We may need a revolution or secession

Is life in America so horrible these days that we need another civil war?
For the gullible, yes. These people have been driven into a miserable, paranoid frenzy by voices they trust.

When a large group of people seriously thinks that a blatant con man has been sent by God to save America from Satan, that is some profound manipulation at work.
For the gullible, yes. These people have been driven into a miserable, paranoid frenzy by voices they trust.

When a large group of people seriously thinks that a blatant con man has been sent by God to save America from Satan, that is some profound manipulation at work.

Well that was dumb
No it isnt retard the Court told him that forgiving college debt was illegal and he did it anyway.
Youre over simplifying.

The court said he couldn’t use the language of the HEROES act to forgive student loans broadly.

So he didn’t. He used other laws to forgive some student loans with other criteria.
Youre over simplifying.

The court said he couldn’t use the language of the HEROES act to forgive student loans broadly.

So he didn’t. He used other laws to forgive some student loans with other criteria.
Almost nobody actually wants this. Just a tiny sliver of fringe whackos.

But a lot of you sure do like fantasizing about it.
They're desperate. They lack the ability to communicate, collaborate and innvovate -- that's what happens when you insulate yourself in your own little world and only trust the voices you like -- so they want to burn the whole thing down.

We need this party to be strong and serious, and it's sprinting in the other direction.
Revolution is a fantasy and it's useless and perhaps dangerous to dwell on it. The Founding Fathers gave us all kinds of ways to change the government including elections. You need to get off your collective asses and get involved in grass root conservative politics.

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