We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

I agree completely that the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left (as compared to actual liberals) are prepared to impose more and more restrictions on rights, and I often wonder how far they would go if given enough latitude.
And there you go again blaming both sides, er.... er.... wait a minute you are only blaming the Left. Why didn't you point out that the Right wants to insert the law and a judge between a woman and her doctor, mister both sides do it???
I made one (1) specific comment in specific response to one (1) specific point within one (1) specific context.

Wow, pretty much anything I say can make you lose your shit. Too funny. I am all-powerful.

You go through the whole thread criticizing both sides. You make one statement against the left for something they clearly do and Ed says you only blame one side. Typical left. They're like the traditional Israel, if you're 1% against us, you're 100% against us. If you're 50/50, that makes you the devil's evil brother
The Regressives absolutely hate being compared or equated, to any degree whatsoever, with those they hate so much.

So they lose their shit. Like clockwork.
Thanks for the lesson in adulting, Mac. How is that 10 year experiment coming along? Any helpful conclusions yet?
I'm sure this means something.

Too many people like this, with too much influence.

There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?

You keep that attitude. Right wingers are already attacking each other. I saw that coming.

Mac voted for Hillary. For all his complaining about regressive lefties like you, when push comes to shove, he sides with you.

That you despise him for not being ideologically pure, is lefties attacking each other.

Which I saw coming.
Thanks for the lesson in adulting, Mac. How is that 10 year experiment coming along? Any helpful conclusions yet?
I'm sure this means something.

Too many people like this, with too much influence.

There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?

You keep that attitude. Right wingers are already attacking each other. I saw that coming.

Mac voted for Hillary. For all his complaining about regressive lefties like you, when push comes to shove, he sides with you.

That you despise him for not being ideologically pure, is lefties attacking each other.

Which I saw coming.
It's far more that I was voting AGAINST someone ELSE, but that's close enough. I do lean Left.
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I agree completely that the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left (as compared to actual liberals) are prepared to impose more and more restrictions on rights, and I often wonder how far they would go if given enough latitude.
And there you go again blaming both sides, er.... er.... wait a minute you are only blaming the Left. Why didn't you point out that the Right wants to insert the law and a judge between a woman and her doctor, mister both sides do it???

That's a popular misconception of people who aren't "in the tribal wars". Generally the 1/2 that loses also loses it's mind for 4 or 8 years and just is more needy of "intervention". Right now -- the childish hissy fits are coming from the left. And I'm concerned that this is gonna go too far this time.

I mean C'mon... The LEADER and the Assistant leader of your party are out there sounding like Cuban Revolutionaries. It's a target rich environment for pointing out incivility, ill logic, radicalization and general meltdowns.

Repub leadership is too wimpy and scared to ever stir the pot. They suddenly become silent monks when they're getting rolled... McTurtle just locks up his shell anytime there's conflict. Or when Trump angry tweets at him. Where's the comedy material in that? :icon_rolleyes:
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So you completely ignore the information I gave you...that shows you are wrong.....good to know.

Naw, guy, we've heard your NRA Spooge a thousand times before, and it's boring.

You keep saying NRA, as if that has some bearing on what I post...... please, show me the link to the NRA that I use.....
That's a popular misconception of people who aren't "in the tribal wars". Generally the 1/2 that loses also loses it's mind for 4 or 8 years and just is more needy of "intervention". Right now -- the childish hissy fits are coming from the left. And I'm concerned that this is gonna go too far this time.

I'm concerned it isn't going far enough.

We have kids in concentration camps. When do we get upset, when they start turning them into lampshades? Oh, wait, we have people in another thread denying the lampshade thing even happened.

I mean C'mon... The LEADER and the Assistant leader of your party are out there sounding like Cuban Revolutionaries. It's a target rich environment for pointing out incivility, ill logic, radicalization and general meltdowns.

Yes, yes, the White Nationalist who Trump brought into the White House was so upset that the staff at a Sushi resturant yelled at him that he threw away his Sushi...

