We are losing our rights.

“We will soon no longer be free.

We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.

We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.

We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.”

No, this is wrong. WRONG.

If you want to worry about something, your first and most urgent concern should be the maniacal wannabe dictator currently in the WH who is ignoring the will of the people who voted him out of office and is currently plotting to destroy our democratic institutions and overturn an election he clearly lost.

“I have no idea.”

You certainly don’t.
Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state; trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms to protect ourselves; no freedom of speech; lockdowns where people go broke; MUST be inocculized (spelling?) before one can buy food/see dr/drive/fly/travel from state to state with PROOF (not yet, but thats coming). I could go on and on and what amazes me are those who are not thinking of these things when they vote for someone who wants to take those rights away...including their own rights.

I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights but I know it says in there somewhere that IF those in power try to circumvent the constitution/bill of rights/declaration of independence, etc...we have the RIGHT and the NEED to protect what our founding fathers wrote for us as guides on keeping us FREE.

We will soon no longer be free.
We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.
We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.
We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.
Well we are definately no longer united

In fact, instead of calling it the Unite States, how about calling the country the Person's Republic of George Soros?
Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state; trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms to protect ourselves; no freedom of speech; lockdowns where people go broke; MUST be inocculized (spelling?) before one can buy food/see dr/drive/fly/travel from state to state with PROOF (not yet, but thats coming). I could go on and on and what amazes me are those who are not thinking of these things when they vote for someone who wants to take those rights away...including their own rights.

I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights but I know it says in there somewhere that IF those in power try to circumvent the constitution/bill of rights/declaration of independence, etc...we have the RIGHT and the NEED to protect what our founding fathers wrote for us as guides on keeping us FREE.

We will soon no longer be free.
We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.
We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.
We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.
I’m guessing you’re one of the people who hoarded all of the toilet paper
“Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state…”

This doesn’t make any sense.

There is no such thing as a ‘sanctuary city.’

In fact, the Constitution prohibits the Federal government from compelling the states and local jurisdictions from enforcing Federal laws – such as immigration law.

Tell that to San Fran.

We Are a Sanctuary City | Office of the Mayor

California is a sanctuary state

California Is a Sanctuary State, But Some Police Aren't Following the Law, Attorneys Say | KQED
Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state; trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms to protect ourselves; no freedom of speech; lockdowns where people go broke; MUST be inocculized (spelling?) before one can buy food/see dr/drive/fly/travel from state to state with PROOF (not yet, but thats coming). I could go on and on and what amazes me are those who are not thinking of these things when they vote for someone who wants to take those rights away...including their own rights.

I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights but I know it says in there somewhere that IF those in power try to circumvent the constitution/bill of rights/declaration of independence, etc...we have the RIGHT and the NEED to protect what our founding fathers wrote for us as guides on keeping us FREE.

We will soon no longer be free.
We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.
We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.
We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.
I’m guessing you’re one of the people who hoarded all of the toilet paper
lol. Nope. I had to use paper towels.
Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state; trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms to protect ourselves; no freedom of speech; lockdowns where people go broke; MUST be inocculized (spelling?) before one can buy food/see dr/drive/fly/travel from state to state with PROOF (not yet, but thats coming). I could go on and on and what amazes me are those who are not thinking of these things when they vote for someone who wants to take those rights away...including their own rights.

I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights but I know it says in there somewhere that IF those in power try to circumvent the constitution/bill of rights/declaration of independence, etc...we have the RIGHT and the NEED to protect what our founding fathers wrote for us as guides on keeping us FREE.

