We KNEW it would happen sooner or later.. Vegas victim suing

Las Vegas shooting: Lawsuit filed as new questions raised over timeline - CNN
California college student injured in the Las Vegas music festival massacre filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the hotel owners, the concert promoter and bump stock manufacturers, claiming they were all liable in the mass shooting.

The claims against MGM Resorts International, which owns both Mandalay Bay and the concert venue that hosted the festival, raise more questions about a timeline that has changed numerous times -- and, according to Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, could change again. The suit also questions why hotel staff didn't notice the shooter's behavior in several instances.
Specifically, the lawsuit accuses MGM, of failing to respond in a timely manner to the "shooting of Mandalay Bay security officer Jesus Campos, who had gone to the 32nd floor to check on an alert from another guest room and who was shot six minutes prior to" the massacre beginning.
The lawsuit, which also names the shooter's estate and other entities, comes as an MGM employee says he owes his life to Campos' heroism, and as Lombardo tells the local newspaper that he refuses "to say that somebody dropped the ball."
Frivolous bullshit.
I bet she was in tears of joy before she even felt the blood coming out.
Dont even know the motive and already there are law suits.... SMH
I hope the judge throws it out and forces to her to pay everyones legal fees like they did an aurora victims mother.
My Daughter Was Murdered in a Mass Shooting. Then I Was Ordered to Pay Her Killer’s Gun Dealer. – Mother Jones
I know I will be pillaged for this, but I see some merit in suing the manufacture of the bump stock. The whole design was made to circumvent the law. At least in my opinion.

Although I don't believe having the bump stock necessarily caused the injury total to increase she would have to prove it did.
It was signed off by the ATF
The ATF doesn't make law or shouldn't make law.

Do you have a link that tells us they signed off? I am in serious disbelief that they would.
Las Vegas shooting: Lawsuit filed as new questions raised over timeline - CNN
California college student injured in the Las Vegas music festival massacre filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the hotel owners, the concert promoter and bump stock manufacturers, claiming they were all liable in the mass shooting.

The claims against MGM Resorts International, which owns both Mandalay Bay and the concert venue that hosted the festival, raise more questions about a timeline that has changed numerous times -- and, according to Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, could change again. The suit also questions why hotel staff didn't notice the shooter's behavior in several instances.
Specifically, the lawsuit accuses MGM, of failing to respond in a timely manner to the "shooting of Mandalay Bay security officer Jesus Campos, who had gone to the 32nd floor to check on an alert from another guest room and who was shot six minutes prior to" the massacre beginning.
The lawsuit, which also names the shooter's estate and other entities, comes as an MGM employee says he owes his life to Campos' heroism, and as Lombardo tells the local newspaper that he refuses "to say that somebody dropped the ball."
Frivolous bullshit.
I bet she was in tears of joy before she even felt the blood coming out.
Dont even know the motive and already there are law suits.... SMH
I hope the judge throws it out and forces to her to pay everyones legal fees like they did an aurora victims mother.
My Daughter Was Murdered in a Mass Shooting. Then I Was Ordered to Pay Her Killer’s Gun Dealer. – Mother Jones
I know I will be pillaged for this, but I see some merit in suing the manufacture of the bump stock. The whole design was made to circumvent the law. At least in my opinion.

Although I don't believe having the bump stock necessarily caused the injury total to increase she would have to prove it did.
It was signed off by the ATF
The ATF doesn't make law or shouldn't make law.

Do you have a link that tells us they signed off? I am in serious disbelief that they would.

They did because the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that.
There were no laws outlawing what he used!

That's like asking what would have happened had he slipped in the shower, cracked his skull, and died before shooting anyone.
So you're comparing a 600 person shooting to falling in the shower? :cuckoo:

Do you know that 600 people were shot?

