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"We Control America." Sharon...

British Petroleum was also founded, in the wake of all this.

When US Zionism persisted, and the CIA also supported the rise of Saddam, in Iraq, the Shah was doomed. All your minor concerns about Islam are interesting but tactical, only, in light of strategic flaws in the Shah, who was a dying, western-tool, in 1979.
Notice the lunatics always veer off into "Zionism" and Israel. No matter what.
Achmadinejad was a student, at the time of the revolution. He wanted to befriend the US, but the students who invaded the embassy didn't let him have his way.

Zionism by the US and support for Saddam in Iraq were two glaring reasons, for general Iranian hatred, for the US. What do you know, you Zionist piece of shit? How to be ugly?
You must be surprised that the Shah wasn't as barbaric as other leaders that slaughtered tens of thousands of Kurds like Sadam or the Turks did.

At the end of the Second World War, Kurds in northern Iran briefly set up their own state, the Mahabad Republic, which offered them a brief taste of freedom. But the government in Tehran soon crushed this experiment, with the backing of the U.S. and Britain. Qadhi Muhammad the republic's elected president, was publicly hanged along with several other Kurdish leaders.

The Betrayal of the Kurds

The Shah may not have killed tens of thousands of Kurds, Roudy, but he was hardly their ally.

btw. I totally support the concept of a Kurdish nation, with the capital city in Diyabakir. But it will never happen.
Oh but he didn't drop nerve gas on them killing 10,000 at a time like Sadam did, nor did he commit genocide on them like the Turks. He was guilty of trying to preserve the territorial integrity of his nation, as would any leader democratically elected or not. As opposed to have it broken up into a litle Kurdistan here, a little Azarbaijan for the Turks up there, and the Arabs in the South, well they want to be with their Arab "brothers" too. Iran is a multi ethnic nation. The remnants of a broken up empire. Bottom line is the Shah did not have a national policy of persecuting any minority as long as they consider themselves Iranian. Unlike the Islamists in power now in Iran who have a state sanctioned policy that persecutes and oppresses women and minorities.

Is your middle name clueless?
Really? Why?

Is going to Iran SO unusual?
No you claim to have also been to Kurdistan. Actually I call con-artist and professional liar. And credit me for observing how deceptive this ignorant Fatima Saigoon is. I want a medal or some type of recognition!

Yes, I have been to the Turkish parts of Kurdistan, for a story I was writing on Sanli Urfa (which is STUNNING, by the way). Diyabakir was fairly horrid, I thought, and felt very oppressive.

I probably have some pics, if you want to see them?
Stunning, how you lie about almost everything, Al Queda Times jounalist for Stormfront, HERE IS YOUR "OPPRESSION OF THE KURDS BY THE SHAH" You fucking lying retard:


For years, the Shah of Iran had been secretly supporting the Iraqi Kurds to put pressure on Baghdad. So were the Israelis, who hoped to distract Iraq’s increasingly virulent leader from joining an Arab attack on the Jewish state. In 1972, Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon, motivated by fear that Iraq was becoming too cozy with the Soviet Union, agreed to a request from the Shah to help back the Kurds.

For the sake of deniability, the U.S. supplied the Kurds with Soviet arms seized in Vietnam, while Israel provided Soviet weapons that it had captured from the Arabs. According to the Washington Post’s Jon Randal, the clandestine operation was kept secret even from the U.S. State Department, which had argued against any such support. The Kurd’s news friends, however, did not want their protégées to win their struggle. An independent Kurdish state would be much too disruptive for the region, they felt. Their support was carefully doled out—enough to keep the revolt going, but not enough to take it to victory.

