We continue to see some very positive trends in America

The Alt Right becoming mainstream is horribly NOT positive.

We flushed those shits decade ago and they keep coming back up.
Would everyone that disagrees with you be considered this alt-right?

You need to get out more and meet other people. Or at least open a window and get some air.
I agree for once. There is a promising trend...
We will have either Hillary Rodham Clinton or one of her chief campaign contributors as President in November.

It looks like the GOP is finally ready to accept reality and prohibit those on the no-fly list from buying as many guns as their ISIS sponsors can afford

It looks like the attempts to defund Obamacare are no longer in fashion; they haven't done that in months.

It appears that the GOP isn't going to try to shut down the government again until HRC takes over.

She looks primed to appoint 4-5 justices to the Supreme Court thanks to GOP stalling on Obama's nomination

The Democrats are going to take back the Senate and restore some sanity.

EPA regulations will be strengthened

Business regs will be strengthened

Happy days are here again!!!


I sure stepped in it and tracked it all over the floor.
Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .
Just what we need. A bunch of indoctrinated whining sissies in search of safe spaces.

If you actually raise your kids, they can't be indoctrinated by the schools. They can try, but it won't work.[/QUOTE
Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .
Just what we need. A bunch of indoctrinated whining sissies in search of safe spaces.

If you actually raise your kids, they can't be indoctrinated by the schools. They can try, but it won't work.
Agree and have actively participated in their education and the education of the grandchildren.

The family has numerous teachers. Public and homeschooling.
You may recall Bush and the $700B bailout at the end of his Presidency and proceeded by 4 years of GOP majorities (if I'm not mistaken) in the Senate and House.
Yeah, but that was undeniably related to Bill Clinton collapsing the housing market with his idiotic 1997 Community Re-Investment Act. This is what happens with progressive socialism. You cannot make loans to people who can't afford them and not have a monumental negative outcome from it.
Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .
Living proof of the failed government mandated school system. So disappointing.

I went to catholic school, jerk ass!
Did you pay attention in class?

Oh yeah . You learn what phonies "religious " people tend to be . They talk a big game , but live a different one .
Wouldnt know Timmy.

I'm an agnostic.
Yep. I feel bad for the kids . It's like they are being held captive by their parents . Young kids all involved in church and politics? You end up with Ted Cruz!
I feel bad for our society. That we have people like you in it. Unimportant busybodies always worried about what everyone else is doing. Here is a radical concept Timmy - how about just worrying about yourself and not putting your nose in other people's business? Don't worry about how other people raise their children just because you can't find a woman willing to mate with you. Go adopt some children and raise them how you want. Leave everyone else alone to raise their children how they want.

Oh....and by the way....Ted Cruz is 10x's the person that Hitlery Clinton and Barack Obama are. He's not a corrupt, unethical dirt-bag like they are. He actually has integrity.
Yep. I feel bad for the kids . It's like they are being held captive by their parents . Young kids all involved in church and politics? You end up with Ted Cruz!
I feel bad for our society. That we have people like you in it. Unimportant busybodies always worried about what everyone else is doing. Here is a radical concept Timmy - how about just worrying about yourself and not putting your nose in other people's business? Don't worry about how other people raise their children just because you can't find a woman willing to mate with you. Go adopt some children and raise them how you want. Leave everyone else alone to raise their children how they want.

Oh....and by the way....Ted Cruz is 10x's the person that Hitlery Clinton and Barack Obama are. He's not a corrupt, unethical dirt-bag like they are. He actually has integrity.

Lying Ted has integrity? When did that happen.? Before or after he said no trump , and then Schilled for him at the 11th hour .
Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .
Living proof of the failed government mandated school system. So disappointing.

I went to catholic school, jerk ass!
Did you pay attention in class?

Oh yeah . You learn what phonies "religious " people tend to be . They talk a big game , but live a different one .
Wouldnt know Timmy.

I'm an agnostic.

Good ! Stay away from bible thumpers.
Living proof of the failed government mandated school system. So disappointing.

I went to catholic school, jerk ass!
Did you pay attention in class?

Oh yeah . You learn what phonies "religious " people tend to be . They talk a big game , but live a different one .
Wouldnt know Timmy.

I'm an agnostic.

Good ! Stay away from bible thumpers.

I don't disrespect those who have religious conviction.

I am normally a tolerant individual who doesn't find it necessary to insult those who I may not associate with.

I have family members who are Christian, Republican and Conservative.

We don't use our differences as weapons to bludgeon each other.
Yep. I feel bad for the kids . It's like they are being held captive by their parents . Young kids all involved in church and politics? You end up with Ted Cruz!
I feel bad for our society. That we have people like you in it. Unimportant busybodies always worried about what everyone else is doing. Here is a radical concept Timmy - how about just worrying about yourself and not putting your nose in other people's business? Don't worry about how other people raise their children just because you can't find a woman willing to mate with you. Go adopt some children and raise them how you want. Leave everyone else alone to raise their children how they want.

Oh....and by the way....Ted Cruz is 10x's the person that Hitlery Clinton and Barack Obama are. He's not a corrupt, unethical dirt-bag like they are. He actually has integrity.

Lying Ted has integrity? When did that happen.? Before or after he said no trump , and then Schilled for him at the 11th hour .
So it's a lack of integrity to decide that Trump is a better bad choice than Hitlery Clinton?!? :uhh:

You know you're desperate to find something when you claim a person has no integrity simply because they supported their party's candidate. Hitlery funneled billions through the Clinton Foundation for political favors, she had her maid print out highly classified documents, she rigged the Dumbocrat primary against Bernie Sanders, but you're up in arms that Cruz said "I don't like Trump" and then said "but he's a better choice that Hitlery"? Come on....even you don't believe that. You just should absurd now.
Here is an extremely positive trend in America. A member of the Gaystopo has been rejected by even liberal Oregon. They chose to elect a Republican Secretary of State for the first time in 14 years rather than elect Gaystopo Brad Avakian - who harassed and tormented Christians for their beliefs.

Democrat Who Destroyed Christian Bakery CRUSHED
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I've always seen liberals as nothing more than a small group of people who are looking for their niche in the world they live. Once they find something they're comfortable with, they take it a step further by expecting everyone else to embrace it.

These people are in for a rude awakening. lol
It's encouraging to see how Trump's win is reverberating through out the globe. Even if it doesn't result in actual wins in other countries, it's good to see that it's at least giving conservatives in other nations hope that they can do there what we did here.

Marine Le Pen sees Trump win as 'a sign of hope' for France - CNNPolitics.com
We'll be seeing a lot of unexpected positive changes/surprises with Trump. Keeping Hillary out of the WH was the best thing that could've happened for this country, and the world.

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