Repub leadership is too wimpy and scared to ever stir the pot. They suddenly become silent monks when they're getting rolled... McTurtle just locks up his shell anytime there's conflict. Or when Trump angry tweets at him. Where's the comedy material in that?

Uh, did you miss the part where Trump called people animals, made fun of the disabled, or the Free Press the enemy of the people? But someone didn't get to enjoy his dinner, that's the important thing.
That's a popular misconception of people who aren't "in the tribal wars". Generally the 1/2 that loses also loses it's mind for 4 or 8 years and just is more needy of "intervention". Right now -- the childish hissy fits are coming from the left. And I'm concerned that this is gonna go too far this time.

I'm concerned it isn't going far enough.

We have kids in concentration camps. When do we get upset, when they start turning them into lampshades? Oh, wait, we have people in another thread denying the lampshade thing even happened.

I mean C'mon... The LEADER and the Assistant leader of your party are out there sounding like Cuban Revolutionaries. It's a target rich environment for pointing out incivility, ill logic, radicalization and general meltdowns.

Yes, yes, the White Nationalist who Trump brought into the White House was so upset that the staff at a Sushi resturant yelled at him that he threw away his Sushi...

Repub leadership is too wimpy and scared to ever stir the pot. They suddenly become silent monks when they're getting rolled... McTurtle just locks up his shell anytime there's conflict. Or when Trump angry tweets at him. Where's the comedy material in that?

Uh, did you miss the part where Trump called people animals, made fun of the disabled, or the Free Press the enemy of the people? But someone didn't get to enjoy his dinner, that's the important thing.

Seek help. Seriously... You've blasted off from reality base here. And it's a long way back down.
If they are in jail for 30 years we won't have to worry about their ignoring gun laws..... that's the point.

We lock up 2.2 million people. If locking people up deterred crime, we wouldn't have any crime.

We are locking people up for stealing slices of pizza for life.

It stopped California from allowing millions of illegal aliens, dead people and voters voting multiple times from stealing the election for Hillary. That's a pretty good record

I heard they also stopped unicorns and manticores from voting... which is about as credible.

you guys have been singing the "dead voter" nonsense since 2000... and every investigation you have had of it came up with nothing.
Mac voted for Hillary. For all his complaining about regressive lefties like you, when push comes to shove, he sides with you.

So what?

Hillary was an awful candidate.. The fact that people like Mac wanted her is part of the problem. You don't stand for anything, no one stands for you.

Seek help. Seriously... You've blasted off from reality base here. And it's a long way back down.

Your grandparents didn't flee Nazi Germany... Frankly, I don't feel much like repeating history.
It's far more that I was voting AGAINST someone ELSE, but that's close enough. I do lean Left.

Sure you do, buddy.

Except for the tacit endorsement of Nazis on campus.

And the Islamophobia

And the whining every time an oppressed minority pushed back...
Thanks for the lesson in adulting, Mac. How is that 10 year experiment coming along? Any helpful conclusions yet?
I'm sure this means something.

Too many people like this, with too much influence.

There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?

What a load of ignorance-based paranoia.

The goal of both parties is EXACTLY the same...to get and retain power.

If the Dems want to suppress the Reps...then it's no more then the Reps want to suppress the Dems.

Your claim of equivalence is a joke.

The Dems policies of open borders and Third world immigration is leading to a defacto one party state.

This is not something I made up. Dems have been gloating about this, more and more openly as time has gone on.

Republicans have no similar opposing plan.

NOt to mention that Republicans don't have policies of oppressing their opponents, especially en mass as the democrats do.
That's a popular misconception of people who aren't "in the tribal wars". Generally the 1/2 that loses also loses it's mind for 4 or 8 years and just is more needy of "intervention". Right now -- the childish hissy fits are coming from the left. And I'm concerned that this is gonna go too far this time.

I'm concerned it isn't going far enough.

We have kids in concentration camps. When do we get upset, when they start turning them into lampshades? Oh, wait, we have people in another thread denying the lampshade thing even happened.

