We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident, 'Bams Marxist Ties More Visible Every Day


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Letting the mask slide imperceptibly slowly but surely. The phrase "Fundamental Transformation Of America" might reasonably now be interpreted as the overthrow of the American system of government, violently, if necessary. It won't need to be violent if you let Barry grab all your guns first, by the way.
Elections/ Who needs elections? Especially not with that dufus Joey "Plugs" running. Or even for Hillary. After all didn't she tell you "What difference did it make for four Americans to be dead?" No, everything considered, Barry's your best bet. Hasn't he already promised you everything the Koch Brothers and Mitt Romney's monies can buy and then some. Now really, if you're lookin' for a benevolent master, you don't need to look any further than Barry, an he's already had his on the job trainin'. What better person to give up your rights to, in return for more of his promises to make you safe, cozy, and comfortable? And who really needs those year long presidential campaigns anyway when you're already conditioned to have an erection or an orgasm anytime the news media shows you his beaming face. Who really needs that nasty old constitution anyway. Its just so yesterday.]

"The Free Beacon is reporting that President Obama’s nonprofit Organizing for Action is considering a merger with a left-wing group with financial ties to Palestinian terrorists and Central American Marxists.

The Common Purpose Project website bills the organization “founded to bring together progressive leaders and organizations in an effort to collaborate on effective public policy messaging,” but its accounting details tell a more complex story.

The Free Beacon has found through public disclosure forms that CPP’s donors, Sandor and Faye Straus, are founders of a left-wing group named the Firedoll Foundation. Following the money trail doled out by the Firedoll Foundation connects the Straus family to Nicaragua’s Marxist Sandinista government and the Holy Land Foundation, an Islamic charity that federal law enforcement authorities closed down for financing Palestinian terrorist groups."

New Obama Nonprofit Considering Merger With Left-Wing Group That Has Ties To Marxists, Palestinian Terrorists? | Weasel Zippers

Axelrod: Obama Won?t Endorse Biden For President? | Weasel Zippers

[George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK, Ronald Reagan are all rolling over in their graves, almost as if on cue]

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