We have to consider the possibility that top Republicans are compromised after Wilber Ross

why did you lie about hitlery not paying for the dossier?

I didn't lie. I said it doesn't fucking matter. You guys were the ones who commissioned it. What does it matter if she "paid for it"? Page is corroborating the dossier.
well son here is what you said:

No, she didn't pay for the dossier. One of your Republican friends did. She picked it up from there. And so what if she paid for it? Page corroborates parts of it.

big and bold here, "she didn't pay for it" your fking words jack.
Carter is laughing at the dossier. not even close to anything you said. no corroboration at all. ooops, you lied again.

Apparently, you can't read.

The dossier alleged that Page had met with members of Russia's Presidential Administration.

Page denied he did that.

Then he admitted he did.

So that's the corroboration.
big and bold here, "she didn't pay for it" your fking words jack.



So you have this nasty habit of only reading the parts of sentences that confirm your bias and ignoring the rest.
why did you lie about hitlery not paying for the dossier?

I didn't lie. I said it doesn't fucking matter. You guys were the ones who commissioned it. What does it matter if she "paid for it"? Page is corroborating the dossier.
well son here is what you said:

No, she didn't pay for the dossier. One of your Republican friends did. She picked it up from there. And so what if she paid for it? Page corroborates parts of it.

big and bold here, "she didn't pay for it" your fking words jack.

No, not my words. A part of my words, carefully cherry-picked dishonestly via Russian Active Measure. My entire statement was that she picked it up from there. It's that bolded part you left out deliberately.

So why did you leave it out deliberately? Because you're searching for any red herring you can to preserve your fragile ego.
Page revealed during his testimony that he met with members of Russia's presidential administration and the head of investor relations at the Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft during his trip to Moscow in July 2016.

The dossier says the campaign "agreed to sideline" the issue of Russia's invasion of Crimea and interference in eastern Ukraine in exchange for dirt on Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee.

Page also disclosed that a Trump campaign adviser named Sam Clovis had asked him to sign a nondisclosure agreement upon joining the campaign — and that he discussed his Moscow trip with Clovis both before he went and after he returned.

Clovis has come under intense scrutiny over his correspondence with another early Trump campaign foreign-policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, who recently pleaded guilty to lying to federal agents about his contact with Russia-linked foreign nationals.
Carter is laughing at the dossier. not even close to anything you said. no corroboration at all. ooops, you lied again.

Apparently, you can't read.

The dossier alleged that Page had met with members of Russia's Presidential Administration.

Page denied he did that.

Then he admitted he did.

So that's the corroboration.
no he didn't and I posted what he said. and again he laughed at the question.
why did you lie about hitlery not paying for the dossier?

I didn't lie. I said it doesn't fucking matter. You guys were the ones who commissioned it. What does it matter if she "paid for it"? Page is corroborating the dossier.
well son here is what you said:

No, she didn't pay for the dossier. One of your Republican friends did. She picked it up from there. And so what if she paid for it? Page corroborates parts of it.

big and bold here, "she didn't pay for it" your fking words jack.

No, not my words. A part of my words, carefully cherry-picked dishonestly via Russian Active Measure. My entire statement was that she picked it up from there. It's that bolded part you left out deliberately.

So why did you leave it out deliberately? Because you're searching for any red herring you can to preserve your fragile ego.
your words jack: No, she didn't pay for the dossier. dude, those are your fking words. picked up from there means what exactly? you said no she didn't pay. period fk.
big and bold here, "she didn't pay for it" your fking words jack.



So you have this nasty habit of only reading the parts of sentences that confirm your bias and ignoring the rest.

Remember Bill Clinton ran into Loretta Lynch on the airplane and Republicans were sure their discussion ws inappropriate? They were sure they colluded. They were sure Quid Pro Quo took place. They wouldn't believe that Clinton and Lynch just talked about grandkids. No way they said.

But then they believe Don Jr. met with that Russian woman to talk about adoptions.
no he didn't and I posted what he said. and again he laughed at the question.

Did you read what you posted? Page said he didn't meet with any Russian administration officials, then said he did but that it was a "10-second-meet-and-greet" with the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.
why did you lie about hitlery not paying for the dossier?

