We Don’t Want a Post-Pandemic “Return to Normal,” We Want the End of Capitalism

A simple statement about a complex issue is almost always wrong. The US is a mix of communism, socialism, and capitalism. It has to be, nothing else makes sense. It is when we try to implement one of them where it doesn't fit that we fail. It is our failure not the 'ism' failure.
If I walk out my front door I'm on a sidewalk I don't own, next to a street I don't plow when it snows. Up the street is a school I didn't build. Etc., etc.

You appear not to grasp what economic systems are.

Communism - also communalism - common ownership of the means of production by all. It is a fairy tale that doesn't and has never existed.

Socialism - control or ownership of the means of production by the state or central authority. Hence, public services such as schools, fire departments, police, etc. are not socialism. Those who claim otherwise are generally engaging in chicanery in order to promote socialism.

Capitalism - the means of production is owned by private individuals. It may be direct ownership or through markets - that is stocks and bonds.

Most modern economies are mixed. For instance, the United States has a fascist medical system where private owners are subject to a state that controls them. The means of production in the medical field is socialist therefore. But we don't have traditional socialized medicine - rather a hybrid that is actually fascist - state control with private owners.

You appear not to grasp what economic systems are.
You appear not to grasp what doesn't fit in your ideological pigeon holes.

Communism - also communalism - common ownership of the means of production by all. It is a fairy tale that doesn't and has never existed.
A large part of the American economy is based on the communist model. And it has always existed that way, even if you refuse to see it.

Socialism - control or ownership of the means of production by the state or central authority. Hence, public services such as schools, fire departments, police, etc. are not socialism. Those who claim otherwise are generally engaging in chicanery in order to promote socialism.
What about our road and railroad network? We'd produce very little without it. Utilities are essentially government controlled.

Capitalism - the means of production is owned by private individuals. It may be direct ownership or through markets - that is stocks and bonds.
The rules are set by the government and it serves as a referee or the free market aspect of capitalism, the factor that makes it so efficient and productive will cease to be.

Most modern economies are mixed. For instance, the United States has a fascist medical system where private owners are subject to a state that controls them. The means of production in the medical field is socialist therefore. But we don't have traditional socialized medicine - rather a hybrid that is actually fascist - state control with private owners.
You should read some history and you'll see why the government regulates the healthcare industry. In our system it is the health insurance that controls the 'means of production' by what it will and will not pay for. That is why the USA has only a mediocre record compared to the rest of the world and why we pay so much for the drugs that keep us alive.
You must be very old since my street was here before I was born or moved here. I wonder who I'm mooching off?
Mooching loser Dem sponges mooch off everyone. Where do you think government gets money, the tooth fairy? We taxpayers pay for it all now talk to the hand. :talk2hand:
Mooching loser Dem sponges mooch off everyone. Where do you think government gets money, the tooth fairy? We taxpayers pay for it all now talk to the hand. :talk2hand:
I like my street so I'd say, in this case, the government owning the street (my means of 'production') is a success.
We need a real ambition, but the ambition to return to normality within capitalism is surely no ambition at all. To be politically salient, the desire to return to “normal” has to be seen as an expression of desire for the good life — for us to escape hardship. “Normal” is used as shorthand because, whatever the miseries forced upon us by capitalist depredations, the memory of small day-to-day pleasures from pre-pandemic life contains hints of broader freedoms. Rather than yearning for normal, we should insist on the good by insisting on socialism.

only the party leaders should have money, everyone knows that...regular folks should never be allowed any cash or they might start thinking for themselves
I like my street so I'd say, in this case, the government owning the street (my means of 'production') is a success.
I like mine. I built and maintain them
Well. Sold this one but the other is the same...little bigger
We need a real ambition, but the ambition to return to normality within capitalism is surely no ambition at all. To be politically salient, the desire to return to “normal” has to be seen as an expression of desire for the good life — for us to escape hardship. “Normal” is used as shorthand because, whatever the miseries forced upon us by capitalist depredations, the memory of small day-to-day pleasures from pre-pandemic life contains hints of broader freedoms. Rather than yearning for normal, we should insist on the good by insisting on socialism.

if nobody works,,,,nothing gets done....thats why in the old soviet union you had to wait six months for plumber to come and unstop your toilet.....instead of working people just show up and drink....they arent getting paid so why fucking put in a days work.....its pointless
i want a whole lot more than that lol
Hmmmm Perhapz donkey?
And the sweet old lie comes round again... Funny how people always forget the way it ends in mass graves.
what else can the commie fascists do with those who won't comply with their dumbass agenda?

it's like

We don't have to put up with these malcontents who don't want their property taken or their businesses. WE own everything, even their miserable lives!
I like my street so I'd say, in this case, the government owning the street (my means of 'production') is a success.

The street is not the "means of production" but rather an easment.

Try again. You're not the first to try and pervert the language to promote your socialist agenda.
You appear not to grasp what doesn't fit in your ideological pigeon holes.

Reality isn't ideological.

A large part of the American economy is based on the communist model. And it has always existed that way, even if you refuse to see it.

Utter nonsense. Spewing unsupported and ignorant claims with no support does little to convince anyone.

What about our road and railroad network? We'd produce very little without it. Utilities are essentially government controlled.

What about them?

Public utilities are not socialism.

Have you had even and introduction to economics? You appear astoundingly ignorant of the subject.

The rules are set by the government and it serves as a referee or the free market aspect of capitalism, the factor that makes it so efficient and productive will cease to be.

Yes, government has inserted itself into the market, more as a looter than a referee.

The most effective microcosmic economy in existence can be observed any weekend at swap meets, flea markets, and yard sales, where individuals exchange value for value free of interference from any outside force.
You should read some history and you'll see why the government regulates the healthcare industry. In our system it is the health insurance that controls the 'means of production' by what it will and will not pay for. That is why the USA has only a mediocre record compared to the rest of the world and why we pay so much for the drugs that keep us alive.

Healthcare is one sixth of our economy, controlling it gives our rulers enormous power - the power over life and death. Government ultimately exists to give power to some over others.
The street is not the "means of production" but rather an easment.

Try again. You're not the first to try and pervert the language to promote your socialist agenda.
OK, how's this: Amazon uses the 'easement' in front of my house to deliver their packages. They neither pave nor plow it but their production would stop with it.

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