We have homeless Americans yet Obama administration to build new housing for illegals

Why can't we do both?
Because illegals are illegal. Send them back.

If you build them houses, at least you will know where they are when your big roundup comes.

If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

Well, the problem is solved until you go to the supermarket, then it becomes a real problem when you reach the checkout
only in your imagination.
Oh? While we pay for our groceries from our bank accounts while the illegals also pay from OUR bank accounts?
You're ok with this?
Because illegals are illegal. Send them back.

If you build them houses, at least you will know where they are when your big roundup comes.

If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

Well, the problem is solved until you go to the supermarket, then it becomes a real problem when you reach the checkout
only in your imagination.

My imagination apparently has websites:

The truth of the matter is that illegal immigrants are important to the U.S. economy, as well as vital to certain industries like agriculture.
According to the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, there were 8.4 million unauthorized immigrants employed in the U.S.; representing 5.2 percent of the U.S. labor force (an increase from 3.8 percent in 2000). Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants"....."But what about the immense strain on social services and money spent on welfare for these law breakers? The Congressional Budget Office in 2007 answered this question in the following manner: “Over the past two decades, most efforts to estimate the fiscal impact of immigration in the United States have concluded that, in aggregate and over the long term, tax revenues of all types generated by immigrants—both legal and unauthorized—exceed the cost of the services they use.” According to the New York Times, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration claims that undocumented workers have contributed close to 10% ($300 billion) of the Social Security Trust Fund." Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy TheHill


Anyway, immigration benefits the U.S. The economic advantages are significant. Many immigrants are natural entrepreneurs, establishing companies, creating jobs, and driving innovation. Well-educated and highly-trained foreign workers are inventive and productive. Expanded work forces increase business flexibility, allowing companies to quickly respond to changing demands. Larger labor forces also encourage specialization. Labor productivity rises as companies adjust to larger work forces and invest in employees.

Immigration may depress wages for the least skilled workers. However, these are the last jobs that government should seek to protect. Moreover, the work force, like the economy, is not a fixed pie. Immigration makes a more innovative, flexible, and productive economy, leading to new and better jobs. The benefits rise over time, with an expanding economic pie." Immigration Benefits The U.S. So Let s Legalize All Work - Forbes
There is a 5 part investigative report in the Charlotte Observer
Because illegals are illegal. Send them back.

If you build them houses, at least you will know where they are when your big roundup comes.

If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

Well, the problem is solved until you go to the supermarket, then it becomes a real problem when you reach the checkout
only in your imagination.

My imagination apparently has websites:

The truth of the matter is that illegal immigrants are important to the U.S. economy, as well as vital to certain industries like agriculture.
According to the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, there were 8.4 million unauthorized immigrants employed in the U.S.; representing 5.2 percent of the U.S. labor force (an increase from 3.8 percent in 2000). Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants"....."But what about the immense strain on social services and money spent on welfare for these law breakers? The Congressional Budget Office in 2007 answered this question in the following manner: “Over the past two decades, most efforts to estimate the fiscal impact of immigration in the United States have concluded that, in aggregate and over the long term, tax revenues of all types generated by immigrants—both legal and unauthorized—exceed the cost of the services they use.” According to the New York Times, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration claims that undocumented workers have contributed close to 10% ($300 billion) of the Social Security Trust Fund." Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy TheHill


Anyway, immigration benefits the U.S. The economic advantages are significant. Many immigrants are natural entrepreneurs, establishing companies, creating jobs, and driving innovation. Well-educated and highly-trained foreign workers are inventive and productive. Expanded work forces increase business flexibility, allowing companies to quickly respond to changing demands. Larger labor forces also encourage specialization. Labor productivity rises as companies adjust to larger work forces and invest in employees.

Immigration may depress wages for the least skilled workers. However, these are the last jobs that government should seek to protect. Moreover, the work force, like the economy, is not a fixed pie. Immigration makes a more innovative, flexible, and productive economy, leading to new and better jobs. The benefits rise over time, with an expanding economic pie." Immigration Benefits The U.S. So Let s Legalize All Work - Forbes
Beg to differ. Most illegals are working as employees but are deliberately being miscalssified by their employers as "contractors". The employers are not paying the proper taxes, not paying for worker's comp insurance, disability, or paying Social Security or FICA taxes.
Contract to Cheat
Why can't we do both?
Because illegals are illegal. Send them back.

