"We basically nuked a town so we could get a train open"

Last year we had bigtime "supply chain" issues so we've now adopted a "So what if haste makes waste?" strategy.

Um, no, the real problem is Trump took a bunch of money from the railroad companies and revoked safety rules Obama put into place.

An Associated Press review of the department’s rulemaking activities in Trump’s first year in office shows at least a dozen safety rules that were under development or already adopted have been repealed, withdrawn, delayed or put on the back burner. In most cases, those rules are opposed by powerful industries. And the political appointees running the agencies that write the rules often come from the industries they regulate.

Meanwhile, there have been no significant new safety rules adopted over the same period.

The sidelined rules would have, among other things, required states to conduct annual inspections of commercial bus operators, railroads to operate trains with at least two crew members and automakers to equip future cars and light trucks with vehicle-to-vehicle communications to prevent collisions. Many of the rules were prompted by tragic events.
Nobody will answer why we allow cretinous jobless international wanna be terrorist soy boys to disrupt our nation's commerce.

Seems to me the government should be on that like stank on shit.
Answer is if that's what's happening then we shouldn't. Now answer why are we permitting I dustry to use or create these toxins?
I am not a libertarian.

I am a free market capitalist who believes the govt has a role in overseeing corporations with a mostly light hand to prevent things like child labor, shirtwaist factory fires....and oh yeah. THIS.
I understand but without regulations corporations would willingly, wantingly and purposely pollute everything. A light hand would lead to Chinese air quality and toxic water. This incident would be but a tiny facet of what would happen. High cancer rates in america are a direct cause from chemicals in our environment from industry now. Those rates would rise 100 fold.
The media is a govt entity, and Americans believe this.
It's called "the Fourth Estate"
In modern use, the term is applied to the press,[3] with the earliest use in this sense described by Thomas Carlyle in his book On Heroes and Hero Worship: "Burke said there were Three Estates in Parliament; but, in the Reporters' Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important far than they all."
Sorry, the Reporters' Gallery is deemed most important because,
  1. it's not part of the government
  2. it's tasked with keeping an eye on government
Regardless of how well they may fulfill that mission, what's sad is that as a school teacher you didn't know this already.
It's called "the Fourth Estate"

Sorry, the Reporters' Gallery is deemed most important because,
  1. it's not part of the government
  2. it's tasked with keeping an eye on government
Regardless of how well they may fulfill that mission, what's sad is that as a school teacher you didn't know this already.

What they are CHARGED to do and how they function have sadly become two separate things. As I said, just one more sign of an empire in very fast decline.

Very fast.

But you know what--go find some more typos. That will solve our problems.
Answer is if that's what's happening then we shouldn't. Now answer why are we permitting I dustry to use or create these toxins?
For you to use an electronic device to ironically call for the end of using such a device.
Along with all the other comforts we enjoy as an industrial society.

You are welcome to lead the way in shedding those comforts and living under a bridge down by the river. No tent though, as those are also made with toxic chemicals.

Walk the walk.
Set an example for us.
Um, no, the real problem is Trump took a bunch of money from the railroad companies and revoked safety rules Obama put into place.

An Associated Press review of the department’s rulemaking activities in Trump’s first year in office shows at least a dozen safety rules that were under development or already adopted have been repealed, withdrawn, delayed or put on the back burner. In most cases, those rules are opposed by powerful industries. And the political appointees running the agencies that write the rules often come from the industries they regulate.

Meanwhile, there have been no significant new safety rules adopted over the same period.

The sidelined rules would have, among other things, required states to conduct annual inspections of commercial bus operators, railroads to operate trains with at least two crew members and automakers to equip future cars and light trucks with vehicle-to-vehicle communications to prevent collisions. Many of the rules were prompted by tragic events.
Trump hasn't been in office for over 2 years. Your TDS is showing
What part of “Trump revoked safety rules put in place during the Obama Admin” did you not understand?
Its all Trump's fault LOL this is 100% on Biden and Bootyitch, no matter what your pals in the media claim
Um, no, the real problem is Trump took a bunch of money from the railroad companies and revoked safety rules Obama put into place.

An Associated Press review of the department’s rulemaking activities in Trump’s first year in office shows at least a dozen safety rules that were under development or already adopted have been repealed, withdrawn, delayed or put on the back burner. In most cases, those rules are opposed by powerful industries. And the political appointees running the agencies that write the rules often come from the industries they regulate.

Meanwhile, there have been no significant new safety rules adopted over the same period.

The sidelined rules would have, among other things, required states to conduct annual inspections of commercial bus operators, railroads to operate trains with at least two crew members and automakers to equip future cars and light trucks with vehicle-to-vehicle communications to prevent collisions. Many of the rules were prompted by tragic events.

So it appears the wheel bearing overheated and the crew didn't stop as the train caught fire and derailed. So not Trump's fault you idiot
Norfolk Southern doesn`t maintain their cars. This has nothing to do with any president but plenty to do with corporate greed. Train axles should never be on fire.
Maybe if your president didn't have a cozy relationship with Norfolk Southern...

Biden EPA official says he would drink the water

Do it. Right outta the tap

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