"We Know in 2001 Cell Phones Worked Up To 50,000 Feet and..."

You fucking dicklicks are so pathetic. Pwning you dumbasses is so easy it's becoming boring.

"Nokia E71x


Turn on/off flight mode:

1. Press Menu (LEFT SOFT key).

2. Scroll DOWN and RIGHT to Settings and press the Center select key.

3. Scroll LEFT to Profiles and press the Center select key.

4. To turn off wireless coverage, scroll UP to Offline and press the Center
select key.

5. Highlight Activate and press the Center select key.

6. To exit, press Exit (RIGHT SOFT key) and Back (RIGHT SOFT key) until
you reach the Home screen.

7. You can also change profile modes by holding down the POWER key.
For this example, press POWER, scroll DOWN to Normal, and press the
Center select key to turn wireless coverage back on.

8. At the prompt, select Yes (LEFT SOFT key) to change the profile.

9. Done!"
AT&T Device Simulator

Since you can change modes with the Power key.....what do you think that means you dumbfuck? The Power key is hardwired.

Hahahaha........you fucking ignorant twats!

your claim wasnt that the power key was hardwired, you fucking moron!!! your claim was that airplane mode was hardwired. :lol:

nice way to backpedal. you certainly are very good at retreating. you must have had lots of practice running away in high school (if you made it that far). are you French by any chance?

Since you can change modes with the Power key.....what do you think that means you dumbfuck? The Power key is hardwired. You're so fuxxing dumm you need that explained......if you can change the mode through a hardwired button it means that mode is hardwired as well you ignorant bitch. Like I predicted....you bitches refuse to admit when you are wrong and you don't say shit to divedick when it's proven his phone has a Flight mode. When you gonna have another melt down and threaten to come see me like you did with Christophera you punk twat? You're a pussy and you still get your ass beat so you talk tough on the 'net.....typical loser.

this is the dumbest argument in the world and you've already been proven wrong about a dozen times.

here goes even more proof of how dumb you are.

"f you can change the mode through a hardwired button it means that mode is hardwired as well you ignorant bitch."

no jackass. thats not what it means at all. if i press enter to send an email does it mean my email is hardwired? :lol:

go read step 8 of your tutorial and then tell us all if a prompt is software or hardwired. :cuckoo:
Here is one that could keep clownlite busy for weeks;

My wife has one of those 'touchscreen' phones. I maintain that since it has no buttons, and since the screen is kinda soft, that it has no hard-wired airplane mode!
Since you can change modes with the Power key.....what do you think that means you dumbfuck? The Power key is hardwired.
Well, duh...if the power key wasn't hardwired the phone wouldn't work.

Boy, do you look stupid. Everyone knows you said flight mode was hardwired. :lol:

Lol....you STOOPID BITCH! If you can enter Flight Mode through a hardwired button that means the mode is hardwired as well you fucking lying pussy.
Nope. It simply means that someone programmed the phone to react in a certain way when you push a certain button.
Well, duh...if the power key wasn't hardwired the phone wouldn't work.

Boy, do you look stupid. Everyone knows you said flight mode was hardwired. :lol:

Lol....you STOOPID BITCH! If you can enter Flight Mode through a hardwired button that means the mode is hardwired as well you fucking lying pussy.
Nope. It simply means that someone programmed the phone to react in a certain way when you push a certain button.
i bet he thinks his "start" button in windows is hard wired too
Tell me more about this "airplane mode".

If I hit a button on my phone, it turns into an airplane? This could be SO useful when combined with the camera function.

all of that material that I just quoted can be found on page 87 of his book that you can easily access at your local library if you dont want to buy it.But we all know you 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists wont read the book since it doesnt go along with your version of events. He lists his resourses on where he got that information in the book as well.Unlike the 9/11 coverup commission,griffin investigated 9/11 and did not omit evidence,facts and witness testimonys in his book like they did.

The last thing it goes on to state in that book on that page is this as well which is also very important.That in later experiments,he found out than in a TWIN engine airplane,there was an even lower and more definite cutoff point.In the single- engine aircraft,"the success rates had decayed from 75 percent at 2,000 feet to 13 percent at 8,000 feet." But in the twin-engine aircraft,"the success rate decayed from 95 percent at 2,000 feet to 44 percent at 5,000 feet,10 percent at 6,000 feet and 0 percent at 7,000 feet."This finding supported his earlier earlier hyposis that "the larger the mass of the aircraft,the lower the cutoff altitude." Like I said earlier,these alleged cell phone calls were obviously voice morphed.I mean are you going to be retards and believe that Mark Bingham made a cell phone call and said to his mom-Mom this is Mark Bingham.give me a fucking break.Nobody in the world goes around calling their mom saying their first and last name.hahahahahahaha get with the program.

the reason cell phones were banned back then is not because they worked at altitudes over 20,000 feet but because UNDER 2,000 feet the chances were good of working then which of course could seriously disrupt the path of take off and cause a crash since at THAT altitude they CAN work.lol.