Irangate: The Israel Connection excerpted from the book The Iran Contra Connection Secret Teams and Covert Operations in the Reagan Era

The main purpose of the Israeli relationship with Iran was the development of a pro-Israel and anti-Arab policy on the part of Iranian officials. Mossad has engaged in joint operations with SAVAK over the years since the late 1950s. Mossad aided SAVAK activities and supported the Kurds in Iraq. The Israelis also regularly transmitted to the Iranians intelligence reports on Egypt's activities in the Arab countries, trends and developments in Iraq, and Communist activities affecting Iran."
Cooperation between Israel and Iran touched many fields, including oil, trade, air transport, and various forms of technical assistance. But their most important mutual interest was in the military sphere.
Like the United States, Israel cemented its relationship with Iran by the exchange of arms for oil, which both sides kept alive through the worst of the OPEC oil embargo. The Iranian arms market was worth at least $500 million a year to Israel. The Shah bought everything from Gabriel anti-ship missiles to advanced communications equipment. In 1977, Israel arranged a $1 billion arms-for-oil deal around Operation Flower, a joint Israeli-Iranian project to build a nuclear-capable surface-to-surface missile. And like their American counterparts, certain Israelis also seem to have been part of the corrupt nexus through which top Iranian political and military leaders were enriched through arms sale commissions. "When the Israelis decide to change their policy," one top State Department official told a reporter in the mid- 1 970s, "the first place the Israeli jet touches down is Tehran. Moshe Dayan is in and out of there quite frequently."
No Israeli representative in Iran during the Shah's reign was more significant or influential than Ya'acov Nimrodi, Israel's military attaché. He reportedly helped organize and encourage the rebellion of Kurdish tribesmen against Iraq, the Shah's main political and military rival in the region. As the chief government agent for Israel's burgeoning arms industry, known as an all-purpose "fixer," Nimrodi was intimate with the Shah and his generals. "I was in partnership with the Shah," he told friends. (Among other coups, Nimrodi sold the Iranian army on the Uzi submachine gun.) And as the Mossad agent who could properly boast of having "built" SAVAK into an efficient if brutal intelligence service, he was no less intimate with the keepers of the Shah's secrets. With the arrival of the Khomeini regime, Nimrodi kept open his lines of communication as a private arms dealer who would become central to the Reagan arms-for-hostage talks.
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Shah's anti Semitism? Is that why Jews that fled ethnic cleansing in Iraq took refuge in Iran? While the Shah and his father may or may not have held certain stereotypical ideas about Jews or other minorities, it was never a matter of state policy as it is in the current Islamist regime. As I said minorities and women flourished and enjoyed equal rights under the Shah. The Shah tried to emulate his predecessor of 2500 years ago, Cyrus the Great.

History of Iran: Cyrus The Great

The victory over Babylonia expressed all the facets of the policy of conciliation which Cyrus had followed until then. He presented himself not as a conqueror, but a liberator and the legitimate successor to the crown. He also declared the first Charter of Human Rights known to mankind. He took the title of "King of Babylon and King of the Land". Cyrus had no thought of forcing conquered people into a single mould, and had the wisdom to leave unchanged the institution of each kingdom he attached to the Persian Crown. In 539 BCE he allowed more than 40,000 Jews to leave Babylon and return to Palestine. This step was in line with his policy to bring peace to Mankind. A new wind was blowing from the east, carrying away the cries and humility of defeated and murdered victims, extinguishing the fires of sacked cities, and liberating nations from slavery.

Cyrus was upright, a great leader of men, generous and benelovent. The Hellenes, whom he conquered regarded him as 'Law-giver' and the Jews as 'the annointed of the Lord'.

The Cyrus the Great Cylinder
Edited by: Shapour Ghasemi

The Cyrus the Great Cylinder is the first charter of right of nations in the world. It is a baked-clay cyliner in Akkadian language with cuneiform script. This cylinder was excavated in 1879 by the Assyro-British archaeologist Hormuzd Rassam in the foundations of the Esagila (the Marduk temple of Babylon) and is kept today in the British Museum in London.