If you build them houses, at least you will know where they are when your big roundup comes.

If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

I wish, but unfortunately we have tens of millions of Americans (Dimocrats) who don't believe in borders, and want the illegals here.
What did Republicans do to seal our borders when they ran the country for eight years?
Silly question. We did not have the massive invasion of illegals then.
Why can't we do both?
Because illegals are illegal. Send them back.

If you build them houses, at least you will know where they are when your big roundup comes.

If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

I wish, but unfortunately we have tens of millions of Americans (Dimocrats) who don't believe in borders, and want the illegals here.
What did Republicans do to seal our borders when they ran the country for eight years?
Why do you want them here?
Fucking disgusting !

Obama administration to build more 'family friendly' housing for illegal aliens

On Thursday, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, appeared at a forum held at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington D.C. According to the man tasked with defending this nation's borders, not only will the American people be forced to welcome more illegal aliens into our communities, but we will also be forced to cough up even more of our dwindling dollars to accommodate them as well.
When an audience member complained to Johnson that so many of those who crossed our border in the recent surge from Central America were held in "jail facilities," Johnson replied:
We had detention space for about 34,000 individuals. Only 95 beds total for family units. Only 95 family unit capability out of 34,000.
And so we believe it's necessary to build more of that capability in the event we have another spike, like we had last summer. 95 out of 34,000 is just not acceptable. And so, I want to build additional capability that can be converted from one use to the other.
Laughably, Johnson also claimed that his agency has made it very difficult for people to cross our borders illegally, stating: "...the American public is susceptible to claims that we have an open, porous border, through which unaccompanied minors and members of terrorist organizations such as ISIL may pass."
We are "susceptible" to such claims, because our border with Mexico is in fact, "porous," and at least 66,000 "unaccompanied minors" have crossed that border within the last year, according to DHS' own data.
Johnson also went on to reiterate President Obama's promise to grant a blanket amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, by executive order.
Watch Johnson's appearance in its entirety...
While this policy will only encourage millions more to enter this country illegally, the promise to provide more comfortable housing to them, rather than actually protecting the border, should come as no surprise...
In 2012, the DHS announced the opening of a $32 million facility in San Antonio, Texas, in which illegal alien detainees are provided with a library with internet access, cable TV, basketball courts, a fitness center, soccer fields and even a dining facility complete with salad bar.
Under the Obama administration, the following amenities and privileges have been provided to many criminals awaiting deportation proceedings in government facilities:
-free movement for detainees
-longer visiting hours
-replacing guards with "resident advisors"
-allowing detainees to wear their own clothing
-dance classes
-movie nights
-art classes
-cooking classes
-tutoring and computer training
-self-serve beverage stations
One thing is for certain, this country is simply not being protected in any way by the current administration.

Obama administration to build more family friendly housing for illegal aliens - National Immigration Reform Examiner.com

I have found that many so-called "illegals" contribute more to our society than the racist right/white wing yahoos that are always screaming about them.

I don't think the right wing link in the OP provides accurate info. For example, it says Obama is going to issue an executive order that grants blanket amnesty. That is utter BS that only a right/white wing racist would believe or spread. Nor do I think they are going to build anything but some temporary shelter. But why tell the truth when one is bent on displaying their callous hatred for a group of people.

Finally, I'm for providing decent housing for anyone homeless in this country. I don't care if it costs us a bit to do that. It will payoff in the long-run.
Anyone who believes there is a racist hiding under every piece of furniture.....you don't count. Your opinions do not matter. You are outside. A non entity. You can scream "RACISM!" while standing on a chair in the middle of a crowded room all you like. Nobody cares.
BTW, you should have stopped at "I don't think".....There you were correct. You don't think. You "feel".
Will someone explain exactly what the benefits of an open border are?

Explain why is it good to allow anyone who wants to come into your country to bypass screening for health, literacy, criminal background, contraband being smuggled or sanity?
Fucking disgusting !

