We Defunded PP/Abortions !

Condoms are still on sale
Condoms aren't a tool in diagnosing cancer

Well you can't spin it because the country is already too broke to fund this.
But not too broke to increase the defense budget by $54 billion
Not now, after they save 450 million every year by defunding planned parenthood it is way easier to gather the 54 billion. Maybe it would help if Trump began writing numbers on paper and counting like they teach on fourth grade. He would've known that his "cutting waste" can't pay for the wall, the military or the twenty trillion debt ..Or the trillion they let the tax payers keep every year.. it can hardly pay his suits.
Condensation of Swamp Gas

Spin doctors quack the Drop in the Bucket fallacy. But since all buckets can be filled drop by drop, they can be emptied that way too.
Condoms are still on sale
Condoms aren't a tool in diagnosing cancer
. They got doctors and hospitals for that.. Last I checked women were allowed to go to all nessesary medical facilities in which there are many, but that old murder plantation called Planned Parenthood might no longer be one of them.

You seem very enlightened.

So in your universe, some teen girl would walk into her local ER to inquire about birth control? For gynecologist appointments?
. Why not have a place in the hospital for this as well as at her local Doctor & other medical care facilities ??? Oh that's right, she can't get that abortion at the hospital or those other anti-abortion facilities.. Is that what they are calling abortions these days (birth control) ??? I thought gynecologist had their own women's clinics or practices for women's needs ? Ohhh wait, you're talking about those places that have those working for whom will kill a baby in a heartbeat, and especially if the mother gets scared or brainwashed into doing something stupid in her life or to take what is figured to be an easy way out.

Your complete lack of knowledge of women's health care needs is acknowledged. You ignorant assholes are all about women's health care except you have no idea what it is or what it entails.

But damn we're not smart enough to make our own decisions. Yeah right.

You can still make descions...its just taxpayers won't be paying for it
Condoms aren't a tool in diagnosing cancer
. They got doctors and hospitals for that.. Last I checked women were allowed to go to all nessesary medical facilities in which there are many, but that old murder plantation called Planned Parenthood might no longer be one of them.

You seem very enlightened.

So in your universe, some teen girl would walk into her local ER to inquire about birth control? For gynecologist appointments?
. Why not have a place in the hospital for this as well as at her local Doctor & other medical care facilities ??? Oh that's right, she can't get that abortion at the hospital or those other anti-abortion facilities.. Is that what they are calling abortions these days (birth control) ??? I thought gynecologist had their own women's clinics or practices for women's needs ? Ohhh wait, you're talking about those places that have those working for whom will kill a baby in a heartbeat, and especially if the mother gets scared or brainwashed into doing something stupid in her life or to take what is figured to be an easy way out.

Your complete lack of knowledge of women's health care needs is acknowledged. You ignorant assholes are all about women's health care except you have no idea what it is or what it entails.

But damn we're not smart enough to make our own decisions. Yeah right.

You can still make descions...its just taxpayers won't be paying for it

I'm not an American, I have no need for Planned Parenthood, and I am grateful to live in a country that treats it's women with respect in regard to their reproductive decisions.
. They got doctors and hospitals for that.. Last I checked women were allowed to go to all nessesary medical facilities in which there are many, but that old murder plantation called Planned Parenthood might no longer be one of them.

You seem very enlightened.

So in your universe, some teen girl would walk into her local ER to inquire about birth control? For gynecologist appointments?
. Why not have a place in the hospital for this as well as at her local Doctor & other medical care facilities ??? Oh that's right, she can't get that abortion at the hospital or those other anti-abortion facilities.. Is that what they are calling abortions these days (birth control) ??? I thought gynecologist had their own women's clinics or practices for women's needs ? Ohhh wait, you're talking about those places that have those working for whom will kill a baby in a heartbeat, and especially if the mother gets scared or brainwashed into doing something stupid in her life or to take what is figured to be an easy way out.

Your complete lack of knowledge of women's health care needs is acknowledged. You ignorant assholes are all about women's health care except you have no idea what it is or what it entails.

But damn we're not smart enough to make our own decisions. Yeah right.

You can still make descions...its just taxpayers won't be paying for it

I'm not an American, I have no need for Planned Parenthood, and I am grateful to live in a country that treats it's women with respect in regard to their reproductive decisions.