Cyrus the Great Cylinder, The First Charter of Rights of Nations

On October 12 (Julian calendar; October 7 by the Gregorian calendar) 539 BC, Achaemanid army without any conflict entered the city of Babylon. Cyrus the Great himself, on October 29, entered the city, assuming the titles of "king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four corners of the world". Cyrus The Great, on this cylinder, describes how he conquers the old city of Babylon and how his mighty army in peace marched into the city; his claim that he entered the city peacefully supports the same statement in the Chronicle of Nabonidus. The last king of Babylon, Nabonidus, is considered a tyrant with odd religious ideas, which causes Marduk, patron deity of the city of Babylon to intervene. Cyrus considers himself chosen by a supreme god, is confirmed by Second Isaiah, the chapters 40-55 of the Biblical book of Isaiah. The Cyrus Cylinder then was placed under the walls of "Esagila" as a foundation deposit, following a Mesopotamian tradition.

Cyrus The Great Cylinder, in the British Museum, London
There were three main premises in the decrees of the Cyrus Cylinder: the political formulization of racial, linguistic, and religious equality, slaves and all deported peoples were to be allowed to return to home; and all destroyed temples were to be restored.[1]

In 1971, the Cyrus Cylinder was described as the world’s first charter of human rights,[1, 2, 3, 4] and it was translated into all six official U.N. languages.[4] A replica of the cylinder is kept at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City in the second floor hallway, between the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council chambers.[5]

Passages in the text of cylinder have been interpreted as expressing Cyrus’ respect for humanity, and as promoting a form of religious tolerance and freedom; and as result of his generous and humane policies, Cyrus gained the overwhelming support of his subjects.[6]

The Cyrus Cylinder is not the only reason that the Cyrus legacy is admired. According to Professor Richard Frye[7]:
Roudy -

Once again, you display an aversion to fact that can only be indicative of a lifelong condition...

The Shah operated amongst the most brutal police states the world has ever seen, every bit as oppressive as that in Libya, and arguably worse.

SAVAK has been described as Iran's "most hated and feared institution" prior to the revolution of 1979 because of its practice of torturing and executing opponents of the Pahlavi regime.[2][3] At its peak, the organization had as many as 60,000 agents serving in its ranks according to one source

During the height of its power, SAVAK had virtually unlimited powers. It operated its own detention centers, like Evin Prison. In addition to domestic security the service's tasks extended to the surveillance of Iranians abroad, notably in the United States, France, and

the United Kingdom, and especially students on government stipends. T

A turning point in SAVAK's reputation for ruthless brutality was reportedly an attack on a gendarmerie post in the Caspian village of Siahkal by a small band of armed Marxists in February 1971, although it is also reported to have tortured to death a Shia cleric, Ayatollah Muhammad Reza Sa'idi, in 1970.[17] According to Iranian political historian Ervand Abrahamian, after this attack SAVAK interrogators were sent abroad for "scientific training to prevent unwanted deaths from 'brute force.' Brute force was supplemented with the bastinado; sleep deprivation; extensive solitary confinement; glaring searchlights; standing in one place for hours on end; nail extractions; snakes (favored for use with women); electrical shocks with cattle prods, often into the rectum; cigarette burns; sitting on hot grills; acid dripped into nostrils; near-drownings; mock executions; and an electric chair with a large metal mask to muffle screams while amplifying them for the victim. This latter contraption was dubbed the Apollo—an allusion to the American space capsules. Prisoners were also humiliated by being raped, urinated on, and forced to stand naked.[18] Despite the new 'scientific' methods, the torture of choice remained the traditional bastinado used to beat soles of the feet. The "primary goal" of those using the bastinados "was to locate arms caches, safe houses and accomplices ..." [19]

SAVAK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are some wonderful books on this, but I somewhow doubt you have the stomach for them.

