We cannot fix the border problem AT THE BORDER.

Once the drug cartels have brought the illegal immigrants and the Fentanyl and the weapons to our border IT"S TOO LATE. We need to cut off all foreign aid immediately until the outflow of illegals from those countries stops. We need to confront China about the raw Fentanyl chemicals they are shipping to Mexico. And in the case of Mexico, take control of their Southern border, their airports and their seaports. This is an attack no matter how Biden and his lapdog media is soft selling it. Does anyone think that adding 2 million MORE illegals and 100 million MORE Fentanyl pills will make things BETTER next year?

The solution is obvious, but republicans fucking hate the idea.

Put teeth into employment verification. Require an employer to use E-Verify to confirm employment eligibilbity. If they don't, mandatory 1 year in jail. Including HR departments, even CEOs.

If an employer does use E-Verify and the check comes back clean, they are *completely* absolved of any later discovery that the E-Verify system was inaccurate.

Its like drugs: target the dealers. And American employers are the dealers of employement for illegal immigrants.

It would work, its cheap, would be easy to implement and require only a couple dozen high profile examples of prosecution for offending employers before the business world got the message.

There's no chance of the GOP getting behind for several reasons. One, it doesn't punish brown people. Two, too many of their constituents rely on illegal labor. Three, solving the problem would reveal the VERY real dependence of our nation on illegal labor by resulting in massive labor shortages and more inflation.

What the GOP wants.....is cheap labor that's easy to control. And stripping a workforce of legal protections makes workers afraid and disposable. Which means they won't be demanding raises, better working conditions, or asking many questions. Which is exactly how the GOP wants the working class.
The solution is obvious, but republicans fucking hate the idea.
You are another low information Liberal who has no idea what the real issues are. You think you are going to keep the hordes of illegals and Fentanyl from pouring into the country by "putting teeth into employment verification"? FFS is so stupid I don't even need to explain why.
You have them mixed up with The Race don't you aka 'La Raza'. No American trying to save their nation from invasion is racist. Illegal means criminal and all nations have laws of entry.
Unlike the invasion of 1492, the immigrants today come to work and make a better life for themselves and they pay taxes for your use. They work and they open businesses good for the economy.
Unlike the invasion of 1492, the immigrants today come to work and make a better life for themselves and they pay taxes for your use. They work and they open businesses good for the economy.
Total traitor bullshit.
Unlike the invasion of 1492, the immigrants today come to work and make a better life for themselves and they pay taxes for your use. They work and they open businesses good for the economy.
Your understanding of history is skewed.
Your understanding of history is skewed.
I know enough about history to know that when the Europeans come in 1942 they came to kill my people and steal the land. Immigrants come now to work for a better life for all of us. European colonization of the Americas, which began in 1492, resulted in a precipitous decline in Native American population because of new diseases, wars, ethnic cleansing, and enslavement. Not one illegal crossing the border has ever killed one of my people..Before the arrival of white settlers in 1492, there were 5 million Indians, yet by 1800 the number plummeted to 600,000.
McBride, an Indian boarding school historian and a Comanche descendent. McBride has found more than 1,000 student deaths at the four former boarding schools he has studied, and estimates the overall number of deaths could be as high as 40,000. “Basically every school had a cemetery,” he said.May 11, 2022
I know enough about history to know that when the Europeans come in 1942 they came to kill my people and steal the land. Immigrants come now to work for a better life for all of us. European colonization of the Americas, which began in 1492, resulted in a precipitous decline in Native American population because of new diseases, wars, ethnic cleansing, and enslavement. Not one illegal crossing the border has ever killed one of my people..Before the arrival of white settlers in 1492, there were 5 million Indians, yet by 1800 the number plummeted to 600,000.
McBride, an Indian boarding school historian and a Comanche descendent. McBride has found more than 1,000 student deaths at the four former boarding schools he has studied, and estimates the overall number of deaths could be as high as 40,000. “Basically every school had a cemetery,” he said.May 11, 2022
1942. Lmao, you are one stupid ass traitor.
1942. Lmao, you are one stupid ass traitor.
You are the stupid ass traitor. lol This is my country, always has been, and always will be. Payback is a bitch. What goes around comes around, Census shows America is turning brown and grey.There's no going back: America is a multiracial country.
You are the stupid ass traitor. lol This is my country, always has been, and always will be. Payback is a bitch. What goes around comes around, Census shows America is turning brown and grey.There's no going back: America is a multiracial country.
I know you are but what am I?
I know enough about history to know that when the Europeans come in 1942 they came to kill my people and steal the land. Immigrants come now to work for a better life for all of us. European colonization of the Americas, which began in 1492, resulted in a precipitous decline in Native American population ....
Are you saying that those immigrating to this continent in the past were not coming in search of a better life? Hmmmm......