All I know is 600 people were injured. Many of those could be injuries from falls or getting stepped on for all we know
Around 600. Do you feel any better now that you know UNDER 600 people where killed or injured?
Maybe you should compare the Vegas shooting to a paper cut, falling in a shower seems a bit strong, don't you think? :biggrin:
Gee forgive me if I happen to think ACCURACY is important
Ya, ok, because accuracy about exactly how many were shot is more important than trying to defend your comment comparing a mass shooting to a slip in the shower. Got it.
Where did I ever say anything about slipping in a shower?
YOU said that not me.

I think you better see a psychiatrist because you think the voices in your head are actually someone else
Las Vegas shooting: Lawsuit filed as new questions raised over timeline - CNN
California college student injured in the Las Vegas music festival massacre filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the hotel owners, the concert promoter and bump stock manufacturers, claiming they were all liable in the mass shooting.

The claims against MGM Resorts International, which owns both Mandalay Bay and the concert venue that hosted the festival, raise more questions about a timeline that has changed numerous times -- and, according to Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, could change again. The suit also questions why hotel staff didn't notice the shooter's behavior in several instances.
Specifically, the lawsuit accuses MGM, of failing to respond in a timely manner to the "shooting of Mandalay Bay security officer Jesus Campos, who had gone to the 32nd floor to check on an alert from another guest room and who was shot six minutes prior to" the massacre beginning.
The lawsuit, which also names the shooter's estate and other entities, comes as an MGM employee says he owes his life to Campos' heroism, and as Lombardo tells the local newspaper that he refuses "to say that somebody dropped the ball."
Frivolous bullshit.
I bet she was in tears of joy before she even felt the blood coming out.
Dont even know the motive and already there are law suits.... SMH
I hope the judge throws it out and forces to her to pay everyones legal fees like they did an aurora victims mother.
My Daughter Was Murdered in a Mass Shooting. Then I Was Ordered to Pay Her Killer’s Gun Dealer. – Mother Jones
I know I will be pillaged for this, but I see some merit in suing the manufacture of the bump stock. The whole design was made to circumvent the law. At least in my opinion.

Although I don't believe having the bump stock necessarily caused the injury total to increase she would have to prove it did.
It was signed off by the ATF
The ATF doesn't make law or shouldn't make law.

Do you have a link that tells us they signed off? I am in serious disbelief that they would.

They did because the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that.
So you're comparing a 600 person shooting to falling in the shower? :cuckoo:

Do you know that 600 people were shot?

All I know is 600 people were injured. Many of those could be injuries from falls or getting stepped on for all we know
Around 600. Do you feel any better now that you know UNDER 600 people where killed or injured?
Maybe you should compare the Vegas shooting to a paper cut, falling in a shower seems a bit strong, don't you think? :biggrin:
Gee forgive me if I happen to think ACCURACY is important
Ya, ok, because accuracy about exactly how many were shot is more important than trying to defend your comment comparing a mass shooting to a slip in the shower. Got it.
Where did I ever say anything about slipping in a shower?
YOU said that not me.

I think you better see a psychiatrist because you think the voices in your head are actually someone else
Sorry, I got you confused with another noob.
Las Vegas shooting: Lawsuit filed as new questions raised over timeline - CNN
California college student injured in the Las Vegas music festival massacre filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the hotel owners, the concert promoter and bump stock manufacturers, claiming they were all liable in the mass shooting.

The claims against MGM Resorts International, which owns both Mandalay Bay and the concert venue that hosted the festival, raise more questions about a timeline that has changed numerous times -- and, according to Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, could change again. The suit also questions why hotel staff didn't notice the shooter's behavior in several instances.
Specifically, the lawsuit accuses MGM, of failing to respond in a timely manner to the "shooting of Mandalay Bay security officer Jesus Campos, who had gone to the 32nd floor to check on an alert from another guest room and who was shot six minutes prior to" the massacre beginning.
The lawsuit, which also names the shooter's estate and other entities, comes as an MGM employee says he owes his life to Campos' heroism, and as Lombardo tells the local newspaper that he refuses "to say that somebody dropped the ball."
Frivolous bullshit.
I bet she was in tears of joy before she even felt the blood coming out.
Dont even know the motive and already there are law suits.... SMH
I hope the judge throws it out and forces to her to pay everyones legal fees like they did an aurora victims mother.
My Daughter Was Murdered in a Mass Shooting. Then I Was Ordered to Pay Her Killer’s Gun Dealer. – Mother Jones
I know I will be pillaged for this, but I see some merit in suing the manufacture of the bump stock. The whole design was made to circumvent the law. At least in my opinion.