It's just a shame that the Mullahs who replaced the Shah turned out to be no better, and possibly worse.
Really, you fucking idiot? Why don't you ask some Iranians and find out who was more brutal, barbaric, and backward, the Shah, or these Islamic animals? Do you have any idea how many people have been rounded up, murdered, tortured by these Islamic animals? Living under the Shah was like a good dream for the Iranians that are currently living this nightmare. You are one of the most ignorant idiots I have met in my entire life. YOU ARE A KNOW NOTHING PIECE OF SHIT TERRORIST WORSHIPPER.
I was avoiding to take part on this repetitive, beaten to death post by Pbel who seems to have a pile of discredited garbage in his archive and every so often honors us by sharing the same old trash, Roudy, but reading Saigon's comment convinced me to write.
Proof that the Internet (or even living as an outsider among the natives) is not a substitute for knowledge.
Yes, the shah was amongst the most brutal dictators, and yes SAVAK was worse than SAVAMA (or Pasdaran, Basiji, revolutionary guard thugs)!
What do I know. I was just a little religious minority kept away from what was happening around me.
These know nothing dime a dozen self proclaimed political analysts have no clue that the shah pardoned anyone attempted his would be assassination. He only punished those convicted of treason AND THE WHOLE COUNTRY WATCHED THE COURT PROCEEDING ON NATIONAL TV.
Yeah, I remember all the whippings stoning and public hangings.
This morons don't know under the shah men and women became equal, workers became shareholders in the factories they worked. Contiguous diseases were eradicated, malaria that is now rampant became the thing of the past, health and education were free and you could leave the country with everything you owned without having to explain anything to the regime.
And unlike Bashir Assad, he left his beloved country rather than cling to power and cause a bloodshed.
Who died and made these pests experts!

Amir, I don't necesarily believe that what Sharon said to Peres was overheard by the press and therefore proveable in a court of law...However I do believe that the Right Wing American Zionist supporters in fact practice that philosophy...AIPAC is a Foreign Lobby that presents a pro-Israeli pledge to every congressperson in America according to J street...If they don't plege allegience than AIPAC supports and funds an opponent that will. Ask Cynthia McKinney?

Is this wrong? No, many interest groups do the same, I suppose, however, AIPAC I believe is the only Lobby registered to assist a foreign power which does not have the same National Interests as America and should not be part of our Body politic.

Interest groups control America not the People. AIPAC is just the best funded.

America needs to desperately reform Campaign Finance Laws to give back the Power to the People not to the moneyed!
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Really, you fucking idiot? Why don't you ask some Iranians and find out who was more brutal, barbaric, and backward, the Shah, or these Islamic animals? Do you have any idea how many people have been rounded up, murdered, tortured by these Islamic animals? Living under the Shah was like a good dream for the Iranians that are currently living this nightmare. You are one of the most ignorant idiots I have met in my entire life. YOU ARE A KNOW NOTHING PIECE OF SHIT TERRORIST WORSHIPPER.
I was avoiding to take part on this repetitive, beaten to death post by Pbel who seems to have a pile of discredited garbage in his archive and every so often honors us by sharing the same old trash, Roudy, but reading Saigon's comment convinced me to write.
Proof that the Internet (or even living as an outsider among the natives) is not a substitute for knowledge.
Yes, the shah was amongst the most brutal dictators, and yes SAVAK was worse than SAVAMA (or Pasdaran, Basiji, revolutionary guard thugs)!
What do I know. I was just a little religious minority kept away from what was happening around me.
These know nothing dime a dozen self proclaimed political analysts have no clue that the shah pardoned anyone attempted his would be assassination. He only punished those convicted of treason AND THE WHOLE COUNTRY WATCHED THE COURT PROCEEDING ON NATIONAL TV.
Yeah, I remember all the whippings stoning and public hangings.
This morons don't know under the shah men and women became equal, workers became shareholders in the factories they worked. Contiguous diseases were eradicated, malaria that is now rampant became the thing of the past, health and education were free and you could leave the country with everything you owned without having to explain anything to the regime.
And unlike Bashir Assad, he left his beloved country rather than cling to power and cause a bloodshed.
Who died and made these pests experts!

