We continue to see some very positive trends in America

You poor, ignorant, dimwit...
In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power.

The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865. Originally founded as a social club for former Confederate soldiers, the Klan evolved into a terrorist organization. It would be responsible for thousands of deaths, and would help to weaken the political power of Southern blacks and Republicans.
American Experience - WGBH | PBS
Live in the now!
Ok, that was incredibly stupid .... you want to compare the Democrat complicity in racism with a travel delay?

You seriously want to sound that stupid?
Let's do it! I know I can name more right wing racism than you can.
Your grasp on reality is tenuous, at best. I certainly don't want to be responsible for driving over the edge.

Oh wait ... it's too late!

Let me guess ----- it was P@triot.
Your grasp on reality is tenuous, at best. I certainly don't want to be responsible for driving over the edge.

Oh wait ... it's too late!

Let me guess ----- it was P@triot.
What do they call a person who throws down a challenge, then runs away when it is accepted?
I went to the Trump school of debate; someone looks at you funny, you go ballistic.
So you are what you claim to hate? That is the very definition of the left! You are truly a lefty to your core!
A big step towards restoring the U.S. Constitution...
President Trump on Wednesday ordered U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to study how the federal government has supported "top-down mandates" that rob autonomy from state and local education authorities, taking aim at Obama-era regulations that Republicans have long sought to eliminate.

In an executive order, Trump granted DeVos authority to get rid of K-12 education regulations that don't comport with federal law. A top U.S. Education Department official admitted, however, that DeVos already has this authority.
Trump orders DeVos to get rid of 'overreaching mandates' in schools
President Trump has been nothing short of astounding during his first few months. Illegal aliens have been self-deporting because he has shown real leadership. And now, these criminals are ending their own illegal public assistance. President Trump is solving problems even without legislation or Executive Orders. Just his presence solves problems.

Fear of deportation drives people off food stamps in US
A trillion dollar infrastructure plan is indeed a positive trend.

Sure. Great infrastructure plan, if you call him telling the states to come up with the money themselves a plan.
Gasp! Oh the horrors of states fulfilling their responsibilities and the federal government actually being limited to theirs! Noooooooo!

Seriously BULLFROG, you are the ultimate tool. You're just not happy unless we have one government (federal) controlling every aspect of life and society.
A trillion dollar infrastructure plan is indeed a positive trend.

Sure. Great infrastructure plan, if you call him telling the states to come up with the money themselves a plan.
Gasp! Oh the horrors of states fulfilling their responsibilities and the federal government actually being limited to theirs! Noooooooo!

Seriously BULLFROG, you are the ultimate tool. You're just not happy unless we have one government (federal) controlling every aspect of life and society.

OK, but tell me how that is going to work. If it is a purely state issue, then the states will determine if and which infrastructure projects they are going to fund, if any. The federal government might make suggestions, but that's about it. In that scenario, what is Trump's big infrastructure program?
In that scenario, what is Trump's big infrastructure program?
Constitutionally - President Trump shouldn't have an "infrastructure program" unless they are items which are specifically the responsibility of the federal government. Whether or not he will limit his plans accordingly remains to be seen.
The significance of this cannot be overstated. President Trump truly is "Making America Great Again".
“For the many Americans whose top concern in November was electing a president who would put committed constitutionalists to the courts, this is another major victory.”
Getting true justices in place who don't have a political agenda but instead are simply upholding the law as it is written is critical to restoring and upholding the U.S. Constitution.

Trump, Keeping Campaign Promise, Picks More Conservative Judges

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