We continue to see some very positive trends in America

Facts, statistics, data and links never change minds. Passionate speech changes many minds. Stop wasting your time digging up charts and graphs. You'll bore the peoples and lose converts to your belief.
I'm not here to entertain my friend. If that's what you're looking for, you need to find yourself a trained monkey or puppy. I'm here to speak the truth.

You don't want to change minds?
The truth changes minds. so.

No, it doesn't .
Facts, statistics, data and links never change minds. Passionate speech changes many minds. Stop wasting your time digging up charts and graphs. You'll bore the peoples and lose converts to your belief.
I'm not here to entertain my friend. If that's what you're looking for, you need to find yourself a trained monkey or puppy. I'm here to speak the truth.

You don't want to change minds?
The truth changes minds. so.
No, it doesn't .
Yes it does...for rational people.
This supports what we've known and said for decades. Progressives rely on an ignorant electorate. Mature, informed, and experienced people realize that the progressive ideology is a failed ideology...

There is a reoccurring myth in American politics that states that youth are generally extremely liberal. Conservatives are invited to write off the new generations until they mysteriously reappear later on their voter rolls when they become older, presumably after gaining experience in life.

Three Facts that Show Millennials Are More Conservative Than You Think
Facts, statistics, data and links never change minds. Passionate speech changes many minds. Stop wasting your time digging up charts and graphs. You'll bore the peoples and lose converts to your belief.
I'm not here to entertain my friend. If that's what you're looking for, you need to find yourself a trained monkey or puppy. I'm here to speak the truth.

You don't want to change minds?
The truth changes minds. so.
No, it doesn't .
Yes it does...for rational people.

Plants really do require CO2....even though Al Gore convinced you that they don't.
Liar? Plants don't require CO2? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Right-wing liars always play dumb when they lie. What part of your lying post is highlighted?
That's the key genius - no part was a lie. So for you to scream "liar" just makes you look stupid. You people are trying to rid the world of CO2 to "save" plants when ridding the world of CO2 will actually kill plants. Its the special type of stupid that could only come from progressives...
You are STILL lying about Gore. Only a Regressive thinks people are too stupid to see through their lies.
You then compound your lie with more lies. No one is "trying to RID the world of CO2."
This is how insanely stupid progressives are - they want to rid the world of the CO2 plants require to thrive in order to "save" plant life. You just can't make this stuff up...
And you made that up!

BTW, too much CO2 is just as bad for plants as not enough!

Climate Change: Plants Choke on too Much Carbon

It looks like even for plants, there can be too much of a good thing. Trees and flowers use carbon dioxide (CO2) to make energy, absorbing the gas to help fuel the process of photosynthesis. For this reason, some experts have theorized that rising carbon levels will eventually promote plant growth. Now, new research claims that this assumption is dead wrong.

That's at least according to a study recently published in the journal Global Change Biology, which details how the plants in a number of very different ecosystems appear to actually suffer from too much atmospheric carbon.

Sample crops, grasslands, and forests all seemed to lose some ability to absorb nutrients when exposed to rising CO2 levels in large-scale field experiments held in eight countries across four continents.

"The findings of the study are unequivocal.
The nitrogen content in the crops is reduced in atmospheres with raised carbon dioxide levels in all three ecosystem types," Johan Uddling, a researcher with the University of Gothenburg, said in a statement.

"Furthermore, we can see that this negative effect exists regardless of whether or not the plants' growth increases, and even if fertilizer is added. This is unexpected and new," he added.

The study found that both wheat and rice are already suffering from heightening carbon levels - a phenomenon (both man- and nature-driven) that has been frequently described as impossible to stop.

The decline of wheat in particular has already been associated with a climbing global temperature, which can be blamed on climbing greenhouse gas levels.

However, other studies have shown that spiking carbon levels beyond everyday standards can be very good for forests, with several free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments all showing that more carbon meansdeeper roots and growing forests. Larger forests, it was assumed, would then serve as a stronger carbon sink, limiting how high greenhouse gas levels can rise.

Unfortunately, according to Uddling and his team, there is a lot of danger in just assuming everything will simply find a balance.

It's been theorized that rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere are somehow having a diluting effect, impeding how much nitrogen - essential for plant protein production - is carried into soil. Past research has found that if plants get all the right growing conditions, but not enough nitrogen, they will quickly outpace their own energy supplies.

The plants will quite literally grow to death, often withering long before the growing season ends.

However, Uddling adds that even this explanation is too simple.

