"We Know in 2001 Cell Phones Worked Up To 50,000 Feet and..."

"Although preventing interference with the plane's onboard systems is the most well-known reason for such bans, the more important concern with cell phones is interference with cell phone networks on the ground, which cannot handle phones at high relative altitudes and moving at airplane speeds."
Flight Mode definition (Phone Scoop)
"Although preventing interference with the plane's onboard systems is the most well-known reason for such bans, the more important concern with cell phones is interference with cell phone networks on the ground, which cannot handle phones at high relative altitudes and moving at airplane speeds."
Flight Mode definition (Phone Scoop)

so the problem is that the phones work and they create problems for the towers.

got ya.

thanks.... :lol:
i said phone companies customize the software..... you replied it is hardware. you obviously dont have a clue what you are talking about.

You can't show where I said profiles are hardwired because I never said that you lying fuck. The nokia e71x comes with the Offline mode hardwired you dumbfuck.

where are you getting the info that "offline" mode is hardwired? are you talking out of your ass again?

where are you getting the info that "offline" mode is the same as "airplane" mode.... because browsing through AT&T's customer support forum it looks like "offline" mode means no data is sent over the network, saving you data charges, but you can still make phone calls.

how do you think you put the phone in different modes if not through SOFTWARE which can be, and often is, customized by the wireless provider? are you claiming that each phone has a button that puts it into airplane mode? because that is what "hardwired" means, ass cowboy.

So you can't show where I said "profiles" are hardwired. Thanks for your admission you whiny ****.

Oh, and I already posted the info for the nokia E71x saying you use "Offline mode on airplanes." You fucks are a waste of time.
No you dumbfuck but thanks for playing........

Tell you what. I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself.

Please explain what you meant by:
]You can lose a cell signal driving at 60 mph

What exactly are you claiming is the reason you lost the call in the above statement???? I'll wait here for your answer. This should be good.

Do you know why dropped calls happen while driving? If you do then you don't need it explained.

Yes I do fuckstick.

I deal with Blackberries and cell phones all the time where I work. It's not the 60 mph speed you are traveling at that causes you to drop your call. It's the signal. If I get to a point between two towers where the signal cannot be properly handed off to the next tower, the signal is dropped. Distance from the towers is the issue, not speed.

If I get into a deadzone where the signal cannot reach my phone such as a basement or the middle of a school, then signal is dropped.

I can WALK to an area with poor signal reception or into an area where a tower cannot be reached to lose a signal.

If I walk away from my wireless router and lose it's signal on my laptop after a few minutes, is it because I was WALKING TOO FAST???

Now traveling at 400 mph may play a roll in handoffs to towers and not giving enough time to establish that, but not a 60mph.

So again. What where you implying by this quote as to the reason for losing the call mentioned? I'll wait here again.
]You can lose a cell signal driving at 60 mph
"Although preventing interference with the plane's onboard systems is the most well-known reason for such bans, the more important concern with cell phones is interference with cell phone networks on the ground, which cannot handle phones at high relative altitudes and moving at airplane speeds."
Flight Mode definition (Phone Scoop)

so the problem is that the phones work and they create problems for the towers.

got ya.

thanks.... :lol:

You are sooooooo fucking stoopid
Tell you what. I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself.

Please explain what you meant by:

What exactly are you claiming is the reason you lost the call in the above statement???? I'll wait here for your answer. This should be good.

Do you know why dropped calls happen while driving? If you do then you don't need it explained.

Yes I do fuckstick.

I deal with Blackberries and cell phones all the time where I work. It's not the 60 mph speed you are traveling at that causes you to drop your call. It's the signal. If I get to a point between two towers where the signal cannot be properly handed off to the next tower, the signal is dropped. Distance from the towers is the issue, not speed.

If I get into a deadzone where the signal cannot reach my phone such as a basement or the middle of a school, then signal is dropped.

I can WALK to an area with poor signal reception or into an area where a tower cannot be reached to lose a signal.

If I walk away from my wireless router and lose it's signal on my laptop after a few minutes, is it because I was WALKING TOO FAST???

Now traveling at 400 mph may play a roll in handoffs to towers and not giving enough time to establish that, but not a 60mph.

So again. What where you implying by this quote as to the reason for losing the call mentioned? I'll wait here again.
]You can lose a cell signal driving at 60 mph

You sure you aren't there out of charity? You know.....like a down low intern program for dumbfucks like you? You just reinforced my whole point and are too fucking dumb to realize it.
I'm saying it comes standard on that nokia phone so when divedick said it wasn't on his phone I posted a link proving that it is there because that is how they are manufactured.

Hardwired does not mean "standard software configuration".


Does it come standard on that phone or not? If it does then you are desperately nitpicking as usual you cocksucking retarded bitch.

No stupid. Hardwired does not mean standard. I can't help it if you use words that you THINK you know the meaning to in order to explain yourself.

Get a dictionary.

Hardwired means "physical components". Not software.

You fucked up again.
Do you know why dropped calls happen while driving? If you do then you don't need it explained.

Yes I do fuckstick.