Although I don't believe having the bump stock necessarily caused the injury total to increase she would have to prove it did.
It was signed off by the ATF
The ATF doesn't make law or shouldn't make law.

Do you have a link that tells us they signed off? I am in serious disbelief that they would.
they didnt make any law.
http:// http://

Las Vegas shooting: Lawsuit filed as new questions raised over timeline - CNN
California college student injured in the Las Vegas music festival massacre filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the hotel owners, the concert promoter and bump stock manufacturers, claiming they were all liable in the mass shooting.

The claims against MGM Resorts International, which owns both Mandalay Bay and the concert venue that hosted the festival, raise more questions about a timeline that has changed numerous times -- and, according to Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, could change again. The suit also questions why hotel staff didn't notice the shooter's behavior in several instances.
Specifically, the lawsuit accuses MGM, of failing to respond in a timely manner to the "shooting of Mandalay Bay security officer Jesus Campos, who had gone to the 32nd floor to check on an alert from another guest room and who was shot six minutes prior to" the massacre beginning.
The lawsuit, which also names the shooter's estate and other entities, comes as an MGM employee says he owes his life to Campos' heroism, and as Lombardo tells the local newspaper that he refuses "to say that somebody dropped the ball."
Frivolous bullshit.
I bet she was in tears of joy before she even felt the blood coming out.
Dont even know the motive and already there are law suits.... SMH
I hope the judge throws it out and forces to her to pay everyones legal fees like they did an aurora victims mother.
My Daughter Was Murdered in a Mass Shooting. Then I Was Ordered to Pay Her Killer’s Gun Dealer. – Mother Jones
I know I will be pillaged for this, but I see some merit in suing the manufacture of the bump stock. The whole design was made to circumvent the law. At least in my opinion.

Although I don't believe having the bump stock necessarily caused the injury total to increase she would have to prove it did.
It was signed off by the ATF
The ATF doesn't make law or shouldn't make law.

Do you have a link that tells us they signed off? I am in serious disbelief that they would.

They did because the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that.
Adding something to a gun doesn't modify it? Talk about unclear on the concept. :lol:
Las Vegas shooting: Lawsuit filed as new questions raised over timeline - CNN
California college student injured in the Las Vegas music festival massacre filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the hotel owners, the concert promoter and bump stock manufacturers, claiming they were all liable in the mass shooting.

The claims against MGM Resorts International, which owns both Mandalay Bay and the concert venue that hosted the festival, raise more questions about a timeline that has changed numerous times -- and, according to Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, could change again. The suit also questions why hotel staff didn't notice the shooter's behavior in several instances.
Specifically, the lawsuit accuses MGM, of failing to respond in a timely manner to the "shooting of Mandalay Bay security officer Jesus Campos, who had gone to the 32nd floor to check on an alert from another guest room and who was shot six minutes prior to" the massacre beginning.
The lawsuit, which also names the shooter's estate and other entities, comes as an MGM employee says he owes his life to Campos' heroism, and as Lombardo tells the local newspaper that he refuses "to say that somebody dropped the ball."
Frivolous bullshit.
I bet she was in tears of joy before she even felt the blood coming out.
Dont even know the motive and already there are law suits.... SMH
I hope the judge throws it out and forces to her to pay everyones legal fees like they did an aurora victims mother.
My Daughter Was Murdered in a Mass Shooting. Then I Was Ordered to Pay Her Killer’s Gun Dealer. – Mother Jones
I know I will be pillaged for this, but I see some merit in suing the manufacture of the bump stock. The whole design was made to circumvent the law. At least in my opinion.

