We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

Mac voted for Hillary. For all his complaining about regressive lefties like you, when push comes to shove, he sides with you.

That you despise him for not being ideologically pure, is lefties attacking each other.

Which I saw coming.
It's far more that I was voting AGAINST someone ELSE, but that's close enough. I do lean Left.

I would say, that you would always find a "Reason", but you did vote for GHWBush....

Of course that might have just been the "folly" of youth.

I look forwards to seeing how you react as things keep getting better.
I suspect you've seen me celebrate successes and good news, and remain hopeful, regardless of the White House occupant.

Again, I ask: Can you understand that I voted for Candidate A over Candidate B because I disliked them less?

The Regressive Left, is a huge movement that is likely to rule this nation, as a defacto One Party State within our lifetimes.

And it will be a fucking disaster. That will, AT LEAST, cause permanent and lasting harm to this nation.

Trump is one old man, who will be lucky to live though out his two terms, then he will be gone.

NONE of his proposed policies are likely to fundamentally change America, or the basic trends of American society.

There is nothing about Trump that justifies validating Hillary's tactics or ideology.
From your perspective.

That is my well thought out analysis of it.

What part of the world looks different to you?

Do you deny that Trump is old?
YOu don't realize how deep they have their hooks in you.
Yeah, okay. It must have someone ELSE talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised debate and saying "I have the best words", among a zillion or so other embarrassing antics.

And I think your post is pretty ironic, for the record. I hear talk radio saying all the same things, pretty much word for word.
Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?
I don't understand why you can't see my reasoning: I didn't care much for Hillary, but I cared even less for Trump.

My issues with the Regressive Left had to take a back seat to that higher priority.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

Because the concerns about Trump were panic mongerings, FROM the regressive left.

There is nothing radical about Trump's policies, nor actions.

Rump's issues have nothing to do with "right" or "left". Nor does he have any position on that scale anyway.

His issues are entirely about character. Always were. And as long as he takes positions on the basis of what will serve Numero Uno as opposed to positions one actually believes in ---- they always will be.

Sorry, I don't feel like talking about serious issues with a child today.

Try again tomorrow.

Yeah I knew that would sail over your head.

That's fine. Point is made. And you have no response.

No, I got your point. I just don't feel like taking the time to talk to a child. Today.

Try again tomorrow. I might be more wiling to spend the energy to treat you with the kid gloves you so obviously need.
It's far more that I was voting AGAINST someone ELSE, but that's close enough. I do lean Left.

I would say, that you would always find a "Reason", but you did vote for GHWBush....

Of course that might have just been the "folly" of youth.

I look forwards to seeing how you react as things keep getting better.
I suspect you've seen me celebrate successes and good news, and remain hopeful, regardless of the White House occupant.

Again, I ask: Can you understand that I voted for Candidate A over Candidate B because I disliked them less?

The Regressive Left, is a huge movement that is likely to rule this nation, as a defacto One Party State within our lifetimes.

And it will be a fucking disaster. That will, AT LEAST, cause permanent and lasting harm to this nation.

Trump is one old man, who will be lucky to live though out his two terms, then he will be gone.

NONE of his proposed policies are likely to fundamentally change America, or the basic trends of American society.

There is nothing about Trump that justifies validating Hillary's tactics or ideology.
From your perspective.

That is my well thought out analysis of it.

What part of the world looks different to you?

Do you deny that Trump is old?
I don't know, depends on your definition of "old".

What a strange question.
Yup. What is there to compromise on with the left? Their party has been hijacked by radical loons.

Mac talks a good game about being against the Regressives in charge of his party.

BUt when it was time to be counted, he pulled the lever for the Queen of Regressives, Hillary Clinton.

Until people like Mac, are willing to put country over party, compromise is a fools game.

IF mac had been able to vote for Trump, I would be much more willing to listen to talk of compromise.

