“We Don’t Need a Warrant” — Cops Enter Home Through Window, Rip Infant From Mother’s Arms

It is a fact that cops can enter --suddenly and forcibly if they have REASON to believe that a child is in danger

Actually, not quite. If, while the police are at the residence, and they hear say, a cry for help,or a struggle, or gunfire, yes, they can enter with probable cause. There is no warrant necessary.

and all they have to do is say they heard something. If they want in in they will go.
Just another day in the "Land of the Free."

The police insisted something was wrong and used their authority to enter the house without a warrant believing that the welfare of the child or mother were in jeopardy. However, from the video and Stephanie’s own words, everyone was fine. The only people posing a threat to the Petrenko family were the Vancouver cops.

As police began to breach the house, Stephanie was assaulted. The traumatic instance of their baby being yanked from her arms was captured on video. The family was but helpless victims to the dozen armed agents — ostensibly there to help them.

“We Don’t Need a Warrant” — Cops Enter Home Through Window, Rip Infant From Mother’s Arms

I probably wouldn't get my *news* from a psycho site that supported the treasonous loons who raised arms against the federal government.

but thanks. i'll wait for something legit
It is a fact that cops can enter --suddenly and forcibly if they have REASON to believe that a child is in danger

Actually, not quite. If, while the police are at the residence, and they hear say, a cry for help,or a struggle, or gunfire, yes, they can enter with probable cause. There is no warrant necessary.

and all they have to do is say they heard something. If they want in in they will go.

Oh, you bet. who is the court going to believe? The cops or the mother?

We ALL know the answer to that one. The FBI murdered 97 people in Waco and killed a kid and a young mother (again, holding her baby) in the middle of the woods. Who did the courts side with? That no-good bitch Janet Reno. I hope that bitch dies a slow, agonizing death.
Hmmm. We know the mainstream media loves a juicy "bad cop" story. I have searched and kind find any reputable news source (bit of an oxymoron) that's covered it.

DontTazeMeBro....can you provide any source from national or local Washington media that have covered this "home invasion and assault" carried out by 4 cops who knew their crime was being filmed??
No he can't.
Turns out the "standoff" took place because the husband had had a restraining order taken out against him by the wife.
The call from Kentucky to 911 was from the wife's sister. The wife called her sister and told her the husband had broken into the house and was refusing to leave.
Once a 911 call is received involving an existing restraining order and a domestic dispute LE is required by law to enter the premises and determine what is happening.
At that point the wife has no say in what happens.
Too many abused women are too terrified to say anything to LE. Many of these women end up dead.
In this case the wife was insisting her husband had been asked into the house by her.
The sister in Kentucky told LE a different story.
The reason the local media didn't touch the story is because it happens a dozen times a day in the county.
The reason the couple have lost the baby is because both parents are well known to local LE as crack-heads.
So DTMB, now you can crawl back under your rock and wait for the next bullshit story from cop-hating blogs.
You do seem to lead a pretty fucking empty life.

HEY DONTTAZEMEBRO.....Your little queer website link conveniently left that part out huh??? That the husband had a restraining order against him from the wife. That she told the caller HE broke into the home and wouldn't leave.

Huh. Wonder how your link and YOU missed that?

So....the cops may have been facing a hostage situation?? You know....like how a bank robber tells the clerk to "act like everything is okay and tell the cops to go away"???

Imagine this: Cops get the call. Sister says her sister is at home and her estranged husband who she has a restraining order against...just broke into her home and he's there now with her and won't leave. Bad. So cops go....and she and the husband are inside....REFUSING to let the cops inside. The husband is committing a CRIME IN PROGRESS by simply being there. And she's showing every sign of the classic hostage in distress who has been told "you better make the cops go away".

And imagine of the cops said "Oh...well....she says it's all okay.....we will just go away. And sir...you're just getting a warning for the restraining order violation." And they leave. Then she ends up dead. Or the baby ends up kidnapped. Who gets sued?? Who gets smeared?

Fucking cop haters man. They're pathetic.

Your dog eating has led to some serious mental issues.

Hmmm. We know the mainstream media loves a juicy "bad cop" story. I have searched and kind find any reputable news source (bit of an oxymoron) that's covered it.