Obama administration to build more 'family friendly' housing for illegal aliens

On Thursday, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, appeared at a forum held at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington D.C. According to the man tasked with defending this nation's borders, not only will the American people be forced to welcome more illegal aliens into our communities, but we will also be forced to cough up even more of our dwindling dollars to accommodate them as well.
When an audience member complained to Johnson that so many of those who crossed our border in the recent surge from Central America were held in "jail facilities," Johnson replied:
We had detention space for about 34,000 individuals. Only 95 beds total for family units. Only 95 family unit capability out of 34,000.
And so we believe it's necessary to build more of that capability in the event we have another spike, like we had last summer. 95 out of 34,000 is just not acceptable. And so, I want to build additional capability that can be converted from one use to the other.
Laughably, Johnson also claimed that his agency has made it very difficult for people to cross our borders illegally, stating: "...the American public is susceptible to claims that we have an open, porous border, through which unaccompanied minors and members of terrorist organizations such as ISIL may pass."
We are "susceptible" to such claims, because our border with Mexico is in fact, "porous," and at least 66,000 "unaccompanied minors" have crossed that border within the last year, according to DHS' own data.
Johnson also went on to reiterate President Obama's promise to grant a blanket amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, by executive order.
Watch Johnson's appearance in its entirety...
While this policy will only encourage millions more to enter this country illegally, the promise to provide more comfortable housing to them, rather than actually protecting the border, should come as no surprise...
In 2012, the DHS announced the opening of a $32 million facility in San Antonio, Texas, in which illegal alien detainees are provided with a library with internet access, cable TV, basketball courts, a fitness center, soccer fields and even a dining facility complete with salad bar.
Under the Obama administration, the following amenities and privileges have been provided to many criminals awaiting deportation proceedings in government facilities:
-free movement for detainees
-longer visiting hours
-replacing guards with "resident advisors"
-allowing detainees to wear their own clothing
-dance classes
-movie nights
-art classes
-cooking classes
-tutoring and computer training
-self-serve beverage stations
One thing is for certain, this country is simply not being protected in any way by the current administration.

Obama administration to build more family friendly housing for illegal aliens - National Immigration Reform Examiner.com

I have found that many so-called "illegals" contribute more to our society than the racist right/white wing yahoos that are always screaming about them.

I don't think the right wing link in the OP provides accurate info. For example, it says Obama is going to issue an executive order that grants blanket amnesty. That is utter BS that only a right/white wing racist would believe or spread. Nor do I think they are going to build anything but some temporary shelter. But why tell the truth when one is bent on displaying their callous hatred for a group of people.

Finally, I'm for providing decent housing for anyone homeless in this country. I don't care if it costs us a bit to do that. It will payoff in the long-run.
Why do you want them here? What's in it for you?
Everyone has an ulterior motive. Everyone.
If you build them houses, at least you will know where they are when your big roundup comes.

If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

Well, the problem is solved until you go to the supermarket, then it becomes a real problem when you reach the checkout
only in your imagination.

My imagination apparently has websites:

The truth of the matter is that illegal immigrants are important to the U.S. economy, as well as vital to certain industries like agriculture.
According to the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, there were 8.4 million unauthorized immigrants employed in the U.S.; representing 5.2 percent of the U.S. labor force (an increase from 3.8 percent in 2000). Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants"....."But what about the immense strain on social services and money spent on welfare for these law breakers? The Congressional Budget Office in 2007 answered this question in the following manner: “Over the past two decades, most efforts to estimate the fiscal impact of immigration in the United States have concluded that, in aggregate and over the long term, tax revenues of all types generated by immigrants—both legal and unauthorized—exceed the cost of the services they use.” According to the New York Times, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration claims that undocumented workers have contributed close to 10% ($300 billion) of the Social Security Trust Fund." Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy TheHill


Anyway, immigration benefits the U.S. The economic advantages are significant. Many immigrants are natural entrepreneurs, establishing companies, creating jobs, and driving innovation. Well-educated and highly-trained foreign workers are inventive and productive. Expanded work forces increase business flexibility, allowing companies to quickly respond to changing demands. Larger labor forces also encourage specialization. Labor productivity rises as companies adjust to larger work forces and invest in employees.