How ironic. Your only talk of 'compromise' is how it best suits your party first. If only people just voted for 'your' crook, then you might be open to compromise. Fuck that. You pervert the term of 'compromise' when you clearly state there is no compromise to begin with. Both extremes made their own beds. Time to pay the piper. Double down. Don't be wimps.

I'd rather see the extremists off each other on live TV. Then, the rest of us will be done with them for good and we can purge this shitty chapter of current society and move on to something more... productive? Who's with me?

Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?
I don't understand why you can't see my reasoning: I didn't care much for Hillary, but I cared even less for Trump.

My issues with the Regressive Left had to take a back seat to that higher priority.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

Because the concerns about Trump were panic mongerings, FROM the regressive left.

There is nothing radical about Trump's policies, nor actions.

*I* had concerns about the Orange Virus five years ago when he ran. I predicted this shit. I knew he was low rent since the 80s, and he's even more low rent today. He's a poor excuse for a dime-a-dozen 'business man' and a poor person's idea of a rich guy. It has nothing to do with political bent, because he used to be a Democrat. He's just an obnoxious loudmouth and carnival show barker.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
The only people you can compromise with are those you have common views on
You can't collaborate with people who hate what you stand for
You can't cooperate with people who hate your very existence.
The two ends are choosing to hate each other. No one is making this happen.

So we may need each of them to get their shit together before asking them to work together.
I don't want to work with them because we have nothing in common and calling yourself an American doesn't make that something in common.
The real fact is that when the Demorats control both houses, the Repubs tried to reach across the isle and got shafted with a lot of Progressive crap and received very little back. So why get a candy bar and receive the wrapper as your part. They have had power so long that when they lost it they become "shell shocked" and still have not recovered. They act like kids who got beat and want to smack you around and bring blood. They have resorted to violence and threats, and bullying to get the other side to back down and not companion or have Town Hall meetings, they hire outside orgs to do the violence and disruptions to any event. Disruption of any type violent or noise prevail. I am sure that murder is the next step and have no idea of who the victim will be but you can count on it. I for one fear no one, and will not stand for it.
YOu don't realize how deep they have their hooks in you.
Yeah, okay. It must have someone ELSE talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised debate and saying "I have the best words", among a zillion or so other embarrassing antics.

And I think your post is pretty ironic, for the record. I hear talk radio saying all the same things, pretty much word for word.

"Embarrassing antics"?

That is your reason for validating the Godwin mongering, the panic mongering, the identify politics, the smearing of nearly half the nation, ect, ect ect. of HIllary?

That does not make sense.

Also, Mark Rubio is the one that started the dick debate.

And Trump is not one to let a challenge like that, go unanswered.
I would say, that you would always find a "Reason", but you did vote for GHWBush....

Of course that might have just been the "folly" of youth.

I look forwards to seeing how you react as things keep getting better.
I suspect you've seen me celebrate successes and good news, and remain hopeful, regardless of the White House occupant.

Again, I ask: Can you understand that I voted for Candidate A over Candidate B because I disliked them less?

The Regressive Left, is a huge movement that is likely to rule this nation, as a defacto One Party State within our lifetimes.

And it will be a fucking disaster. That will, AT LEAST, cause permanent and lasting harm to this nation.

Trump is one old man, who will be lucky to live though out his two terms, then he will be gone.

NONE of his proposed policies are likely to fundamentally change America, or the basic trends of American society.

There is nothing about Trump that justifies validating Hillary's tactics or ideology.
From your perspective.

That is my well thought out analysis of it.

What part of the world looks different to you?

Do you deny that Trump is old?
I don't know, depends on your definition of "old".

What a strange question.

No, it does not. He is old.

And it's not a strange question. YOu implied disagreement.

Do you disagree that, the Regressive Left is likely to rule this nation, as a defacto One Party State within our lifetimes?
Mac talks a good game about being against the Regressives in charge of his party.

