We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

That's funny. I just laugh at you so much, Joe.

Joe: Illegal aliens may stream across the border by the million and we are giving them drivers licenses and not checking ID to vote, but believing they are voting is like believing in unicorns.

Reality is a concept way, way beyond your grasp. It's amazing how self centered anger and greed can get you to believe in anything Joe

Except you guys have yet to prove that they are voting illegally, and you've had several investigations in the Bush years trying to legitimize Bush by proving just that.

Trump didn't even try to pretend to do an investigation to validate his claims.
If they are in jail for 30 years we won't have to worry about their ignoring gun laws..... that's the point.

We lock up 2.2 million people. If locking people up deterred crime, we wouldn't have any crime.

We are locking people up for stealing slices of pizza for life.

It stopped California from allowing millions of illegal aliens, dead people and voters voting multiple times from stealing the election for Hillary. That's a pretty good record

I heard they also stopped unicorns and manticores from voting... which is about as credible.

you guys have been singing the "dead voter" nonsense since 2000... and every investigation you have had of it came up with nothing.

Wrong, they keep letting violent, repeat gun offenders out of jail in under 3 years..... we just had a guy arrested on July 2 for several felonies including illegal gun possession and using a gun in commission of a felony, bonded out for 10 grand, by July 5 he was arrested again for felony gun murder.....

You don't know what you are talking about...

Wanting to allow illegal aliens to flood the country may be immoral, but at least it's clear why Democrats do it. Votes.

But putting violent criminals back on the street doesn't seem to serve any even selfish interest of the left. It just proves that they aren't just self absorbed, they are evil
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That's funny. I just laugh at you so much, Joe.

Joe: Illegal aliens may stream across the border by the million and we are giving them drivers licenses and not checking ID to vote, but believing they are voting is like believing in unicorns.

Reality is a concept way, way beyond your grasp. It's amazing how self centered anger and greed can get you to believe in anything Joe

Except you guys have yet to prove that they are voting illegally, and you've had several investigations in the Bush years trying to legitimize Bush by proving just that.

Trump didn't even try to pretend to do an investigation to validate his claims.

What investigations?

Democrats: Block all serious investigations into voter fraud

Democrats: So where's the proof???
Thanks for the lesson in adulting, Mac. How is that 10 year experiment coming along? Any helpful conclusions yet?
I'm sure this means something.

Too many people like this, with too much influence.

There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?
Yup. What is there to compromise on with the left? Their party has been hijacked by radical loons.

Mac talks a good game about being against the Regressives in charge of his party.

BUt when it was time to be counted, he pulled the lever for the Queen of Regressives, Hillary Clinton.

Until people like Mac, are willing to put country over party, compromise is a fools game.

IF mac had been able to vote for Trump, I would be much more willing to listen to talk of compromise.

How ironic. Your only talk of 'compromise' is how it best suits your party first. If only people just voted for 'your' crook, then you might be open to compromise. Fuck that. You pervert the term of 'compromise' when you clearly state there is no compromise to begin with. Both extremes made their own beds. Time to pay the piper. Double down. Don't be wimps.

I'd rather see the extremists off each other on live TV. Then, the rest of us will be done with them for good and we can purge this shitty chapter of current society and move on to something more... productive? Who's with me?

Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?
I'm sure this means something.

Too many people like this, with too much influence.

There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?
Yup. What is there to compromise on with the left? Their party has been hijacked by radical loons.

Mac talks a good game about being against the Regressives in charge of his party.

BUt when it was time to be counted, he pulled the lever for the Queen of Regressives, Hillary Clinton.

Until people like Mac, are willing to put country over party, compromise is a fools game.

IF mac had been able to vote for Trump, I would be much more willing to listen to talk of compromise.

How ironic. Your only talk of 'compromise' is how it best suits your party first. If only people just voted for 'your' crook, then you might be open to compromise. Fuck that. You pervert the term of 'compromise' when you clearly state there is no compromise to begin with. Both extremes made their own beds. Time to pay the piper. Double down. Don't be wimps.

I'd rather see the extremists off each other on live TV. Then, the rest of us will be done with them for good and we can purge this shitty chapter of current society and move on to something more... productive? Who's with me?

Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?
I don't understand why you can't see my reasoning: I didn't care much for Hillary, but I cared even less for Trump.

My issues with the Regressive Left had to take a back seat to that higher priority.

Why is that so difficult to understand?
Thanks for the lesson in adulting, Mac. How is that 10 year experiment coming along? Any helpful conclusions yet?
I'm sure this means something.

Too many people like this, with too much influence.

There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?

You keep that attitude. Right wingers are already attacking each other. I saw that coming.

Mac voted for Hillary. For all his complaining about regressive lefties like you, when push comes to shove, he sides with you.

That you despise him for not being ideologically pure, is lefties attacking each other.

Which I saw coming.
It's far more that I was voting AGAINST someone ELSE, but that's close enough. I do lean Left.

I would say, that you would always find a "Reason", but you did vote for GHWBush....

Of course that might have just been the "folly" of youth.

I look forwards to seeing how you react as things keep getting better.
I'm sure this means something.

Too many people like this, with too much influence.

There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?

You keep that attitude. Right wingers are already attacking each other. I saw that coming.

Mac voted for Hillary. For all his complaining about regressive lefties like you, when push comes to shove, he sides with you.

That you despise him for not being ideologically pure, is lefties attacking each other.

Which I saw coming.
It's far more that I was voting AGAINST someone ELSE, but that's close enough. I do lean Left.

I would say, that you would always find a "Reason", but you did vote for GHWBush....

Of course that might have just been the "folly" of youth.

I look forwards to seeing how you react as things keep getting better.
I suspect you've seen me celebrate successes and good news, and remain hopeful, regardless of the White House occupant.

Again, I ask: Can you understand that I voted for Candidate A over Candidate B because I disliked them less?
Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

IF mac had been able to vote for Trump, I would be much more willing to listen to talk of compromise.

^^^Your words.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

Many believe you deserve nothing, and that's exactly what you'll get from them.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Clinton isn't President, thus your example is tired and overplayed at best.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?

Sure I do. But that, and a dollar won't even get you a cup of coffee in most places. Being a concern troll is a further waste of time, IMHO.
There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?

You keep that attitude. Right wingers are already attacking each other. I saw that coming.

Mac voted for Hillary. For all his complaining about regressive lefties like you, when push comes to shove, he sides with you.

That you despise him for not being ideologically pure, is lefties attacking each other.

Which I saw coming.
It's far more that I was voting AGAINST someone ELSE, but that's close enough. I do lean Left.

I would say, that you would always find a "Reason", but you did vote for GHWBush....

Of course that might have just been the "folly" of youth.

I look forwards to seeing how you react as things keep getting better.
I suspect you've seen me celebrate successes and good news, and remain hopeful, regardless of the White House occupant.

Again, I ask: Can you understand that I voted for Candidate A over Candidate B because I disliked them less?

And I voted for candidate C because I actually liked them.

Lesser, and lesser, and lesser, and lesser ....
You keep that attitude. Right wingers are already attacking each other. I saw that coming.

Mac voted for Hillary. For all his complaining about regressive lefties like you, when push comes to shove, he sides with you.

That you despise him for not being ideologically pure, is lefties attacking each other.

Which I saw coming.
It's far more that I was voting AGAINST someone ELSE, but that's close enough. I do lean Left.

I would say, that you would always find a "Reason", but you did vote for GHWBush....

Of course that might have just been the "folly" of youth.

I look forwards to seeing how you react as things keep getting better.
I suspect you've seen me celebrate successes and good news, and remain hopeful, regardless of the White House occupant.

Again, I ask: Can you understand that I voted for Candidate A over Candidate B because I disliked them less?

And I voted for candidate C because I actually liked them.

Lesser, and lesser, and lesser, and lesser ....
Given the fact that Hillary was the Dem nominee, I would have preferred to vote third party as well.

But I knew that if either Trump or Cruz were nominated, I'd have to hold my nose, with both hands, and vote for her.
There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?
Yup. What is there to compromise on with the left? Their party has been hijacked by radical loons.

Mac talks a good game about being against the Regressives in charge of his party.

BUt when it was time to be counted, he pulled the lever for the Queen of Regressives, Hillary Clinton.

Until people like Mac, are willing to put country over party, compromise is a fools game.