Amir, I don't necesarily believe that what Sharon said to Peres was overheard by the press and therefore proveable in a court of law...However I do believe that the Right Wing American Zionist supporters in fact practice that philosophy...AIPAC is a Foreign Lobby that presents a pro-Israeli pledge to every congressperson in America according to J street...If they don't plege allegience than AIPAC supports and funds an opponent that will. Ask Cynthia McKinney?

Is this wrong? No, many interest groups do the same, I suppose, however, AIPAC I believe is the only Lobby registered to assist a foreign power which does not have the same National Interests as America and should not be part of our Body politic.

Interest groups control America not the People. AIPAC is just the best funded.

America needs to desperately reform Campaign Finance Laws to give back the Power to the People not to the moneyed!

If it was up to me, Pbel, or I had the power, I would order all the lobbyists hanged. But as much as I detest special interest groups, if one segment of the society has them, to counter balance you have no choice but to get your own.
There are all over, CAIR, Mexican_American Alliance, NFIB, AARP, you name it, but you guys only single out AIPAC! Why, I know, I know, it is not registered as a foreign entity (actually it isn't foreign, it's American based) why so much resentments and animosity toward an ally? What would you guys say if America went to war to protect Israel, as it did in Korea and Vietnam? Oh, sorry, I forgot, Iraq war was for Israel, so was Afghanistan, Somalia, Bosnia, Granada....
Shah's anti Semitism?


"So intense was the shah's identification with the Third Reich that in 1935 he renamed his ancient country "Iran," which in Farsi means Aryan and refers to the Proto-Indo-European lineage that Nazi racial theorists and Persian ethnologists cherished."

Iran's anti-Semitic Aryan legacy.

By the early 1930s, Rezā Shāh's close ties with Nazi Germany began worrying the Allied states.[8] Germany's modern state and economy highly impressed the Shah, and there were hundreds of Germans involved in every aspect of the state, from setting up factories to building roads, railroads and bridges.[9]

The Shah went on to ask the international community to use the native name of "Iran" in 1935 to address to his country, which in Persian means 'Land of the Aryans' and refers to Airyanem Vaejah, the Avestan name of the original homeland of the Aryans. Although the country has been known as Iran to the native people themselves for many centuries, Westerners came to know the nation as Persia through Ancient Greek accounts. Iranians were immune to the racial Nuremberg Laws on the grounds that they were pure blooded Aryans. In 1939, Nazi Germany provided Iran with what they called a Germany Scientific Library. The library contained over 7500 books selected "to convince Iranian readers...of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the Aryan culture of Iran"(Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161). In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip (Rezun. 1982, p. 29).


Fancy the man you compared with Mother Teresea having Nazi affiliations...!
If you are a journalist then I am the Queen Mary, you are a fucking moron.

Yes, I'm a journalist - why the hell else would I hang out in places like the Congo, the Golan Heights and Liberia?

I publish every so often in the US as well....if you PM me an email address, I can email you a couple of stories. I could post some pics here, too, if you like.
Journalist for whom? Al Queda Times? Ha ha ha! Perhaps you are interviewing your clients while servicing them? If you are a journalist then I am Donald Trump.

There are times I really can't believe you could be older than seven.

I'm more than happy to prove I'm a journalist, Roudy. Send me an email address, and I'll email you some links to a couple of magazines. Or I can post something here if you like.
And you are a Hezbollah pig, Hezbollah pig boy.

This could explain the incredible obsession with penises and blow jobs.
Hezbollah pig boy reminds you of penises, Fatima Saigoon? What else reminds you of penises? The Brooklyn Bridge? Tee hee.

Roudy -

No, because I don't consider being gay to be an insult.

It has to be said, your constant going on and on and on about gay sex and blow jobs is both fantastically chldish and fantastically boring.

It's your thing - no one else cares.
Shah's anti Semitism?