BUt when it was time to be counted, he pulled the lever for the Queen of Regressives, Hillary Clinton.

Until people like Mac, are willing to put country over party, compromise is a fools game.

IF mac had been able to vote for Trump, I would be much more willing to listen to talk of compromise.

How ironic. Your only talk of 'compromise' is how it best suits your party first. If only people just voted for 'your' crook, then you might be open to compromise. Fuck that. You pervert the term of 'compromise' when you clearly state there is no compromise to begin with. Both extremes made their own beds. Time to pay the piper. Double down. Don't be wimps.

I'd rather see the extremists off each other on live TV. Then, the rest of us will be done with them for good and we can purge this shitty chapter of current society and move on to something more... productive? Who's with me?

Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?
I don't understand why you can't see my reasoning: I didn't care much for Hillary, but I cared even less for Trump.

My issues with the Regressive Left had to take a back seat to that higher priority.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

Because the concerns about Trump were panic mongerings, FROM the regressive left.

There is nothing radical about Trump's policies, nor actions.

*I* had concerns about the Orange Virus five years ago when he ran. I predicted this shit. I knew he was low rent since the 80s, and he's even more low rent today. He's a poor excuse for a dime-a-dozen 'business man' and a poor person's idea of a rich guy. It has nothing to do with political bent, because he used to be a Democrat. He's just an obnoxious loudmouth and carnival show barker.

WHat shit did you predict? The largest jump in manufacturing employment in over 10 years?
YOu don't realize how deep they have their hooks in you.
Yeah, okay. It must have someone ELSE talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised debate and saying "I have the best words", among a zillion or so other embarrassing antics.

And I think your post is pretty ironic, for the record. I hear talk radio saying all the same things, pretty much word for word.

"Embarrassing antics"?

That is your reason for validating the Godwin mongering, the panic mongering, the identify politics, the smearing of nearly half the nation, ect, ect ect. of HIllary?

That does not make sense.

Also, Mark Rubio is the one that started the dick debate.

And Trump is not one to let a challenge like that, go unanswered.
Good for him. He says what he says, no one makes him. We're all responsible for our words.

"But he started it" doesn't cut it for me.
I suspect you've seen me celebrate successes and good news, and remain hopeful, regardless of the White House occupant.

Again, I ask: Can you understand that I voted for Candidate A over Candidate B because I disliked them less?

The Regressive Left, is a huge movement that is likely to rule this nation, as a defacto One Party State within our lifetimes.

And it will be a fucking disaster. That will, AT LEAST, cause permanent and lasting harm to this nation.

Trump is one old man, who will be lucky to live though out his two terms, then he will be gone.

NONE of his proposed policies are likely to fundamentally change America, or the basic trends of American society.

There is nothing about Trump that justifies validating Hillary's tactics or ideology.
From your perspective.

That is my well thought out analysis of it.

What part of the world looks different to you?

Do you deny that Trump is old?
I don't know, depends on your definition of "old".

What a strange question.

No, it does not. He is old.

And it's not a strange question. YOu implied disagreement.

Do you disagree that, the Regressive Left is likely to rule this nation, as a defacto One Party State within our lifetimes?
It's possible, yes. Primarily because their opposition seems hell-bent on handing the keys to them.
YOu don't realize how deep they have their hooks in you.
Yeah, okay. It must have someone ELSE talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised debate and saying "I have the best words", among a zillion or so other embarrassing antics.

And I think your post is pretty ironic, for the record. I hear talk radio saying all the same things, pretty much word for word.

"Embarrassing antics"?

That is your reason for validating the Godwin mongering, the panic mongering, the identify politics, the smearing of nearly half the nation, ect, ect ect. of HIllary?

That does not make sense.

Also, Mark Rubio is the one that started the dick debate.

And Trump is not one to let a challenge like that, go unanswered.
Good for him. He says what he says, no one makes him. We're all responsible for our words.

