We continue to see some very positive trends in America

It's encouraging to see how Trump's win is reverberating through out the globe. Even if it doesn't result in actual wins in other countries, it's good to see that it's at least giving conservatives in other nations hope that they can do there what we did here.

Marine Le Pen sees Trump win as 'a sign of hope' for France - CNNPolitics.com
We'll be seeing a lot of unexpected positive changes/surprises with Trump. Keeping Hillary out of the WH was the best thing that could've happened for this country, and the world.
It's great to see the Clinton's going away forever, Barack Obama going away forever, and Harry Reid going away for ever - and all at the same time no less! Now if we could just get Nancy Pelosi to go away forever.

Hopefully this ass-kicking will result in changes in the Dumbocrat Party like Obama's election did with the Republican. Hopefully we'll see true liberals rise up, kick out all of the communists/marxists/socialists/fascists, and replace the endless pathological liars with people of integrity.

If that happens - the election of Donald Trump will be one of the biggest success stories in U.S. history, regardless of what he does as President. The right has done a great job of "draining the swamp" (not that there isn't more to do of course). Now we just need the left to follow suite. If they do, we can get this country back on track.
This is very positive: watching the liberal media admit their bias and then illustrate the humility to acknowledge how much they lied about conservatives.
  • This is all symptomatic of modern journalism’s great moral and intellectual failing: its unbearable smugness.
  • The audience for our glib analysis and contempt for much of the electorate, it turned out, was rather limited. This was particularly true when it came to voters, the ones who turned out by the millions to deliver not only a rebuke to the political system but also the people who cover it.
  • That’s the fantasy, the idea that if we mock them enough, call them racist enough, they’ll eventually shut up and get in line.
Commentary: The unbearable smugness of the press
It doesn't get much more positive than this.


Quite possibly the best news you've heard since Tuesday... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com
Progressive propaganda being taken off of the air and replaced with Christmas music is definitely a positive thing for America! Maybe it will chill all of these progressive who get themselves into a violent tizzy listening to left-wing lies on the airwaves.

Radio station dumps atheists for Christmas music
So giving the richest a huge tax cut is a great idea when the middle class is a wreck? America getting dumber and dumber and unable to fill good jobs that free trade is producing is fine?

ESPN should stick to sports....
So giving the richest a huge tax cut is a great idea when the middle class is a wreck? America getting dumber and dumber and unable to fill good jobs that free trade is producing is fine?

ESPN should stick to sports....
The middle class is a "wreck" because Barack Obama and the Democrats made it that way. Everything they did was designed to destroy the middle class, get the masses into poverty and relying on the federal government.

While I think that the media might be overblowing his response here, just the fact that this is even being discussed is a very positive thing for America. No matter what else he does, if Donald Trump appoints Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court, I will consider his presidency a resounding success...

Ted Cruz Says He’s Willing To Serve On The Supreme Court
All the homeschooled children I've met are NOT well adjusted at all. They live entirely within their comfort zone at all times.
While there is no denying that liberalism has created a mountain of very significant problems for the United States, the radicalization of that ideology (culminating with the election of a devout marxist by their party) has resulted in some very positive trends in America. First, we saw the rise of the Tea Party in response to the extremism of the Obama Administration. This movement to return to constitutional government, true conservative principles, and rid the GOP of liberals has had a profound positive effect on America. Both the House and the Senate were turned over to conservatives during the Obama Administration. A RINO Speaker of the House (John Boehner) was run off and replaced with an actual conservative. Very liberal states like Wisconsin and Michigan were turned over to conservatives. We have seen a drastic reduction in Planned Parenthood facilities throughout the U.S. We have seen an increase in "Right to Work" laws. The American people unilaterally rejected the insanity of Target's absurdity and is now boycotting them. North Carolina restored sanity to America and lead the way for other states to follow with HB2.

But perhaps there is no better metric for positive trends in Americs than the ever increasing movement towards home schooling. Not only does it result in an exponentially better educated generation of students, but it also eliminates the indoctrination efforts by the left and it is an indication that the American people recognize the inability of government to effectively handle even simple tasks when they step outside of their Constitutional responsibilities. When liberal Hollywood is not only homeschooling their own children, but also writing books about it and doing speaking engagements, it's a sure sign that homeschooling is becoming more prevalent through out the country. Few things are better for America than this particular growing trend. Let's hope it continues.

Yea, homeschooling.

Homeschooled Kids, Now Grown, Blog Against the Past

King, 22, has a hard time stepping into a church without having a panic attack. She escaped—her word—from her family in Georgia on her 18thbirthday and lives in Maine with her husband, also a former homeschooler. Very little is left of the ideology her parents worked so furiously to instill in her. She’s ashamed of the work she did as a leader in various homeschooling youth organizations, which, she writes, “contributed to the amount of hurt I and many others who grew up in this radical/evangelical/conservative/christian subculture endured and continue to endure.”

Homeschoolers Anonymous, a new site that publishes children of Christian homeschooling families speaking out about upbringings that, they say, have left them traumatized and unprepared for adult life. “Our primary concern is for people to be exposed to our experiences growing up in the conservative Christian homeschooling world and to see how those ideologies can create abusive situations,” says Ryan Lee Stollar, one of the site’s founders.


You knew that was coming.