Although I don't believe having the bump stock necessarily caused the injury total to increase she would have to prove it did.
It was signed off by the ATF
The ATF doesn't make law or shouldn't make law.

Do you have a link that tells us they signed off? I am in serious disbelief that they would.

They did because the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that.
Adding something to a gun doesn't modify it? Talk about unclear on the concept. :lol:
The bump stock is a legal mod because it doesnt alter the rate of fire. It SIMULATES it.
I know I will be pillaged for this, but I see some merit in suing the manufacture of the bump stock. The whole design was made to circumvent the law. At least in my opinion.

Although I don't believe having the bump stock necessarily caused the injury total to increase she would have to prove it did.
It was signed off by the ATF
The ATF doesn't make law or shouldn't make law.

Do you have a link that tells us they signed off? I am in serious disbelief that they would.

They did because the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that.
Adding something to a gun doesn't modify it? Talk about unclear on the concept. :lol:
The bump stock is a legal mod because it doesnt alter the rate of fire. It SIMULATES it.
He said "the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that". That's simply not correct.
Las Vegas shooting: Lawsuit filed as new questions raised over timeline - CNN
California college student injured in the Las Vegas music festival massacre filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the hotel owners, the concert promoter and bump stock manufacturers, claiming they were all liable in the mass shooting.

The claims against MGM Resorts International, which owns both Mandalay Bay and the concert venue that hosted the festival, raise more questions about a timeline that has changed numerous times -- and, according to Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, could change again. The suit also questions why hotel staff didn't notice the shooter's behavior in several instances.
Specifically, the lawsuit accuses MGM, of failing to respond in a timely manner to the "shooting of Mandalay Bay security officer Jesus Campos, who had gone to the 32nd floor to check on an alert from another guest room and who was shot six minutes prior to" the massacre beginning.
The lawsuit, which also names the shooter's estate and other entities, comes as an MGM employee says he owes his life to Campos' heroism, and as Lombardo tells the local newspaper that he refuses "to say that somebody dropped the ball."
Frivolous bullshit.
I bet she was in tears of joy before she even felt the blood coming out.
Dont even know the motive and already there are law suits.... SMH
I hope the judge throws it out and forces to her to pay everyones legal fees like they did an aurora victims mother.
My Daughter Was Murdered in a Mass Shooting. Then I Was Ordered to Pay Her Killer’s Gun Dealer. – Mother Jones
I know I will be pillaged for this, but I see some merit in suing the manufacture of the bump stock. The whole design was made to circumvent the law. At least in my opinion.

Although I don't believe having the bump stock necessarily caused the injury total to increase she would have to prove it did.
It was signed off by the ATF
The ATF doesn't make law or shouldn't make law.

Do you have a link that tells us they signed off? I am in serious disbelief that they would.

They did because the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that.
Adding something to a gun doesn't modify it? Talk about unclear on the concept. :lol:

To make an illegal modification to a semiautomatic gun involves changing the firing mechanism. An add on stock does not do that
I know I will be pillaged for this, but I see some merit in suing the manufacture of the bump stock. The whole design was made to circumvent the law. At least in my opinion.

Although I don't believe having the bump stock necessarily caused the injury total to increase she would have to prove it did.
It was signed off by the ATF
The ATF doesn't make law or shouldn't make law.

Do you have a link that tells us they signed off? I am in serious disbelief that they would.

They did because the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that.
Adding something to a gun doesn't modify it? Talk about unclear on the concept. :lol:

To make an illegal modification to a semiautomatic gun involves changing the firing mechanism. An add on stock does not do that
Not what he said, re-read it. Then please try again.
It was signed off by the ATF
The ATF doesn't make law or shouldn't make law.

Do you have a link that tells us they signed off? I am in serious disbelief that they would.

