We cannot fix the border problem AT THE BORDER.

HELL YEAH. Sure they came for a better life, but did they have to enslave a people, kill others and steal to do it.??? ...
What do you think the native peoples did to each other for tens of thousands of years before the smelly Europeans arrived?
Once the drug cartels have brought the illegal immigrants and the Fentanyl and the weapons to our border IT"S TOO LATE. We need to cut off all foreign aid immediately until the outflow of illegals from those countries stops. We need to confront China about the raw Fentanyl chemicals they are shipping to Mexico. And in the case of Mexico, take control of their Southern border, their airports and their seaports. This is an attack no matter how Biden and his lapdog media is soft selling it. Does anyone think that adding 2 million MORE illegals and 100 million MORE Fentanyl pills will make things BETTER next year?
Time to finally fine and imprison those employers who hire illegals.
The solution is obvious, but republicans fucking hate the idea.

Put teeth into employment verification. Require an employer to use E-Verify to confirm employment eligibilbity. If they don't, mandatory 1 year in jail. Including HR departments, even CEOs.

If an employer does use E-Verify and the check comes back clean, they are *completely* absolved of any later discovery that the E-Verify system was inaccurate.

Its like drugs: target the dealers. And American employers are the dealers of employement for illegal immigrants.

It would work, its cheap, would be easy to implement and require only a couple dozen high profile examples of prosecution for offending employers before the business world got the message.

There's no chance of the GOP getting behind for several reasons. One, it doesn't punish brown people. Two, too many of their constituents rely on illegal labor. Three, solving the problem would reveal the VERY real dependence of our nation on illegal labor by resulting in massive labor shortages and more inflation.

What the GOP wants.....is cheap labor that's easy to control. And stripping a workforce of legal protections makes workers afraid and disposable. Which means they won't be demanding raises, better working conditions, or asking many questions. Which is exactly how the GOP wants the working class.

Yeah. That it’s like drugs made it laughable.

Before the cop is done writing the report on a dealer arrest another is selling in the same place.
Once the drug cartels have brought the illegal immigrants and the Fentanyl and the weapons to our border IT"S TOO LATE. We need to cut off all foreign aid immediately until the outflow of illegals from those countries stops. We need to confront China about the raw Fentanyl chemicals they are shipping to Mexico. And in the case of Mexico, take control of their Southern border, their airports and their seaports. This is an attack no matter how Biden and his lapdog media is soft selling it. Does anyone think that adding 2 million MORE illegals and 100 million MORE Fentanyl pills will make things BETTER next year?

So you admit the border wall would do nothing. Great.

Cut foreign aid. Ok. You do know. Of course you don’t. Never mind. Most of the money goes to military aid to help fight the drugs.

Seize Mexico? Have you read any history? Veracruz ring any bells? The hunt for Ponco Villa?
What do you think the native peoples did to each other for tens of thousands of years before the smelly Europeans

sure they fought among themselves but not to the extent of genocide that the Europeans did. White people have been fighting among themselves also from the beginning of time. But stupid to compare that to what the Europeans did to blacks and natives. And to native children in boarding schools. The biggest threat to Americans now is not illegal aliens but Domestic Terrorists. The FBI classifies domestic terrorism threats into four main categories: racially motivated violent extremism, anti-government/anti-authority extremism, animal rights/environmental extremism, and abortion extremism.May 8, 2019
Seems the first slaves were brought into the American Continent was by Latin peoples in South America. Portugal ships.


Histories of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade typically focus on those enslaved in the North American colonies and often overlook its Southern counterpart. However, those enslaved in North America during the colonial period were a minority; only 6% of Africans were taken to the East Coast of North America between 1500 and 1870. Slave imports from Africa were overwhelmingly taken to South America and the Caribbean. Although the Southern United States is renowned for its past brutality towards the slave population, those enslaved in areas such as Brazil, Colombia and Bolivia experienced a much harsher reality.

Yet, not unlike North America, slavery existed in South America even before African slave impo...
Unrelated to almost 400 years of slavery in the USA.
The FBI classifies domestic terrorism threats into four main categories: racially motivated violent extremism, anti-government/anti-authority extremism, animal rights/environmental extremism, and abortion extremism.May 8, 2019

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