We desperately need a modern Pinochet in the US, Trump isn't good enough.

Yet I thought conservatives were big on limited government. They must be very confused.
They're sheep and hypocrites.

This is why they love nationalist authoritarians -- they're told what to think, what to say, how to act -- all from the highest level in the country. Then they fawn over that person and protect him.

Europe, 1930s. Chile, 1970s.
Yes but only if potus is a republican. If dumb Don were an D, they’d be calling him a tyrant and a commie.

The libs do exactly the same thing, but in reverse.
And none of them think it's obvious.

Amazing to watch.
btw, pinochet overthrew the elected government. this is called a coup d'etat. a real one. not the imagined one you trumptards keep whining about for years.
Allende was turning the country over to Cuba.

The 1973 coup is often represented as having destroyed Chilean democracy. Such characterizations are half-truths at best. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Chile’s democracy was already well on the road to self-destruction. The historian James Whelan caught its tragic essence when he wrote that Chile’s was a “cannibalistic democracy, consuming itself.” Eduardo Frei Montalva, Chile’s president from 1964 to 1970, who helped to bring in Salvador Allende as his successor, later called the latter’s presidency “this carnival of madness.” Freedoms increasingly overwhelmed responsibilities. Lawlessness became rampant. Uncontrolled leftist violence had also been escalating during the government of Christian Democrat Frei Montalva, before Allende became president and long before Pinochet played any role whatsoever in Chilean politics.
In 1970, Allende won 36.2 percent of the popular vote, less than the 38.6 percent he had taken in 1964 and only 1.3 percent more than the runner-up. According to the constitution, the legislature could have given the presidency to either of the top two candidates. It chose Allende only after he pledged explicitly to abide by the constitution. “A few months later,” Whelan reports, “Allende told fellow leftist Regis Debray that he never actually intended to abide by those commitments but signed just to finally become president.” In legislative and other elections over the next three years, Allende and his Popular Unity (UP) coalition, dominated by the Communist and Socialist parties, never won a majority, much less a mandate, in any election. Still Allende tried to “transition” (his term) Chile into a Marxist-Leninist economic, social, and political system.
Allende’s closest UP allies were the Communists, the right wing of the UP, but both were pressed to move faster than they wanted by the left wing of the UP, mainly members of Allende’s Socialist Party, and by ultraleftists (the term used by the Communists) to the left of the UP. Violence escalated rapidly, with the extreme left, including many members of the president’s own party, seizing properties and setting up independent zones in cities and the countryside, often contrary to what Allende and the Communists thought prudent. In the process Allende, his supporters, and extremists they could not control virtually destroyed the economy, fractured the society, politicized the military and the educational systems, and rode roughshod over Chilean constitutional, legal, political, and cultural traditions. Thus by July 1973, if not earlier, Chile was looking at an incipient civil war.
Pinochet’s 1973 coup was supported by Allende’s presidential predecessor and by an overwhelming majority of the Chilean people.
Many on the left had long believed that capitalism and democracy were incompatible. In a brazen demonstration of its contempt for majority wishes, and for the institutions of what it called “bourgeois democracy,” the pro-Allende newspaper Puro Chile reported the results of the March 1973 legislative elections with this headline: “The People, 43%. The Mummies, 55%.” This attitude and the actions that followed from it galvanized the center-left and right, whose candidates had received almost two-thirds of the votes in the 1970 election, against Allende. On August 22, 1973, the Chamber of Deputies, whose members had been elected just five months earlier, voted 81–47 that Allende’s regime had systematically “destroyed essential elements of institutionality and of the state of law.” (The Supreme Court had earlier condemned the Allende government’s repeated violations of court orders and judicial procedures.) Less than three weeks later, the military, led by newly appointed army commander in chief Pinochet, overthrew the government. The coup was supported by Allende’s presidential predecessor, Eduardo Frei Montalva; by Patricio Aylwin, the first democratically elected president after democracy was restored in 1990; and by an overwhelming majority of the Chilean people. Cuba and the United States were actively involved on opposite sides, but the main players were always Chilean.
Pinochet, the dictator from Chile?

The guy who executed thousands of his people and tortured tens of thousands more?
He killed a few commie traitors trying to overthrow the country. The torture claim is leftwing bullshit.
yeah, pinochet is just misunderstood.
You mean he's been deliberately smeared by communist scum like you.
wrong, son. grow up and try to leave your bubble.
Not wrong, moron. I've been listening to this Pinochet vilification for 40 years. Pinochet was a hero. Allende was a commie traitor.
Pinochet, the dictator from Chile?
The guy who executed thousands of his people and tortured tens of thousands more?
These folks have a thing for bold nationalist authoritarians and autocrats. Trump has brought out their true colors.