DontTazeMeBro....can you provide any source from national or local Washington media that have covered this "home invasion and assault" carried out by 4 cops who knew their crime was being filmed??
No he can't.
Turns out the "standoff" took place because the husband had had a restraining order taken out against him by the wife.
The call from Kentucky to 911 was from the wife's sister. The wife called her sister and told her the husband had broken into the house and was refusing to leave.
Once a 911 call is received involving an existing restraining order and a domestic dispute LE is required by law to enter the premises and determine what is happening.
At that point the wife has no say in what happens.
Too many abused women are too terrified to say anything to LE. Many of these women end up dead.
In this case the wife was insisting her husband had been asked into the house by her.
The sister in Kentucky told LE a different story.
The reason the local media didn't touch the story is because it happens a dozen times a day in the county. Not 'standoffs' but domestic abuse cases.
The reason the couple have lost the baby is because both parents are well known to local LE as crack-heads.
So DTMB, now you can crawl back under your rock and wait for the next bullshit story from cop-hating blogs.
You do seem to lead a pretty fucking empty life.

And there you have it....

Do you guys believe every unsourced post on this message board, or just the ones that make you feel better about yourselves?
That's right asshole. The cops didn't have anything better to than to try to negotiate with the crackhead couple inside for over an hour.
Go do your OWN research! It's all over the internet you lazy prick!
Hmmm. We know the mainstream media loves a juicy "bad cop" story. I have searched and kind find any reputable news source (bit of an oxymoron) that's covered it.

DontTazeMeBro....can you provide any source from national or local Washington media that have covered this "home invasion and assault" carried out by 4 cops who knew their crime was being filmed??

You were a big fan of Tiananmen Square, huh.
Why is it conservatives scream about the brutality of Communist and dictatorial regimes, but praise the same kind of actions when it happens in our own back yard?
Hmmm. We know the mainstream media loves a juicy "bad cop" story. I have searched and kind find any reputable news source (bit of an oxymoron) that's covered it.

DontTazeMeBro....can you provide any source from national or local Washington media that have covered this "home invasion and assault" carried out by 4 cops who knew their crime was being filmed??
No he can't.
Turns out the "standoff" took place because the husband had had a restraining order taken out against him by the wife.
The call from Kentucky to 911 was from the wife's sister. The wife called her sister and told her the husband had broken into the house and was refusing to leave.
Once a 911 call is received involving an existing restraining order and a domestic dispute LE is required by law to enter the premises and determine what is happening.
At that point the wife has no say in what happens.
Too many abused women are too terrified to say anything to LE. Many of these women end up dead.
In this case the wife was insisting her husband had been asked into the house by her.
The sister in Kentucky told LE a different story.
The reason the local media didn't touch the story is because it happens a dozen times a day in the county. Not 'standoffs' but domestic abuse cases.
The reason the couple have lost the baby is because both parents are well known to local LE as crack-heads.
So DTMB, now you can crawl back under your rock and wait for the next bullshit story from cop-hating blogs.
You do seem to lead a pretty fucking empty life.

Does this make you giddy?

Hmmm. We know the mainstream media loves a juicy "bad cop" story. I have searched and kind find any reputable news source (bit of an oxymoron) that's covered it.

DontTazeMeBro....can you provide any source from national or local Washington media that have covered this "home invasion and assault" carried out by 4 cops who knew their crime was being filmed??
No he can't.
Turns out the "standoff" took place because the husband had had a restraining order taken out against him by the wife.
The call from Kentucky to 911 was from the wife's sister. The wife called her sister and told her the husband had broken into the house and was refusing to leave.
Once a 911 call is received involving an existing restraining order and a domestic dispute LE is required by law to enter the premises and determine what is happening.
At that point the wife has no say in what happens.
Too many abused women are too terrified to say anything to LE. Many of these women end up dead.
In this case the wife was insisting her husband had been asked into the house by her.
The sister in Kentucky told LE a different story.
The reason the local media didn't touch the story is because it happens a dozen times a day in the county.
The reason the couple have lost the baby is because both parents are well known to local LE as crack-heads.
So DTMB, now you can crawl back under your rock and wait for the next bullshit story from cop-hating blogs.
You do seem to lead a pretty fucking empty life.