If you're not an American it doesn't concern you
Planned Parenthood isn't the only resource that does this. They are the only ones who perform abortions with taxpayer money.
That's a LIE.

Planned parenthood does NOT perform abortions with federal tax payer's money. PERIOD.
Since that cannot be proven, I say they do. But if they don't, then the money won't be missed.
it will b missed in the 15 title x, planned parenthood's specifically located to provide health/medical services for poor women in poor neighborhoods with no doctors or other clinics in their neighborhoods.

Title x funding was specific....there are 90 title x clinics specifically to provide medical care for poor women where no other health care facilities or doctors exist in their neighborhoods. Plan parenthood had 15 of the 90 title x grant clinics.

defunding title x was a BIG MISTAKE and very hurtful to the poorest of the poor women, and in the worst of ways....deadly ways....
I did not hear PP was defunded. I just Googled it and there was nothing since Jan. when it was proposed. What happened?
it's sort of much to do about nothing, depending if your state has a PP Clinic that meets the federal criteria to receive a title x grant.... there are only 15 planned p's that qualified and met the Title x's criteria for a grant, there are a total of 90....title x funded clinics throughout the U.S.....75 Other clinics getting title x grants are NOT PP Clinics.

Under Obama, there were rules for title x funds written that in a convoluted way, prevented states who received the funds and determined where the title x funds went, could not hold title x funds from the clinics who also had separate divisions of their businesses that performed abortions.

What this bill did was allow the States with Title x funds, de-fund title x clinics that performed abortions in their separate division.

This does not mean the State govrnment will do so, just that they will be ALLOWED to do so if they want to, and still be able to receive these title x funds...

IF I AM UNDERSTANDING ALL that I just read on it.

Pence casts tie-breaking vote to advance bill that would let states withhold federal funds from Planned Parenthood
I have a feeling our state will not move to defund PP. I do worry for women in the south, though. More and more moves to close clinics and make it harder to access abortion services are happening all over.
That's a LIE.

Planned parenthood does NOT perform abortions with federal tax payer's money. PERIOD.
Since that cannot be proven, I say they do. But if they don't, then the money won't be missed.
it will b missed in the 15 title x, planned parenthood's specifically located to provide health/medical services for poor women in poor neighborhoods with no doctors or other clinics in their neighborhoods.

Title x funding was specific....there are 90 title x clinics specifically to provide medical care for poor women where no other health care facilities or doctors exist in their neighborhoods. Plan parenthood had 15 of the 90 title x grant clinics.

defunding title x was a BIG MISTAKE and very hurtful to the poorest of the poor women, and in the worst of ways....deadly ways....
I did not hear PP was defunded. I just Googled it and there was nothing since Jan. when it was proposed. What happened?
it's sort of much to do about nothing, depending if your state has a PP Clinic that meets the federal criteria to receive a title x grant.... there are only 15 planned p's that qualified and met the Title x's criteria for a grant, there are a total of 90....title x funded clinics throughout the U.S.....75 Other clinics getting title x grants are NOT PP Clinics.

Under Obama, there were rules for title x funds written that in a convoluted way, prevented states who received the funds and determined where the title x funds went, could not hold title x funds from the clinics who also had separate divisions of their businesses that performed abortions.

What this bill did was allow the States with Title x funds, de-fund title x clinics that performed abortions in their separate division.

This does not mean the State govrnment will do so, just that they will be ALLOWED to do so if they want to, and still be able to receive these title x funds...

IF I AM UNDERSTANDING ALL that I just read on it.

Pence casts tie-breaking vote to advance bill that would let states withhold federal funds from Planned Parenthood
More and more moves to close clinics and make it harder to access abortion services are happening all over.

You seem very enlightened.

So in your universe, some teen girl would walk into her local ER to inquire about birth control? For gynecologist appointments?
. Why not have a place in the hospital for this as well as at her local Doctor & other medical care facilities ??? Oh that's right, she can't get that abortion at the hospital or those other anti-abortion facilities.. Is that what they are calling abortions these days (birth control) ??? I thought gynecologist had their own women's clinics or practices for women's needs ? Ohhh wait, you're talking about those places that have those working for whom will kill a baby in a heartbeat, and especially if the mother gets scared or brainwashed into doing something stupid in her life or to take what is figured to be an easy way out.

Your complete lack of knowledge of women's health care needs is acknowledged. You ignorant assholes are all about women's health care except you have no idea what it is or what it entails.