I deal with Blackberries and cell phones all the time where I work. It's not the 60 mph speed you are traveling at that causes you to drop your call. It's the signal. If I get to a point between two towers where the signal cannot be properly handed off to the next tower, the signal is dropped. Distance from the towers is the issue, not speed.

If I get into a deadzone where the signal cannot reach my phone such as a basement or the middle of a school, then signal is dropped.

I can WALK to an area with poor signal reception or into an area where a tower cannot be reached to lose a signal.

If I walk away from my wireless router and lose it's signal on my laptop after a few minutes, is it because I was WALKING TOO FAST???

Now traveling at 400 mph may play a roll in handoffs to towers and not giving enough time to establish that, but not a 60mph.

So again. What where you implying by this quote as to the reason for losing the call mentioned? I'll wait here again.
]You can lose a cell signal driving at 60 mph

You sure you aren't there out of charity? You know.....like a down low intern program for dumbfucks like you? You just reinforced my whole point and are too fucking dumb to realize it.

Speed has nothing to do with losing a call at 60 mph.

You fucked up AGAIN!!

Here Curve.

Let me slow down a bit for you so you can see how stupid your statement was. You were comparing a cell phone call made at 60 mph dropping to a call made at 400 mph and dropping and saying that speed has to do with both calls dropping

The call dropped at 400 mph DOES have to do with speed.

The call at 60 mph had NOTHING to do with speed.

Do you get it now dumbass? Let's see you long it takes to sink in.

You can't show where I said profiles are hardwired because I never said that you lying fuck. The nokia e71x comes with the Offline mode hardwired you dumbfuck.

where are you getting the info that "offline" mode is hardwired? are you talking out of your ass again?

where are you getting the info that "offline" mode is the same as "airplane" mode.... because browsing through AT&T's customer support forum it looks like "offline" mode means no data is sent over the network, saving you data charges, but you can still make phone calls.

how do you think you put the phone in different modes if not through SOFTWARE which can be, and often is, customized by the wireless provider? are you claiming that each phone has a button that puts it into airplane mode? because that is what "hardwired" means, ass cowboy.

So you can't show where I said "profiles" are hardwired. Thanks for your admission you whiny ****.

Oh, and I already posted the info for the nokia E71x saying you use "Offline mode on airplanes." You fucks are a waste of time.

what are you claiming is hardwired then? here is your chance to explain yourself. hardwired means something is physically wired from one thing to another. so explain what is getting wired to what when we were talking about profiles.

i see you are already starting to bail out the way you typically do by claiming "we are a waste of time" once you are caught once again being WRONG.

(sucks to be you, i bet)
Yes I do fuckstick.

I deal with Blackberries and cell phones all the time where I work. It's not the 60 mph speed you are traveling at that causes you to drop your call. It's the signal. If I get to a point between two towers where the signal cannot be properly handed off to the next tower, the signal is dropped. Distance from the towers is the issue, not speed.

If I get into a deadzone where the signal cannot reach my phone such as a basement or the middle of a school, then signal is dropped.

I can WALK to an area with poor signal reception or into an area where a tower cannot be reached to lose a signal.

If I walk away from my wireless router and lose it's signal on my laptop after a few minutes, is it because I was WALKING TOO FAST???

Now traveling at 400 mph may play a roll in handoffs to towers and not giving enough time to establish that, but not a 60mph.

So again. What where you implying by this quote as to the reason for losing the call mentioned? I'll wait here again.

You sure you aren't there out of charity? You know.....like a down low intern program for dumbfucks like you? You just reinforced my whole point and are too fucking dumb to realize it.

Speed has nothing to do with losing a call at 60 mph.

You fucked up AGAIN!!


I never said it was speed alone on the ground you dumbfuck. The signal has to be passed between towers and as you said, it's the distance between the towers, not necessarily your speed. So if you are driving at 60 mph what do you think happens to the ratio of signals being passed between towers when DISTANCE is the factor you fuckwad? When you are moving at 60 mph you are not stationary.....just like when you are walking....so when you change the distances between the towers by being on the move you increase the chances of a dropped call....which also has to do with interference you einstein. What else you got?
where are you getting the info that "offline" mode is hardwired? are you talking out of your ass again?

where are you getting the info that "offline" mode is the same as "airplane" mode.... because browsing through AT&T's customer support forum it looks like "offline" mode means no data is sent over the network, saving you data charges, but you can still make phone calls.

how do you think you put the phone in different modes if not through SOFTWARE which can be, and often is, customized by the wireless provider? are you claiming that each phone has a button that puts it into airplane mode? because that is what "hardwired" means, ass cowboy.

So you can't show where I said "profiles" are hardwired. Thanks for your admission you whiny ****.

Oh, and I already posted the info for the nokia E71x saying you use "Offline mode on airplanes." You fucks are a waste of time.

what are you claiming is hardwired then? here is your chance to explain yourself. hardwired means something is physically wired from one thing to another. so explain what is getting wired to what when we were talking about profiles.

i see you are already starting to bail out the way you typically do by claiming "we are a waste of time" once you are caught once again being WRONG.

