We continue to see some very positive trends in America

Liar? Plants don't require CO2? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Right-wing liars always play dumb when they lie. What part of your lying post is highlighted?
That's the key genius - no part was a lie. So for you to scream "liar" just makes you look stupid. You people are trying to rid the world of CO2 to "save" plants when ridding the world of CO2 will actually kill plants. Its the special type of stupid that could only come from progressives...
You are STILL lying about Gore. Only a Regressive thinks people are too stupid to see through their lies.
You then compound your lie with more lies. No one is "trying to RID the world of CO2."
I've provided overwhelming evidence. You continue to provide one sentence progressive denials. Your posts are irrelevant and everybody knows it.
You have provided NO link to a Gore quote matching your LIE!!!!
This is how insanely stupid progressives are - they want to rid the world of the CO2 plants require to thrive in order to "save" plant life. You just can't make this stuff up...
And you made that up!

BTW, too much CO2 is just as bad for plants as not enough!
Yeah...no shit Sherlock. Just like a human attempting to live off of 100% pure oxygen would die of "oxygen poisoning". It doesn't change the fact that Al Gore has your dumb ass convinced that CO2 is destroying the planet and that we need to eliminate it. :lmao:
Repeating your proven lie does not make it any less a lie, it only makes you a serial liar.
Most public schools need improvement, home schools need improvement. on All topics civil discourse seems to fail & and fall into insults and foul language at about the half way point. wonder why?
You have provided NO link to a Gore quote matching your LIE!!!!
That's ironic coming from the pathological liar who adds a link to one out of every 600 posts he makes. Meanwhile, nearly every post I make includes links or statistics (unless I'm responding to childish nonsense - like your post here).

So to be clear here (because you tell a lot of lies and try to avoid getting caught by being vague) - it is your position that Al Gore does not preach about reducing and/or eliminate CO2?
This is how insanely stupid progressives are - they want to rid the world of the CO2 plants require to thrive in order to "save" plant life. You just can't make this stuff up...
And you made that up!

BTW, too much CO2 is just as bad for plants as not enough!
Yeah...no shit Sherlock. Just like a human attempting to live off of 100% pure oxygen would die of "oxygen poisoning". It doesn't change the fact that Al Gore has your dumb ass convinced that CO2 is destroying the planet and that we need to eliminate it. :lmao:
Repeating your proven lie does not make it any less a lie, it only makes you a serial liar.
I've never told a lie - show how could I "repeat" one, dumb-ass? :lmao:
You have provided NO link to a Gore quote matching your LIE!!!!
That's ironic coming from the pathological liar who adds a link to one out of every 600 posts he makes. Meanwhile, nearly every post I make includes links or statistics (unless I'm responding to childish nonsense - like your post here).

So to be clear here (because you tell a lot of lies and try to avoid getting caught by being vague) - it is your position that Al Gore does not preach about reducing and/or eliminate CO2?
Notice how the pathological liar has changed his lie from "ELIMINATING" CO2 to now REDUCING CO2.
Plants really do require CO2....even though Al Gore convinced you that they don't.
This one is going to sting quite a bit EdTheLIAR:

Gore testified about global warming before congress in March 2007. Gore was swinging for the fence. He advocated an immediate freeze on CO2 emissions in the US and reducing those levels 90% by 2050.

Al Gore on Energy & Oil

So even your own link does not say that Gore says plants do not need CO2 and does not call for eliminating CO2. It merely calls for REDUCING man made emissions of CO2 over time.
Another positive trend - trying to rid education of liberal indoctrination and replace it with the facts. If some students (as they inevitably will) want to reject a republic in favor of communism or whatever else, that's fine. They have every right to form their own views and opinions. But they should at least have the facts before forming those views.

Gov. Nikki Haley, a Republican, signed a South Carolina House bill into law that implements the study of U.S. founding documents into the state’s public high schools.

The South Carolina Founding Principles Act requires the study of the United States Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and “the structure of the government and the role of separation of powers and the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights” to be added into statewide social studies programs.

SC Bill to Teach Founding Principles in Public Schools
And this is exactly why bills like the "Founding Principles Act" is desperately needed:
  • How is the republic kept? First of all, by an informed citizenry. As Thomas Jefferson once declared, “It is every American’s right and obligation to read and interpret the Constitution for himself.”
  • In Federalist No. 1, Alexander Hamilton concurred: “The subject speaks to its own importance; comprehending in its consequences nothing less than the existence of the union, the safety and welfare of the parts of which it is composed, the fate of an empire in many respects the most interesting in the world.”
  • When asked, even given multiple choices, more than 70% of college graduates were unable to identify James Madison as the Father of the Constitution.
The Shocking State of Americans’ Civic Illiteracy
You have provided NO link to a Gore quote matching your LIE!!!!
That's ironic coming from the pathological liar who adds a link to one out of every 600 posts he makes. Meanwhile, nearly every post I make includes links or statistics (unless I'm responding to childish nonsense - like your post here).

