neither Obama nor Clinton would ever have gotten the nomination.
Nope, it is Republicans who are supporting minority candidates and Democrats, who have nothing to offer the country by identity politics, who are terrified of having to run against a Republican minority candidate.
Old white guys are not considered a minority. (yet)
As the Washington Post recently reported, “Democrats have set or essentially matched records for the number of female, black and LGBT nominees.” Meanwhile, “Republicans’ diversity statistics have either remained static or declined in each category, leading to a heavily white, male slate of nominees.” Republicans seem to be retrenching in the white-identity politics that favored Donald Trump. Their candidates continue to be older, whiter and more often male.
As you and the Washington Post point out, it is the Democrats who are focused the race, gender or sexual proclivities of their candidates, what Bernie Sanders has condemned as identity politics, while Republicans remain blind to these differences among Americans and focus on presenting affirmative agendas that benefit all Americans.

You're honestly arguing that Republicans are blind to race, gender or social proclivities?

Um, wow. That's so industrial level Koolaid you're drinking.
Were you less bigoted you would remember Colin Powell and Condeleeza Rice both led polls among Republicans for the Party's nomination for president before they withdrew their names and Marco Rubio led the polls until he performed poorly in the primary debates. Clearly, Republicans are more interested in a candidate's abilities and proposals than in his or her gender, race, religion, and if Democrats were more interested in the abilities and proposals of their candidates neither Hillary nor Obama would ever have gotten the nomination.
you need to look at the total demographic of the Republican party members and candidates. A token minority does not change the party.
Republicans have proven they will support minority candidates and women of merit whereas Democrats support them to get the demographics right regardless of their merit as you have been saying.
Old white guys are not considered a minority. (yet)
As the Washington Post recently reported, “Democrats have set or essentially matched records for the number of female, black and LGBT nominees.” Meanwhile, “Republicans’ diversity statistics have either remained static or declined in each category, leading to a heavily white, male slate of nominees.” Republicans seem to be retrenching in the white-identity politics that favored Donald Trump. Their candidates continue to be older, whiter and more often male.
As you and the Washington Post point out, it is the Democrats who are focused the race, gender or sexual proclivities of their candidates, what Bernie Sanders has condemned as identity politics, while Republicans remain blind to these differences among Americans and focus on presenting affirmative agendas that benefit all Americans.

You're honestly arguing that Republicans are blind to race, gender or social proclivities?

Um, wow. That's so industrial level Koolaid you're drinking.
Were you less bigoted you would remember Colin Powell and Condeleeza Rice both led polls among Republicans for the Party's nomination for president before they withdrew their names and Marco Rubio led the polls until he performed poorly in the primary debates. Clearly, Republicans are more interested in a candidate's abilities and proposals than in his or her gender, race, religion, and if Democrats were more interested in the abilities and proposals of their candidates neither Hillary nor Obama would ever have gotten the nomination.

The same party that embraced the birther conspiracy and elected King Birther to office after his rants about Mexican Rapists.......is blind to race, gender and social proclivities?

Laughing.....c'mon. Really?
Long before Obama or Hillary got the nomination, Republicans wanted to nominate Condaleez Rice and Colin Powell, but they didn't want to run, and if it hadn't been for Reagan and the two Bushes advancing a black man and a black woman to Secretary of State, the Democrats would never have screwed up enough courage to nominate Obama or Clinton. The difference between the two parties on race and gender is that Republicans will support minority candidates on merit and Democrats only support them because of race and gender. In terms of proven merit neither Obama nor Clinton would ever have gotten the nomination.

Republicans didn't nominate Condeleeza Rice nor Colin Powell. Democrats did nominate Hillary and Obama.
What planet are you posting from? We just elected a black man to two terms in the WH and prominent Hispanics are under consideration for the job.
That scares the hell out of Trump supporters. they are doing everything they can to change our system so that cannot happen.
Nope, it is Republicans who are supporting minority candidates and Democrats, who have nothing to offer the country by identity politics, who are terrified of having to run against a Republican minority candidate.
Old white guys are not considered a minority. (yet)
As the Washington Post recently reported, “Democrats have set or essentially matched records for the number of female, black and LGBT nominees.” Meanwhile, “Republicans’ diversity statistics have either remained static or declined in each category, leading to a heavily white, male slate of nominees.” Republicans seem to be retrenching in the white-identity politics that favored Donald Trump. Their candidates continue to be older, whiter and more often male.
As you and the Washington Post point out, it is the Democrats who are focused the race, gender or sexual proclivities of their candidates, what Bernie Sanders has condemned as identity politics, while Republicans remain blind to these differences among Americans and focus on presenting affirmative agendas that benefit all Americans.
Republicans are blind to the diversity of the US population. Republican welcome everyone, just so they are old and white.
Trump was elected by his dog whistle message of make old white great men again and women and minorities who do not rock the boat can come along on the ride
You are a typical Democratic loyalists obsessed with race and gender whereas Republicans are concerned with issues that effect all Americans.

Trump won because he laid out clear policies which he has been following through on, while Hillary ran a campaign that was substance free. No one can remember what Hillary's economic plan was because she didn't have on or what her plan to stop illegal immigration was because she didn't have one. She was the Jerry Seinfeld of politics; he had a show that was about nothing and she ran a campaign that was about nothing.
As you and the Washington Post point out, it is the Democrats who are focused the race, gender or sexual proclivities of their candidates, what Bernie Sanders has condemned as identity politics, while Republicans remain blind to these differences among Americans and focus on presenting affirmative agendas that benefit all Americans.

