We dont need a civil war, whats the best way for a peaceful breakup?

I would rather see the split up by counties. Liberals can have the shithole urban areas they already wrecked.
The essential dividing line would be to have states decide whether they are willing to base their rights and laws on the Constitution. Those who want major changes to it should come together and form their own confederacy.
The issue will be dividing Federal assets. It would necessitate splitting our military according to the loyalties of the troops. THAT and the refusal of the Left to allow any loss of their power over the rest of us. For them, it's ALL about control and power to compel. Unless they change course, no peaceful way forward can be found.
IF the nation devolved into rebellion under the Tan Messiah's rule by puppet, I have no doubt the politburo would be willing to call in U.N. troops or even CCP invaders to crush said "rebellion".

Neither side gives a fuck about the constitution.
I care about the Constitution being what has kept the nation together in my lifetime, and I am going to support it if God so wills it in memory of our nation's founders who strongly leaned on the Lord God to deliver us safely from uncaring monarchs. I was just thinking of President George Washington who led flesh and blood men of all ages into brutal battle with our oppressors from the British Isles. He is listed by many patriots as being a fervent leader to free American people from generations of colonists who somehow never got finished having their daily bread at risk from higher and higher taxes levied against them by a crown who refused them from having representation in court to relieve their grievances against the abuse of getting overtaxed without a chance of telling those in charge to let them speak their opposition about abuses spread on our forbears by a snob of a king.
There are plenty of mutual divorces that dont get into a nasty court battle. How can we divide the nation peacefully? Its very obvious that a transgendered person in San Francisco has nothing in common with a hetero plumber in Alabama.

So blue states....go forth and be happy. Run your own shit and live how you want to live. I want no dominion over you. Go do your thing....and let me do my thing.

The blue states can acheive a peaceful coalition and so can red states.

How can this best be done?
You’re dreaming of you think the communist left will ever give up power and rule over people. They would never just go their own way, they have to rule over all and tell them how to live.

Even if we did ever did break up into two states, they would just demonize the red states and basically make the case for genocide based on “racism” and “fascism” charges.

Nope, if you want freedom from communists, you’re going to have to fight for it.
There are plenty of mutual divorces that dont get into a nasty court battle. How can we divide the nation peacefully? Its very obvious that a transgendered person in San Francisco has nothing in common with a hetero plumber in Alabama.

So blue states....go forth and be happy. Run your own shit and live how you want to live. I want no dominion over you. Go do your thing....and let me do my thing.

The blue states can acheive a peaceful coalition and so can red states.

How can this best be done?
It won't be. Stop being an anti-American defeatist weakling.
Break the country up into multiple nations and end this shit show of an empire.
There are plenty of mutual divorces that dont get into a nasty court battle. How can we divide the nation peacefully? Its very obvious that a transgendered person in San Francisco has nothing in common with a hetero plumber in Alabama.

So blue states....go forth and be happy. Run your own shit and live how you want to live. I want no dominion over you. Go do your thing....and let me do my thing.

The blue states can acheive a peaceful coalition and so can red states.

How can this best be done?
There are plenty of mutual divorces that dont get into a nasty court battle. How can we divide the nation peacefully? Its very obvious that a transgendered person in San Francisco has nothing in common with a hetero plumber in Alabama.

So blue states....go forth and be happy. Run your own shit and live how you want to live. I want no dominion over you. Go do your thing....and let me do my thing.

The blue states can acheive a peaceful coalition and so can red states.

How can this best be done?
The problem is thinking the blue people are actually interested in leaving you alone. They aren’t. They enjoy nothing more than fucking with you over every stupid thing they can come up with. These fucking people will never leave you alone.
The essential dividing line would be to have states decide whether they are willing to base their rights and laws on the Constitution. Those who want major changes to it should come together and form their own confederacy.
The issue will be dividing Federal assets. It would necessitate splitting our military according to the loyalties of the troops. THAT and the refusal of the Left to allow any loss of their power over the rest of us. For them, it's ALL about control and power to compel. Unless they change course, no peaceful way forward can be found.
IF the nation devolved into rebellion under the Tan Messiah's rule by puppet, I have no doubt the politburo would be willing to call in U.N. troops or even CCP invaders to crush said "rebellion".

Neither side gives a fuck about the constitution.
Speak for those you know. MOST people in my neck of the woods refuse to be ruled over by the filth in DC who are ignoring the Constitution and behaving totally lawless. The difference down here is that folks aren't willing to be pushed, shoved, mocked, or spit on by asswipes who think they know everything and have a RIGHT to rule. They like to look down the nose at people they think of as "savages". Imagine their chagrin when they realize savages aren't willing to play by their rules and in a pinch, are totally down with fecking their shit UP...