But damn we're not smart enough to make our own decisions. Yeah right.

You can still make descions...its just taxpayers won't be paying for it

I'm not an American, I have no need for Planned Parenthood, and I am grateful to live in a country that treats it's women with respect in regard to their reproductive decisions.

If you're not an American it doesn't concern you
Well you could call it concern if she's suddenly grateful to be in someone's shoes..

It concerns human rights. It's amazing how often you people say that. Other people's well being in other countries can and should concern people with a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong.
It would be illegal if it were infanticide. Calling it names isn't going to change the fact that abortion is going to be legal and safely done in this country. Work on making them unnecessary, but outlawing them will not stop them and it will not be best for the general welfare of women.

Wow.. Talk about bad arguments...
That's a LIE.

Planned parenthood does NOT perform abortions with federal tax payer's money. PERIOD.
Since that cannot be proven, I say they do. But if they don't, then the money won't be missed.
it will b missed in the 15 title x, planned parenthood's specifically located to provide health/medical services for poor women in poor neighborhoods with no doctors or other clinics in their neighborhoods.

Title x funding was specific....there are 90 title x clinics specifically to provide medical care for poor women where no other health care facilities or doctors exist in their neighborhoods. Plan parenthood had 15 of the 90 title x grant clinics.

defunding title x was a BIG MISTAKE and very hurtful to the poorest of the poor women, and in the worst of ways....deadly ways....
I did not hear PP was defunded. I just Googled it and there was nothing since Jan. when it was proposed. What happened?
it's sort of much to do about nothing, depending if your state has a PP Clinic that meets the federal criteria to receive a title x grant.... there are only 15 planned p's that qualified and met the Title x's criteria for a grant, there are a total of 90....title x funded clinics throughout the U.S.....75 Other clinics getting title x grants are NOT PP Clinics.

Under Obama, there were rules for title x funds written that in a convoluted way, prevented states who received the funds and determined where the title x funds went, could not hold title x funds from the clinics who also had separate divisions of their businesses that performed abortions.

What this bill did was allow the States with Title x funds, de-fund title x clinics that performed abortions in their separate division.

This does not mean the State govrnment will do so, just that they will be ALLOWED to do so if they want to, and still be able to receive these title x funds...

IF I AM UNDERSTANDING ALL that I just read on it.

Pence casts tie-breaking vote to advance bill that would let states withhold federal funds from Planned Parenthood
I have a feeling our state will not move to defund PP. I do worry for women in the south, though. More and more moves to close clinics and make it harder to access abortion services are happening all over.
Don't worry, abortion will still be legal, and if you are worried about poor women not being able to afford medical help to kill their babies, you can start an organization to help pay for it. You can call it Protecting America From Its Children.
"War on Women"? Puhleeze. Contrary to leftist opinion, the most important aspect of my life is NOT the burning need to commit infanticide.
For women who do not consider it infanticide to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, it is definitely an attack on their right to choose what happens to their lives and to the lives of any children they might have. To me, it is more important to think of what will happen to that unwanted child and how it will impact the life of the women who will be forced to bear it and raise it if you folks have your way. Don't argue with me about birth control, adoption, blah blah blah. Of course those are better options if they can be used. And of course, when it comes down to it, a lot of us women would not choose to abort their child. It should be a woman's CHOICE, though. Not yours to make for every woman.
. If it's your choice as a woman, then you pay for it. Uh oh the room just emptied.This way no one else has to partake in your sick thinking in life. P/P was way out of line, and it's about time to roll that sick entitlement funding or thinking back.
You weren't paying for it. You folks are cutting off your nose to spite your face by defunding Planned Parenthood, which prevents many more abortions than all your twisted propaganda ever will.
. Other clinics or organizations can take over those things you speak of, and that aren't linked or connected to abortion.
Wait a few years and see what happens in the areas that close their Planned Parenthoods. You may be right it's no big deal, but I somehow doubt it.

There is no reason why Planned Parenthood should lose federal or state funding because it is providing a LEGAL procedure. Even Gorsuch says abortion is established law at this point. If you think it is infanticide, by all means don't have one. Help women out of a tough spot so they can choose a different path. But all this closing of abortion clinics that is happening in various southern states and now this ability for states to stop funding PP is definitely an attack on women's freedom to choose. You are punishing women for being the one who bears the child. If men were the ones who got pregnant, I have a feeling this would not have been an issue, ever.