They did because the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that.
Adding something to a gun doesn't modify it? Talk about unclear on the concept. :lol:

To make an illegal modification to a semiautomatic gun involves changing the firing mechanism. An add on stock does not do that
Not what he said, re-read it. Then please try again.
I'm telling you since you obviously don't understand what makes an automatic weapon an automatic weapon
The ATF doesn't make law or shouldn't make law.

Do you have a link that tells us they signed off? I am in serious disbelief that they would.

They did because the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that.
Adding something to a gun doesn't modify it? Talk about unclear on the concept. :lol:

To make an illegal modification to a semiautomatic gun involves changing the firing mechanism. An add on stock does not do that
Not what he said, re-read it. Then please try again.
I'm telling you since you obviously don't understand what makes an automatic weapon an automatic weapon
Still not what he said. You lose.
They did because the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that.
Adding something to a gun doesn't modify it? Talk about unclear on the concept. :lol:

To make an illegal modification to a semiautomatic gun involves changing the firing mechanism. An add on stock does not do that
Not what he said, re-read it. Then please try again.
I'm telling you since you obviously don't understand what makes an automatic weapon an automatic weapon
Still not what he said. You lose.
I'm not commenting on his remark I am addressing your obvious ignorance
It was signed off by the ATF
The ATF doesn't make law or shouldn't make law.

Do you have a link that tells us they signed off? I am in serious disbelief that they would.

They did because the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that.
Adding something to a gun doesn't modify it? Talk about unclear on the concept. :lol:
The bump stock is a legal mod because it doesnt alter the rate of fire. It SIMULATES it.
He said "the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that". That's simply not correct.
A bump stock doesnt modify the rate of fire. It is completely correct. It isnt his fault you are too slow to understand basic concepts and terminology.
Again, the stock SIMULATES, not MODIFIES.
They did because the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that.
Adding something to a gun doesn't modify it? Talk about unclear on the concept. :lol:

To make an illegal modification to a semiautomatic gun involves changing the firing mechanism. An add on stock does not do that
Not what he said, re-read it. Then please try again.
I'm telling you since you obviously don't understand what makes an automatic weapon an automatic weapon
Still not what he said. You lose.
But he is still right. I dont think you have been right one time in this thread. Maybe i missed it? (lol)
Adding something to a gun doesn't modify it? Talk about unclear on the concept. :lol:

To make an illegal modification to a semiautomatic gun involves changing the firing mechanism. An add on stock does not do that
Not what he said, re-read it. Then please try again.
I'm telling you since you obviously don't understand what makes an automatic weapon an automatic weapon
Still not what he said. You lose.
I'm not commenting on his remark I am addressing your obvious ignorance
Then you took it out of context, or simply felt like jumping in with a random comment, your choice. :biggrin:
The ATF doesn't make law or shouldn't make law.

Do you have a link that tells us they signed off? I am in serious disbelief that they would.

They did because the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that.
Adding something to a gun doesn't modify it? Talk about unclear on the concept. :lol:
The bump stock is a legal mod because it doesnt alter the rate of fire. It SIMULATES it.
He said "the actual law prevents modification to the gun itself. A bump stock doesn't do that". That's simply not correct.
A bump stock doesnt modify the rate of fire. It is completely correct. It isnt his fault you are too slow to understand basic concepts and terminology.
Again, the stock SIMULATES, not MODIFIES.
Anything that you add onto a gun modifies it. Pretty simple concept really.
Adding something to a gun doesn't modify it? Talk about unclear on the concept. :lol:

To make an illegal modification to a semiautomatic gun involves changing the firing mechanism. An add on stock does not do that
Not what he said, re-read it. Then please try again.
I'm telling you since you obviously don't understand what makes an automatic weapon an automatic weapon
Still not what he said. You lose.
But he is still right. I dont think you have been right one time in this thread. Maybe i missed it? (lol)
You must have missed it, or more likely, misread it. As usual.

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