So you are now calling Mrs Bingham a liar. Why don't you go tell her to her face that she didn't talk to her son that morning. Present all your "proof" to her and see just what she has to say to you about it.
His mom said when he was in "business mode" he talked like that.

For all you know he was autistic you piece of garbage.
all of that material that I just quoted can be found on page 87 of his book that you can easily access at your local library if you dont want to buy it.But we all know you 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists wont read the book since it doesnt go along with your version of events. He lists his resourses on where he got that information in the book as well.Unlike the 9/11 coverup commission,griffin investigated 9/11 and did not omit evidence,facts and witness testimonys in his book like they did.
So every person who gave testimony on 9/11 is in his book? Every one? I'm doubting it. For example, did they quote the stories of those who say they saw a plane hit the Pentagon? Or planes hit the towers? You seem to indicate that didn't happen. So you believe only "some" of what is stated?

The last thing it goes on to state in that book on that page is this as well which is also very important.That in later experiments,he found out than in a TWIN engine airplane,there was an even lower and more definite cutoff point.In the single- engine aircraft,"the success rates had decayed from 75 percent at 2,000 feet to 13 percent at 8,000 feet." But in the twin-engine aircraft,"the success rate decayed from 95 percent at 2,000 feet to 44 percent at 5,000 feet,10 percent at 6,000 feet and 0 percent at 7,000 feet."This finding supported his earlier earlier hyposis that "the larger the mass of the aircraft,the lower the cutoff altitude." Like I said earlier,these alleged cell phone calls were obviously voice morphed.I mean are you going to be retards and believe that Mark Bingham made a cell phone call and said to his mom-Mom this is Mark Bingham.give me a fucking break.Nobody in the world goes around calling their mom saying their first and last name. get with the program.

Here is his mom in her own words:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z96MZOZyilo]YouTube - 9/11 Debunked: Cell Phone Calls not Faked[/ame]

Any comment on why she would be in on the death or her own son? Any comment on the lady that gave a combination to a safe in her closet--how'd they "voice morph" that you piece of shit?

This is why the world hates you. I hope your name does become public at some point. I hear Kansas is disgusting in every season but after you're long dead and buried, I will make it my personal mission to have my dog take a piss on your grave after you're long buried. It will be precisely what you're doing today you piece of garbage.
As any good electrical engineer or technician knows, the antenna arrays that comprise a cell phone tower lend themselves to horizontal distribution of the signal quite efficiently. As a result of the extremely narrow half power beam width of the antenna's radiation pattern, the signal that would be available at an altitude of, say, 50,000 feet above the tower is just about zero.

That's not to say some fluke skip reflection of the signal could not occur in, say, 1 out of 1,000,000 attempts to contact an active cell of the correct carrier for the particular cell phone that is employed in such an attempt, but, success would be about as close to impossible as it gets.

The military, however, does have the capability to do this. It takes some very specialized equipment with hyper sensitivity and digital noise cancellation, as well as, directional cell tower location and directional tracking of the signal source, a special tranceiver that is programmable to not drop the cell due to obfuscation of the signal by water vapor (cloud) density, and many other variables. It can be done and it has been done, but, not by common cell phone that you carry around in your pocket.

If you don't believe the experts in the field of communications that have stated this to you, then, charter your own Lear or Cessna and take it up to 50,000 feet with your test cell phones and try it out for yourself.
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I personally believe that Mrs. Bingham actually does believe that the voice on the other end of the conversation was her son. She really does. I do not fault her for that. I can understand the desire to hear the voice of her son one last time. I know that I would.
:lol: Another truthtard sock puppet digging up ancient threads to prove what dumbshits they are. :lol:

Of course, since this is a new sock puppet, they can try to get away with pretending they didn't know none of the cell phone calls were made at 50,000 feet, especially since airliners don't fly that high. And of course, the fact the majority of calls were made on airphones, not cell phones is another fact this shithead will conveniently ignore.