Since when are we obligated to fund anything that is legal?
. Why not have a place in the hospital for this as well as at her local Doctor & other medical care facilities ??? Oh that's right, she can't get that abortion at the hospital or those other anti-abortion facilities.. Is that what they are calling abortions these days (birth control) ??? I thought gynecologist had their own women's clinics or practices for women's needs ? Ohhh wait, you're talking about those places that have those working for whom will kill a baby in a heartbeat, and especially if the mother gets scared or brainwashed into doing something stupid in her life or to take what is figured to be an easy way out.

Your complete lack of knowledge of women's health care needs is acknowledged. You ignorant assholes are all about women's health care except you have no idea what it is or what it entails.

But damn we're not smart enough to make our own decisions. Yeah right.

You can still make descions...its just taxpayers won't be paying for it

I'm not an American, I have no need for Planned Parenthood, and I am grateful to live in a country that treats it's women with respect in regard to their reproductive decisions.

If you're not an American it doesn't concern you
Well you could call it concern if she's suddenly grateful to be in someone's shoes..

It concerns human rights. It's amazing how often you people say that. Other people's well being in other countries can and should concern people with a strong

sense of what is right and what is wrong.

I'm concerned for the unborn's rights.
Fundraisers for condoms and abortions.

Snowflakes can give out "ABORTION AWARDS".

It can be a whole thing.
Has anyone ever stopped to consider all of the genius and beauty that may have been destroyed for one's convenience? It seems so wasteful.
Yes, and you could ask the same of the many millions that have died of starvation or disease or neglect, the babies and children that die every day around the world. In our country, the Republicans seem bent on cutting funding for programs that try to help children have a good start, including healthcare and financial assistance for parents. You want to nurture genius and beauty? You have to pay for it. Are you willing?
For women who do not consider it infanticide to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, it is definitely an attack on their right to choose what happens to their lives and to the lives of any children they might have. To me, it is more important to think of what will happen to that unwanted child and how it will impact the life of the women who will be forced to bear it and raise it if you folks have your way. Don't argue with me about birth control, adoption, blah blah blah. Of course those are better options if they can be used. And of course, when it comes down to it, a lot of us women would not choose to abort their child. It should be a woman's CHOICE, though. Not yours to make for every woman.
. If it's your choice as a woman, then you pay for it. Uh oh the room just emptied.This way no one else has to partake in your sick thinking in life. P/P was way out of line, and it's about time to roll that sick entitlement funding or thinking back.
You weren't paying for it. You folks are cutting off your nose to spite your face by defunding Planned Parenthood, which prevents many more abortions than all your twisted propaganda ever will.
. Other clinics or organizations can take over those things you speak of, and that aren't linked or connected to abortion.
Wait a few years and see what happens in the areas that close their Planned Parenthoods. You may be right it's no big deal, but I somehow doubt it.

There is no reason why Planned Parenthood should lose federal or state funding because it is providing a LEGAL procedure. Even Gorsuch says abortion is established law at this point. If you think it is infanticide, by all means don't have one. Help women out of a tough spot so they can choose a different path. But all this closing of abortion clinics that is happening in various southern states and now this ability for states to stop funding PP is definitely an attack on women's freedom to choose. You are punishing women for being the one who bears the child. If men were the ones who got pregnant, I have a feeling this would not have been an issue, ever.

Since when are we obligated to fund anything that is legal?
I don't know how many times you've already been told this, but boy, are you thick. YOU WEREN'T FUNDING ABORTIONS. You are just punishing an organization that is providing a legal service at the patient's expense.
That's a LIE.

Planned parenthood does NOT perform abortions with federal tax payer's money. PERIOD.
Since that cannot be proven, I say they do. But if they don't, then the money won't be missed.
it will b missed in the 15 title x, planned parenthood's specifically located to provide health/medical services for poor women in poor neighborhoods with no doctors or other clinics in their neighborhoods.

Title x funding was specific....there are 90 title x clinics specifically to provide medical care for poor women where no other health care facilities or doctors exist in their neighborhoods. Plan parenthood had 15 of the 90 title x grant clinics.

defunding title x was a BIG MISTAKE and very hurtful to the poorest of the poor women, and in the worst of ways....deadly ways....
I did not hear PP was defunded. I just Googled it and there was nothing since Jan. when it was proposed. What happened?
it's sort of much to do about nothing, depending if your state has a PP Clinic that meets the federal criteria to receive a title x grant.... there are only 15 planned p's that qualified and met the Title x's criteria for a grant, there are a total of 90....title x funded clinics throughout the U.S.....75 Other clinics getting title x grants are NOT PP Clinics.