HEY DONTTAZEMEBRO.....Your little queer website link conveniently left that part out huh??? That the husband had a restraining order against him from the wife. That she told the caller HE broke into the home and wouldn't leave.

Huh. Wonder how your link and YOU missed that?

So....the cops may have been facing a hostage situation?? You know....like how a bank robber tells the clerk to "act like everything is okay and tell the cops to go away"???

Imagine this: Cops get the call. Sister says her sister is at home and her estranged husband who she has a restraining order against...just broke into her home and he's there now with her and won't leave. Bad. So cops go....and she and the husband are inside....REFUSING to let the cops inside. The husband is committing a CRIME IN PROGRESS by simply being there. And she's showing every sign of the classic hostage in distress who has been told "you better make the cops go away".

And imagine of the cops said "Oh...well....she says it's all okay.....we will just go away. And sir...you're just getting a warning for the restraining order violation." And they leave. Then she ends up dead. Or the baby ends up kidnapped. Who gets sued?? Who gets smeared?

Fucking cop haters man. They're pathetic.

Your dog eating has led to some serious mental issues.

Hmmm. We know the mainstream media loves a juicy "bad cop" story. I have searched and kind find any reputable news source (bit of an oxymoron) that's covered it.

DontTazeMeBro....can you provide any source from national or local Washington media that have covered this "home invasion and assault" carried out by 4 cops who knew their crime was being filmed??
No he can't.
Turns out the "standoff" took place because the husband had had a restraining order taken out against him by the wife.
The call from Kentucky to 911 was from the wife's sister. The wife called her sister and told her the husband had broken into the house and was refusing to leave.
Once a 911 call is received involving an existing restraining order and a domestic dispute LE is required by law to enter the premises and determine what is happening.
At that point the wife has no say in what happens.
Too many abused women are too terrified to say anything to LE. Many of these women end up dead.
In this case the wife was insisting her husband had been asked into the house by her.
The sister in Kentucky told LE a different story.
The reason the local media didn't touch the story is because it happens a dozen times a day in the county. Not 'standoffs' but domestic abuse cases.
The reason the couple have lost the baby is because both parents are well known to local LE as crack-heads.
So DTMB, now you can crawl back under your rock and wait for the next bullshit story from cop-hating blogs.
You do seem to lead a pretty fucking empty life.

And there you have it....

Do you guys believe every unsourced post on this message board, or just the ones that make you feel better about yourselves?
That's right asshole. The cops didn't have anything better to than to try to negotiate with the crackhead couple inside for over an hour.
Go do your OWN research! It's all over the internet you lazy prick!


If it's "all over the internet", it shouldn't be too hard to post a link, right?

It's not my responsibility to do your work for you, clown.
Yes, I think he just pulled all that out of his ass. Why should I bother to "prove him wrong" when he didn't bother to "prove" himself right?

You do understand how this works, right? It's not my job to disprove his nonsense, it's his job to prove it.

But it totally explains why it happened.
If you'd like I can look it up for you.

The fact that it "explains" everything in a way that feels good to you is not in itself a reason to believe it.

You didnt respond to my generous offer....wonder why.

Because I don't really give a shit, either way. You're welcome to "look it up" if you want, but I wonder why you didn't bother to do that first, before you declared your support for dannyboys' explaination.

It's pretty obvious he looked it up.
How else would he have all those details?
You just desperately,for whatever reason,want it to be erroneous info.
I was in LE for four decades starting as a patrol officer coming out of VN. Ending up sitting in meetings with HR in NYC and Dallas and Chicago.
I put up what I know after making some phone calls. Not one word I have ever posted has not to been found eventually in court records. I just happen to be able to put up the facts a day or so before it hits the media.
Not once on this or any other forum has the information I have shared turned out to be false or inaccurate.
But it totally explains why it happened.
If you'd like I can look it up for you.

The fact that it "explains" everything in a way that feels good to you is not in itself a reason to believe it.

You didnt respond to my generous offer....wonder why.

Because I don't really give a shit, either way. You're welcome to "look it up" if you want, but I wonder why you didn't bother to do that first, before you declared your support for dannyboys' explaination.