IF mac had been able to vote for Trump, I would be much more willing to listen to talk of compromise.

How ironic. Your only talk of 'compromise' is how it best suits your party first. If only people just voted for 'your' crook, then you might be open to compromise. Fuck that. You pervert the term of 'compromise' when you clearly state there is no compromise to begin with. Both extremes made their own beds. Time to pay the piper. Double down. Don't be wimps.

I'd rather see the extremists off each other on live TV. Then, the rest of us will be done with them for good and we can purge this shitty chapter of current society and move on to something more... productive? Who's with me?

Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?
I don't understand why you can't see my reasoning: I didn't care much for Hillary, but I cared even less for Trump.

My issues with the Regressive Left had to take a back seat to that higher priority.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

Because the concerns about Trump were panic mongerings, FROM the regressive left.

There is nothing radical about Trump's policies, nor actions.
There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?

You keep that attitude. Right wingers are already attacking each other. I saw that coming.

Mac voted for Hillary. For all his complaining about regressive lefties like you, when push comes to shove, he sides with you.

That you despise him for not being ideologically pure, is lefties attacking each other.

Which I saw coming.
It's far more that I was voting AGAINST someone ELSE, but that's close enough. I do lean Left.

I would say, that you would always find a "Reason", but you did vote for GHWBush....

Of course that might have just been the "folly" of youth.

I look forwards to seeing how you react as things keep getting better.
I suspect you've seen me celebrate successes and good news, and remain hopeful, regardless of the White House occupant.

Again, I ask: Can you understand that I voted for Candidate A over Candidate B because I disliked them less?

The Regressive Left, is a huge movement that is likely to rule this nation, as a defacto One Party State within our lifetimes.

And it will be a fucking disaster. That will, AT LEAST, cause permanent and lasting harm to this nation.

Trump is one old man, who will be lucky to live though out his two terms, then he will be gone.

NONE of his proposed policies are likely to fundamentally change America, or the basic trends of American society.

There is nothing about Trump that justifies validating Hillary's tactics or ideology.
Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

IF mac had been able to vote for Trump, I would be much more willing to listen to talk of compromise.

^^^Your words.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

Many believe you deserve nothing, and that's exactly what you'll get from them.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Clinton isn't President, thus your example is tired and overplayed at best.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?

Sure I do. But that, and a dollar won't even get you a cup of coffee in most places. Being a concern troll is a further waste of time, IMHO.

1. Yes, I mentioned compromise in a reply to Mac about something he said about compromise.

2. I'm well aware of the enmity that much of the Left has for me and people like me. That's basically another way of saying that they have no interesting in working with me, or compromising with me. What part of this is confusing to you?

3. My point about Mac, and moderate dems like him, voting for HIllary is valid. Your point that "she is not President" did not address my point. At all.
Yup. What is there to compromise on with the left? Their party has been hijacked by radical loons.

Mac talks a good game about being against the Regressives in charge of his party.

BUt when it was time to be counted, he pulled the lever for the Queen of Regressives, Hillary Clinton.

Until people like Mac, are willing to put country over party, compromise is a fools game.

IF mac had been able to vote for Trump, I would be much more willing to listen to talk of compromise.

How ironic. Your only talk of 'compromise' is how it best suits your party first. If only people just voted for 'your' crook, then you might be open to compromise. Fuck that. You pervert the term of 'compromise' when you clearly state there is no compromise to begin with. Both extremes made their own beds. Time to pay the piper. Double down. Don't be wimps.

I'd rather see the extremists off each other on live TV. Then, the rest of us will be done with them for good and we can purge this shitty chapter of current society and move on to something more... productive? Who's with me?

Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?
I don't understand why you can't see my reasoning: I didn't care much for Hillary, but I cared even less for Trump.

My issues with the Regressive Left had to take a back seat to that higher priority.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

Because the concerns about Trump were panic mongerings, FROM the regressive left.

There is nothing radical about Trump's policies, nor actions.
Yup, he bought it hook line and sinker just like my youngest daughter, who to this day still has her head in the sand.
Yup. What is there to compromise on with the left? Their party has been hijacked by radical loons.

Mac talks a good game about being against the Regressives in charge of his party.