The truthtards are truly getting extremely desperate!
I personally believe that Mrs. Bingham actually does believe that the voice on the other end of the conversation was her son. She really does. I do not fault her for that. I can understand the desire to hear the voice of her son one last time. I know that I would.

It was my understanding that the phone calls wer coming from the phones installed in the planes. In 2001 most airlines had very expensive phone service activated by credit card on every seat in the plane.
Rotfl! You didn't expect anyone to believe this did you?

I don't know what others believe. I am only stating facts. In 2000 many local farmers & I used Nokia 5120 & 5185 cell phones in Perry, MO 63462 using AT&T / Cingular Service. There were no towers around there back then. We would use Automobile mounted booster antenna in bad spots. But without booster antenna we could talk up to 60 miles in high open areas. I do not care what the specs say. The phone company also could not believe it when they discovered how far they worked.

Thass total bullshit. Someone had their info wrong......60 miles from the nearest cell tower......rotfl!

That 60 miles by road is about 40 miles as the crow flies. Those older cell phones can go that far.

Cell site Wiki
The maximum range of a mast (where it is not limited by interference with other masts nearby) depends on the same circumstances. Some technologies, such as GSM, normally have a fixed maximum range of 35 kilometres (22 mi), which is imposed by technical limitations. CDMA and IDEN have no built-in limit, but the limiting factor is the ability of a low-powered personal cell phone to transmit back to the mast. As a rough guide, based on a tall mast and flat terrain, it is possible to get between 50 to 70 km (30–45 miles). When the terrain is hilly, the maximum distance can vary from as little as 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) to 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) due to encroachment of intermediate objects into the wide center fresnel zone of the signal. Depending on terrain and other circumstances, a GSM Tower can replace between 2 and 50 miles (80 km) of cabling for fixed wireless networks.

What is the Range of a Single Cell Site?
CDMA and iDEN have no built-in limit, but the real limiting factor is really the ability for your feeble little cellphone to transmit back to the site. As a gross estimate, based on a tall site and flat terrain, it is possible to get between 50 and 70 kilometers. When the terrain is hilly, the maximum distance can vary from as little as 5 to 10 km to about 40 km.

If you fly by or over a tower that gives you 45 miles on each side or 90 miles across. Flying at 500MPH / 90 miles gives you 0.18hr or 11 minutes of talk time on a CDMA, TDMA, IDEN, AMPS or D-AMPS Cell Phone.
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So the Government PAID the grieving people to LIE about receiving calls? They faked the taped calls?

They got a Secretary of the Government to lie about his wife calling him?

How exactly did they convince these people to lie?

And perhaps you can explain where all the people from those flights are?
As any good electrical engineer or technician knows, the antenna arrays that comprise a cell phone tower lend themselves to horizontal distribution of the signal quite efficiently. As a result of the extremely narrow half power beam width of the antenna's radiation pattern, the signal that would be available at an altitude of, say, 50,000 feet above the tower is just about zero.

That's not to say some fluke skip reflection of the signal could not occur in, say, 1 out of 1,000,000 attempts to contact an active cell of the correct carrier for the particular cell phone that is employed in such an attempt, but, success would be about as close to impossible as it gets.

The military, however, does have the capability to do this. It takes some very specialized equipment with hyper sensitivity and digital noise cancellation, as well as, directional cell tower location and directional tracking of the signal source, a special tranceiver that is programmable to not drop the cell due to obfuscation of the signal by water vapor (cloud) density, and many other variables. It can be done and it has been done, but, not by common cell phone that you carry around in your pocket.

If you don't believe the experts in the field of communications that have stated this to you, then, charter your own Lear or Cessna and take it up to 50,000 feet with your test cell phones and try it out for yourself.

22 years in the US Army Signal Corps, my last Platoon (I was the Platoon Sergeant) ran a Cellular Phone network that would cover half the state of Ohio. You are full of shit.
Unless the aircraft in question was a F-15E, U-2, or even the retired SR-71, Im going to raise the bull shit flag that anything works at 50,000, much less the standard CFM or RR engines powering those planes that day. Yes, as a pilot, I have had a signal at od times. I fly from Madrid to Rome, to Malta twice a week. At one point right after you are feet dry over Italy, you briefly get 3 or 4 bars on a Blackberry. And sometimes, my phone will vibrate saying I got a new text in the middle of a flight. But if you think about it, 32,000 feet, a very typical cruise altitude for a short hop in Europe, is only 5 or 6 miles up. You get a signal on flat land for 6 miles on the ground, so why not up?

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