We will soon no longer be free.
We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.
We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.
We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.
The statist left religion is of a dark nature. I do believe that many of the statist left(marxists) have been identified & tagged both in country & ABROAD during the last four years. If one watches CLOSELY the precedings involved both directly & indirectly with the Dominion fraud scandal one can see this is now an INTERNATIONAL event. ALL 50 states are involved in this Dominion fraud scandal. There is OBVIOUS activity going on behind the scenes clear down to the county level since the marxist sponsored BLM/antifa fiasco was unleashed(statist left walked right into the trap).
U.S. military is as powerful as it can get @ current meaning it is on ready standby to handle any international event/retaliation. The federal government has every phone call, radio wave frequency & email sent & received globally, monitored by the most comprehensive monitoring system ever devied by mankind. The states national guard are on instant standby. In the event of martial law being declared nationally the cities, counties & state police forces fall under military command. Do you think all this has happened by chance & @ such a cost??? Prez Trump has mentioned about domestic terrorism not once but SEVERAL times. Prez Trump has mentioned the radical left not once but again SEVERAL times. Keep your ears open for executive orders being issued IMMEDIATELY after prez Trump starts his 2nd tour. If not immediately then within a week or so.
Look for riots just after prez Trump starts his 2nd term. If the statist left gets the riots aggitated big enough then look for a declaration of martial law being issued from the executive branch regarding domestic terrorism. Once martial law is declared then anything from mass arrests to drone strikes to snipers can be used legally anywhere in country. Positive identity of statist left targets can easily be profiled from facial recognition images, electronic monitoring/tracking, cell phone signals, or any other myriad of methods of identity the various levels of government could use on both international & domestic targets. Of course I could be completely wrong in my assessment of the current & near future situation I am describing above, but I cannot be wrong about it all being in place for it's HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT.
Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state; trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms to protect ourselves; no freedom of speech; lockdowns where people go broke; MUST be inocculized (spelling?) before one can buy food/see dr/drive/fly/travel from state to state with PROOF (not yet, but thats coming). I could go on and on and what amazes me are those who are not thinking of these things when they vote for someone who wants to take those rights away...including their own rights.

I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights but I know it says in there somewhere that IF those in power try to circumvent the constitution/bill of rights/declaration of independence, etc...we have the RIGHT and the NEED to protect what our founding fathers wrote for us as guides on keeping us FREE.

We will soon no longer be free.
We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.
We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.
We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.

Yes, of course, we are losing many rights.

But if the election was reasonably honest, then it appears that the majority of voters are OK with that.

So on January 21, prepare yourself for a plethora of executive orders to further deprive us of more rights.

(And if the Dems can rig the Georgia election in January -- by flooding the state with new "residents" -- then the Senate, too, will become a puppet of the Democratic ("democratic," my foot!) Party.
Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state; trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms to protect ourselves; no freedom of speech; lockdowns where people go broke; MUST be inocculized (spelling?) before one can buy food/see dr/drive/fly/travel from state to state with PROOF (not yet, but thats coming). I could go on and on and what amazes me are those who are not thinking of these things when they vote for someone who wants to take those rights away...including their own rights.

I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights but I know it says in there somewhere that IF those in power try to circumvent the constitution/bill of rights/declaration of independence, etc...we have the RIGHT and the NEED to protect what our founding fathers wrote for us as guides on keeping us FREE.

We will soon no longer be free.
We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.
We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.
We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.
“I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights…”

That’s clearly obvious given how ignorant and ridiculous the thread premise is.

No one is ‘losing’ his rights; indeed, Americans have never been more free and secure in their rights and protected liberties.

The only threat to those rights and protected liberties are the rightwing ideologues on the Supreme Court.
I lost my right to choose whether i wanted healthcare or not, or be penalized if i didnt. So fuck off and die you commie prick...Look closely at my avatar....if you dare.
“We will soon no longer be free.

We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.

We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.

We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.”

No, this is wrong. WRONG.

If you want to worry about something, your first and most urgent concern should be the maniacal wannabe dictator currently in the WH who is ignoring the will of the people who voted him out of office and is currently plotting to destroy our democratic institutions and overturn an election he clearly lost.

“I have no idea.”

You certainly don’t.
Goodness, what a drama queen.

Meanwhile, you don't get to dictate to other people what they should worry about.
“Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state…”

This doesn’t make any sense.

There is no such thing as a ‘sanctuary city.’

In fact, the Constitution prohibits the Federal government from compelling the states and local jurisdictions from enforcing Federal laws – such as immigration law.

Tell that to San Fran.

We Are a Sanctuary City | Office of the Mayor

California is a sanctuary state

California Is a Sanctuary State, But Some Police Aren't Following the Law, Attorneys Say | KQED
This is where Jonesy plays The Democrats Didn't Say What They Said -- and pretends he's superior.

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