Plenty of examples throughout history of moments like this. Look at the 30's and 40's. But countries survive them.
Yet I thought conservatives were big on limited government.

They must be very confused.
Which government is more limited, Chile's or Venezuela's?
Why does that matter?
ROFL! Who do you support if you want limited government, Pinochet or Maduro/Chavez? Clearly it's the former.
btw, pinochet overthrew the elected government. this is called a coup d'etat. a real one. not the imagined one you trumptards keep whining about for years.
Allende was turning the country over to Cuba.

The 1973 coup is often represented as having destroyed Chilean democracy. Such characterizations are half-truths at best. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Chile’s democracy was already well on the road to self-destruction. The historian James Whelan caught its tragic essence when he wrote that Chile’s was a “cannibalistic democracy, consuming itself.” Eduardo Frei Montalva, Chile’s president from 1964 to 1970, who helped to bring in Salvador Allende as his successor, later called the latter’s presidency “this carnival of madness.” Freedoms increasingly overwhelmed responsibilities. Lawlessness became rampant. Uncontrolled leftist violence had also been escalating during the government of Christian Democrat Frei Montalva, before Allende became president and long before Pinochet played any role whatsoever in Chilean politics.
In 1970, Allende won 36.2 percent of the popular vote, less than the 38.6 percent he had taken in 1964 and only 1.3 percent more than the runner-up. According to the constitution, the legislature could have given the presidency to either of the top two candidates. It chose Allende only after he pledged explicitly to abide by the constitution. “A few months later,” Whelan reports, “Allende told fellow leftist Regis Debray that he never actually intended to abide by those commitments but signed just to finally become president.” In legislative and other elections over the next three years, Allende and his Popular Unity (UP) coalition, dominated by the Communist and Socialist parties, never won a majority, much less a mandate, in any election. Still Allende tried to “transition” (his term) Chile into a Marxist-Leninist economic, social, and political system.
Allende’s closest UP allies were the Communists, the right wing of the UP, but both were pressed to move faster than they wanted by the left wing of the UP, mainly members of Allende’s Socialist Party, and by ultraleftists (the term used by the Communists) to the left of the UP. Violence escalated rapidly, with the extreme left, including many members of the president’s own party, seizing properties and setting up independent zones in cities and the countryside, often contrary to what Allende and the Communists thought prudent. In the process Allende, his supporters, and extremists they could not control virtually destroyed the economy, fractured the society, politicized the military and the educational systems, and rode roughshod over Chilean constitutional, legal, political, and cultural traditions. Thus by July 1973, if not earlier, Chile was looking at an incipient civil war.
Pinochet’s 1973 coup was supported by Allende’s presidential predecessor and by an overwhelming majority of the Chilean people.
Many on the left had long believed that capitalism and democracy were incompatible. In a brazen demonstration of its contempt for majority wishes, and for the institutions of what it called “bourgeois democracy,” the pro-Allende newspaper Puro Chile reported the results of the March 1973 legislative elections with this headline: “The People, 43%. The Mummies, 55%.” This attitude and the actions that followed from it galvanized the center-left and right, whose candidates had received almost two-thirds of the votes in the 1970 election, against Allende. On August 22, 1973, the Chamber of Deputies, whose members had been elected just five months earlier, voted 81–47 that Allende’s regime had systematically “destroyed essential elements of institutionality and of the state of law.” (The Supreme Court had earlier condemned the Allende government’s repeated violations of court orders and judicial procedures.) Less than three weeks later, the military, led by newly appointed army commander in chief Pinochet, overthrew the government. The coup was supported by Allende’s presidential predecessor, Eduardo Frei Montalva; by Patricio Aylwin, the first democratically elected president after democracy was restored in 1990; and by an overwhelming majority of the Chilean people. Cuba and the United States were actively involved on opposite sides, but the main players were always Chilean.
nice propaganda piece confirming that pinochet overthrew an elected government.
then pinochet went on a rampage, and eliminated political opponents, dissidents, and demonstrators, while grifting like a pro. stuff twats like you apparently like. torture, kidnapping, assassinations in chile, and foreign countries, even car-bombing in the US capital, leading to the killing of a young american woman, i.a., stuff you twats like apparently. you are a great merkin, son.
Pinochet, the dictator from Chile?

