We Don’t Want a Post-Pandemic “Return to Normal,” We Want the End of Capitalism

OK, how's this: Amazon uses the 'easement' in front of my house to deliver their packages. They neither pave nor plow it but their production would stop with it.
Do you want the road available only to you and no one else?
OK, how's this: Amazon uses the 'easement' in front of my house to deliver their packages. They neither pave nor plow it but their production would stop with it.

They pay taxes to maintain it and build new ones.

Try again.
We need a real ambition, but the ambition to return to normality within capitalism is surely no ambition at all. To be politically salient, the desire to return to “normal” has to be seen as an expression of desire for the good life — for us to escape hardship. “Normal” is used as shorthand because, whatever the miseries forced upon us by capitalist depredations, the memory of small day-to-day pleasures from pre-pandemic life contains hints of broader freedoms. Rather than yearning for normal, we should insist on the good by insisting on socialism.

Yeah cause who wants to go back to the only organization of society that has enormously been successful at getting the greatest number of people out of poverty than any other discipline in WORLD HISTORY.
Let's instead revert to a discipline that has failed every.single. time. in the entire history of man.
because that makes sense.
Do you want the road available only to you and no one else?

He's not very good at this, and is trying to spew the old idiocy that public works are "socialist."

Another leftist who wants something for nothing but doesn't grasp the terms he bandies about.

He clearly has zero knowledge of economics yet spouts off because his wants outweigh fact and reason.

Okay, your source are fucking hack liars.

{Amazon paid an effective federal income tax rate of just 4.3 percent on U.S. income. From 2018 through 2020, Amazon enjoyed tax subsidies of $7.2 billion. }

No, tax avoidance is NOT a "subsidy" as these lying Marxist pricks claim. The vermin take the position that all things belong to the state - thus every dollar Amazon earns is the rightful property of the state, hence if Amazon pays less in taxes, they are taking money that is the rightful property of the state.

Your source has no more credibility than you do.
I think you need to reconsider who you are calling ignorant. Yes, Federal money goes to local streets all the time.

Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program | US Department of Transportation


A slush fund of payola for CalTrans is your answer?

You are astoundingly ignorant.


Tell me again how Federal taxes don't pay for local roads also.

They don't, idiot. You linked to a $5 billion slush fund for CalTrans - buying public sector union support.

State Gasoline Tax
For every gallon of gasoline we pump into our vehicles, the State of California collects a few cents of Gasoline Tax. The State then distributes money back to California counties using a formula based on each county's number of registered vehicles. This money becomes a special revenue fund called the Road Fund. This fund must be used for road and transportation purposes.


This local, ½ cent gasoline sales tax was approved by San Diego County voters in 1987 for 20 years and extended for an additional 40 years to 2048 by a 2/3 vote again by San Diego County voters in November 2004. TransNet is dedicated to specific transportation improvement projects included in the approved measure and is administered by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). SANDAG also administers several special programs that are included in measures that involve a competitive call for projects and/or proposals. Another portion of the funds is dedicated by formula to local projects administered by the local jurisdictions within San Diego County.

Transportation Development Act (TDA)

This State revenue is used to build bike lanes, build and operate transit centers and supplement fare box revenues for the County Transit System.}

There are federal grants for every imaginable boondoggle - including roads. These are a minute fraction of the roads in use.

You are as ignorant as you are dishonest.

Fucking democrats...
Reality isn't ideological.
That is true.

Utter nonsense. Spewing unsupported and ignorant claims with no support does little to convince anyone.
So you say but in my opinion a system that is undemocratic, organized completely top-down, tells it's members where they can live, what they can do, provides all their clothing, equipment, education, and healthcare is an essentially the classic communist model.

What about them?

Public utilities are not socialism.

Have you had even and introduction to economics? You appear astoundingly ignorant of the subject.
If a company can't exist without using government owned assets, to me that says socialism.

Yes, government has inserted itself into the market, more as a looter than a referee.

The most effective microcosmic economy in existence can be observed any weekend at swap meets, flea markets, and yard sales, where individuals exchange value for value free of interference from any outside force.
That is exactly how Western economies were organized until problems emerged, e.g., monopolies, adulteration, etc. The government was inserted into the market in reaction to these problems.

Healthcare is one sixth of our economy, controlling it gives our rulers enormous power - the power over life and death. Government ultimately exists to give power to some over others.
Too bad you don't live in a democracy like the USA where the government is elected by the people.
Do you want the road available only to you and no one else?
No, I think this is a case where government ownership (socialism?) is the most effective model that allows citizens and companies to be productive. A partnership of capitalism and socialism, and a case where having only one would be a failure.
No, I think this is a case where government ownership (socialism?) is the most effective model that allows citizens and companies to be productive. A partnership of capitalism and socialism, and a case where having only one would be a failure.
Socialism involves much more than public ownership of the roads

For many on the left there is no limit to the power of government while their hatred for individuals is equally unlimited

So I hesitate to encourage or concede anything to the socislists
Socialism involves much more than public ownership of the roads

For many on the left there is no limit to the power of government while their hatred for individuals is equally unlimited

So I hesitate to encourage or concede anything to the socislists
Understood, when reality doesn't conform to your ideology, it is safest to deny reality.
We need a real ambition, but the ambition to return to normality within capitalism is surely no ambition at all. To be politically salient, the desire to return to “normal” has to be seen as an expression of desire for the good life — for us to escape hardship. “Normal” is used as shorthand because, whatever the miseries forced upon us by capitalist depredations, the memory of small day-to-day pleasures from pre-pandemic life contains hints of broader freedoms. Rather than yearning for normal, we should insist on the good by insisting on socialism.

I want capitalism. All sane people do.
A simple statement about a complex issue is almost always wrong. The US is a mix of communism, socialism, and capitalism. It has to be, nothing else makes sense. It is when we try to implement one of them where it doesn't fit that we fail. It is our failure not the 'ism' failure.
Using your statement then in the working class there are employment opportunities that are overpaid and employment opportunities that are underpaid with abilities taking a back seat to real privilege.

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