"We basically nuked a town so we could get a train open"

It's been all over CNN and MSNBC since it happened - along with the more recent ones. The Trump Administration and the railroads really screwed themselves. They have much to answer for - and pay for.
The entire 17-member Ohio congressional delegation has sent a joint letter to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), asking why their state "apparently does not meet the eligibility threshold" for support to deal with the East Palestine train derailment and subsequent chemical release.

Another derailment and evac orders issued in AZ. That brings the number to 5

The interesting thing about the Arizona spill is that the containers met federal standards and were properly stored in the trailer according to the state government inspectors. If a simple roll-over can rupture the containers, the federal standard is far too low. If this had happened in Phoenix, or especially in Flagstaff it would have been a disaster. Fortunately, it happened in sparsely populated desert.

So it appears the wheel bearing overheated and the crew didn't stop as the train caught fire and derailed. So not Trump's fault you idiot
"Hot boxes" are pretty common and rarely cause accidents. They are low temp grease fires, and the running gear of train cars is designed to withstand a lot of abuse.
Post 41 notes a Trump rollback of a reg that would require simultaneous braking systems on all freight cars
Westinghouse brakes have worked well for over a hundred years, why change to something more complicated and less foolproof. An air failure on a Westinghouse brake system causes all the brakes past that failure to set. The air pressure KEEPS them from setting.
Westinghouse brakes have worked well for over a hundred years, why change to something more complicated and less foolproof. An air failure on a Westinghouse brake system causes all the brakes past that failure to set. The air pressure KEEPS them from setting.
THESE brakes did NOT "set" and the freight train derailed.

Of COURSE a simultaneous braking system is safer you moron
Yet the epa is saying everything is fine and the water and air are fine
They are NOT saying that. They are saying that the wells they tested were safe and the air in some areas is safe.

That is not "everything"

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