Immigration may depress wages for the least skilled workers. However, these are the last jobs that government should seek to protect. Moreover, the work force, like the economy, is not a fixed pie. Immigration makes a more innovative, flexible, and productive economy, leading to new and better jobs. The benefits rise over time, with an expanding economic pie." Immigration Benefits The U.S. So Let s Legalize All Work - Forbes
There is a 5 part investigative report in the Charlotte Observer
If you build them houses, at least you will know where they are when your big roundup comes.

If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

Well, the problem is solved until you go to the supermarket, then it becomes a real problem when you reach the checkout
only in your imagination.

My imagination apparently has websites:

The truth of the matter is that illegal immigrants are important to the U.S. economy, as well as vital to certain industries like agriculture.
According to the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, there were 8.4 million unauthorized immigrants employed in the U.S.; representing 5.2 percent of the U.S. labor force (an increase from 3.8 percent in 2000). Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants"....."But what about the immense strain on social services and money spent on welfare for these law breakers? The Congressional Budget Office in 2007 answered this question in the following manner: “Over the past two decades, most efforts to estimate the fiscal impact of immigration in the United States have concluded that, in aggregate and over the long term, tax revenues of all types generated by immigrants—both legal and unauthorized—exceed the cost of the services they use.” According to the New York Times, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration claims that undocumented workers have contributed close to 10% ($300 billion) of the Social Security Trust Fund." Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy TheHill


Anyway, immigration benefits the U.S. The economic advantages are significant. Many immigrants are natural entrepreneurs, establishing companies, creating jobs, and driving innovation. Well-educated and highly-trained foreign workers are inventive and productive. Expanded work forces increase business flexibility, allowing companies to quickly respond to changing demands. Larger labor forces also encourage specialization. Labor productivity rises as companies adjust to larger work forces and invest in employees.

Immigration may depress wages for the least skilled workers. However, these are the last jobs that government should seek to protect. Moreover, the work force, like the economy, is not a fixed pie. Immigration makes a more innovative, flexible, and productive economy, leading to new and better jobs. The benefits rise over time, with an expanding economic pie." Immigration Benefits The U.S. So Let s Legalize All Work - Forbes
Beg to differ. Most illegals are working as employees but are deliberately being miscalssified by their employers as "contractors". The employers are not paying the proper taxes, not paying for worker's comp insurance, disability, or paying Social Security or FICA taxes.
Contract to Cheat

It is both, so if you beg to differ, you are differing with the bi-partisan CBO findings. not mine. I am in no position to know what assumptions either party made in deciding which is the bigger problem. Illegal immigrants becoming injured on the job without insurance coverage is pathetic in all regards--those who exploit them but obstruct making it easier for them to get those benefits and services. Illegals working with stolen ID's is also a big part of the mix.
Because illegals are illegal. Send them back.

If you build them houses, at least you will know where they are when your big roundup comes.

If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

I wish, but unfortunately we have tens of millions of Americans (Dimocrats) who don't believe in borders, and want the illegals here.
What did Republicans do to seal our borders when they ran the country for eight years?
Why do you want them here?

I want them here and I want them here under a more realistic immigration regimen. We are facing a shortage of low wage workers that will adversely affect our ability to service our debt and maintain a healthy economy going forward.
If you build them houses, at least you will know where they are when your big roundup comes.

If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

I wish, but unfortunately we have tens of millions of Americans (Dimocrats) who don't believe in borders, and want the illegals here.
What did Republicans do to seal our borders when they ran the country for eight years?
Why do you want them here?

I want them here and I want them here under a more realistic immigration regimen. We are facing a shortage of low wage workers that will adversely affect our ability to service our debt and maintain a healthy economy going forward.

unsupported fantasy and speculation. We have plenty of unemployed american citizens to fill jobs...LMAO..WHAT jobs?..but that's another thread...
If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

Well, the problem is solved until you go to the supermarket, then it becomes a real problem when you reach the checkout
only in your imagination.

