We Are Now All Vaccinated

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Always a sign from a lying Lefty that you are spot on target.

Meaning: less than 75% of eligible Americans or about 225 million Americans. Way short of your fabled 350 million injections! :21:

That makes Babbling Biddum dangerously incoherent and the old fuck probably walks around not even knowing he has his shoes on backwards while you try to spin lies hoping America is stupid as you not to notice.
Yep confirmed - yer an idiot.
Keystone would have permanently created fewer than 40 full time jobs TaTa.
There are hamburger joints who employ more people than that. :rolleyes-41:
I'm not talking about jobs after the project was completed, Bo.

Thousands of construction and support jobs were killed instantly.
I'm not talking about jobs after the project was completed, Bo.

Thousands of construction and support jobs were killed instantly.
Ok cool, just wanted to clarify that. Nobody is going to miss the tar sand spills.
And even if Biden hadn't killed it, Native Americans probably could have stalled it for years.
Keystone would have permanently created fewer than 40 full time jobs TaTa.
There are hamburger joints who employ more people than that. :rolleyes-41:
My, my Dr. Love, I’m beginning to suspect that you are indeed a fake doctor! You never pass up a good opportunity to twist the truth or perhaps you really believe the things you post. Because I am a nice poster, I have done your legwork and found a left-leaning source for you to read and learn regarding those 40 jobs lol

Surely you realize the info posted on this fine message board can easily be checked. My only guess is that you’re hoping that there are posters who don’t read and will believe what you post …and maybe a few of your associates out there who trust your findings without checking themselves lol

“Construction of Keystone XL will directly create an estimated 13,200 (U.S., 10,400, and Canada, 2,800) high-quality jobs and local contracting opportunities. […]

Overall, construction will support nearly 60,000 (U.S., 42,000 and Canada, 17,000) direct, indirect and induced employment opportunities generated by the business that will be created supplying goods and services to the project and the project’s workforce.”

That’s from Snopes which I figured you subscribed since it’s left-leaning by intent and purpose. I’ll add the link momentarily.

To address the OP- it’s sad to watch Biden in action because his mental faculties. Undoubtedly, there will be books written and released, 10 years from now, about the specifics from individual perspectives. A few will remain loyal even after Biden‘s death, but there will be many looking to make money by selling their books.
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My, my Dr. Love, I’m beginning to suspect that you are indeed a fake doctor! You never pass up a good opportunity to twist the truth or perhaps you really believe the things you post. Because I am a nice poster, I have done your legwork and found a left-leaning source for you to read and learn regarding those 40 jobs lol

Surely you realize the info posted on this fine message board can easily be checked. My only guess is that you’re hoping that there are posters who don’t read and will believe what you post …and maybe a few of your associates out there who trust your findings without checking themselves lol

“Construction of Keystone XL will directly create an estimated 13,200 (U.S., 10,400, and Canada, 2,800) high-quality jobs and local contracting opportunities. […]

Overall, construction will support nearly 60,000 (U.S., 42,000 and Canada, 17,000) direct, indirect and induced employment opportunities generated by the business that will be created supplying goods and services to the project and the project’s workforce.”

That’s from Snopes which I figured you subscribed since it’s left-leaning by intent and purpose. I’ll add the link momentarily.

To address the OP- it’s sad to watch Biden in action because his mental faculties. Undoubtedly, there will be books written and released, 10 years from now, about the specifics from individual perspectives. A few will remain loyal even after Biden‘s death, but there will be many looking to make money by selling their books.

Coming back to add a link to my source as I can’t pull it up from my phone.

That is the construction phase - NOT permanent jobs.
You'd better recalibrate ;)

That is the construction phase - NOT permanent jobs.
You'd better recalibrate ;)

Your claim is false because there is no way, as multiple sources have indicated, to actually measure the amount of jobs lost. Numerous businesses would have been utilized to provide materials for the project. Total job loss cannot be measured because in addition to the thousands of new jobs, job security would have been enhanced in various sectors producing materials for the pipeline project. A solid economy doesn’t just concern itself about new jobs but the job security of current workers is equally as important.

Let’s stop here to avoid highjacking the thread. We can carry-on on a different thread and I’ll be looking forward to it lol Honestly, I look for humor in all places possible and you crack me up with your
declarations of “knowledge” Doctor:)
Your claim is false because there is no way, as multiple sources have indicated, to actually measure the amount of jobs lost. Numerous businesses would have been utilized to provide materials for the project. Total job loss cannot be measured because in addition to the thousands of new jobs, job security would have been enhanced in various sectors producing materials for the pipeline project. A solid economy doesn’t just concern itself about new jobs but the job security of current workers is equally as important.

Let’s stop here to avoid highjacking the thread. We can carry-on on a different thread and I’ll be looking forward to it lol Honestly, I look for humor in all places possible and you crack me up with your
declarations of “knowledge” Doctor:)
Simple, the doc is guilty of message board mal-practice... ROTFLMBO.
Since you obviously don't pay any attention to non DNC sanctioned reporting, you would not know. In other words, you are tunnel vision stupid.
What are your sources of "non DNC sanctioned reporting"?

Just to check your news silo.
What are your sources of "non DNC sanctioned reporting"?

Just to check your news silo.
Where are y ur sources backing anything that Biden lies about?

All that you state is pure DNC constipation relief and you buying into it all says that you are what that relief is.
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Ok cool, just wanted to clarify that. Nobody is going to miss the tar sand spills.
And even if Biden hadn't killed it, Native Americans probably could have stalled it for years.
"Probably" does not present facts, only what you wish. You do not present any facts, as you have none to present.

You only present supposition based on y our own imagination, hence you lose.
"Probably" does not present facts, only what you wish. You do not present any facts, as you have none to present.

You only present supposition based on y our own imagination, hence you lose.
Listen to yourself, your Donald & MrPillow.
Not that you’d be capable of doing such in any sane manner mind ya ;)
Bo, you aren't looking good here.
You go MudBoy!! :lol:

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