BUt when it was time to be counted, he pulled the lever for the Queen of Regressives, Hillary Clinton.

Until people like Mac, are willing to put country over party, compromise is a fools game.

IF mac had been able to vote for Trump, I would be much more willing to listen to talk of compromise.

How ironic. Your only talk of 'compromise' is how it best suits your party first. If only people just voted for 'your' crook, then you might be open to compromise. Fuck that. You pervert the term of 'compromise' when you clearly state there is no compromise to begin with. Both extremes made their own beds. Time to pay the piper. Double down. Don't be wimps.

I'd rather see the extremists off each other on live TV. Then, the rest of us will be done with them for good and we can purge this shitty chapter of current society and move on to something more... productive? Who's with me?

Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?
I don't understand why you can't see my reasoning: I didn't care much for Hillary, but I cared even less for Trump.

My issues with the Regressive Left had to take a back seat to that higher priority.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

Because the concerns about Trump were panic mongerings, FROM the regressive left.

There is nothing radical about Trump's policies, nor actions.

Rump's issues have nothing to do with "right" or "left". Nor does he have any position on that scale anyway.

His issues are entirely about character. Always were. And as long as he takes positions on the basis of what will serve Numero Uno as opposed to positions one actually believes in ---- they always will be.
Yup. What is there to compromise on with the left? Their party has been hijacked by radical loons.

Mac talks a good game about being against the Regressives in charge of his party.

BUt when it was time to be counted, he pulled the lever for the Queen of Regressives, Hillary Clinton.

Until people like Mac, are willing to put country over party, compromise is a fools game.

IF mac had been able to vote for Trump, I would be much more willing to listen to talk of compromise.

How ironic. Your only talk of 'compromise' is how it best suits your party first. If only people just voted for 'your' crook, then you might be open to compromise. Fuck that. You pervert the term of 'compromise' when you clearly state there is no compromise to begin with. Both extremes made their own beds. Time to pay the piper. Double down. Don't be wimps.

I'd rather see the extremists off each other on live TV. Then, the rest of us will be done with them for good and we can purge this shitty chapter of current society and move on to something more... productive? Who's with me?

Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?
I don't understand why you can't see my reasoning: I didn't care much for Hillary, but I cared even less for Trump.

My issues with the Regressive Left had to take a back seat to that higher priority.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

Because the concerns about Trump were panic mongerings, FROM the regressive left.

There is nothing radical about Trump's policies, nor actions.
Well, I believe that you believe that. And as I've said many times, my opinions of him didn't come from the media's opinions of him, but by watching and listening to him speak, hearing what he actually said.

So unless you're claiming that the guy I saw and heard was actually a phony, CGI computer-generated Trump, I hear what I hear, I see what I see. And my opinions are based solely on that.
You keep that attitude. Right wingers are already attacking each other. I saw that coming.

Mac voted for Hillary. For all his complaining about regressive lefties like you, when push comes to shove, he sides with you.

That you despise him for not being ideologically pure, is lefties attacking each other.

Which I saw coming.
It's far more that I was voting AGAINST someone ELSE, but that's close enough. I do lean Left.

I would say, that you would always find a "Reason", but you did vote for GHWBush....

Of course that might have just been the "folly" of youth.

I look forwards to seeing how you react as things keep getting better.
I suspect you've seen me celebrate successes and good news, and remain hopeful, regardless of the White House occupant.

Again, I ask: Can you understand that I voted for Candidate A over Candidate B because I disliked them less?

The Regressive Left, is a huge movement that is likely to rule this nation, as a defacto One Party State within our lifetimes.

And it will be a fucking disaster. That will, AT LEAST, cause permanent and lasting harm to this nation.

Trump is one old man, who will be lucky to live though out his two terms, then he will be gone.

NONE of his proposed policies are likely to fundamentally change America, or the basic trends of American society.

There is nothing about Trump that justifies validating Hillary's tactics or ideology.
From your perspective.
Mac talks a good game about being against the Regressives in charge of his party.

BUt when it was time to be counted, he pulled the lever for the Queen of Regressives, Hillary Clinton.

Until people like Mac, are willing to put country over party, compromise is a fools game.

IF mac had been able to vote for Trump, I would be much more willing to listen to talk of compromise.