My imagination apparently has websites:

The truth of the matter is that illegal immigrants are important to the U.S. economy, as well as vital to certain industries like agriculture.
According to the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, there were 8.4 million unauthorized immigrants employed in the U.S.; representing 5.2 percent of the U.S. labor force (an increase from 3.8 percent in 2000). Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants"....."But what about the immense strain on social services and money spent on welfare for these law breakers? The Congressional Budget Office in 2007 answered this question in the following manner: “Over the past two decades, most efforts to estimate the fiscal impact of immigration in the United States have concluded that, in aggregate and over the long term, tax revenues of all types generated by immigrants—both legal and unauthorized—exceed the cost of the services they use.” According to the New York Times, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration claims that undocumented workers have contributed close to 10% ($300 billion) of the Social Security Trust Fund." Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy TheHill


Anyway, immigration benefits the U.S. The economic advantages are significant. Many immigrants are natural entrepreneurs, establishing companies, creating jobs, and driving innovation. Well-educated and highly-trained foreign workers are inventive and productive. Expanded work forces increase business flexibility, allowing companies to quickly respond to changing demands. Larger labor forces also encourage specialization. Labor productivity rises as companies adjust to larger work forces and invest in employees.

Immigration may depress wages for the least skilled workers. However, these are the last jobs that government should seek to protect. Moreover, the work force, like the economy, is not a fixed pie. Immigration makes a more innovative, flexible, and productive economy, leading to new and better jobs. The benefits rise over time, with an expanding economic pie." Immigration Benefits The U.S. So Let s Legalize All Work - Forbes
There is a 5 part investigative report in the Charlotte Observer
If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

Well, the problem is solved until you go to the supermarket, then it becomes a real problem when you reach the checkout
only in your imagination.

My imagination apparently has websites:

The truth of the matter is that illegal immigrants are important to the U.S. economy, as well as vital to certain industries like agriculture.
According to the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, there were 8.4 million unauthorized immigrants employed in the U.S.; representing 5.2 percent of the U.S. labor force (an increase from 3.8 percent in 2000). Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants"....."But what about the immense strain on social services and money spent on welfare for these law breakers? The Congressional Budget Office in 2007 answered this question in the following manner: “Over the past two decades, most efforts to estimate the fiscal impact of immigration in the United States have concluded that, in aggregate and over the long term, tax revenues of all types generated by immigrants—both legal and unauthorized—exceed the cost of the services they use.” According to the New York Times, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration claims that undocumented workers have contributed close to 10% ($300 billion) of the Social Security Trust Fund." Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy TheHill


Anyway, immigration benefits the U.S. The economic advantages are significant. Many immigrants are natural entrepreneurs, establishing companies, creating jobs, and driving innovation. Well-educated and highly-trained foreign workers are inventive and productive. Expanded work forces increase business flexibility, allowing companies to quickly respond to changing demands. Larger labor forces also encourage specialization. Labor productivity rises as companies adjust to larger work forces and invest in employees.

Immigration may depress wages for the least skilled workers. However, these are the last jobs that government should seek to protect. Moreover, the work force, like the economy, is not a fixed pie. Immigration makes a more innovative, flexible, and productive economy, leading to new and better jobs. The benefits rise over time, with an expanding economic pie." Immigration Benefits The U.S. So Let s Legalize All Work - Forbes
Beg to differ. Most illegals are working as employees but are deliberately being miscalssified by their employers as "contractors". The employers are not paying the proper taxes, not paying for worker's comp insurance, disability, or paying Social Security or FICA taxes.
Contract to Cheat

It is both, so if you beg to differ, you are differing with the bi-partisan CBO findings. not mine. I am in no position to know what assumptions either party made in deciding which is the bigger problem. Illegal immigrants becoming injured on the job without insurance coverage is pathetic in all regards--those who exploit them but obstruct making it easier for them to get those benefits and services. Illegals working with stolen ID's is also a big part of the mix.
My argument is that despite the reports and the statistics from both sides of argument, the fact is misclassification of workers is rampant. Most of these workers are illegals as well as legal immigrants.
Illegal means against the law.
Close the border.
Deport illegal immigrants.

In most cases, it's a misdemeanor. You gonna support deporting every "American" that commits a misdemeanor, or just brown ones?
Illegally entering the country should be a felony. It is a federal crime which this administration refuses to prosecute.