"So intense was the shah's identification with the Third Reich that in 1935 he renamed his ancient country "Iran," which in Farsi means Aryan and refers to the Proto-Indo-European lineage that Nazi racial theorists and Persian ethnologists cherished."

Iran's anti-Semitic Aryan legacy.

By the early 1930s, Rezā Shāh's close ties with Nazi Germany began worrying the Allied states.[8] Germany's modern state and economy highly impressed the Shah, and there were hundreds of Germans involved in every aspect of the state, from setting up factories to building roads, railroads and bridges.[9]

The Shah went on to ask the international community to use the native name of "Iran" in 1935 to address to his country, which in Persian means 'Land of the Aryans' and refers to Airyanem Vaejah, the Avestan name of the original homeland of the Aryans. Although the country has been known as Iran to the native people themselves for many centuries, Westerners came to know the nation as Persia through Ancient Greek accounts. Iranians were immune to the racial Nuremberg Laws on the grounds that they were pure blooded Aryans. In 1939, Nazi Germany provided Iran with what they called a Germany Scientific Library. The library contained over 7500 books selected "to convince Iranian readers...of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the Aryan culture of Iran"(Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161). In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip (Rezun. 1982, p. 29).


Fancy the man you compared with Mother Teresea having Nazi affiliations...!
Duh like everybody knows that one, douchebag. That was the Shah's father. Iran is the true land of the Aryans, Germany is the fake land of the Aryans. The Shah's father sent a communique to Hitler reminding him what Iran means. Meanwhile Iranian Ambassadors across Europe were saving Jews from the Nazi death camps. His actions spoke louder than his words, and so did the actions of his son.

BBC News - The 'Iranian Schindler' who saved Jews from the Nazis

The 'Iranian Schindler' who saved Jews from the Nazis
By Brian Wheeler
BBC News, Washington

Thousands of Iranian Jews and their descendants owe their lives to a Muslim diplomat in wartime Paris, according to a new book. In The Lion's Shadow tells how Abdol-Hossein Sardari risked everything to help fellow Iranians escape the Nazis.

Eliane Senahi Cohanim was seven years old when she fled France with her family.

She remembers clutching her favourite doll and lying as still as she could, pretending to be asleep, whenever their train came to a halt at a Nazi checkpoint.

"I remember everywhere, when we were running away, they would ask for our passports, and I remember my father would hand them the passports and they would look at them. And then they would look at us. It was scary. It was very, very scary."

Mrs Cohanim and her family were part of a small, close-knit community of Iranian Jews living in and around Paris.

Her father, George Senahi, was a prosperous textile merchant and the family lived in a large, comfortable house in Montmorency, about 25km (15.5 miles) north of the French capital.

But despite being stripped of his diplomatic immunity and status, Sardari resolved to remain in France and carry on helping the Iranian Jews, at considerable risk to his own safety, using money from his inheritance to keep his office going.

The story he spun to the Nazis, in a series of letters and reports, was that the Persian Emperor Cyrus had freed Jewish exiles in Babylon in 538 BC and they had returned to their homes.
This could explain the incredible obsession with penises and blow jobs.
Hezbollah pig boy reminds you of penises, Fatima Saigoon? What else reminds you of penises? The Brooklyn Bridge? Tee hee.

Roudy -

No, because I don't consider being gay to be an insult.

It has to be said, your constant going on and on and on about gay sex and blow jobs is both fantastically chldish and fantastically boring.

It's your thing - no one else cares.
I have no idea what you're talking about. You're an Islamist lover, gay or no gay. That's obvious. And you probably service them as an escort posing as a journalist.
I have no idea what you're talking about. You're an Islamist lover, gay or no gay. That's obvious. And you probably service them as an escort posing as a journalist.

Of course you do, child.

You devote a good half of your posting to racist insults, homophobic abuse and name calling most ten-year-olds have long since grown out of.

Have you ever seen any of the stronger posters sink to that level?