So to be clear here (because you tell a lot of lies and try to avoid getting caught by being vague) - it is your position that Al Gore does not preach about reducing and/or eliminate CO2?
Notice how the pathological liar has changed his lie from "ELIMINATING" CO2 to now REDUCING CO2.
Avoiding the question? Typical of you pathological liars.
So even your own link does not say that Gore says plants do not need CO2 and does not call for eliminating CO2. It merely calls for REDUCING man made emissions of CO2 over time.
Uh....why would one want to reduce what is good for plants of the earth/plants is what one wants to save? Especially by 90%?!?
I'm guessing it's probably a coincidence that America's fiscal problems exploded at the same time it became obvious that Obama's socialism was coming to town, and that we only now recover because it's become obvious that Donald Trump will restore order and logic.

Probably just a coincidence ....
So even your own link does not say that Gore says plants do not need CO2 and does not call for eliminating CO2. It merely calls for REDUCING man made emissions of CO2 over time.
Uh....why would one want to reduce what is good for plants of the earth/plants is what one wants to save? Especially by 90%?!?
I already nailed you on that lie!
Climate Change: Plants Choke on too Much Carbon

It looks like even for plants, there can be too much of a good thing. Trees and flowers use carbon dioxide (CO2) to make energy, absorbing the gas to help fuel the process of photosynthesis. For this reason, some experts have theorized that rising carbon levels will eventually promote plant growth. Now, new research claims that this assumption is dead wrong.

That's at least according to a study recently published in the journal Global Change Biology, which details how the plants in a number of very different ecosystems appear to actually suffer from too much atmospheric carbon.

Sample crops, grasslands, and forests all seemed to lose some ability to absorb nutrients when exposed to rising CO2 levels in large-scale field experiments held in eight countries across four continents.

"The findings of the study are unequivocal.
The nitrogen content in the crops is reduced in atmospheres with raised carbon dioxide levels in all three ecosystem types," Johan Uddling, a researcher with the University of Gothenburg, said in a statement.

"Furthermore, we can see that this negative effect exists regardless of whether or not the plants' growth increases, and even if fertilizer is added. This is unexpected and new," he added.

The study found that both wheat and rice are already suffering from heightening carbon levels - a phenomenon (both man- and nature-driven) that has been frequently described as impossible to stop.

The decline of wheat in particular has already been associated with a climbing global temperature, which can be blamed on climbing greenhouse gas levels.

However, other studies have shown that spiking carbon levels beyond everyday standards can be very good for forests, with several free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments all showing that more carbon meansdeeper roots and growing forests. Larger forests, it was assumed, would then serve as a stronger carbon sink, limiting how high greenhouse gas levels can rise.

Unfortunately, according to Uddling and his team, there is a lot of danger in just assuming everything will simply find a balance.

It's been theorized that rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere are somehow having a diluting effect, impeding how much nitrogen - essential for plant protein production - is carried into soil. Past research has found that if plants get all the right growing conditions, but not enough nitrogen, they will quickly outpace their own energy supplies.

The plants will quite literally grow to death, often withering long before the growing season ends.

However, Uddling adds that even this explanation is too simple.

"We are seeing reduced nitrogen content even when growth has not been affected," he explained. "Moreover, the effect is there in trials with powerful fertilizer, which indicates that it is not down to limited access to nitrogen in the soil. Future studies should look at what is causing the effect, but it appears to be linked to plants' capacity to absorb nitrogen rather than to changed levels in the soil."
So even your own link does not say that Gore says plants do not need CO2 and does not call for eliminating CO2. It merely calls for REDUCING man made emissions of CO2 over time.
Uh....why would one want to reduce what is good for plants of the earth/plants is what one wants to save? Especially by 90%?!?
I already nailed you on that lie!
How can you "nail" someone on something is not a lie?
So even your own link does not say that Gore says plants do not need CO2 and does not call for eliminating CO2. It merely calls for REDUCING man made emissions of CO2 over time.
Uh....why would one want to reduce what is good for plants of the earth/plants is what one wants to save? Especially by 90%?!?
I already nailed you on that lie!
How can you "nail" someone on something is not a lie?

With an imaginary hammer.
While there is no denying that Obama and his progressive pals have made a serious mess of this country, there is no doubt that we are seeing some positive trends as a result of people seeing progressivism first hand and rejecting it. We are on the cusp of an Article V Convention of the States (and in fact - the states involved just had a full trial run to make sure all laws were adhered to and that everything would run smoothly if/when the actual convention took place). This is great news. It ultimately restores the 10th Amendment which ultimately restores power back into the hands of the people.

Inside the Conservative Push for States to Amend the Constitution

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