Yeah. You love the Constitution. Except the First. I could agree about shoved and spit. But mocked seems to be protected by the First Amendment. Well fuck them. Loud mouthed little punk bastards.

And screw several of the other rights. We ain’t gonna let some criminal walk free just because the cop didn’t have a warrant. That’s just crazy. What if he is a serial killer? Or a mass murderer. Or a child predator? You can’t expect us to let him go free over a piece of paper.

The amendments and the Constitution don’t mean a thing to you. Like the Left it is a buffet for you. Pick what you like and ignore the rest.

Neither side gives a fuck about the Constitution.
The one positive thing about the Kung Flu scam is young individuals are not subject to Europhobic public school instructors and officials directly. Then again, the Fake News establishment is so embedded, young individuals are receiving nothing but Fake News and Fake History from Steven Spielberg movies, etc.
I propose splitting it up by time zone. Here in Arizona we're on Mountain Standard Time, Denver is a well place centralize city for our new nation's capital. I believe things would go along smoothly if all our new nations agree to continue driving on the right side of the road.

There is no compromising with the leftists. Their only purpose is forcing you to conform to their fake ideology. Transgenders in sports is a perfect example. A man pretends he’s a woman and everyone must pretend with him. We’re talking about .0001% of the population and 350 million must change.
There are plenty of mutual divorces that dont get into a nasty court battle. How can we divide the nation peacefully? Its very obvious that a transgendered person in San Francisco has nothing in common with a hetero plumber in Alabama.

So blue states....go forth and be happy. Run your own shit and live how you want to live. I want no dominion over you. Go do your thing....and let me do my thing.

The blue states can acheive a peaceful coalition and so can red states.

How can this best be done?
United we stand,
divided we Fall...
The essential dividing line would be to have states decide whether they are willing to base their rights and laws on the Constitution. Those who want major changes to it should come together and form their own confederacy.
The issue will be dividing Federal assets. It would necessitate splitting our military according to the loyalties of the troops. THAT and the refusal of the Left to allow any loss of their power over the rest of us. For them, it's ALL about control and power to compel. Unless they change course, no peaceful way forward can be found.
IF the nation devolved into rebellion under the Tan Messiah's rule by puppet, I have no doubt the politburo would be willing to call in U.N. troops or even CCP invaders to crush said "rebellion".
After the country had a civil war to join it, we now have some who went to divide it again because they don't want gays etc. Because God said so. They have been on earth since civilization began.
No one hates like republicans.
There are plenty of mutual divorces that dont get into a nasty court battle. How can we divide the nation peacefully? Its very obvious that a transgendered person in San Francisco has nothing in common with a hetero plumber in Alabama.

So blue states....go forth and be happy. Run your own shit and live how you want to live. I want no dominion over you. Go do your thing....and let me do my thing.

The blue states can acheive a peaceful coalition and so can red states.

How can this best be done?

In the coming decades, as the Caucasian population continues to shrink, this question will come up more and more for thoughtful and calm discussion.

I have no idea of how it can be accomplished, but hopefully people of all backgrounds can come to a mutual agreement of some sort so that people can be allowed to live, work, and play with people who share their cultural values.

I may be wrong (of course), but I think that the United States of America (and maybe Europe now) has proven that multiculturalism is a nice ideal but not a practical reality.
There are plenty of mutual divorces that dont get into a nasty court battle. How can we divide the nation peacefully? Its very obvious that a transgendered person in San Francisco has nothing in common with a hetero plumber in Alabama.

So blue states....go forth and be happy. Run your own shit and live how you want to live. I want no dominion over you. Go do your thing....and let me do my thing.

The blue states can acheive a peaceful coalition and so can red states.

How can this best be done?
Sorry, you’re stuck with us sweetie
There are plenty of mutual divorces that dont get into a nasty court battle. How can we divide the nation peacefully? Its very obvious that a transgendered person in San Francisco has nothing in common with a hetero plumber in Alabama.

So blue states....go forth and be happy. Run your own shit and live how you want to live. I want no dominion over you. Go do your thing....and let me do my thing.

The blue states can acheive a peaceful coalition and so can red states.

How can this best be done?
Can’t happen. Peaceful secession was tried once and it took a hundred years for the southern states to recover. Empires do not peacefully dissolve. The central government required the tax income to fund the planned internal improvements and continental expansion. How much else will they suffer the loss of the productive states to fund the social and military leeches today?
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The only people who love these type of threads are our adversaries like the Chinese who want nothing more than to see the USA vanish as an international power. This thread is fitting of course coming from an OP whose avatar is a picture of Xi...most likely applauding this thread and threads like this.
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