You do it because it's all you have. You know you'll never "win" a discussion with facts or reasoning, so instead your resort to foul-mouthed ranting.

It's hardly a mystery.
Shah's anti Semitism?


"So intense was the shah's identification with the Third Reich that in 1935 he renamed his ancient country "Iran," which in Farsi means Aryan and refers to the Proto-Indo-European lineage that Nazi racial theorists and Persian ethnologists cherished."

Iran's anti-Semitic Aryan legacy.

By the early 1930s, Rezā Shāh's close ties with Nazi Germany began worrying the Allied states.[8] Germany's modern state and economy highly impressed the Shah, and there were hundreds of Germans involved in every aspect of the state, from setting up factories to building roads, railroads and bridges.[9]

The Shah went on to ask the international community to use the native name of "Iran" in 1935 to address to his country, which in Persian means 'Land of the Aryans' and refers to Airyanem Vaejah, the Avestan name of the original homeland of the Aryans. Although the country has been known as Iran to the native people themselves for many centuries, Westerners came to know the nation as Persia through Ancient Greek accounts. Iranians were immune to the racial Nuremberg Laws on the grounds that they were pure blooded Aryans. In 1939, Nazi Germany provided Iran with what they called a Germany Scientific Library. The library contained over 7500 books selected "to convince Iranian readers...of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the Aryan culture of Iran"(Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161). In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip (Rezun. 1982, p. 29).


Fancy the man you compared with Mother Teresea having Nazi affiliations...!
Duh like everybody knows that one, douchebag. That was the Shah's father. Iran is the true land of the Aryans, Germany is the fake land of the Aryans. The Shah's father sent a communique to Hitler reminding him what Iran means. Meanwhile Iranian Ambassadors across Europe were saving Jews from the Nazi death camps. His actions spoke louder than his words, and so did the actions of his son.

BBC News - The 'Iranian Schindler' who saved Jews from the Nazis

The 'Iranian Schindler' who saved Jews from the Nazis
By Brian Wheeler
BBC News, Washington

Thousands of Iranian Jews and their descendants owe their lives to a Muslim diplomat in wartime Paris, according to a new book. In The Lion's Shadow tells how Abdol-Hossein Sardari risked everything to help fellow Iranians escape the Nazis.

Eliane Senahi Cohanim was seven years old when she fled France with her family.

She remembers clutching her favourite doll and lying as still as she could, pretending to be asleep, whenever their train came to a halt at a Nazi checkpoint.

"I remember everywhere, when we were running away, they would ask for our passports, and I remember my father would hand them the passports and they would look at them. And then they would look at us. It was scary. It was very, very scary."

Mrs Cohanim and her family were part of a small, close-knit community of Iranian Jews living in and around Paris.

Her father, George Senahi, was a prosperous textile merchant and the family lived in a large, comfortable house in Montmorency, about 25km (15.5 miles) north of the French capital.

But despite being stripped of his diplomatic immunity and status, Sardari resolved to remain in France and carry on helping the Iranian Jews, at considerable risk to his own safety, using money from his inheritance to keep his office going.

The story he spun to the Nazis, in a series of letters and reports, was that the Persian Emperor Cyrus had freed Jewish exiles in Babylon in 538 BC and they had returned to their homes.
Well here we go, another instance of Fatima Saigoon looking up an irrelevant "factoid" in a desperate attempt to misrepresent and lie. Is this your idea of journalism? Lies, misrepresentations, and false propoganda? It is a well known historical FACT that both the Shah and his son were very tolerant towards not only Jews, but ALL minorities. You can ask any Iranian Jew, Bahaii, Armenian, Zoroastrian, Hindu, etc. what life was like and they will tell you. But, you pull these stupid irrelevant claims out of your ass in an attempt to totally lie about a mans record. Besides, we are talking about the Shah in power before the Islamic Revolution, NOT his father, which is the person you posted about you idiot. You just don't get anything right, do you? Not even the person is immune, you switch freely from father to son with no regard to the truth or facts.