Some common sense immigration laws from...mexico..of all places.

--Immigrants must have necessary funds for their sustenance and dependents
(Article 34)

--Foreigners may be barred from the country if they are not physically or
mentally healthy(Article 37)

--The General Law on Population says under Mexican Law, Illegal immigration is
a felony (Art.123)

--Foreigners deported from Mexico & attempt to re-enter without
authorization can be
imprisoned up to 10 years (Article 118)

--Non-citizens cannot in any way participate in the political affairs of the

So, Mexico;

Medical: No treatment for illegals
Education: No education for illegals
Deportation: No due process required
Misd. Vs. Felony: 2 yrs, 10 yrs, Felony
Aid: No Sustenance, may deport

Funny..mexico's immigration laws are stricter and better enforced than americas..THAT is VERY revealing
If you build them houses, at least you will know where they are when your big roundup comes.

If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

I wish, but unfortunately we have tens of millions of Americans (Dimocrats) who don't believe in borders, and want the illegals here.
What did Republicans do to seal our borders when they ran the country for eight years?
Why do you want them here?

I want them here and I want them here under a more realistic immigration regimen. We are facing a shortage of low wage workers that will adversely affect our ability to service our debt and maintain a healthy economy going forward.
I do not believe that is realistic.
Once they become legal, the low wages they are paid now and the under the table labor market goes away.
These people will demand to equal pay. That's the part the pro illegal immigrant camp ignores.
Many illegals are not here to stay. I believe they want to fly under the radar. Or as some say "hiding in plain sight"
Because illegals are illegal. Send them back.

If you build them houses, at least you will know where they are when your big roundup comes.

If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

Well, the problem is solved until you go to the supermarket, then it becomes a real problem when you reach the checkout
only in your imagination.
Oh? While we pay for our groceries from our bank accounts while the illegals also pay from OUR bank accounts?
You're ok with this?

He's a Dimocrat, whatever it takes to help illegals stay in this country, they're okay with it.
If you build them houses, at least you will know where they are when your big roundup comes.

If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

I wish, but unfortunately we have tens of millions of Americans (Dimocrats) who don't believe in borders, and want the illegals here.
What did Republicans do to seal our borders when they ran the country for eight years?
Why do you want them here?

I want them here and I want them here under a more realistic immigration regimen. We are facing a shortage of low wage workers that will adversely affect our ability to service our debt and maintain a healthy economy going forward.

So you're in favor of slave wages, and you support employers being able to hire them.
Because illegals are illegal. Send them back.

If you build them houses, at least you will know where they are when your big roundup comes.

If they aren't here in the first place, problem solved entirely.

I wish, but unfortunately we have tens of millions of Americans (Dimocrats) who don't believe in borders, and want the illegals here.
Trouble is, our elected officials in both parties are Vote Whores, catering to the Hispanic vote nowadays, when it comes to dealing with Illegal Aliens.

The Republicans want them to stay, to drive (and keep) the price of labor down.

The Democrats want them to stay, to cultivate new generations of grateful Democratic voters.

Meanwhile, our Republic, and its People, and its laws, suffer the fallout from these greedy whorish bastards.

It's time to elect a gaggle of new politicians with the balls to say 'No - go home'.

But we won't.

Although there may be some hope, after January 20, 2017.

naaahhh..this country is finished. Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction will be the next and final chapter in the history of this nation.
"electing" some more politicians won't change a single thing. Be serious.
ok shit head what if you're stuck in a partitioned area you don't like?
The Homeless tend to being their Fate upon themselves.

They are fortunate enough to be born into such a powerful country and look what they do with their lives. The majority of them deserve their Fate.

Many illegals, on the other hand, risk their lives for a better future, and once they have it, they continue to work hard and don't take life for granted.

Illegals are more appreciative of America than the Homeless.

So fuck the Homeless. Let them rot.

Most homeless are either suffering from mental illness, or they're alcoholics and or drug addicts.

If they are Americans however, I would rather see them get housing before these third world leachers.
if that's true who's paying for you internet time or are you hanging out in the public library using a free computer?

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