We continue to see some very positive trends in America

Lets hope this is a trend that continues. It simply doesn't get any better than this. Friends - you have to listen to the audio here. It is incredible. We're seeing individuals on the left actually opening their minds for the first time. At the same time, they are condemning the traditional tactics of the left.

The truth matters. It is imperative that we continue to speak the truth and nothing but the truth.

The Power of the Founding Documents
The positive trends continue and are coming at warp speed now.

This week, Iowa legislators took bold, bipartisan steps towards joining the coalition of states calling for an Article V convention to propose amendments that limit federal power and jurisdiction. The Iowa Senate State Government Committee voted 12-3 in favor of the Convention of States resolution with strong support from both parties.

A few hours later, the Texas Senate voted 20 - 11 in favor of the same application with unanimous support among Republicans!
This is an exceptional sign for the future of the U.S.

The data is clear and conclusive. For example, we asked “Overall, which level of government do you believe is doing a better job of serving its citizens and delivering results?” Fully 71% of voters chose “State Governments,” while just 29% chose “The Federal Government.”

Frank Luntz: Americans Trust Their Own States But Not Washington
The positive trends continue. More and more states are stepping forward and restoring common decency to America:

“It does not discriminate but it is focused on public safety and common decency and privacy,” Patrick said.

Gee....what radical concepts. Common decency and privacy. Civilized concepts so basic, only the left could be confused by them.

Texas Bill Seeks to Protect Public Safety in Bathrooms
More States Teach Founding US Documents
A very positive trend - a renewed interest in properly teaching the U.S. Constitution to students again.
"Rights might be inherent, but ideas need to be taught," said Maida Buckley, a retired classroom teacher in Fairbanks, Alaska, who testified last year to an Alaskan legislative task force on civics education. "When you have a system of government that's based on ideas, espoused in the Declaration of Independence and carried out with a working document in the Constitution, those ideas need to be taught."
I agree for once. There is a promising trend...
We will have either Hillary Rodham Clinton or one of her chief campaign contributors as President in November.
Thank God that did not happen.
It looks like the GOP is finally ready to accept reality and prohibit those on the no-fly list from buying as many guns as their ISIS sponsors can afford
Thank God the GOP is still defending my 2nd Amendment rights
It looks like the attempts to defund Obamacare are no longer in fashion; they haven't done that in months.
Obamacare should be gone in the next year or two
It appears that the GOP isn't going to try to shut down the government again until HRC takes over.
Thank God HRC will never "take over".
She looks primed to appoint 4-5 justices to the Supreme Court thanks to GOP stalling on Obama's nomination
Thank God that will never happen. Let's pray that President Trump gets to appoint that many though!
The Democrats are going to take back the Senate and restore some sanity.
Thank God that didn't happen.
EPA regulations will be strengthened
Business regs will be strengthened
Happy days are here again!!!
That's the only one you got right! You were 1/9. Not a very good grade CC. You might want to find a new subject to study and discuss. Clearly politics are not your thing.
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