Are you saying that immigration in the past came with some negative consequences for those already living on this continent? Hmmmm.........

You want to stick with this line of reasoning?
Unlike the invasion of 1492, the immigrants today come to work and make a better life for themselves and they pay taxes for your use. They work and they open businesses good for the economy.

Not true, illegals take more welfare than they pay in taxes. Plus cost us for more incarcerations than the general public. their cartel crimes from blacks who get involved with their criminal activities and go to prison. Not to speak of their lack of birth control and cost in medical expenses from births and violence in poor hoods.
You are the stupid ass traitor. lol This is my country, always has been, and always will be. Payback is a bitch. What goes around comes around, Census shows America is turning brown and grey.There's no going back: America is a multiracial country.

So it is fast becoming a third world nation and that is good for who?
" Your" people lived in a no mans land of teepees and sticks for tools tools, not much less than cavemen till the Vikings and Europeans came along with crafts and ingenuity. Your corn was the size of a p-nut and you gummed your food trill we brought you a dentist, so looks like we gave more than we took.
The white man has basically committed racial suicide with ignorant tolerance and unwarranted guilt, y'all gonna miss the hell out of us though.
I'm tired of hearing how bad my people are from all those who lie on us.
I care for all people long as they care for our nation and respect our nation.
The problem I have with uncontrolled immigration is the effect the uncontrolled population has environmentally and ecologically. Not that they drain the welfare system because they do not...they work and they pay lots of taxes, federally, state and local. But..
“When will the white man realize that he can't eat money?” The proverb goes as such — “When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money,” and that has never felt more relevant than it does today..
The human population is becoming too large to be sustained by its environment or resources ...
The report warns that, by 2040, global temperatures are expected to rise 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, meaning that most people alive today will see the dramatic effects of climate change within their lifetime.
The depletion of natural resources occurs when resources are consumed at a faster rate than their replacement.

I am sure the is way above your head but keep trying.
Are you saying that those immigrating to this continent in the past were not coming in search of a better life? Hmmmm......

Are you saying that immigration in the past came with some negative consequences for those already living on this continent? Hmmmm.........

You want to stick with this line of reasoning?
HELL YEAH. Sure they came for a better life, but did they have to enslave a people, kill others and steal to do it.??? Sound much like what you are accusing illegal aliens of doing?
The problem I have with uncontrolled immigration is the effect the uncontrolled population has environmentally and ecologically. Not that they drain the welfare system because they do not...they work and they pay lots of taxes, federally, state and local. But..
“When will the white man realize that he can't eat money?” The proverb goes as such — “When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money,” and that has never felt more relevant than it does today..
The human population is becoming too large to be sustained by its environment or resources ...
The report warns that, by 2040, global temperatures are expected to rise 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, meaning that most people alive today will see the dramatic effects of climate change within their lifetime.
The depletion of natural resources occurs when resources are consumed at a faster rate than their replacement.

I am sure the is way above your head but keep trying.
Keep lying traitor skank.
The problem I have with uncontrolled immigration is the effect the uncontrolled population has environmentally and ecologically. Not that they drain the welfare system because they do not...they work and they pay lots of taxes, federally, state and local. But..
“When will the white man realize that he can't eat money?” The proverb goes as such — “When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money,” and that has never felt more relevant than it does today..
The human population is becoming too large to be sustained by its environment or resources ...
The report warns that, by 2040, global temperatures are expected to rise 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, meaning that most people alive today will see the dramatic effects of climate change within their lifetime.
The depletion of natural resources occurs when resources are consumed at a faster rate than their replacement.

I am sure the is way above your head but keep trying.

Now here is something we can agree on, the world is running out of water along with less important resources like sand. America is drying up too. Plus our crop land is being depleted or sold off to the highest bidder,like China.
HELL YEAH. Sure they came for a better life, but did they have to enslave a people, kill others and steal to do it.??? Sound much like what you are accusing illegal aliens of doing?

Seems the first slaves were brought into the American Continent was by Latin peoples in South America. Portugal ships.


Histories of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade typically focus on those enslaved in the North American colonies and often overlook its Southern counterpart. However, those enslaved in North America during the colonial period were a minority; only 6% of Africans were taken to the East Coast of North America between 1500 and 1870. Slave imports from Africa were overwhelmingly taken to South America and the Caribbean. Although the Southern United States is renowned for its past brutality towards the slave population, those enslaved in areas such as Brazil, Colombia and Bolivia experienced a much harsher reality.

Yet, not unlike North America, slavery existed in South America even before African slave impo...

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