The guy who executed thousands of his people and tortured tens of thousands more?
He killed a few commie traitors trying to overthrow the country. The torture claim is leftwing bullshit.
yeah, pinochet is just misunderstood.
You mean he's been deliberately smeared by communist scum like you.
wrong, son. grow up and try to leave your bubble.
Not wrong, moron. I've been listening to this Pinochet vilification for 40 years. Pinochet was a hero. Allende was a commie traitor.
sure, as your next trick you will show how mao, stalin, and hitler were actually heros. just kidding, you will only do that for hitler, cuz he killed commies.
btw, pinochet overthrew the elected government. this is called a coup d'etat. a real one. not the imagined one you trumptards keep whining about for years.
Allende was turning the country over to Cuba.

The 1973 coup is often represented as having destroyed Chilean democracy. Such characterizations are half-truths at best. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Chile’s democracy was already well on the road to self-destruction. The historian James Whelan caught its tragic essence when he wrote that Chile’s was a “cannibalistic democracy, consuming itself.” Eduardo Frei Montalva, Chile’s president from 1964 to 1970, who helped to bring in Salvador Allende as his successor, later called the latter’s presidency “this carnival of madness.” Freedoms increasingly overwhelmed responsibilities. Lawlessness became rampant. Uncontrolled leftist violence had also been escalating during the government of Christian Democrat Frei Montalva, before Allende became president and long before Pinochet played any role whatsoever in Chilean politics.
In 1970, Allende won 36.2 percent of the popular vote, less than the 38.6 percent he had taken in 1964 and only 1.3 percent more than the runner-up. According to the constitution, the legislature could have given the presidency to either of the top two candidates. It chose Allende only after he pledged explicitly to abide by the constitution. “A few months later,” Whelan reports, “Allende told fellow leftist Regis Debray that he never actually intended to abide by those commitments but signed just to finally become president.” In legislative and other elections over the next three years, Allende and his Popular Unity (UP) coalition, dominated by the Communist and Socialist parties, never won a majority, much less a mandate, in any election. Still Allende tried to “transition” (his term) Chile into a Marxist-Leninist economic, social, and political system.
Allende’s closest UP allies were the Communists, the right wing of the UP, but both were pressed to move faster than they wanted by the left wing of the UP, mainly members of Allende’s Socialist Party, and by ultraleftists (the term used by the Communists) to the left of the UP. Violence escalated rapidly, with the extreme left, including many members of the president’s own party, seizing properties and setting up independent zones in cities and the countryside, often contrary to what Allende and the Communists thought prudent. In the process Allende, his supporters, and extremists they could not control virtually destroyed the economy, fractured the society, politicized the military and the educational systems, and rode roughshod over Chilean constitutional, legal, political, and cultural traditions. Thus by July 1973, if not earlier, Chile was looking at an incipient civil war.
Pinochet’s 1973 coup was supported by Allende’s presidential predecessor and by an overwhelming majority of the Chilean people.
Many on the left had long believed that capitalism and democracy were incompatible. In a brazen demonstration of its contempt for majority wishes, and for the institutions of what it called “bourgeois democracy,” the pro-Allende newspaper Puro Chile reported the results of the March 1973 legislative elections with this headline: “The People, 43%. The Mummies, 55%.” This attitude and the actions that followed from it galvanized the center-left and right, whose candidates had received almost two-thirds of the votes in the 1970 election, against Allende. On August 22, 1973, the Chamber of Deputies, whose members had been elected just five months earlier, voted 81–47 that Allende’s regime had systematically “destroyed essential elements of institutionality and of the state of law.” (The Supreme Court had earlier condemned the Allende government’s repeated violations of court orders and judicial procedures.) Less than three weeks later, the military, led by newly appointed army commander in chief Pinochet, overthrew the government. The coup was supported by Allende’s presidential predecessor, Eduardo Frei Montalva; by Patricio Aylwin, the first democratically elected president after democracy was restored in 1990; and by an overwhelming majority of the Chilean people. Cuba and the United States were actively involved on opposite sides, but the main players were always Chilean.
nice propaganda piece confirming that pinochet overthrew an elected government.
then pinochet went on a rampage, and eliminated political opponents while grifting like a pro. stuff twats like you apparently like. torture, kidnapping, assassinations in chile, and foreign countries, even car-bombing in the US capital, leading to the killing of a young american woman, i.a., stuff you twats like apparently. you are a great merkin, son.
Allende was "elected" by 1/3 of the people and the legislature. That legislature them branded him an outlaw. Allende proceeded to violate civil rights wholesale. He confiscated private property and promoted leftist violence (who does that remind you of?) The legislature and the people wanted him gone.
Pinochet, the dictator from Chile?

