We Are Witnessing The Birth Of A 2nd Trump term And The Downfall Of A communist movement


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Organized and paid sheep aren’t fooling anyone.

There are plenty of useful idiots out there.

The past 10 days are nothing. Communism will not succeed. Anyone with a brain can see through the thin facade.

Trump will win a 2nd term BECAUSE OF THIS BULLSHIT.

BIDEN should run on a NO POLICE NO 2nd AMMENDMENT platform!
I will tell you I wasn't paying that much attention to any of this until I talked to my girlfriend and realized how outraged she was by the Democrats stirring all this shit up.

She's a very soft-spoken person and I was actually surprised by the vehemence of her reaction.
I will tell you I wasn't paying that much attention to any of this until I talked to my girlfriend and realized how outraged she was by the Democrats stirring all this shit up.

She's a very soft-spoken person and I was actually surprised by the vehemence of her reaction.

It’s going to turn out the Trump voters. The number of people who know this is all communist planned bullshit WAY outnumbers the useful idiots who think police go around hunting down black people to kill.
I will tell you I wasn't paying that much attention to any of this until I talked to my girlfriend and realized how outraged she was by the Democrats stirring all this shit up.

She's a very soft-spoken person and I was actually surprised by the vehemence of her reaction.

It’s going to turn out the Trump voters. The number of people who know this is all communist planned bullshit WAY outnumbers the useful idiots who think police go around hunting down black people to kill.
The "silent majority" that gave Nixon the win after all that shit went down in the sixties will give Trump the victory in November.
I will tell you I wasn't paying that much attention to any of this until I talked to my girlfriend and realized how outraged she was by the Democrats stirring all this shit up.

She's a very soft-spoken person and I was actually surprised by the vehemence of her reaction.

It’s going to turn out the Trump voters. The number of people who know this is all communist planned bullshit WAY outnumbers the useful idiots who think police go around hunting down black people to kill.
The "silent majority" that gave Nixon the win after all that shit went down in the sixties will give Trump the victory in November.

I think this is true. 1968 was a very turbulent year. Vietnam, Race Riots, RFK and MLK assassinated. (note to self. never have a "k" as my last initial)

However, this is different. While those issues were real, this Artificially create "Systemic Racism" is an invention of the Democrat/Media Alliance.

Hmm, let's see.

Advocate and facilitate OPEN BORDERS disguised as "Amnesty" to attain one party rule.

Create a false Virus response and unconstitutional lock down to purposely Crash the Economy.

Create nationwide Civil Unrest, and Violence over a FALSE Racist narrative.

Attempt to unseat a sitting President through a fake Russia narrative and then Impeach him over nothing.

The Democrat/Media Alliance have a great track record, don't they?
Lefties, please keep destroying property and murdering people.

You are assuring Trump a 2nd term.
Organized and paid sheep aren’t fooling anyone.

There are plenty of useful idiots out there.

The past 10 days are nothing. Communism will not succeed. Anyone with a brain can see through the thin facade.

Trump will win a 2nd term BECAUSE OF THIS BULLSHIT.

BIDEN should run on a NO POLICE NO 2nd AMMENDMENT platform!
That is exactly what Biden is running on. What makes people do a double take is the insistence by democrats that seniors and women support abolishing the police.

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