We continue to see some very positive trends in America

We are so close to a giant step towards restoring constitutional government...

And the positive trends continue. Republicans now own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 states.
And the positive trends continue. Republicans now own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 states.

And we recall what a success it was the last time they controlled all 3 right? Ten plus years in Iraq and a market collapse.
I agree for once. There is a promising trend...
We will have either Hillary Rodham Clinton or one of her chief campaign contributors as President in November.

It looks like the GOP is finally ready to accept reality and prohibit those on the no-fly list from buying as many guns as their ISIS sponsors can afford

It looks like the attempts to defund Obamacare are no longer in fashion; they haven't done that in months.

It appears that the GOP isn't going to try to shut down the government again until HRC takes over.

She looks primed to appoint 4-5 justices to the Supreme Court thanks to GOP stalling on Obama's nomination

The Democrats are going to take back the Senate and restore some sanity.

EPA regulations will be strengthened

Business regs will be strengthened

Happy days are here again!!!

I agree for once. There is a promising trend...
We will have either Hillary Rodham Clinton or one of her chief campaign contributors as President in November.

It looks like the GOP is finally ready to accept reality and prohibit those on the no-fly list from buying as many guns as their ISIS sponsors can afford

It looks like the attempts to defund Obamacare are no longer in fashion; they haven't done that in months.

It appears that the GOP isn't going to try to shut down the government again until HRC takes over.

She looks primed to appoint 4-5 justices to the Supreme Court thanks to GOP stalling on Obama's nomination

The Democrats are going to take back the Senate and restore some sanity.

EPA regulations will be strengthened

Business regs will be strengthened

Happy days are here again!!!


Time will tell but you may see that Trump and Clinton are more alike than different....
I agree for once. There is a promising trend...
We will have either Hillary Rodham Clinton or one of her chief campaign contributors as President in November.

It looks like the GOP is finally ready to accept reality and prohibit those on the no-fly list from buying as many guns as their ISIS sponsors can afford

It looks like the attempts to defund Obamacare are no longer in fashion; they haven't done that in months.

It appears that the GOP isn't going to try to shut down the government again until HRC takes over.

She looks primed to appoint 4-5 justices to the Supreme Court thanks to GOP stalling on Obama's nomination

The Democrats are going to take back the Senate and restore some sanity.

EPA regulations will be strengthened

Business regs will be strengthened

Happy days are here again!!!


Time will tell...but you may see that Trump and Clinton are more alike than they are different. Perhaps not enough to suit me but perhaps enough to make his supporters uneasy.
And the positive trends continue. Republicans now own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 states.

And we recall what a success it was the last time they controlled all 3 right? Ten plus years in Iraq and a market collapse.
What market collapse?

You may recall Bush and the $700B bailout at the end of his Presidency and proceeded by 4 years of GOP majorities (if I'm not mistaken) in the Senate and House.
And the positive trends continue. Republicans now own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 states.

And we recall what a success it was the last time they controlled all 3 right? Ten plus years in Iraq and a market collapse.
What market collapse?

You may recall Bush and the $700B bailout at the end of his Presidency and proceeded by 4 years of GOP majorities (if I'm not mistaken) in the Senate and House.
You are mistaken....
And the positive trends continue. Republicans now own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 states.

And we recall what a success it was the last time they controlled all 3 right? Ten plus years in Iraq and a market collapse.
What market collapse?

You may recall Bush and the $700B bailout at the end of his Presidency and proceeded by 4 years of GOP majorities (if I'm not mistaken) in the Senate and House.
You are mistaken....

Don't think so.
And the positive trends continue. Republicans now own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 states.

And we recall what a success it was the last time they controlled all 3 right? Ten plus years in Iraq and a market collapse.
What market collapse?

You may recall Bush and the $700B bailout at the end of his Presidency and proceeded by 4 years of GOP majorities (if I'm not mistaken) in the Senate and House.
You are mistaken....

Don't think so.
We know....
I agree for once. There is a promising trend...
We will have either Hillary Rodham Clinton or one of her chief campaign contributors as President in November.

It looks like the GOP is finally ready to accept reality and prohibit those on the no-fly list from buying as many guns as their ISIS sponsors can afford

It looks like the attempts to defund Obamacare are no longer in fashion; they haven't done that in months.

It appears that the GOP isn't going to try to shut down the government again until HRC takes over.

She looks primed to appoint 4-5 justices to the Supreme Court thanks to GOP stalling on Obama's nomination

The Democrats are going to take back the Senate and restore some sanity.

EPA regulations will be strengthened

Business regs will be strengthened

Happy days are here again!!!

Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .

“The old wives’ tale spread by the teachers’ unions (who are afraid of competition) is that homeschoolers are not “socialized.” Well, the facts are in. Homeschoolers are almost twice as involved in their local community or church as public school students, and almost three times as involved in politics.”

The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide by Wayne Allyn Root on iBooks

Translation : NERDS!!!!

These kids end up going back wild crazy when they finally flee their helicopter parents .
Wow. So first you falsely claim they will be "socially inept" and then when I prove that wrong you immaturely claim "nerds". So having a child that is better educated, receives higher scores, and is more involved in their community is a bad thing in your mind? You're going to attack those children and immaturely refer to them as "nerds"?

Ladies and Gentlemen....I give you the modern-day radicalized liberal. So scared of an educated and enlighten populace that they argue for a dumbed-down system of education so long as it can be used for indoctrination.

Yep. I feel bad for the kids . It's like they are being held captive by their parents . Young kids all involved in church and politics? You end up with Ted Cruz!
Talk about moronic.

Held captive by their parents?

Are parents required to hand their children over to the State at a required age without having input or active participation?

It seems you are the result of this lack of participation in your education by your parents.
While there is no denying that liberalism has created a mountain of very significant problems for the United States, the radicalization of that ideology (culminating with the election of a devout marxist by their party) has resulted in some very positive trends in America. First, we saw the rise of the Tea Party in response to the extremism of the Obama Administration. This movement to return to constitutional government, true conservative principles, and rid the GOP of liberals has had a profound positive effect on America. Both the House and the Senate were turned over to conservatives during the Obama Administration. A RINO Speaker of the House (John Boehner) was run off and replaced with an actual conservative. Very liberal states like Wisconsin and Michigan were turned over to conservatives. We have seen a drastic reduction in Planned Parenthood facilities throughout the U.S. We have seen an increase in "Right to Work" laws. The American people unilaterally rejected the insanity of Target's absurdity and is now boycotting them. North Carolina restored sanity to America and lead the way for other states to follow with HB2.

But perhaps there is no better metric for positive trends in Americs than the ever increasing movement towards home schooling. Not only does it result in an exponentially better educated generation of students, but it also eliminates the indoctrination efforts by the left and it is an indication that the American people recognize the inability of government to effectively handle even simple tasks when they step outside of their Constitutional responsibilities. When liberal Hollywood is not only homeschooling their own children, but also writing books about it and doing speaking engagements, it's a sure sign that homeschooling is becoming more prevalent through out the country. Few things are better for America than this particular growing trend. Let's hope it continues.

Yes, the trends look good.

Right-wingers have lost on just about every social issue they care about. Great news.

As US demographics continue to change, republicans will probably be locked out of the White House for many years to come. Great news.

With republicans locked out of the White House, they will not have the ability to affect the Supreme Court. Wonderful news.

Thanks for reminding us of the coming brighter days. :0)


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