I mean C'mon... The LEADER and the Assistant leader of your party are out there sounding like Cuban Revolutionaries. It's a target rich environment for pointing out incivility, ill logic, radicalization and general meltdowns.

Yes, yes, the White Nationalist who Trump brought into the White House was so upset that the staff at a Sushi resturant yelled at him that he threw away his Sushi...

Repub leadership is too wimpy and scared to ever stir the pot. They suddenly become silent monks when they're getting rolled... McTurtle just locks up his shell anytime there's conflict. Or when Trump angry tweets at him. Where's the comedy material in that?

Uh, did you miss the part where Trump called people animals, made fun of the disabled, or the Free Press the enemy of the people? But someone didn't get to enjoy his dinner, that's the important thing.

Concentration camps? Really joe, you have to stop mixing our meds with your booze......it is destroying your brain even faster than before.....
If they are in jail for 30 years we won't have to worry about their ignoring gun laws..... that's the point.

We lock up 2.2 million people. If locking people up deterred crime, we wouldn't have any crime.

We are locking people up for stealing slices of pizza for life.

It stopped California from allowing millions of illegal aliens, dead people and voters voting multiple times from stealing the election for Hillary. That's a pretty good record

I heard they also stopped unicorns and manticores from voting... which is about as credible.

you guys have been singing the "dead voter" nonsense since 2000... and every investigation you have had of it came up with nothing.

Wrong, they keep letting violent, repeat gun offenders out of jail in under 3 years..... we just had a guy arrested on July 2 for several felonies including illegal gun possession and using a gun in commission of a felony, bonded out for 10 grand, by July 5 he was arrested again for felony gun murder.....

You don't know what you are talking about...
Repub leadership is too wimpy and scared to ever stir the pot. They suddenly become silent monks when they're getting rolled... McTurtle just locks up his shell anytime there's conflict.
Suer, and Turtle didn't block Obama's nomination for the Extreme Court, he's that wimpy, oh wait a minute.
The GOP have never been wimpy, it's the STUPID Democrats who are wimpy, which is why I never vote for them!
obama was the closest we've ever come to a fascist president.
This is so damn stupid.
If you knew what a fascist was you wouldn't be saying that

What has Trump done that is fascist?
Took control of any industry?
Healthcare system? The banks?
Has he fired any CEO'S?
No wait that was all obama.
Wrong, they keep letting violent, repeat gun offenders out of jail in under 3 years..... we just had a guy arrested on July 2 for several felonies including illegal gun possession and using a gun in commission of a felony, bonded out for 10 grand, by July 5 he was arrested again for felony gun murder.....

You don't know what you are talking about...

But whatever he was in for, they needed that cell for someone who was worse.

That's what you don't get buddy. We only have a finite number of jail cells. We can only lock up so many people.

So if you want to lock up someone for "having a gun while not white', you are going to have to let someone else out.
Democrats have guns, no one wants to take away all the guns, stop crying, lots of people even Republicans want us to stop fighting & find ways together to slow down mass shootings & protect are school children. its not 1950 any more there is no going back.
If they are in jail for 30 years we won't have to worry about their ignoring gun laws..... that's the point.

We lock up 2.2 million people. If locking people up deterred crime, we wouldn't have any crime.

We are locking people up for stealing slices of pizza for life.

If we lock people up for committing crimes, there wouldn't be any crime.


And wtf, who are we locking up for stealing a piece of pizza? You live in a bubble, Joe

It stopped California from allowing millions of illegal aliens, dead people and voters voting multiple times from stealing the election for Hillary. That's a pretty good record

I heard they also stopped unicorns and manticores from voting... which is about as credible.

you guys have been singing the "dead voter" nonsense since 2000... and every investigation you have had of it came up with nothing.

That's funny. I just laugh at you so much, Joe. And speaking of your bubble:

Joe: Illegal aliens may stream across the border by the million and we are giving them drivers licenses and not checking ID to vote, but believing they are voting is like believing in unicorns.

Reality is a concept way, way beyond your grasp. It's amazing how self centered anger and greed can get you to believe in anything Joe
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