We desperately need much more of this.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

I regard what John McCain did that evening as one of the bright and shining moments of the 2008 campaign. Of any campaign in recent history. Doing the decent, honorable, truthful thing seems quaint and totally unrealistic just 15 years later. I would contend his noble gesture was about more than defending the character of his political opponent. It was about having the courage to tell the truth to Crazy, come what may.

When the elderly lady said she heard Obama is an Arab I assume she meant she heard he is a Muslim. After all, he's not an Arab he's from Kenya (kidding). Immediately suggesting she was a consumer of right wing media and the lies it spews. It isn't just McCain's sense of fairness we need more of. Specifically, it's a willingness on the part of POT candidates to speak the truth to their constituents when confronted with misinformation.

I say that while fully acknowledging doing so will put many of them in peril of being primaried or losing a general election. Because conservative voters in their districts do not want to be told by a Repub candidate his or her opponent is not a baby eating communist. That gun control doesn't mean gun confiscation. That protecting a woman's reproductive rights doesn't make someone a baby killer. That Trump lost the election and voter fraud in this country is barely measurable.

Candidates need to go back to having fact based debates on the issues in front of informed audiences equipped to make informed decisions about the country's future. That's not going to happen as long as campaigns clouded by accusations of pedophilia, corruption, and alarmism go unchallenged.

I regard what John McCain did that evening as one of the bright and shining moments of the 2008 campaign. Of any campaign in recent history. Doing the decent, honorable, truthful thing seems quaint and totally unrealistic just 15 years later. I would contend his noble gesture was about more than defending the character of his political opponent. It was about having the courage to tell the truth to Crazy, come what may.

When the elderly lady said she heard Obama is an Arab I assume she meant she heard he is a Muslim. After all, he's not an Arab he's from Kenya (kidding). Immediately suggesting she was a consumer of right wing media and the lies it spews. It isn't just McCain's sense of fairness we need more of. Specifically, it's a willingness on the part of POT candidates to speak the truth to their constituents when confronted with misinformation.

I say that while fully acknowledging doing so will put many of them in peril of being primaried or losing a general election. Because conservative voters in their districts do not want to be told by a Repub candidate his or her opponent is not a baby eating communist. That gun control doesn't mean gun confiscation. That protecting a woman's reproductive rights doesn't make someone a baby killer. That Trump lost the election and voter fraud in this country is barely measurable.

Candidates need to go back to having fact based debates on the issues in front of informed audiences equipped to make informed decisions about the country's future. That's not going to happen as long as campaigns clouded by accusations of pedophilia, corruption, and alarmism go unchallenged.

I agree, we should get back to doing this, now, you’ve posted a clip of a Republican being decent toward Obama, now let’s see a clip of any democrat being decent like that toward trump?

You seem to be happy to see someone on the right being agreeable to the left, ok, now let’s see someone on the left talking about how trump is a decent family man, or bush, or any of the Republican presidents.
I agree, we should get back to doing this, now, you’ve posted a clip of a Republican being decent toward Obama, now let’s see a clip of any democrat being decent like that toward trump?
I anticipated that would be someone's response. Allow me to ask a question in return. What completely baseless accusation, like the elderly lady's, has been made against Trump that you feel should be corrected?
I anticipated that would be someone's response. Allow me to ask a question in return. What completely baseless accusation, like the elderly lady's, has been made against Trump that you feel should be corrected?

?? You didn’t make a post about people being honest or telling lies, you made a post about people getting back to being decent with each other, correcting mistruths.

How about the pee tape, there’s a baseless accusation. I’ve never seen anyone on the left ever correct anyone on that. They’re just happy as can be to let lies spread. And I’m not talking about just trump, I’m talking about any right wing president or candidate. You want us to get back to being decent to each other, and correcting mistakes, I don’t see any evidence of that coming from the left. You posted a clip of someone on the right doing so, now I’m asking you to post a clip from someone on the left doing so.

We desperately need much more of this.​

What is that? Idiot senators with tumors in their heads who spear-chucked their own campaigns flattering their opponent? Notice how you NEVER see a democrat say anything nice about any republican, at least not until they are dead.

I can't wait for Joe to drop dead so I can say something nice about him.
That trump conspired with putin to steal the 2016 election from hillary
Gosh, that again. Are you still a believer in the notion of the "Russia hoax?"

And let us not forget that McCain attacked Trump for stating he would secure the border. "Stirring up the crazies" is one comment of McCaine I remember.

McCaine being a life long senator from a border state certainly failed or did nothing to stop illegal immigration

I regard what John McCain did that evening as one of the bright and shining moments of the 2008 campaign. Of any campaign in recent history. Doing the decent, honorable, truthful thing seems quaint and totally unrealistic just 15 years later. I would contend his noble gesture was about more than defending the character of his political opponent. It was about having the courage to tell the truth to Crazy, come what may.

When the elderly lady said she heard Obama is an Arab I assume she meant she heard he is a Muslim. After all, he's not an Arab he's from Kenya (kidding). Immediately suggesting she was a consumer of right wing media and the lies it spews. It isn't just McCain's sense of fairness we need more of. Specifically, it's a willingness on the part of POT candidates to speak the truth to their constituents when confronted with misinformation.

I say that while fully acknowledging doing so will put many of them in peril of being primaried or losing a general election. Because conservative voters in their districts do not want to be told by a Repub candidate his or her opponent is not a baby eating communist. That gun control doesn't mean gun confiscation. That protecting a woman's reproductive rights doesn't make someone a baby killer. That Trump lost the election and voter fraud in this country is barely measurable.

Candidates need to go back to having fact based debates on the issues in front of informed audiences equipped to make informed decisions about the country's future. That's not going to happen as long as campaigns clouded by accusations of pedophilia, corruption, and alarmism go unchallenged.

McCain had personal integrity and would not pander to Tea Party crazies.
Sarah Palin did
What is that? Idiot senators with tumors in their heads who spear-chucked their own campaigns flattering their opponent? Notice how you NEVER see a democrat say anything nice about any republican, at least not until they are dead.

I can't wait for Joe to drop dead so I can say something nice about him.
Biden praises Republicans during Oval Office address

Democrat presidential front-runner Joe Biden told attendees at a Massachusetts fundraiser Saturday that "there’s an awful lot of really good Republicans" with whom he successfully worked when he was vice president, as he defended his cooperative approach, The Hill reports.

President Joe Biden had high praise for what he called a “very productive” Oval Office meeting with Republican and Democratic lawmakers on Wednesday, offering a rare glimpse of the bipartisanship he has been calling for since taking office.

“It was one of the best meetings, best meetings we’ve had,” Biden said in remarks shortly before signing an executive order to secure critical supply chains. “It was like the old days. People were on the same page.”

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And let us not forget that McCain attacked Trump for stating he would secure the border. "Stirring up the crazies" is one comment of McCaine I remember.

McCaine being a life long senator from a border state certainly failed or did nothing to stop illegal immigration
Stirring up crazies who believe Mexico sends over murderers, rapists and drug dealers and Mexico would pay for his wall
I just went to the McCaine website to see his great (lack of) accomplishments.

I found nothing but accolades stating how great McCaine is.

Outside a daylong Google research project what has McCaine done.


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