"But he started it" doesn't cut it for me.

Why not?

What did you want? FOr Trump to let some one cast aspersions on his manhood with no pushback?

That type of "Being above it all", just allows those who play dirty to win.
YOu don't realize how deep they have their hooks in you.
Yeah, okay. It must have someone ELSE talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised debate and saying "I have the best words", among a zillion or so other embarrassing antics.

And I think your post is pretty ironic, for the record. I hear talk radio saying all the same things, pretty much word for word.

"Embarrassing antics"?

That is your reason for validating the Godwin mongering, the panic mongering, the identify politics, the smearing of nearly half the nation, ect, ect ect. of HIllary?

That does not make sense.

Also, Mark Rubio is the one that started the dick debate.

And Trump is not one to let a challenge like that, go unanswered.
Good for him. He says what he says, no one makes him. We're all responsible for our words.

"But he started it" doesn't cut it for me.

More to the point is that such abject inability to deal with any kind of criticism --- even to the point of sitting up all night sending whiny tweets about "blood coming out of her wherever" ---- demonstrates a profound weakness of character that is the opposite of desired traits in a "leader" and a striking arrested emotional development.
YOu don't realize how deep they have their hooks in you.
Yeah, okay. It must have someone ELSE talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised debate and saying "I have the best words", among a zillion or so other embarrassing antics.

And I think your post is pretty ironic, for the record. I hear talk radio saying all the same things, pretty much word for word.

"Embarrassing antics"?

That is your reason for validating the Godwin mongering, the panic mongering, the identify politics, the smearing of nearly half the nation, ect, ect ect. of HIllary?

That does not make sense.

Also, Mark Rubio is the one that started the dick debate.

And Trump is not one to let a challenge like that, go unanswered.
Good for him. He says what he says, no one makes him. We're all responsible for our words.

"But he started it" doesn't cut it for me.

Why not?

What did you want? FOr Trump to let some one cast aspersions on his manhood with no pushback?

That type of "Being above it all", just allows those who play dirty to win.
Yes, it would have been nice if he could have just been the adult in the room.

But that wouldn't have been Trump.
The Regressive Left, is a huge movement that is likely to rule this nation, as a defacto One Party State within our lifetimes.

And it will be a fucking disaster. That will, AT LEAST, cause permanent and lasting harm to this nation.

Trump is one old man, who will be lucky to live though out his two terms, then he will be gone.

NONE of his proposed policies are likely to fundamentally change America, or the basic trends of American society.

There is nothing about Trump that justifies validating Hillary's tactics or ideology.
From your perspective.

That is my well thought out analysis of it.

What part of the world looks different to you?

Do you deny that Trump is old?
I don't know, depends on your definition of "old".

What a strange question.

No, it does not. He is old.

And it's not a strange question. YOu implied disagreement.

Do you disagree that, the Regressive Left is likely to rule this nation, as a defacto One Party State within our lifetimes?
It's possible, yes. Primarily because their opposition seems hell-bent on handing the keys to them.

That is vastly more dangerous than Trump.

Your blaming of the republicans is more of how they are still in your head.
From your perspective.

That is my well thought out analysis of it.

What part of the world looks different to you?

Do you deny that Trump is old?
I don't know, depends on your definition of "old".

What a strange question.

No, it does not. He is old.

And it's not a strange question. YOu implied disagreement.

Do you disagree that, the Regressive Left is likely to rule this nation, as a defacto One Party State within our lifetimes?
It's possible, yes. Primarily because their opposition seems hell-bent on handing the keys to them.

That is vastly more dangerous than Trump.

Your blaming of the republicans is more of how they are still in your head.
Okay, great, thanks.
How ironic. Your only talk of 'compromise' is how it best suits your party first. If only people just voted for 'your' crook, then you might be open to compromise. Fuck that. You pervert the term of 'compromise' when you clearly state there is no compromise to begin with. Both extremes made their own beds. Time to pay the piper. Double down. Don't be wimps.