The guy who executed thousands of his people and tortured tens of thousands more?
He killed a few commie traitors trying to overthrow the country. The torture claim is leftwing bullshit.
yeah, pinochet is just misunderstood.
You mean he's been deliberately smeared by communist scum like you.
wrong, son. grow up and try to leave your bubble.
Not wrong, moron. I've been listening to this Pinochet vilification for 40 years. Pinochet was a hero. Allende was a commie traitor.
sure, as your next trick you will show how mao, stalin, and hitler were actually heros. just kidding, you will only do that for hitler, cuz he killed commies.
Hmmm, you're the kind who calls Mao, Stalin and Castro heroes. Chile became a stable prosperous democracy because of Pinochet. What happened to Cuba and Venezuela? What happens in every country that adopts socialism?
Pinochet, the dictator from Chile?

The guy who executed thousands of his people and tortured tens of thousands more?
He killed a few commie traitors trying to overthrow the country. The torture claim is leftwing bullshit.
yeah, pinochet is just misunderstood.
You mean he's been deliberately smeared by communist scum like you.
wrong, son. grow up and try to leave your bubble.
Not wrong, moron. I've been listening to this Pinochet vilification for 40 years. Pinochet was a hero. Allende was a commie traitor.
sure, as your next trick you will show how mao, stalin, and hitler were actually heros. just kidding, you will only do that for hitler, cuz he killed commies.
Hmmm, you're the kind who calls Mao, Stalin and Castro heroes. Chile became a stable prosperous democracy because of Pinochet. What happened to Cuba and Venezuela? What happens in every country that adopts socialism?
^reading comprehension fail or just another trumptwattery by one of the most disgusting obese twats on usmb. hm, hard to know.

"Pinochet directed the coup of September 11, 1973, and presided until 1990 over a military regime that violated human rights, shut down political parties, canceled elections, constrained the press and trade unions, and engaged in other undemocratic actions during its more than 16 years of rule. These facts are important and widely recounted. "

US resident rodrigo rojas was burned alive in santiago by pinochet's thugs.

no problemo say the scumbags. he was a "terrorist".

"US Resident"...he was a communist, the son of communists, who was exiled and ended up landing in the US. Temporarily. He returned to Chile to hurl Molotov cocktails. He was Chilean.
US resident rodrigo rojas was burned alive in santiago by pinochet's thugs.

no problemo say the scumbags. he was a "terrorist".

"US Resident"...he was a communist, the son of communists, who was exiled and ended up landing in the US. Temporarily. He returned to Chile to hurl Molotov cocktails. He was Chilean.
Obviously a communist who was participating in an attempt to overthrow the government. These guys were carrying Molotiv cocktails, but we are supposed to believe he was some innocent "human rights" protester?
US resident rodrigo rojas was burned alive in santiago by pinochet's thugs.

no problemo say the scumbags. he was a "terrorist".

"US Resident"...he was a communist, the son of communists, who was exiled and ended up landing in the US. Temporarily. He returned to Chile to hurl Molotov cocktails. He was Chilean.
yeah, i know. as you can label him communist, he no longer has human rights and can be burned alive. thx 4 shring.

"if the molotov cocktail defense folds, we should expect other explanations, such as blaming communist commandos." LOL

It's fake news because it's factually incorrect. I don't use that label lightly. I never label any article "fake news" simply because I don't like it.

Horse shit. Sure you do.
I challenge you to present an example.

If I do, will you deport yourself to NK?
Only if Clinton gives me toy rockets with nuclear warheads, otherwise, I'm not interested.

K. I'll let you get back to your 24/7 fellating of the Orange bastard, then. On your knees and get back to it.
Your concession is accepted.
Pinochet, the dictator from Chile?

The guy who executed thousands of his people and tortured tens of thousands more?
He killed a few commie traitors trying to overthrow the country. The torture claim is leftwing bullshit.
yeah, pinochet is just misunderstood.
You mean he's been deliberately smeared by communist scum like you.
wrong, son. grow up and try to leave your bubble.
Not wrong, moron. I've been listening to this Pinochet vilification for 40 years. Pinochet was a hero. Allende was a commie traitor.
sure, as your next trick you will show how mao, stalin, and hitler were actually heros. just kidding, you will only do that for hitler, cuz he killed commies.
Hmmm, you're the kind who calls Mao, Stalin and Castro heroes. Chile became a stable prosperous democracy because of Pinochet. What happened to Cuba and Venezuela? What happens in every country that adopts socialism?
^reading comprehension fail or just another trumptwattery by one of the most disgusting obese twats on usmb. hm, hard to know.