(sucks to be you, i bet)

Lol.....so you accuse me of bailing by pointing out you lied when I said profiles are hardwired? What a stoopid bitch.
Wasnt the point whether or not calls were made on 9/11? Pretty obvious they were since this bullshit has gone on for 400 posts or so; quite a long time for a yes or no question.
You sure you aren't there out of charity? You know.....like a down low intern program for dumbfucks like you? You just reinforced my whole point and are too fucking dumb to realize it.

Speed has nothing to do with losing a call at 60 mph.

You fucked up AGAIN!!


I never said it was speed alone on the ground you dumbfuck.

Really? Can you show me in this quote of yours where you say it could be something in addition to speed at 60 mph? You directly blame speed and then go on to comapre it to 400 mph.
It isn't only the altitude but speed as well. You can lose a cell signal driving at 60 mph so how feasible is it to hold a signal at 400 mph?

So you can't show where I said "profiles" are hardwired. Thanks for your admission you whiny ****.

Oh, and I already posted the info for the nokia E71x saying you use "Offline mode on airplanes." You fucks are a waste of time.

what are you claiming is hardwired then? here is your chance to explain yourself. hardwired means something is physically wired from one thing to another. so explain what is getting wired to what when we were talking about profiles.

i see you are already starting to bail out the way you typically do by claiming "we are a waste of time" once you are caught once again being WRONG.

(sucks to be you, i bet)

Lol.....so you accuse me of bailing by pointing out you lied when I said profiles are hardwired? What a stoopid bitch.

we were talking about profiles. you claimed something is hardwired. now is your chance to explain what you meant if not profiles. otherwise, its certainly reasonable to assume you meant profiles were hardwired.

so where is your explanation of your hardwired claim stating what was hardwired to what if not a profile? i see you ducked the question the first time.
You sure you aren't there out of charity? You know.....like a down low intern program for dumbfucks like you? You just reinforced my whole point and are too fucking dumb to realize it.

Speed has nothing to do with losing a call at 60 mph.

You fucked up AGAIN!!


I never said it was speed alone on the ground you dumbfuck. The signal has to be passed between towers and as you said, it's the distance between the towers, not necessarily your speed. So if you are driving at 60 mph what do you think happens to the ratio of signals being passed between towers when DISTANCE is the factor you fuckwad? When you are moving at 60 mph you are not stationary.....just like when you are walking....so when you change the distances between the towers by being on the move you increase the chances of a dropped call....which also has to do with interference you einstein. What else you got?
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Maybe if you slow down to 50 mph the distance between towers will change. :rofl:
You sure you aren't there out of charity? You know.....like a down low intern program for dumbfucks like you? You just reinforced my whole point and are too fucking dumb to realize it.

Speed has nothing to do with losing a call at 60 mph.

You fucked up AGAIN!!


I never said it was speed alone on the ground you dumbfuck. The signal has to be passed between towers and as you said, it's the distance between the towers, not necessarily your speed. So if you are driving at 60 mph what do you think happens to the ratio of signals being passed between towers when DISTANCE is the factor you fuckwad? When you are moving at 60 mph you are not stationary.....just like when you are walking....so when you change the distances between the towers by being on the move you increase the chances of a dropped call....which also has to do with interference you einstein. What else you got?

Admit you fucked up already. It's ok.
Speed has nothing to do with losing a call at 60 mph.

You fucked up AGAIN!!


I never said it was speed alone on the ground you dumbfuck. The signal has to be passed between towers and as you said, it's the distance between the towers, not necessarily your speed. So if you are driving at 60 mph what do you think happens to the ratio of signals being passed between towers when DISTANCE is the factor you fuckwad? When you are moving at 60 mph you are not stationary.....just like when you are walking....so when you change the distances between the towers by being on the move you increase the chances of a dropped call....which also has to do with interference you einstein. What else you got?
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Maybe if you slow down to 50 mph the distance between towers will change. :rofl:

I never said it was speed alone on the ground you dumbfuck.
It just gets better and better folks.

Does your quote above say that SPEED is a PART of a dropped call on the ground? You are therefore saying that 60 mph plays a part in losing a call.


What do you not under-fucking-stand where you fucked up. You specifically mention speed on the ground as a part of the cause of dropping calls.


Traveling at 60 mph has nothing to do with dropping a call. I can walk and drop a call. I can ride a bike and drop a call. So you saying that speed is a PART of the problem when traveling at 60 mph on the ground is WRONG. It's DISTANCE and INTERFERENCE on the ground.

Holy shit! I think the definition of "backpedal" should just show Curve's picture.
Curve, you're really doing well in this thread. In here alone you've managed to fuck up the following:

1. You made the false claim that the CR referenced cell phone calls made at 30,000 feet to which you admitted to being incorrect.
2. You claimed that the "airplane mode" is hardwired into certain phones. Wrong.
3. You claim that when traveling at 60 mph, speed is PART of the reason cell phone calls are dropped. Wrong.
4. You try and use May's cell phone call as proof that cell phone calls where not possible, yet there is no proof that her call was MADE from a cell phone.

What else are you going to screw up in this thread?

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