Homeschoolers Anonymous
I agree for once. There is a promising trend...
We will have either Hillary Rodham Clinton or one of her chief campaign contributors as President in November.
It looks like the GOP is finally ready to accept reality and prohibit those on the no-fly list from buying as many guns as their ISIS sponsors can afford. It looks like the attempts to defund Obamacare are no longer in fashion; they haven't done that in months. It appears that the GOP isn't going to try to shut down the government again until HRC takes over. She looks primed to appoint 4-5 justices to the Supreme Court thanks to GOP stalling on Obama's nomination The Democrats are going to take back the Senate and restore some sanity. EPA regulations will be strengthened. Business regs will be strengthened Happy days are here again!!!

Bwahahaha! We're supposed to believe that your excited about Donald Trump being president? You've have had melt down after melt down about him in other threads. What is with your disingenuous claims and false bravado? Just attempting to be a troll? Desperate for my attention again? :eusa_doh:

By the way - Trump is adamant that the biggest failed legislation in U.S. history - Obamacare - will be repealed once he is in office. So you just contradicted your own positions (as usual) :lol:

I don't think she can pronounce or acknowledge "TRUMP 2016". Common feature among the liberals:

The EPA and business regulations will be decreased to sensible (and smart) levels, and prosperity returned to America. Regressive liberal's worst fear is to see prosperous America.

Why are you posting a video that doesn't exist?
All the homeschooled children I've met are NOT well adjusted at all. They live entirely within their comfort zone at all times.
Isn't that what the indoctrinated public school children do? You know, the one's who are told they don't have to take their midterms simply because their candidate lost an election? The one's who need therapy dogs because they can't handle a simple election? The one's who need coloring books because they didn't get their way for once? :dunno:

I've never seen a single homeschooled individual act like that.
So giving the richest a huge tax cut is a great idea when the middle class is a wreck? America getting dumber and dumber and unable to fill good jobs that free trade is producing is fine?

ESPN should stick to sports....
The middle class is a "wreck" because Barack Obama and the Democrats made it that way. Everything they did was designed to destroy the middle class, get the masses into poverty and relying on the federal government.

View attachment 99204
Deep, dupe. like causing the W world depression?
Homeschoolers Anonymous, a new site that publishes children of Christian homeschooling families speaking out about upbringings that, they say, have left them traumatized and unprepared for adult life.
Unprepared for adult life? Oh...you mean like every indoctrinated public school student who became an adult and yet are told they don't have to take their midterms simply because their candidate lost an election? Or do you mean how they need therapy dogs because they can't handle a simple election? Or do you mean how they need coloring books because they didn't get their way for once? :dunno:

I'm confused - could you clarify for me?
All the homeschooled children I've met are NOT well adjusted at all. They live entirely within their comfort zone at all times.
We should definitely strive to be "adjusted" like these indoctrinated public school snowflakes...

“Students need to realize that we live in a republic where majority rules. That means that the person you voted for doesn’t always win, but you have to just deal with it. Colleges and professors who baby their students because they’re upset over the election are not doing them any favors. Throwing a tantrum or becoming a basket case when life doesn’t go your way is not how adults behave,” she said.

“I can’t imagine what these students will do once they enter the workforce and have a difficult boss or a challenging project, or have personal setbacks. We are raising a generation of crybabies who can’t handle life, and if they don’t get it together I’m very worried for the future of this country.”

Anti-Trumper Asks for Time to Get Over Election... Prof Gives BRUTAL 7 Word Reply
All the homeschooled children I've met are NOT well adjusted at all. They live entirely within their comfort zone at all times.
We should definitely strive to be "adjusted" like these indoctrinated public school snowflakes...

“Students need to realize that we live in a republic where majority rules. That means that the person you voted for doesn’t always win, but you have to just deal with it. Colleges and professors who baby their students because they’re upset over the election are not doing them any favors. Throwing a tantrum or becoming a basket case when life doesn’t go your way is not how adults behave,” she said.

“I can’t imagine what these students will do once they enter the workforce and have a difficult boss or a challenging project, or have personal setbacks. We are raising a generation of crybabies who can’t handle life, and if they don’t get it together I’m very worried for the future of this country.”

Anti-Trumper Asks for Time to Get Over Election... Prof Gives BRUTAL 7 Word Reply

Uh no, you miss what I am saying. those homeschooled children ARE the 'snowflakes' you're talking about. They crumble when presented with any sort of opposition or infringement upon their comfort zone.

They're soft. Weak.
All the homeschooled children I've met are NOT well adjusted at all. They live entirely within their comfort zone at all times.
We should definitely strive to be "adjusted" like these indoctrinated public school snowflakes...

“Students need to realize that we live in a republic where majority rules. That means that the person you voted for doesn’t always win, but you have to just deal with it. Colleges and professors who baby their students because they’re upset over the election are not doing them any favors. Throwing a tantrum or becoming a basket case when life doesn’t go your way is not how adults behave,” she said.

“I can’t imagine what these students will do once they enter the workforce and have a difficult boss or a challenging project, or have personal setbacks. We are raising a generation of crybabies who can’t handle life, and if they don’t get it together I’m very worried for the future of this country.”

Anti-Trumper Asks for Time to Get Over Election... Prof Gives BRUTAL 7 Word Reply

Uh no, you miss what I am saying. those homeschooled children ARE the 'snowflakes' you're talking about. They crumble when presented with any sort of opposition or infringement upon their comfort zone.

They're soft. Weak.
Uh....no....you missed what was being said. The homeschooled children do not act like that. It's the public school snowflakes melting down right now. But hey...keep making stuff up! It's doing wonders for your credibility.

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