"Pinochet directed the coup of September 11, 1973, and presided until 1990 over a military regime that violated human rights, shut down political parties, canceled elections, constrained the press and trade unions, and engaged in other undemocratic actions during its more than 16 years of rule. These facts are important and widely recounted. "

Your belief that Allende's government was "democratic" is the height of gullibility. Allende was a communist thug who was turning his country over to Cuban mercenaries.
US resident rodrigo rojas was burned alive in santiago by pinochet's thugs.

no problemo say the scumbags. he was a "terrorist".

"US Resident"...he was a communist, the son of communists, who was exiled and ended up landing in the US. Temporarily. He returned to Chile to hurl Molotov cocktails. He was Chilean.
yeah, i know. as you can label him communist, he no longer has human rights and can be burned alive. thx 4 shring.

"if the molotov cocktail defense folds, we should expect other explanations, such as blaming communist commandos." LOL

What a surprise that a bunch of apologists for communism would manufacture their own version of events.

Why would an innocent man be running around with Molotov cocktails?

This is just one of those numerous bogus stories that communists have invented to cover up the crimes of their Komrades.
Pinochet, the dictator from Chile?

The guy who executed thousands of his people and tortured tens of thousands more?
He killed a few commie traitors trying to overthrow the country. The torture claim is leftwing bullshit.
yeah, pinochet is just misunderstood.
You mean he's been deliberately smeared by communist scum like you.
wrong, son. grow up and try to leave your bubble.
Not wrong, moron. I've been listening to this Pinochet vilification for 40 years. Pinochet was a hero. Allende was a commie traitor.
sure, as your next trick you will show how mao, stalin, and hitler were actually heros. just kidding, you will only do that for hitler, cuz he killed commies.
Hmmm, you're the kind who calls Mao, Stalin and Castro heroes. Chile became a stable prosperous democracy because of Pinochet. What happened to Cuba and Venezuela? What happens in every country that adopts socialism?
^reading comprehension fail or just another trumptwattery by one of the most disgusting obese twats on usmb. hm, hard to know.

"Pinochet directed the coup of September 11, 1973, and presided until 1990 over a military regime that violated human rights, shut down political parties, canceled elections, constrained the press and trade unions, and engaged in other undemocratic actions during its more than 16 years of rule. These facts are important and widely recounted. "

Your belief that Allende's government was "democratic" is the height of gullibility. Allende was a communist thug who was turning his country over to Cuban mercenaries.
let me remind you twat that you queefed in this thread that there was no torture, that pinochet merely shot some commies.

that is on you, not on allende, or me.

but i did not need further proof of what a scumbag you are.
It's fake news because it's factually incorrect. I don't use that label lightly. I never label any article "fake news" simply because I don't like it.

Horse shit. Sure you do.
I challenge you to present an example.

If I do, will you deport yourself to NK?
Only if Clinton gives me toy rockets with nuclear warheads, otherwise, I'm not interested.

K. I'll let you get back to your 24/7 fellating of the Orange bastard, then. On your knees and get back to it.
Your concession is accepted.

You wussed out, petunia, as usual. You're the one who refused my terms, loser.
Pinochet, the dictator from Chile?

The guy who executed thousands of his people and tortured tens of thousands more?
He killed a few commie traitors trying to overthrow the country. The torture claim is leftwing bullshit.
yeah, pinochet is just misunderstood.
You mean he's been deliberately smeared by communist scum like you.
wrong, son. grow up and try to leave your bubble.
Not wrong, moron. I've been listening to this Pinochet vilification for 40 years. Pinochet was a hero. Allende was a commie traitor.
sure, as your next trick you will show how mao, stalin, and hitler were actually heros. just kidding, you will only do that for hitler, cuz he killed commies.
Hmmm, you're the kind who calls Mao, Stalin and Castro heroes. Chile became a stable prosperous democracy because of Pinochet. What happened to Cuba and Venezuela? What happens in every country that adopts socialism?
^reading comprehension fail or just another trumptwattery by one of the most disgusting obese twats on usmb. hm, hard to know.

"Pinochet directed the coup of September 11, 1973, and presided until 1990 over a military regime that violated human rights, shut down political parties, canceled elections, constrained the press and trade unions, and engaged in other undemocratic actions during its more than 16 years of rule. These facts are important and widely recounted. "

Your belief that Allende's government was "democratic" is the height of gullibility. Allende was a communist thug who was turning his country over to Cuban mercenaries.
let me remind you twat that you queefed in this thread that there was no torture, that pinochet merely shot some commies.

that is on you, not on allende, or me.

but i did not need further proof of what a scumbag you are.
You haven't demonstrated that anyone was tortured, so why are you declaring victory?

You're post communist propaganda, so you are the scumbag.

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