"We basically nuked a town so we could get a train open"

So it appears the wheel bearing overheated and the crew didn't stop as the train caught fire and derailed. So not Trump's fault you idiot
Nor is it Pete’s
He’s responsible for wheel bearings now?
He should be making sure everything is up to code. There are suppose to be sensors (hot box detector) that alert the crew if there is an overheat on the tracks
He should be making sure everything is up to code. There are suppose to be sensors (hot box detector) that alert the crew if there is an overheat on the tracks
You have links to that legislation?
The Pfizer media has decided to blame this on TRUMP?

Just fucking amazing.

Hey cult fucks. You assholes had POTUS, HOUSE, AND SENATE THE PAST 2 YEARS.


Piss off. You own this one.
Post 41 notes a Trump rollback of a reg that would require simultaneous braking systems on all freight cars
You all had the house senate and white house the last 2 fucking years. If Bootyitch wasn't playing house mom with his husband maybe he could get this straight. But straight isn't his forte is it?

Shipping issues at docks, food plants burning down and now trains derailing your admin is a joke
Maybe if your president didn't have a cozy relationship with Norfolk Southern...

That`s why they don`t maintain their equipment? Because they want to be sued for tens of millions of dollars or more. Hopefully, you`re just pretending to be the village idiot.
American Thinker :abgg2q.jpg:
That`s why they don`t maintain their equipment? Because they want to be sued for tens of millions of dollars or more. Hopefully, you`re just pretending to be the village idiot.
American Thinker :abgg2q.jpg:
So you don't think large corporations cut corners instead of maintaining equipment? You've never dealt with PG&E and the numerous fires started in CA cause they won't upgrade equipment that's obvious. Idiot


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