We could have won January 6

It was there for the taking if the right people had been in charge.

---Marjorie Taylor Greene says she and Steve Bannon ‘would have won’ January 6 ---

You have to remember just how stupid MTG is.

This is a woman who thinks her underwear's inability to stop her noxious farts means surgical masks don't protect against Covid, mm-kay?

This is a woman who demanded Trump declare "Marshall Law". :lol:

This is a woman who bleevs California's wildfires were started by a Jewish space laser.

This is a woman who bleevs Comet Pizza had a pedophile ring in their non-existent basement.

This woman is a Q-tard who bleevs the Capitol was invaded by Antifa and the FBI.

I would not let this retard anywhere near a gun during an insurrection. She'd probably blow away half her comrades, and then blame the Jews.
In engineering after we earn a BS you should get a PE license to seal designs. The steps to get a PE license are:
Take the EIT (Engineer in training) a very comprehensive test of your college courses.
After you pass that, and works a minimum of 5-years "in responsible charge" of designs as certified by your employers, you can take the PE Exam. An all day test of analysis techniques and design codes.

Dumbos don't last long in engineering.
So how long did it take you to learn to drive a train?
You have to remember just how stupid MTG is.
This is a woman who thinks her underwear's inability to stop her noxious farts means surgical masks don't protect against Covid, mm-kay?
This is a woman who demanded Trump declare "Marshall Law". :lol:
This is a woman who bleevs California's wildfires were started by a Jewish space laser.
This is a woman who bleevs Comet Pizza had a pedophile ring in their non-existent basement.
This woman is a Q-tard who bleevs the Capitol was invaded by Antifa and the FBI.
I would not let this retard anywhere near a gun during an insurrection. She'd probably blow away half her comrades, and then blame the Jews.
Both parties have had more than a few wacko House members.
Its ALWAYS been like that. Don't make me start listing the democrat wackos.
See the link below, and those were just sex issues, not counting the really creepy ones.
Traficant, OH really weird
Rostenkowski, IL crook
Wilbur Mills, tossed a prostitute out of a moving car

Bull$hit. The "real traitors" were Rump, Rudi, Josh, Junior, Brooke, and the trailer-trash they incited to assault the Congress of the United States.

Not to mention those who continue to make excuses for them and to attempt (and fail) to distract and deflect and soften the judgment of history.


Among others.....the real traitor is the FBI....wake up!

Your Orange Comb-Over Baboon-God is a traitor... a regular modern-day Benedict Arnold... who can never again be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office.

Trump will be back. He leads in the poll numbers for 2024.

---Trump holds a 14-point lead over Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in a potential 2024 Republican primary matchup---

Trump will be back. He leads in the poll numbers for 2024.

---Trump holds a 14-point lead over Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in a potential 2024 Republican primary matchup---


That poll is a month old. A lot has happened since then. Now DeSantis leads Trump by 23 points. A lot more will still change between now and then, but you look nuts posting old polls just so you can fluff Trump.

Trump will be back. He leads in the poll numbers for 2024.

---Trump holds a 14-point lead over Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in a potential 2024 Republican primary matchup---

I really-and-truly despise Democrat positions on Illegal Aliens, Gay Mafia, China, Made-in-America, and Gubmint Freebies.

They are slowly-but-surely herding us towards bankruptcy once again... they're frigging nuts... and they need to be stopped.

But all of that $hit can be reversed... the longer we wait, the more painful the remedy, mind you.. but all that can be reversed.

What CANNOT be reversed is the discarding of the US Constitution or the needless and unwarranted denigration of the American electoral process.

What CANNOT be reversed is the sliding of the Republic down the slippery slope of personality-cultism or autocracy in order to empower a con-man.

You run Ron Desantis and I'll vote alongside you... the Trump Agenda without Trump (who was a case of "Right Message, Wrong Messenger").

You run Trump again and I am once again going to vote Democratic... mind you, I'll need to shower afterwards, but I'll do it... fair warning.

One little vote doesn't matter a damn.

But untold millions of Independents and Reagan Democrats deciding not to vote for you will cause you to lose the White House in 2024.

Believe it.

Snap out of it... wake up... change-out your Standard Bearer while there is still time.

You have been warned.

Don't make me come back ot this post on the morning of November 6, 2024, eh?
Kondor3, I used to think you were one of the more intelligent posters here. Can't say that anymore since I found out you voted for Basement Joe and Kamel-Toe.
Kondor3, I used to think you were one of the more intelligent posters here. Can't say that anymore since I found out you voted for Basement Joe and Kamel-Toe.
Oh, hell, son, I can be dumb as box-o-rox, or at least appear so, when the "other side" leaves me no choice but to head in the opposite direction. :cool:

You give me the Trump Agenda without Trump... for that, read Ron DeSantis... and I'll probably stand alongside you again... until then, I remain "stupid" :laugh:
I think what she was saying was that no serious effort to steal an election by force through the front doors of the Capitol would have just involved a bunch of unarmed middle aged people waving flags taking selfies of themselves. And she is right. It was nothing more than a legitimate protest over a highly specious election that never should have happened that got way out of control, seemingly incited to violence by the FBI themselves made all the worse by Pelosi's apparent misconduct in deliberately under-preparing the police there just so that the democrats could make a federal case out of it to be used against Trump.
That screed does a great job of summarizing the fantasy MAGAnuts believe about Trump's failed coup. In days of yore, after the trial, MTG would have been hung in the stockyards for treason. These days, after 6 years of Trump normalizing treasonous behavior, her words are just dismissed as being another disturbing episode from the Crazy.
This is why these traitors need to be punished, and punished swiftly, and harshly.

Otherwise, they'll only continue on their treacherous path to destroy the country.

As we see w/this MTG guttersnipe.
Just because you don't believe yourself to be a traitor doesn't mean you aren't.
Oh, hell, son, I can be dumb as box-o-rox, or at least appear so, when the "other side" leaves me no choice but to head in the opposite direction. :cool:

You give me the Trump Agenda without Trump... for that, read Ron DeSantis... and I'll probably stand alongside you again... until then, I remain "stupid" :laugh:
So what you're saying is you would whether eat shit and die than support Trump.
So what you're saying is you would whether eat shit and die than support Trump.
I am saying that I would rather support a corrupt lifetime political hack whose damage can be reversed, rather than a budding autocrat willing to trash the Constitution.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is merely a placeholder until the Rumpian Threat to the Republic has passed.

You give me the Trump Agenda without Trump - i.e., Ron DeSantis - and I'll vote Republican again.
This is what Repubs used to do when one of their own made reprehensible comments. Arguably, not as bad as MTG's.

House Republican leaders move to strip Rep. Steve King of his committee assignments over comments about white nationalism

A panel of Republican leaders voted unanimously Monday to keep veteran Iowa lawmaker Steve King off House committees, a firm rebuke to an influential opponent of illegal immigration who sparked outrage last week after openly questioning whether the term “white supremacist” was offensive.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said the decision by the Republican Steering Committee, which seats lawmakers on House committees, followed his own recommendation and was meant to send a message about the GOP at large.

“That is not the party of Lincoln,” he said of King’s comments. “It is definitely not American. All people are created equal in America, and we want to take a very strong stance about that.”


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