Under Obama, there were rules for title x funds written that in a convoluted way, prevented states who received the funds and determined where the title x funds went, could not hold title x funds from the clinics who also had separate divisions of their businesses that performed abortions.

What this bill did was allow the States with Title x funds, de-fund title x clinics that performed abortions in their separate division.

This does not mean the State govrnment will do so, just that they will be ALLOWED to do so if they want to, and still be able to receive these title x funds...

IF I AM UNDERSTANDING ALL that I just read on it.

Pence casts tie-breaking vote to advance bill that would let states withhold federal funds from Planned Parenthood
I have a feeling our state will not move to defund PP. I do worry for women in the south, though. More and more moves to close clinics and make it harder to access abortion services are happening all over.
Maine has 1 Title x Clinic for women in Augusta,

IT IS NOT A Planned Parenthood but a State of Maine Association...

Family Planning Assoc. of Maine
43 Gabriel Dr
Augusta, ME 04330

"War on Women"? Puhleeze. Contrary to leftist opinion, the most important aspect of my life is NOT the burning need to commit infanticide.
For women who do not consider it infanticide to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, it is definitely an attack on their right to choose what happens to their lives and to the lives of any children they might have. To me, it is more important to think of what will happen to that unwanted child and how it will impact the life of the women who will be forced to bear it and raise it if you folks have your way. Don't argue with me about birth control, adoption, blah blah blah. Of course those are better options if they can be used. And of course, when it comes down to it, a lot of us women would not choose to abort their child. It should be a woman's CHOICE, though. Not yours to make for every woman.
. If it's your choice as a woman, then you pay for it. Uh oh the room just emptied.This way no one else has to partake in your sick thinking in life. P/P was way out of line, and it's about time to roll that sick entitlement funding or thinking back.
You weren't paying for it. You folks are cutting off your nose to spite your face by defunding Planned Parenthood, which prevents many more abortions than all your twisted propaganda ever will.
. Other clinics or organizations can take over those things you speak of, and that aren't linked or connected to abortion.
Wait a few years and see what happens in the areas that close their Planned Parenthoods. You may be right it's no big deal, but I somehow doubt it.

There is no reason why Planned Parenthood should lose federal or state funding because it is providing a LEGAL procedure. Even Gorsuch says abortion is established law at this point. If you think it is infanticide, by all means don't have one. Help women out of a tough spot so they can choose a different path. But all this closing of abortion clinics that is happening in various southern states and now this ability for states to stop funding PP is definitely an attack on women's freedom to choose. You are punishing women for being the one who bears the child. If men were the ones who got pregnant, I have a feeling this would not have been an issue, ever.

How is it that Planned Parenthood has money to donate to the DNC and Democrats when it's taxpayer funded?

$701,000 last year, with 99% to Democrats.

$701K buys a good many abortions.

That's just a drop in the bucket compared to their campaign donations:

Planned Parenthood Votes Independent Expenditures | OpenSecrets

Planned Parenthood Contributions to Federal Candidates, 2016 cycle | OpenSecrets

Last edited:
That's a LIE.

Planned parenthood does NOT perform abortions with federal tax payer's money. PERIOD.
Since that cannot be proven, I say they do. But if they don't, then the money won't be missed.
it will b missed in the 15 title x, planned parenthood's specifically located to provide health/medical services for poor women in poor neighborhoods with no doctors or other clinics in their neighborhoods.

Title x funding was specific....there are 90 title x clinics specifically to provide medical care for poor women where no other health care facilities or doctors exist in their neighborhoods. Plan parenthood had 15 of the 90 title x grant clinics.

defunding title x was a BIG MISTAKE and very hurtful to the poorest of the poor women, and in the worst of ways....deadly ways....
I did not hear PP was defunded. I just Googled it and there was nothing since Jan. when it was proposed. What happened?
it's sort of much to do about nothing, depending if your state has a PP Clinic that meets the federal criteria to receive a title x grant.... there are only 15 planned p's that qualified and met the Title x's criteria for a grant, there are a total of 90....title x funded clinics throughout the U.S.....75 Other clinics getting title x grants are NOT PP Clinics.

