We may need a revolution or secession

He openly ignores the law, or did you miss him bragging about ignoring the Supreme Court?
Then its up to you just and righteous patriots to bring it to court and run it up the judicial ladder. That's how these issues are resolved. Not by whining on an Internet message board. :) I hear people on the right would like Texas to ignore the SC orders as well. Seems to be that's going on either side of the aisle. All the fault of Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh. They've made the SC a joke.
Then its up to you just and righteous patriots to bring it to court and run it up the judicial ladder. That's how these issues are resolved. Not by whining on an Internet message board. :) I hear people on the right would like Texas to ignore the SC orders as well. Seems to be that's going on either side of the aisle. All the fault of Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh. They've made the SC a joke.
It already went to court and Biden LOST; he just ignored the Court decision.
Then its up to you just and righteous patriots to bring it to court and run it up the judicial ladder. That's how these issues are resolved. Not by whining on an Internet message board. :) I hear people on the right would like Texas to ignore the SC orders as well. Seems to be that's going on either side of the aisle. All the fault of Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh. They've made the SC a joke.
Fuck, you're a moron.
Sadly, those may be the only options to save this country as a free democratic republic. I don't want either, but neither did the partiots of 1776. Should history repeat itself?
If Biden doesn't let border states defend their own borders, we will be on the road to history repeating itself.
Ladies and gentlemen........President Kim il Jong to give his first state of the union address, live from Washington.

It strikes me as stupid to go into a revolution without first weakening the opposition. I don't give the folks backing either revolution or secession a chance in hell if they lack the knowledge, let alone guts, to do what must be done.

It strikes me as stupid to go into a revolution without first weakening the opposition. I don't give the folks backing either revolution or secession a chance in hell if they lack the knowledge, let alone guts, to do what must be done.

Or maybe drive the system to the point of total collapse.................then control the narrative.

Cloward-Piven in action.
It strikes me as stupid to go into a revolution without first weakening the opposition. I don't give the folks backing either revolution or secession a chance in hell if they lack the knowledge, let alone guts, to do what must be done.

It would be stupid, even if it were possible, to overthrow the feds. Going to establish a new currency? Accepted by the world at full face value of the current one? How do you deal with the 1/3 of the people now violently opposed to your consumption of oxygen? Exterminate them? Then you've become the bed wetter you hate.

The government needs to be restaffed, lots of jobs eliminated for sure, but overthrown? That's the objective of the bed wetters already. I'm not interested. There are other ways to achieve freedom from domestic neo-soviets.

I will never understand why the libs care, after spending the better part of two decades absolutely hating the "red states". Now we're at the door, suitcase packed ready to go, and they cry about it.

Sop up the tears and buckle up, suckers
All talk, no walk. You and I both know it isn't going to happen. Because at the end of the day, when reality finally hits, most of you are going continue to sit on the couch and bitch.
You're like the passive/aggressive mate who packs their bags, yells loudly that they are leaving, and peers around the corner to see if their mate is actually paying attention.

We aren't.
Biden is offering to shut down the border now and hire 1300 more border guards to enforce it.

What the fuck else you want?
He is wanting to hire 1300 more border guards to help illegals out of the water, give them goody bags, and help process them, including free medical care, housing, and food, giving them ankle bracelets and telling them to come back for court appearances in 3 years.
He is wanting to hire 1300 more border guards to help illegals out of the water, give them goody bags, and help process them, including free medical care, housing, and food.

Bullshit, Biden is offering to sign a law that would allow border agents to deport without any process.

Though OF COURSE we need to save people’s lives when we can. What’s wrong with you?
Bullshit, Biden is offering to sign a law that would allow border agents to deport without any process.

Though OF COURSE we need to save people’s lives when we can. What’s wrong with you?
LOL. He is willing to let in 5,000 per day. You guys think we are saving all of their lives by allowing them to come here.
LOL. He is willing to let in 5,000 per day. You guys think we are saving all of their lives by allowing them to come here.
Again that is bullshit.

When the border gets out of control like it has been for a while now, the law would SHUT DOWN all asylum processing and everyone gets straight up deported on encounter.

There is only one reason right wingers are not for this deal today - Trump and his selfish campaigning interests.

I suggest you get a brain of your own and take a yes for an answer.
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