We may need a revolution or secession

Again that is bullshit.

When the border gets out of control like it has been for a while now, the law would SHUT DOWN all asylum processing and everyone gets straight up deported on encounter.

There is only one reason right wingers are not for this deal today - Trump and his selfish campaigning interests.

I suggest you get a brain of your own and take a yes for an answer.
That's what I said, the dems don't think the border gets out of control until more than 5,000 per day come here. Anything less than 5,000 the border is not "out of control" and they keep the welcome sign up.
More violent civil war rhetoric from the rabid right.
same thing King George said in 1776. and he lost. Americans will only tolerate so much of this left wing socialist bullshit, then they fight. I sincerely hope it does not come to that, but it may.
Again that is bullshit.

When the border gets out of control like it has been for a while now, the law would SHUT DOWN all asylum processing and everyone gets straight up deported on encounter.

There is only one reason right wingers are not for this deal today - Trump and his selfish campaigning interests.

I suggest you get a brain of your own and take a yes for an answer.
Read the bill dimwit. it changes nothing at the US border but send billions to secure Ukraine's border. WTF????
Biden is offering to shut down the border now and hire 1300 more border guards to enforce it.

What the fuck else you want?
that is the lie they have told you. but its not what the bill says. Look it up and you will realize that your media heroes are lying to you.
Read the bill dimwit. it changes nothing at the US border

Who fed you that bullshit? The law clearly allows for new deportation powers for the border agents with 1300 force expansion.

Go read the bill.
Obviously false nonsense.
they have been trying to hide the bill from us, but that is what is in it. its available, look it up or just continue to be a useful idiot for your masters. 5000 per day illegals into the us before anyone is stopped. plus billions of taxpayer dollars for the corrupt Ukraine government .
they have been trying to hide the bill from us, but that is what is in it.
I've just explained to you whats in it, stop posting bullshit.

The law clearly allows for new deportation powers for the border agents with 1300 force expansion.

Go read the bill.
I've just explained to you whats in it, stop posting bullshit.

The law clearly allows for new deportation powers for the border agents with 1300 force expansion.

Go read the bill.
I have read it dipshit. yes, it funds more border patrol but it does nothing to seal the border. 5000 per day is not sealed or secure. and it give the POTUS authority to make any exceptions that he wants to make.

face it, this whole border fiasco is the dems trying to create more dem voters because they know that can never will another election with american citizens.
I have read it dipshit. yes, it funds more border patrol but it does nothing to seal the border. 5000 per day is not sealed or secure. and it give the POTUS authority to make any exceptions that he wants to make.

face it, this whole border fiasco is the dems trying to create more dem voters because they know that can never will another election with american citizens.
First you say it does nothing and now you’re back peddling. Absolutely it does something, in fact a lot.

You like doing NOTHING more? Because that’s what you are getting by rejecting this bill.
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A complete change of thinking, yes, not just turning it over and around again, revolving it. Remember that all past social and/or political revolutions had some very hard times afterwards. Often they were entirely catastrophic. Careful wishes!
Only America's enemies speak of trying to end the Perpetual Union.
Sadly, those may be the only options to save this country as a free democratic republic. I don't want either, but neither did the partiots of 1776. Should history repeat itself?
The federal government which is siphoning off $7 trillion a year will never permit it's slaves to secede.
All talk, no walk. You and I both know it isn't going to happen. Because at the end of the day, when reality finally hits, most of you are going continue to sit on the couch and bitch.
You're like the passive/aggressive mate who packs their bags, yells loudly that they are leaving, and peers around the corner to see if their mate is actually paying attention.

We aren't.
You mean, you're not scared??? You're supposed to be scared!!!

Secession is a no no in COTUS.
It's not even needed. The lawyers just need to draft the paperwork so that the feds and bed wetter states face serious obstacles to terrorize the majority of the country. The 16th and 17th Amendment need to be repealed and the 10th Amendment enforced. All the stupid shit the feds do, can either be done by the states, if they need to be done AT ALL, or they can be done with local accountability and some federal oversight if need be so that a 3rd party can reduce corruption.

It's really not that hard, except that a shit ton of rich lobbyists, lawyers, bed wetters, and other oxygen thieves will be forced into productive careers or government work in bed wetter states that will implode with debt immediately.
Repel the 17th amendment and return to the States the election of Senators by either the Governor or their legislators.

I don't see the 16th being repealed as the Government cant function without money and is too big to go back to tariff and fees.
So save democracy by ending democracy.

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