I didn't lie. I said it doesn't fucking matter. You guys were the ones who commissioned it. What does it matter if she "paid for it"? Page is corroborating the dossier.
well son here is what you said:

No, she didn't pay for the dossier. One of your Republican friends did. She picked it up from there. And so what if she paid for it? Page corroborates parts of it.

big and bold here, "she didn't pay for it" your fking words jack.

No, not my words. A part of my words, carefully cherry-picked dishonestly via Russian Active Measure. My entire statement was that she picked it up from there. It's that bolded part you left out deliberately.

So why did you leave it out deliberately? Because you're searching for any red herring you can to preserve your fragile ego.
your words jack: No, she didn't pay for the dossier. dude, those are your fking words. picked up from there means what exactly? you said no she didn't pay. period fk.

Hey Mrs. Clinton. I have this dossier that Ted Cruz was using. He's a loser and doesn't need it anymore. It's completely legal. Do you want it?
your words jack: No, she didn't pay for the dossier. dude, those are your fking words. picked up from there means what exactly? you said no she didn't pay. period fk.

I said she picked it up from there.

You guys paid for it first, then she picked it up from there.

So you do that often; you misquote people, ignore context, all to serve your goal of propagandizing. I don't think you even care you do it because it's your job. Look at when your account was created; December 2013...right in the midst of Putin's troll ramp up.

So do you try out propaganda here before disseminating it in social media? That's what it looks like.
no he didn't and I posted what he said. and again he laughed at the question.

Did you read what you posted? Page said he didn't meet with any Russian administration officials, then said he did but that it was a "10-second-meet-and-greet" with the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.

Do you believe him? They've all been caught lying. What would make him any different? First he said he didn't then he said it was only 10 minutes and all they talked about was adoptions. LOL. Fucking lying fuks.
Do you believe him? They've all been caught lying. What would make him any different? First he said he didn't then he said it was only 10 minutes and all they talked about was adoptions. LOL. Fucking lying fuks.

If they did nothing wrong, why are they lying?

Trump, his surrogates, and even people on this very board were saying for months that Trump or anyone from his team had contact with Russia. Their denials were so arrogant that it bordered on the obsessive. Now it turns out that Trump was lying when he said no one on his campaign had contact with Russia.

Why lie if there's nothing wrong?
What's a Wilber Ross?

Ross is Trump's Commerce Secretary who laundered Russian money (and probably terrorist money too) through his Cyprus bank.

Was he charged with this?

After the ‘Paradise Papers’ disclosures, U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross defended himself, saying he did nothing wrong and properly disclosed investments in a shipping firm with ties to Russian President Putin's inner circle.

This is what they all say before charges are brought forward.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross on Monday said that he clearly disclosed during his confirmation hearing that he shares business interests with Vladimir Putin's immediate family, denying an investigative report that he had concealed the ties.

On Sunday, a global consortium of investigative journalists, including NBC News, reported that Ross, a billionaire industrialist, retains an interest in a shipping company, Navigator Holdings, that was partially owned by his former investment company. One of Navigator's most important business relationships is with a Russian energy firm named SIBUR that is controlled, in turn, by Putin's son-in-law and other members of the Russian president’s inner circle.

His ties to the Russian firm were obscured in a highly complex arrangement set up by a Bermuda law firm that specializes in concealing business interests from the public, and at least three U.S. senators, including the minority leader, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., have complained that Ross misled Congress in his disclosure. Leaked documents from the law firm allowed reporters to follow the connection and make public Ross' ties to the Russian firm.

"That's totally wrong," he said. "It was disclosed on the form 278, which is the financial disclosure form, in my case, three times."

The investigative report, however, said the form contained only partial information and did not make clear that Ross was retaining ownership of a company that had a close business relationship with the Russian leadership.

the documents give a far fuller picture of his finances than the filings he submitted to the government on Jan. 15 as part of his confirmation process. On that date, Ross, President-elect Donald Trump's choice for commerce secretary, submitted a letter to the designated ethics official at the department, explaining steps he was taking to avoid all conflicts of interest.