"We are seeing reduced nitrogen content even when growth has not been affected," he explained. "Moreover, the effect is there in trials with powerful fertilizer, which indicates that it is not down to limited access to nitrogen in the soil. Future studies should look at what is causing the effect, but it appears to be linked to plants' capacity to absorb nitrogen rather than to changed levels in the soil."
Plants really do require CO2....even though Al Gore convinced you that they don't.
Liar? Plants don't require CO2? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Right-wing liars always play dumb when they lie. What part of your lying post is highlighted?
That's the key genius - no part was a lie. So for you to scream "liar" just makes you look stupid. You people are trying to rid the world of CO2 to "save" plants when ridding the world of CO2 will actually kill plants. Its the special type of stupid that could only come from progressives...
You are STILL lying about Gore. Only a Regressive thinks people are too stupid to see through their lies.
You then compound your lie with more lies. No one is "trying to RID the world of CO2."
I've provided overwhelming evidence. You continue to provide one sentence progressive denials. Your posts are irrelevant and everybody knows it.
This is how insanely stupid progressives are - they want to rid the world of the CO2 plants require to thrive in order to "save" plant life. You just can't make this stuff up...
And you made that up!

BTW, too much CO2 is just as bad for plants as not enough!
Yeah...no shit Sherlock. Just like a human attempting to live off of 100% pure oxygen would die of "oxygen poisoning". It doesn't change the fact that Al Gore has your dumb ass convinced that CO2 is destroying the planet and that we need to eliminate it. :lmao:
Plants really do require CO2....even though Al Gore convinced you that they don't.

Do plants require CO2?
Another liar playing dumb in order to lie some more. Is plants requiring CO2 highlighted? Obviously not, therefore the highlighted lie is the obvious lie about Gore. Back up the highlighted lie please.
Your posts back up the highlighted TRUTH above junior. Just go look at your posts.
Plants really do require CO2....even though Al Gore convinced you that they don't.

Do plants require CO2?
Another liar playing dumb in order to lie some more. Is plants requiring CO2 highlighted? Obviously not, therefore the highlighted lie is the obvious lie about Gore. Back up the highlighted lie please.
This really illustrates what a dumb little minion you are to the progressive masters. No only is your side of the aisle trying to prosecute/persecute people for telling the truth - but they are doing it by signing a secret "pact". The only people who keeps secrets are criminals and unethical people. Honest people doing the legal thing are very transparent.

AGs’ Climate Change ‘Secrecy Pact’ Goes to Court
Another very positive trend in the U.S. More and more people are embracing firearms and concealed carry because they realize that progressive idealism is a failed ideology that ends in being a victim. It's also very encouraging to see more women are arming themselves and taking responsibility for their personal security.

Concealed-Carry Permits Might Impact Battleground States
Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .
Just what we need. A bunch of indoctrinated whining sissies in search of safe spaces.

If you actually raise your kids, they can't be indoctrinated by the schools. They can try, but it won't work.
That's not true at all. I have a family member who is a bat-shit crazy progressive. A full-on, self-admitted socialist. From the time of her children's birth, she has brainwashed the shit out of them to believe that conservatism was evil. I can't go into details - but we're talking some serious brain washing. As young children, it worked flawlessly. The things they said and did were unbelievable. They are both in high school now and she is furious that one of them has been turned conservative by his peers.

The schools steal your children for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, and relentlessly pound them with progressive idiocy. Even my daughter has fallen prey to it on several occasions and I've had to talk her back off the edge of progressive stupidity. But as they grow older, when their parents have less influence, that won't be as likely to happen. It's why the public school system and its liberal indoctrination is so important to progressives. That's why they lose their fucking minds when they see children being homeschooled - where they can't be duped into the left-wing nonsense.
Barack Obama actually achieved something that very few thought was possible - he surpassed Jimmy Carter in ineptitude. All Donald Trump needed to do was employ Ronald Reagan's strategy. You simply walk out on stage and say "is your life better now than it was 8 years ago or worse"? Of course, everyone other than the progressive partisan hacks would answer "worse" (and the progressive partisan hacks would think it, but just wouldn't admit it because honesty is not in their repertoire).
Facts, statistics, data and links never change minds. Passionate speech changes many minds. Stop wasting your time digging up charts and graphs. You'll bore the peoples and lose converts to your belief.
I'm not here to entertain my friend. If that's what you're looking for, you need to find yourself a trained monkey or puppy. I'm here to speak the truth.

You don't want to change minds?
The truth changes minds. If it doesn't - nothing I'm going to say will do so.

The truth doesn't change minds. Persuasive speakers change minds. Did Jesus really die on a cross? Did Muhammed really ascend to heaven on a white horse? Those two ideas have converted large portions of the world population. The truth wasn't what made them so popular.
Plants really do require CO2....even though Al Gore convinced you that they don't.

Do plants require CO2?
Another liar playing dumb in order to lie some more. Is plants requiring CO2 highlighted? Obviously not, therefore the highlighted lie is the obvious lie about Gore. Back up the highlighted lie please.

It is impossible for a question to be a lie.

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