Your assertion of the Shah oppressing the Kurds was also totally false. While the father put down a rebellion to create an independent state at one point in time, THE SON, the late Shah, wholly supported them in their fight.

Talk about unethical journalism.

Would you please send me some of the articles you wrote? I am running out of toilet paper and need to something to wipe with. Thanks, you well traveled, fully informed, Middle East expert you. Ha ha ha! You are pathetic.
I have no idea what you're talking about. You're an Islamist lover, gay or no gay. That's obvious. And you probably service them as an escort posing as a journalist.

Of course you do, child.

You devote a good half of your posting to racist insults, homophobic abuse and name calling most ten-year-olds have long since grown out of.

Have you ever seen any of the stronger posters sink to that level?

You do it because it's all you have. You know you'll never "win" a discussion with facts or reasoning, so instead your resort to foul-mouthed ranting.

It's hardly a mystery.
In fact I always win a discussion and you always loose because my arguments are based on the truth and yours are based on lies, misrepresentations, and contortions. Sad part is you actually call yourself a well traveled, informed "journalist". So far you've proved to be none.
I have no idea what you're talking about. You're an Islamist lover, gay or no gay. That's obvious. And you probably service them as an escort posing as a journalist.

Of course you do, child.

You devote a good half of your posting to racist insults, homophobic abuse and name calling most ten-year-olds have long since grown out of.

Have you ever seen any of the stronger posters sink to that level?

You do it because it's all you have. You know you'll never "win" a discussion with facts or reasoning, so instead your resort to foul-mouthed ranting.

It's hardly a mystery.
In fact I always win a discussion and you always loose because my arguments are based on the truth and yours are based on lies, misrepresentations, and contortions. Sad part is you actually call yourself a well traveled, informed "journalist". So far you've proved to be none.

Oh, right, right.

Just like you won by comparing the Shah with Mother Teresa.

Just like you won by insisting the Shah never oppressed anyone.

Just like you won by denying the Shah was anti-semitic.

Just like you won by insisting the Crown Prince is actually the King.

Got it.

What a child you are.
Of course you do, child.

You devote a good half of your posting to racist insults, homophobic abuse and name calling most ten-year-olds have long since grown out of.

Have you ever seen any of the stronger posters sink to that level?

You do it because it's all you have. You know you'll never "win" a discussion with facts or reasoning, so instead your resort to foul-mouthed ranting.

It's hardly a mystery.
In fact I always win a discussion and you always loose because my arguments are based on the truth and yours are based on lies, misrepresentations, and contortions. Sad part is you actually call yourself a well traveled, informed "journalist". So far you've proved to be none.

Oh, right, right.

Just like you won by comparing the Shah with Mother Teresa.

Just like you won by insisting the Shah never oppressed anyone.

Just like you won by denying the Shah was anti-semitic.

Just like you won by insisting the Crown Prince is actually the King.

Got it.

What a child you are.
I won by proving that the Shah wasn't oppressive to minorities, which is a fact, while you ignorantly were promoting this hogwash that he was. I said he was Mother Teresa in comparison to the attrocities of the Islamic regime, and so will most Iranians. The same Islamic regime that you said was "possibly" worse than the Shah! Embarassed at exposing how ignorant you are, you then changed the subject to Kurds and what THE SHAH'S FATHER DID, without saying that his son, the person we were discussing, fully supported the Kurds. Embarassed again, you created another diversion by arguing over whether he was a crown prince or shah, when you mistakenly thought that a poster was referring to the late Shah, as part of a new pro democracy movement in Iran.

And that is how the ball game went down. You got demolished, embarassed and exposed yet another evening, for being a blowhard know nothing. JOURNALIST MY ASS. Now crawl back to that neo Nazi site called Stormfront where you will find a crowd that is more "receptive" to your non stop BS and lies.

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