We dont need a civil war, whats the best way for a peaceful breakup?

Its a hypothetical....like if you wanted a Superpower, what would it be?

“Its impossible for a human to fly automously. Our bones are too dense and we dont have wings.“ :rolleyes:
The only people who love these type of threads are our adversaries like the Chinese who want nothing more than to see the USA vanish as an international power. This thread is fitting of course coming from an OP whose avatar is a picture of Xi...most likely applauding this thread and threads like this.

Correct, because China hates the idea of controlling our industries through the Paris Accord, hates the idea of having trade advantages over the US, hates the idea of us losing our energy independence, hates the idea of a party that wants to weaken our military and put us on path to a Socialist/ Communist nation. It's just killing them I tell you. :rolleyes:
United we stand,
divided we Fall...

Seems like we are falling united. The question is, are we really united? It sure doesn't look that way. Just look at the past protests and riots and the new ones emerging. Think it's ever going to stop?

Your side went from Democrat to liberal, from liberal to progressive, from progressive to Socialist/ Democrat whatever the hell that is. From there it will go to pure socialism, from socialism, to socialism/ communism, and finally stop at plain ole communism.

Where is the middle ground between communism and constitutionalism? There is none.

So we are at the point of losing half of the country or losing all of it to communism. With Democrats welcoming in third worlders, we will lose the entire country if we don't work on dividing it now. I say it's worth losing half to preserve the Great Experiment.
There is no compromising with the leftists. Their only purpose is forcing you to conform to their fake ideology. Transgenders in sports is a perfect example. A man pretends he’s a woman and everyone must pretend with him. We’re talking about .0001% of the population and 350 million must change.

It's much more than that. They use race to divide the country, want to take away firearms from law abiding citizens, greatly weaken or eliminate police departments and if they can't do that, bring them at the mercy of the federal government from coast to coast. They are working on making whites a minority for the first time in history by flooding our country with untested foreigners, and now Dementia wants to spend 200 billion dollars to start indoctrinating children at a much younger age with "free" preschool. He recently announced plans to reduce our carbon emissions by at least 50% in the next nine years which can only be done be eliminating fossil fuels and the hundreds of thousands of jobs associated with it. We will then be dependent on much, much more expensive and less reliable green energy accompanied with consistent rolling blackouts, especially during the summer months when people are trying to stay cool. Then the only way to deal with that problem will be energy rationing.

With higher taxation and increasing minimum wage requirements, less businesses will be starting up, more American jobs eliminated (at least the ones the illegals didn't take yet) and more businesses leaving the country for higher grounds because of much higher taxes.

If we don't start working on a plan real soon to divide the country, the entire nation will be in severe debt and ruins due to the fact the commies are trying to structure voting so they can never lose again.

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