It's pretty obvious he looked it up.
How else would he have all those details?
You just desperately,for whatever reason,want it to be erroneous info.
I was in LE for four decades starting as a patrol officer coming out of VN. Ending up sitting in meetings with HR in NYC and Dallas and Chicago.
I put up what I know after making some phone calls. Not one word I have ever posted has not to been found eventually in court records. I just happen to be able to put up the facts a day or so before it hits the media.
Not once on this or any other forum has the information I have shared turned out to be false or inaccurate.


You "made some calls", and we're supposed to just take your word for it?
You didnt respond to my generous offer....wonder why.

Because I don't really give a shit, either way. You're welcome to "look it up" if you want, but I wonder why you didn't bother to do that first, before you declared your support for dannyboys' explaination.

It's pretty obvious he looked it up.
How else would he have all those details?
You just desperately,for whatever reason,want it to be erroneous info.


Is that "obvious" to you?

I did a few cursory Google searches, and found absolutly nothing. If he "looked it up", it shouldn't be that hard to find a link, right?

The one thing I ask myself? Why would the cops do this?
Seriously,if they got a call from someone saying there was a problem they have no choice but to enter and check things out.
And lets say for the sake of argument the cops lied about the call from Kentucky.
What was going on that they felt the need to lie to get into the house?
They didnt just pick these people at random,that makes absolutely no sense.
There's more to this story that we dont know about that much is obvious.

All of these questions are valid and legitimate - and I'm sure you're right that there's "more to the story".

But that doesn't mean you should believe any narrative that answers those questions in a way that make you feel good without evidence.

I could come up with any number of narratives that "explain" this situation, but that doesn't make them true.
Well then go ahead asshole!
That's right . The cops got into a one hour standoff with two adults and one baby in the house trying to negotiate with them. So go ahead. Let's read your "explanation".
Ya fucking right!
The fact that it "explains" everything in a way that feels good to you is not in itself a reason to believe it.

You didnt respond to my generous offer....wonder why.

Because I don't really give a shit, either way. You're welcome to "look it up" if you want, but I wonder why you didn't bother to do that first, before you declared your support for dannyboys' explaination.

It's pretty obvious he looked it up.
How else would he have all those details?
You just desperately,for whatever reason,want it to be erroneous info.
I was in LE for four decades starting as a patrol officer coming out of VN. Ending up sitting in meetings with HR in NYC and Dallas and Chicago.
I put up what I know after making some phone calls. Not one word I have ever posted has not to been found eventually in court records. I just happen to be able to put up the facts a day or so before it hits the media.
Not once on this or any other forum has the information I have shared turned out to be false or inaccurate.


You "made some calls", and we're supposed to just take your word for it?
YOU expected everyone to "take your word for it" that 'Big Mike' was surrendering to the cop when he rushed the cop right?
It is a fact that cops can enter --suddenly and forcibly if they have REASON to believe that a child is in danger

Actually, not quite. If, while the police are at the residence, and they hear say, a cry for help,or a struggle, or gunfire, yes, they can enter with probable cause. There is no warrant necessary.

and all they have to do is say they heard something. If they want in in they will go.
That's correct punk.
Why is it conservatives scream about the brutality of Communist and dictatorial regimes, but praise the same kind of actions when it happens in our own back yard?

I STILL scream about what happened at Waco and Ruby Ridge. Yet Nothing, I mean NOTHING happened to the FBI. Bill Clinton actually praised Janet Reno.

The problem with us, as conservatives, is that we can't have it "both ways". Incidents like Ruby Ridge and Waco seldom happen, but they do happen. Unfortunately, conservatives have a hard time calling a tragedy a tragedy when it involves police or police organizations.

Those women and babies were murdered by a government that used military force against its own citizens. They were burned alive in retribution for an attack on private property when church members fired back, killing a couple of agents.

But we have to support our police, right? Law and order.

The Ruby Ridge "tragedy" happened because a US Army vet failed to show up at a hearing in court for selling a shotgun that was .8 inches too short, and was set up by FBI agents.