I'd rather see the extremists off each other on live TV. Then, the rest of us will be done with them for good and we can purge this shitty chapter of current society and move on to something more... productive? Who's with me?

Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?
I don't understand why you can't see my reasoning: I didn't care much for Hillary, but I cared even less for Trump.

My issues with the Regressive Left had to take a back seat to that higher priority.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

Because the concerns about Trump were panic mongerings, FROM the regressive left.

There is nothing radical about Trump's policies, nor actions.

*I* had concerns about the Orange Virus five years ago when he ran. I predicted this shit. I knew he was low rent since the 80s, and he's even more low rent today. He's a poor excuse for a dime-a-dozen 'business man' and a poor person's idea of a rich guy. It has nothing to do with political bent, because he used to be a Democrat. He's just an obnoxious loudmouth and carnival show barker.

WHat shit did you predict? The largest jump in manufacturing employment in over 10 years?

I predicted his run in 2016 and eventual win (even though I hated myself for it). As for your second remark, the Orange Virus is taking credit for a decent economy started by the previous administration. As for manufacturing, output is up, but jobs are at 1940s levels. In other words, you, like your president, live to exaggerate shit to root for your 'team' because you're nothing but a cheerleader. I'm tired of you types. You offer nothing constructive. Go shake your poms poms at someone who doesn't know better.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

There will never be the cooperation of ideas, when all politics are strictly ideologically driven with the attitude of "it's my way or get out of the way". That approach is guaranteed to fail, when you have a country that achieved it's greatness by citizens and leaders with a diverse menu of ideas and ideals.
There not enough adults in the room today leading America as demonstrated by some of the childish responses to the OP.
When the Prez VENTS I take it as a wind in the air. It just his way. You could say "locker room talk" we all have done it at one time or the other and people just let it go. What I look for in people is you can take a room of 10 people and at lease 2 of them are going to be assholes. I just don't want to be one of them. Trump is a aggressive person who uses all of the arrogation to get your attention and when the hammer fall his whole demeanor changes. Call him a name and he will call you one. Buttheads of the world wake up and smell the crap.
That is my well thought out analysis of it.

What part of the world looks different to you?

Do you deny that Trump is old?
I don't know, depends on your definition of "old".

What a strange question.

No, it does not. He is old.

And it's not a strange question. YOu implied disagreement.

Do you disagree that, the Regressive Left is likely to rule this nation, as a defacto One Party State within our lifetimes?
It's possible, yes. Primarily because their opposition seems hell-bent on handing the keys to them.

That is vastly more dangerous than Trump.

Your blaming of the republicans is more of how they are still in your head.
Okay, great, thanks.

Holy fuck, this guy is delusional...
YOu don't realize how deep they have their hooks in you.
Yeah, okay. It must have someone ELSE talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised debate and saying "I have the best words", among a zillion or so other embarrassing antics.

And I think your post is pretty ironic, for the record. I hear talk radio saying all the same things, pretty much word for word.

"Embarrassing antics"?

That is your reason for validating the Godwin mongering, the panic mongering, the identify politics, the smearing of nearly half the nation, ect, ect ect. of HIllary?

That does not make sense.

Also, Mark Rubio is the one that started the dick debate.

And Trump is not one to let a challenge like that, go unanswered.
Good for him. He says what he says, no one makes him. We're all responsible for our words.

"But he started it" doesn't cut it for me.

Why not?

What did you want? FOr Trump to let some one cast aspersions on his manhood with no pushback?

That type of "Being above it all", just allows those who play dirty to win.
Yes, it would have been nice if he could have just been the adult in the room.

But that wouldn't have been Trump.

Would you have respect that? WOuld you have voted for him then?

Or would you have just focused, or been focused on some other reason to vote against him?

That type of "above it all" is just seen as weakness in today's America.

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