You're honestly arguing that Republicans are blind to race, gender or social proclivities?

Um, wow. That's so industrial level Koolaid you're drinking.
Were you less bigoted you would remember Colin Powell and Condeleeza Rice both led polls among Republicans for the Party's nomination for president before they withdrew their names and Marco Rubio led the polls until he performed poorly in the primary debates. Clearly, Republicans are more interested in a candidate's abilities and proposals than in his or her gender, race, religion, and if Democrats were more interested in the abilities and proposals of their candidates neither Hillary nor Obama would ever have gotten the nomination.

The same party that embraced the birther conspiracy and elected King Birther to office after his rants about Mexican Rapists.......is blind to race, gender and social proclivities?

Laughing.....c'mon. Really?
Long before Obama or Hillary got the nomination, Republicans wanted to nominate Condaleez Rice and Colin Powell, but they didn't want to run, and if it hadn't been for Reagan and the two Bushes advancing a black man and a black woman to Secretary of State, the Democrats would never have screwed up enough courage to nominate Obama or Clinton. The difference between the two parties on race and gender is that Republicans will support minority candidates on merit and Democrats only support them because of race and gender. In terms of proven merit neither Obama nor Clinton would ever have gotten the nomination.

Republicans didn't nominate Condeleeza Rice nor Colin Powell. Democrats did nominate Hillary and Obama.
Rice and Powell were leading in the polls and both said they didn't want to got through the rigors of a presidential campaign, but Republicans clearly preferred them to the other candidates who were all white. Republicans wanted Rice and Powell because of their accomplishments, but Obama and Hillary couldn't have gotten the Republicans nomination because they had no accomplishments.
You're honestly arguing that Republicans are blind to race, gender or social proclivities?

Um, wow. That's so industrial level Koolaid you're drinking.
Were you less bigoted you would remember Colin Powell and Condeleeza Rice both led polls among Republicans for the Party's nomination for president before they withdrew their names and Marco Rubio led the polls until he performed poorly in the primary debates. Clearly, Republicans are more interested in a candidate's abilities and proposals than in his or her gender, race, religion, and if Democrats were more interested in the abilities and proposals of their candidates neither Hillary nor Obama would ever have gotten the nomination.

The same party that embraced the birther conspiracy and elected King Birther to office after his rants about Mexican Rapists.......is blind to race, gender and social proclivities?

Laughing.....c'mon. Really?
Long before Obama or Hillary got the nomination, Republicans wanted to nominate Condaleez Rice and Colin Powell, but they didn't want to run, and if it hadn't been for Reagan and the two Bushes advancing a black man and a black woman to Secretary of State, the Democrats would never have screwed up enough courage to nominate Obama or Clinton. The difference between the two parties on race and gender is that Republicans will support minority candidates on merit and Democrats only support them because of race and gender. In terms of proven merit neither Obama nor Clinton would ever have gotten the nomination.

Republicans didn't nominate Condeleeza Rice nor Colin Powell. Democrats did nominate Hillary and Obama.
Rice and Powell were leading in the polls and both said they didn't want to got through the rigors of a presidential campaign, but Republicans clearly preferred them to the other candidates who were all white. Republicans wanted Rice and Powell because of their accomplishments, but Obama and Hillary couldn't have gotten the Republicans nomination because they had no accomplishments.

Gingrich was leading in the polls as well. Republicans didn't nominate him either.

Obama was behind in the polls by huge margins at points in the nomination process. But the democrats actually nominated him. Hillary was actually nominated.

The Republicans nominated neither of the people you cited. Nor is leading in a poll or two an indication of Republican willingness to actually nominate someone.
We just won the cold war with the left, Kavanaugh gives us control of the SC. Dem's can pass all the crazy ass socialist crap they want now we'll slap it down in the SCOTUS. That's why Dem's are so unhinged over Kavanaugh.

Dems are already becoming use to being slap-happy.
A few months into the first civil war, the South thought they had it all but won.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
The next big battle is the midterms. Let's see who wins that one.
I'm only 42 but my experience with a lot of traveling and speaking to so many people from different parts of the world where they had conflicts and civil wars....And also living in the us for 20 years, I can tell you is just a matter of time....there are so many ingredients of a civil war, and in my opinion what will speed it up is the election of a divider like Trump.
I have never seen in my life a very divided country ideological like the US....and what will not help the case of avoiding of a civil war is the availability of weapons to the masses and also the LOW IQ and ignorance of so many, and mainly on the right....Yes I said it, it's a known fact world wide, that those that are racist, bigots, ignorant about others, other cultures, world affairs, etc....tend to be the religious nuts.
Don't get me wrong, the left have their downfalls as well.
That being said if one should have a plan B when the shit hits the fan....as far as i'm concerned.
All you say is so true. Too many Trump followers have never traveled outside the US or even outside their own state or even outside their own county. Trump supporters do not know what they do not know.
The world is laughing at us. They are laughing at the stupidity of Donald Trump and his supporters.
Trump thinks they are laughing with us.
We just won the cold war with the left, Kavanaugh gives us control of the SC. Dem's can pass all the crazy ass socialist crap they want now we'll slap it down in the SCOTUS. That's why Dem's are so unhinged over Kavanaugh.

Dems are already becoming use to being slap-happy.
A few months into the first civil war, the South thought they had it all but won.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
The next big battle is the midterms. Let's see who wins that one.

The only thing I'm predicting is the Repubs keep the Senate. Party demographics favor the Dems in the House, but who knows?

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