His Wife was shot (from 400 yards away) in the head, while holding her 10 month old baby by a FBI Sniper (who later received a medal) for his actions. The FBI shot and killed his Son, 13 years old, after they had shot his dog on a stakeout of the property.

But we have to support our police, right? Law and order.

Oh, and did I mention that Randy Weaver was awarded a million dollars for "wrongful death"?

Guess that makes up for it, right?
Because I don't really give a shit, either way. You're welcome to "look it up" if you want, but I wonder why you didn't bother to do that first, before you declared your support for dannyboys' explaination.

It's pretty obvious he looked it up.
How else would he have all those details?
You just desperately,for whatever reason,want it to be erroneous info.


Is that "obvious" to you?

I did a few cursory Google searches, and found absolutly nothing. If he "looked it up", it shouldn't be that hard to find a link, right?

The one thing I ask myself? Why would the cops do this?
Seriously,if they got a call from someone saying there was a problem they have no choice but to enter and check things out.
And lets say for the sake of argument the cops lied about the call from Kentucky.
What was going on that they felt the need to lie to get into the house?
They didnt just pick these people at random,that makes absolutely no sense.
There's more to this story that we dont know about that much is obvious.

All of these questions are valid and legitimate - and I'm sure you're right that there's "more to the story".

But that doesn't mean you should believe any narrative that answers those questions in a way that make you feel good without evidence.

I could come up with any number of narratives that "explain" this situation, but that doesn't make them true.
Well then go ahead asshole!
That's right . The cops got into a one hour standoff with two adults and one baby in the house trying to negotiate with them. So go ahead. Let's read your "explanation".
Ya fucking right!



I "made some calls", and I found out that this was actually part of a secret CIA operation. The husband and wife are actually shape-shifting lizard aliens, and the police who busted in are really secret CIA black-ops agents seeking to arrest the aliens and vivisect them.

In case my point has flown over your head, my narrative above has exactly as much supporting evidence as yours does.
You didnt respond to my generous offer....wonder why.

Because I don't really give a shit, either way. You're welcome to "look it up" if you want, but I wonder why you didn't bother to do that first, before you declared your support for dannyboys' explaination.

It's pretty obvious he looked it up.
How else would he have all those details?
You just desperately,for whatever reason,want it to be erroneous info.
I was in LE for four decades starting as a patrol officer coming out of VN. Ending up sitting in meetings with HR in NYC and Dallas and Chicago.
I put up what I know after making some phone calls. Not one word I have ever posted has not to been found eventually in court records. I just happen to be able to put up the facts a day or so before it hits the media.
Not once on this or any other forum has the information I have shared turned out to be false or inaccurate.


You "made some calls", and we're supposed to just take your word for it?
YOU expected everyone to "take your word for it" that 'Big Mike' was surrendering to the cop when he rushed the cop right?

Um, no. I don't believe I've ever said anything like that. Would you like to try again, clown?
Why is it conservatives scream about the brutality of Communist and dictatorial regimes, but praise the same kind of actions when it happens in our own back yard?

I STILL scream about what happened at Waco and Ruby Ridge. Yet Nothing, I mean NOTHING happened to the FBI. Bill Clinton actually praised Janet Reno.

The problem with us, as conservatives, is that we can't have it "both ways". Incidents like Ruby Ridge and Waco seldom happen, but they do happen. Unfortunately, conservatives have a hard time calling a tragedy a tragedy when it involves police or police organizations.

Those women and babies were murdered by a government that used military force against its own citizens. They were burned alive in retribution for an attack on private property when church members fired back, killing a couple of agents.

But we have to support our police, right? Law and order.

The Ruby Ridge "tragedy" happened because a US Army vet failed to show up at a hearing in court for selling a shotgun that was .8 inches too short, and was set up by FBI agents.

His Wife was shot (from 400 yards away) in the head, while holding her 10 month old baby by a FBI Sniper (who later received a medal) for his actions. The FBI shot and killed his Son, 13 years old, after they had shot his dog on a stakeout of the property.

But we have to support our police, right? Law and order.

Oh, and did I mention that Randy Weaver was awarded a million dollars for "wrongful death"?