Under Obama, there were rules for title x funds written that in a convoluted way, prevented states who received the funds and determined where the title x funds went, could not hold title x funds from the clinics who also had separate divisions of their businesses that performed abortions.

What this bill did was allow the States with Title x funds, de-fund title x clinics that performed abortions in their separate division.

This does not mean the State govrnment will do so, just that they will be ALLOWED to do so if they want to, and still be able to receive these title x funds...

IF I AM UNDERSTANDING ALL that I just read on it.

Pence casts tie-breaking vote to advance bill that would let states withhold federal funds from Planned Parenthood
I have a feeling our state will not move to defund PP. I do worry for women in the south, though. More and more moves to close clinics and make it harder to access abortion services are happening all over.
Yes, I agree, our State will not hold back Title x funds for a clinic that provides women's health care services for the poorest....even if the same clinic also provided abortions at the Patient's expense.

You can tell, by the way Collins, who represents the State as Senator, voted at the Federal level.
. Why not have a place in the hospital for this as well as at her local Doctor & other medical care facilities ??? Oh that's right, she can't get that abortion at the hospital or those other anti-abortion facilities.. Is that what they are calling abortions these days (birth control) ??? I thought gynecologist had their own women's clinics or practices for women's needs ? Ohhh wait, you're talking about those places that have those working for whom will kill a baby in a heartbeat, and especially if the mother gets scared or brainwashed into doing something stupid in her life or to take what is figured to be an easy way out.

Your complete lack of knowledge of women's health care needs is acknowledged. You ignorant assholes are all about women's health care except you have no idea what it is or what it entails.

But damn we're not smart enough to make our own decisions. Yeah right.

You can still make descions...its just taxpayers won't be paying for it

I'm not an American, I have no need for Planned Parenthood, and I am grateful to live in a country that treats it's women with respect in regard to their reproductive decisions.

If you're not an American it doesn't concern you
Well you could call it concern if she's suddenly grateful to be in someone's shoes..

It concerns human rights. It's amazing how often you people say that. Other people's well being in other countries can and should concern people with a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong.

You're right. It is about human rights. The only human rights involved in issues of abortion. - The child's human rights.

No matter how much you may want it to be so. No matter what you say or claim. You will never have the right to kill your children
Since that cannot be proven, I say they do. But if they don't, then the money won't be missed.
it will b missed in the 15 title x, planned parenthood's specifically located to provide health/medical services for poor women in poor neighborhoods with no doctors or other clinics in their neighborhoods.

Title x funding was specific....there are 90 title x clinics specifically to provide medical care for poor women where no other health care facilities or doctors exist in their neighborhoods. Plan parenthood had 15 of the 90 title x grant clinics.

defunding title x was a BIG MISTAKE and very hurtful to the poorest of the poor women, and in the worst of ways....deadly ways....
I did not hear PP was defunded. I just Googled it and there was nothing since Jan. when it was proposed. What happened?
it's sort of much to do about nothing, depending if your state has a PP Clinic that meets the federal criteria to receive a title x grant.... there are only 15 planned p's that qualified and met the Title x's criteria for a grant, there are a total of 90....title x funded clinics throughout the U.S.....75 Other clinics getting title x grants are NOT PP Clinics.

Under Obama, there were rules for title x funds written that in a convoluted way, prevented states who received the funds and determined where the title x funds went, could not hold title x funds from the clinics who also had separate divisions of their businesses that performed abortions.

What this bill did was allow the States with Title x funds, de-fund title x clinics that performed abortions in their separate division.

This does not mean the State govrnment will do so, just that they will be ALLOWED to do so if they want to, and still be able to receive these title x funds...

IF I AM UNDERSTANDING ALL that I just read on it.

Pence casts tie-breaking vote to advance bill that would let states withhold federal funds from Planned Parenthood
I have a feeling our state will not move to defund PP. I do worry for women in the south, though. More and more moves to close clinics and make it harder to access abortion services are happening all over.
Yes, I agree, our State will not hold back Title x funds for a clinic that provides women's health care services for the poorest....even if the same clinic also provided abortions at the Patient's expense.

You can tell, by the way Collins, who represents the State as Senator, voted at the Federal level.
i thought Medicaid covered our poorest...

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