How ironic. Your only talk of 'compromise' is how it best suits your party first. If only people just voted for 'your' crook, then you might be open to compromise. Fuck that. You pervert the term of 'compromise' when you clearly state there is no compromise to begin with. Both extremes made their own beds. Time to pay the piper. Double down. Don't be wimps.

I'd rather see the extremists off each other on live TV. Then, the rest of us will be done with them for good and we can purge this shitty chapter of current society and move on to something more... productive? Who's with me?

Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?
I don't understand why you can't see my reasoning: I didn't care much for Hillary, but I cared even less for Trump.

My issues with the Regressive Left had to take a back seat to that higher priority.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

Because the concerns about Trump were panic mongerings, FROM the regressive left.

There is nothing radical about Trump's policies, nor actions.

Rump's issues have nothing to do with "right" or "left". Nor does he have any position on that scale anyway.

His issues are entirely about character. Always were. And as long as he takes positions on the basis of what will serve Numero Uno as opposed to positions one actually believes in ---- they always will be.

Sorry, I don't feel like talking about serious issues with a child today.

Try again tomorrow.
Mac talks a good game about being against the Regressives in charge of his party.

BUt when it was time to be counted, he pulled the lever for the Queen of Regressives, Hillary Clinton.

Until people like Mac, are willing to put country over party, compromise is a fools game.

IF mac had been able to vote for Trump, I would be much more willing to listen to talk of compromise.

How ironic. Your only talk of 'compromise' is how it best suits your party first. If only people just voted for 'your' crook, then you might be open to compromise. Fuck that. You pervert the term of 'compromise' when you clearly state there is no compromise to begin with. Both extremes made their own beds. Time to pay the piper. Double down. Don't be wimps.

I'd rather see the extremists off each other on live TV. Then, the rest of us will be done with them for good and we can purge this shitty chapter of current society and move on to something more... productive? Who's with me?

Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?
I don't understand why you can't see my reasoning: I didn't care much for Hillary, but I cared even less for Trump.

My issues with the Regressive Left had to take a back seat to that higher priority.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

Because the concerns about Trump were panic mongerings, FROM the regressive left.

There is nothing radical about Trump's policies, nor actions.
Well, I believe that you believe that. And as I've said many times, my opinions of him didn't come from the media's opinions of him, but by watching and listening to him speak, hearing what he actually said.

So unless you're claiming that the guy I saw and heard was actually a phony, CGI computer-generated Trump, I hear what I hear, I see what I see. And my opinions are based solely on that.

Clips taken out of context and with a healthy does of confirmation bias.

Bias confirming the lies of the regressive left.

YOu don't realize how deep they have their hooks in you.
How ironic. Your only talk of 'compromise' is how it best suits your party first. If only people just voted for 'your' crook, then you might be open to compromise. Fuck that. You pervert the term of 'compromise' when you clearly state there is no compromise to begin with. Both extremes made their own beds. Time to pay the piper. Double down. Don't be wimps.

I'd rather see the extremists off each other on live TV. Then, the rest of us will be done with them for good and we can purge this shitty chapter of current society and move on to something more... productive? Who's with me?
Are you serious? Is that what you got from my post?

First of all, I never talk of compromise. Mac brought up the idea.

My point was the lack of indication from the other side that they are open to giving ANYTHING to us.

And my example was that Mac, despite all his complaints about Hillary and her supporters, still voted for her.

Do you, CAN you see the problem there?
I don't understand why you can't see my reasoning: I didn't care much for Hillary, but I cared even less for Trump.

My issues with the Regressive Left had to take a back seat to that higher priority.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

Because the concerns about Trump were panic mongerings, FROM the regressive left.

There is nothing radical about Trump's policies, nor actions.

Rump's issues have nothing to do with "right" or "left". Nor does he have any position on that scale anyway.

His issues are entirely about character. Always were. And as long as he takes positions on the basis of what will serve Numero Uno as opposed to positions one actually believes in ---- they always will be.

Sorry, I don't feel like talking about serious issues with a child today.

Try again tomorrow.

Yeah I knew that would sail over your head.

That's fine. Point is made. And you have no response.

But hey, thanks for the quick demo of what the OP title says.
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