Guess that makes up for it, right?
Right. Don't fuck with LE. We always win. That's why you can drive your car to your nearest Wendy's and not wonder if you'll come home alive.
It's pretty obvious he looked it up.
How else would he have all those details?
You just desperately,for whatever reason,want it to be erroneous info.


Is that "obvious" to you?

I did a few cursory Google searches, and found absolutly nothing. If he "looked it up", it shouldn't be that hard to find a link, right?

The one thing I ask myself? Why would the cops do this?
Seriously,if they got a call from someone saying there was a problem they have no choice but to enter and check things out.
And lets say for the sake of argument the cops lied about the call from Kentucky.
What was going on that they felt the need to lie to get into the house?
They didnt just pick these people at random,that makes absolutely no sense.
There's more to this story that we dont know about that much is obvious.

All of these questions are valid and legitimate - and I'm sure you're right that there's "more to the story".

But that doesn't mean you should believe any narrative that answers those questions in a way that make you feel good without evidence.

I could come up with any number of narratives that "explain" this situation, but that doesn't make them true.
Well then go ahead asshole!
That's right . The cops got into a one hour standoff with two adults and one baby in the house trying to negotiate with them. So go ahead. Let's read your "explanation".
Ya fucking right!



I "made some calls", and I found out that this was actually part of a secret CIA operation. The husband and wife are actually shape-shifting lizard aliens, and the police who busted in are really secret CIA black-ops agents seeking to arrest the aliens and vivisect them.

In case my point has flown over your head, my narrative above has exactly as much supporting evidence as yours does.
OK. You just forgot to mention the CPS agency took the baby away from your 'lizards' because they were fucking crack-heads.
Any sentient person can google the public arrest records of the parents for drug dealing.
Why is it conservatives scream about the brutality of Communist and dictatorial regimes, but praise the same kind of actions when it happens in our own back yard?

I STILL scream about what happened at Waco and Ruby Ridge. Yet Nothing, I mean NOTHING happened to the FBI. Bill Clinton actually praised Janet Reno.

The problem with us, as conservatives, is that we can't have it "both ways". Incidents like Ruby Ridge and Waco seldom happen, but they do happen. Unfortunately, conservatives have a hard time calling a tragedy a tragedy when it involves police or police organizations.

Those women and babies were murdered by a government that used military force against its own citizens. They were burned alive in retribution for an attack on private property when church members fired back, killing a couple of agents.

But we have to support our police, right? Law and order.

The Ruby Ridge "tragedy" happened because a US Army vet failed to show up at a hearing in court for selling a shotgun that was .8 inches too short, and was set up by FBI agents.

His Wife was shot (from 400 yards away) in the head, while holding her 10 month old baby by a FBI Sniper (who later received a medal) for his actions. The FBI shot and killed his Son, 13 years old, after they had shot his dog on a stakeout of the property.

But we have to support our police, right? Law and order.

Oh, and did I mention that Randy Weaver was awarded a million dollars for "wrongful death"?

Guess that makes up for it, right?
Right. Don't fuck with LE. We always win. That's why you can drive your car to your nearest Wendy's and not wonder if you'll come home alive.

Ah, I see. So "LE" can do whatever they want, when they want. Is that what you're saying? If that's the case, I would offer this friendly advice to you and those in LE who believe as you apparently do:

Don't come to Montana. We shoot back here.
But it totally explains why it happened.
If you'd like I can look it up for you.

The fact that it "explains" everything in a way that feels good to you is not in itself a reason to believe it.

You didnt respond to my generous offer....wonder why.

Because I don't really give a shit, either way. You're welcome to "look it up" if you want, but I wonder why you didn't bother to do that first, before you declared your support for dannyboys' explaination.

It's pretty obvious he looked it up.
How else would he have all those details?
You just desperately,for whatever reason,want it to be erroneous info.
I was in LE for four decades starting as a patrol officer coming out of VN. Ending up sitting in meetings with HR in NYC and Dallas and Chicago.
I put up what I know after making some phone calls. Not one word I have ever posted has not to been found eventually in court records. I just happen to be able to put up the facts a day or so before it hits the media.
Not once on this or any other forum has the information I have shared turned out to be false or inaccurate.

You know something is going on or the cops wouldnt even be there.
The Doc seems to think they just picked some random people to screw with.

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