We know what happened with Paul Pelosi

The way back machine shows those websites didn't exist. Dummy
It shows that it did in fact exist and a page from that website was snapshotted on August 24th.

I'm giving you the link:

You see Aug 24th is clickable and shows there was 1 snapshot? Game over bub.

Don't shit your pants anymore on this ok? Lets move on to you shitting them on something else, otherwise it gets really boring.
It shows that it did in fact exist and a page from that website was snapshotted on August 24th.

I'm giving you the link:

You see Aug 24th is clickable and shows there was 1 snapshot? Game over bub.

Don't shit your pants anymore on this ok? Lets move on to you shitting them on something else, otherwise it gets really boring.

One snapshot. Sure thing, dude. The investigators showed the website was built on the day of, and deleted the day after.

According to the Wayback Machine, ON THAT DAY.
One snapshot. Sure thing, dude. The investigators showed the website was built on the day of, and deleted the day after.

According to the Wayback Machine, ON THAT DAY.
See unlike helpless dummies like you I can INVESTIGATE better than whoever it is you think INVESTIGATED this and pumped you full of bullshit.

Waybackmachine has snapshots of that website on Aug24th, and then many times in October and November when people started looking into this guy's posting.

Your claim that this website was only up for one day is blatantly COUNTER FACTUAL.
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Video of actual events on that night. Do you seriously not understand wtf is being discussed?
Technically, the cops leaked it to nbc
See unlike helpless dummies like you I can INVESTIGATE better than whoever it is you think INVESTIGATED this and pumped you full of bullshit.

Waybackmachine has snapshots of that website on Aug24th, and then many times in October and November when people started looking into this guy's posting.

Your claim that this website was only up for one day is blatantly COUNTER FACTUAL.
Prove it
It shows that it did in fact exist and a page from that website was snapshotted on August 24th.

I'm giving you the link:

You see Aug 24th is clickable and shows there was 1 snapshot? Game over bub.

Don't shit your pants anymore on this ok? Lets move on to you shitting them on something else, otherwise it gets really boring.
Nothing there
The web sites DID NOT EXIST! you fucking retard. They were created to try and make this guy into a Trump guy to make the attack seem political.

It wasn't. It was a lovers spat and the body cam footage would show that.

I don't give a flying fuck who Pelosi sleeps with.

I DO care when assholes try and make political hay out of their predilections.

One snapshot. Sure thing, dude. The investigators showed the website was built on the day of, and deleted the day after.

According to the Wayback Machine, ON THAT DAY.
I posted a link to the website that day... before it went down... on here. I screen shot something that was posted 2 days earlier but it had dozens of posts over the previous weeks all with crazy right wing content. You can see it in my link.

Info from that day summarizing the crazy right wing post from week earlier.

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So this gay lover was so sure he was going to assault Paul Pelosi that he wrote a blog to frame the right wing crazies days/weeks earlier so he could multitask? You guys are total morons.
So this gay lover was so sure he was going to assault Paul Pelosi that he wrote a blog to frame the right wing crazies days/weeks earlier so he could multitask? You guys are total morons.
Too fking funny
I posted a link to the website that day... before it went down... on here. I screen shot something that was posted 2 days earlier but it had dozens of posts over the previous weeks all with crazy right wing content. You can see it in my link.

Info from that day summarizing the crazy right wing post from week earlier.

It ain’t there dumbass
The guy had great medical care. Why is it that surprising, retard?

But, go ahead. Prove that he wasn't really hurt. The entire thing was a fake. Go.
Why would I try to prove something I never stated you ignorant ass? It’s on you to prove your assertion that this happened moron. It’s called reality. Then again you are just a butthurt retard....
What the hell do you know about expected hospital lengh of stay for head trauma? Obviously nothing.

Average hospital stay for Traumatic Brain Injury is 6 days.

Whoops there goes another half-baked conspiracy theory by another know nothing idiot.
Poor little asshole. News flash dumbfuck. An 80+ year old man struck with any kind of force in the head with a hammer wouldn’t get out of the hospital that quickly (if he didn’t initially end up in the morgue). Whoops, there’s goes your bullshit again. As usual.
Poor little asshole. News flash dumbfuck. An 80+ year old man struck with any kind of force in the head with a hammer wouldn’t get out of the hospital that quickly (if he didn’t initially end up in the morgue). Whoops, there’s goes your bullshit again. As usual.
I see 80+ year olds with head injuries almost every day in our hospital, there is nothing remarkable about a 6 days discharge after a blunt trauma injury.

You don't know wtf you are talking about.
It was bitch. That’s a screen shot I personally took when I read through it. It was right wing nuttery with weeks of posts. You are disconnected from reality.
post the screen shot then. I didn't see a thing. I saw no post
I see 80+ year olds with head injuries almost every day in our hospital, there is nothing remarkable about a 6 days discharge after a blunt trauma injury.

You don't know wtf you are talking about.
So you see 80+ year old men attacked with a hammer every day? Nobody’s buying that.
Dummy, you can get hit in the head with many things, in many ways.

You clinically don't know shit about Pelosi's injury, treatment and recovery, so just stop posting ignorant bullshit already.
And you know nothing about it either. So perhaps take your own advice. So now every head injury is the same. You just keep digging that hole deeper....
And now we come full circle.

List them.

Because I have my doubts the Left has come up with anywhere near as many hoaxes which are as loony as the right wing hoaxes have been.

I know the Left manufactures bullshit. I am well aware of it. But they are simply out-competed by the Right.

What I find is that the Left are champions of the lie of omission, which is bad enough. Both sides do it, and it is the constant lies of omission by Fox News which caused me to stop watching them a long time ago.

But when you get right down to it, the Left just can't compete when it comes to Jewish space lasers; gay prostitutes in their underwear attacking their gay victim over a wage dispute; satanic pedophile rings in the basement of pizza parlors involving household names of the opposing party; staged massacres of toddlers; placing the father of a member of their own party at the scene of a president's assassination; and so forth.

And it isn't like nameless loons who are propounding these whackadoo fucktard conspiracies. These are big name media figures doing this shit. And one of them was the President of the United States!
If you do not already have a list you are also part of the bias. Sure I could compose a list but that would be foolhardy. It would only become fodder for debate. Public figures? How about elected officials? If you have failed to even handedly examine the mundane and other nonsense that has been produced by those who are loosely and even more strictly associated with what we refer to as left-wing politics and dogma then you have willingly blinded yourself to the fact that all politics is prone to deception, lying and purposeful misinformation. You can stomp your foot all day long looking for a list and I'm not going to play that game with you. You and I both know that you have one already.


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