The documents seen by NBC News, however, along with a careful examination of filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, tell a different story than the one Ross told at his confirmation. Ross divested most of his holdings, but did not reveal to the government the full details of the holdings he kept.
ROFL! Hillary and Obama have everything to do with it. Hillary paid for the dossier, moron.

No, she didn't pay for the dossier. One of your Republican friends did. She picked it up from there. And so what if she paid for it? Page corroborates parts of it.

Wrong, Hillary paid for it. A conservative publication paid Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, but the "dossier" wasn't started until Hillary started handing out the cash.

Page doesn't corroborate jack shit.
Wrong, Hillary paid for it. A conservative publication paid Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, but the "dossier" wasn't started until Hillary started handing out the cash.

The research was already happening, Cruz paid for it. So now you're trying to do...what? Discredit the dossier based on...what?

Too bad for you Carter "loose lips" Page already confirmed parts of the dossier.

At this point, you all haven't proven anything in the dossier isn't true. You're playing defense by trying to gaslight the dossier.

We are wise to your propagandist attempts at subversion.

Page doesn't corroborate jack shit.

Oh yes he does. Even your own Daily Caller confirms it. So now at this point, you are searching for anything to use as a red herring to avoid having to admit that you've been bullshitting everyone this entire time. Haven't you?
What's a Wilber Ross?

Ross is Trump's Commerce Secretary who laundered Russian money (and probably terrorist money too) through his Cyprus bank.

Was he charged with this?

After the ‘Paradise Papers’ disclosures, U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross defended himself, saying he did nothing wrong and properly disclosed investments in a shipping firm with ties to Russian President Putin's inner circle.

This is what they all say before charges are brought forward.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross on Monday said that he clearly disclosed during his confirmation hearing that he shares business interests with Vladimir Putin's immediate family, denying an investigative report that he had concealed the ties.

On Sunday, a global consortium of investigative journalists, including NBC News, reported that Ross, a billionaire industrialist, retains an interest in a shipping company, Navigator Holdings, that was partially owned by his former investment company. One of Navigator's most important business relationships is with a Russian energy firm named SIBUR that is controlled, in turn, by Putin's son-in-law and other members of the Russian president’s inner circle.

His ties to the Russian firm were obscured in a highly complex arrangement set up by a Bermuda law firm that specializes in concealing business interests from the public, and at least three U.S. senators, including the minority leader, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., have complained that Ross misled Congress in his disclosure. Leaked documents from the law firm allowed reporters to follow the connection and make public Ross' ties to the Russian firm.

"That's totally wrong," he said. "It was disclosed on the form 278, which is the financial disclosure form, in my case, three times."

The investigative report, however, said the form contained only partial information and did not make clear that Ross was retaining ownership of a company that had a close business relationship with the Russian leadership.

the documents give a far fuller picture of his finances than the filings he submitted to the government on Jan. 15 as part of his confirmation process. On that date, Ross, President-elect Donald Trump's choice for commerce secretary, submitted a letter to the designated ethics official at the department, explaining steps he was taking to avoid all conflicts of interest.

The documents seen by NBC News, however, along with a careful examination of filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, tell a different story than the one Ross told at his confirmation. Ross divested most of his holdings, but did not reveal to the government the full details of the holdings he kept.

This is a big nothing burger. It's akin to saying that his brother in law has a friend who's ex wife knows Putin. Millions of people in this country probably own stock in companies that do business with Russian companies. It would be absurd to claim that it's something unusual.
This is a big nothing burger.

2 indictments, 1 guilty plea already doesn't sound like a nothing burger to me. Carter Page testifying that Trump lied when he said no one in his campaign had contact with Russia.

Why would Trump lie about not having contact with Russia if it's a "nothing burger"?

It's akin to saying that his brother in law has a friend who's ex wife knows Putin.

No, it's not. Carter Page said he went to Russia at the behest and with the knowledge of the Trump campaign and met with the Deputy Prime Minister while there.

So all the claims Trump and you shitheads have been making for months, that Trump "had no contact with Russia" are all lies. So why are you lying about it, if it's a "nothing burger"?

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