We may need a revolution or secession

the intent was that States not citizens elected the Senators as a means to have the Upper house represent the states not the population.

Makes sense to me. There was supposed to be a balance of power between the states and the federal gov't, with the House a true popular vote in the individual districts and the state legislatures determining who their senators would be. One wonders why we ever got away from that important concept, so that small states and rural areas would not be under-represented.
I have read it dipshit. yes, it funds more border patrol but it does nothing to seal the border. 5000 per day is not sealed or secure. and it give the POTUS authority to make any exceptions that he wants to make.

face it, this whole border fiasco is the dems trying to create more dem voters because they know that can never will another election with american citizens.

Here is the fuller list of whats in the bill, explained to you by a Republican:

Republican Senator Lankford explains:

  • More border wall construction
  • Increase of 50,000 detention beds
  • Ends "catch and release"
  • Doubles the deportation flights
  • Money for DNA testing to catch criminals
  • Money for border state law enforcement
  • Increased number of ICE agents
  • Increased number of border patrol agents
  • Increased number of asylum officers
  • Increased number of immigration judges
  • Detection equipment to screen for fentanyl
  • Increase sanction authority on drug cartels
  • More difficult to qualify for asylum
  • Faster deportation process
  • Ends abuse of parole on our southern border

The most important provision of the bill is the 5,000 migrant encounters Border Emergency Authority! This doesn't means 5,000 people get to come in every day. It means 5,000 people are detained, screened, and deported.This 5,000 level of the Border Emergency Authority means that if the border ever becomes overwhelmed (which it is right now), then the border automatically shuts down under federal law. NOBODY is being screened if this happens. NOBODY is getting in if this happens. Everyone is just detained and deported without being screened.President Biden would have no ability to stop this under federal law if this bill passed. President Biden would be unable to keep the border open at these levels even if he wanted to.

This is what you idiots say not to in exchange for kissing Trump's ring and screwing Ukraine.
First you say it does nothing and now you’re back peddling. Absolutely it does something, in fact a lot.

You like doing NOTHING more? Because that’s what you are getting by rejecting this bill.
the bill does nothing to seal the border, it allows 5K illegals PER DAY. It also sends billions of our dollars to Ukraine to support that corrupt government that will eventually lose to Russia anyway. your media hacks are lying to you about the bill. pull it up and read it, then you will be aware of the lies you are forwarding.
Here is the fuller list of whats in the bill, explained to you by a Republican:

Republican Senator Lankford explains:

  • More border wall construction
  • Increase of 50,000 detention beds
  • Ends "catch and release"
  • Doubles the deportation flights
  • Money for DNA testing to catch criminals
  • Money for border state law enforcement
  • Increased number of ICE agents
  • Increased number of border patrol agents
  • Increased number of asylum officers
  • Increased number of immigration judges
  • Detection equipment to screen for fentanyl
  • Increase sanction authority on drug cartels
  • More difficult to qualify for asylum
  • Faster deportation process
  • Ends abuse of parole on our southern border

The most important provision of the bill is the 5,000 migrant encounters Border Emergency Authority! This doesn't means 5,000 people get to come in every day. It means 5,000 people are detained, screened, and deported.This 5,000 level of the Border Emergency Authority means that if the border ever becomes overwhelmed (which it is right now), then the border automatically shuts down under federal law. NOBODY is being screened if this happens. NOBODY is getting in if this happens. Everyone is just detained and deported without being screened.President Biden would have no ability to stop this under federal law if this bill passed. President Biden would be unable to keep the border open at these levels even if he wanted to.

This is what you idiots say not to in exchange for kissing Trump's ring and screwing Ukraine.

first of all that clown is a rino who has been bought by the dems. secondly everything you put in bullets is untrue.
You losers whine when your J6 patriots get jailed. How on earth are you going to stop military tribunals and death by firing squad. You're nothing but fat ancient basement pussies dreaming of being actual men.

Start shit and you're dead within 24 hours you slack jawed yokels.
You losers whine when your J6 patriots get jailed. How on earth are you going to stop military tribunals and death by firing squad. You're nothing but fat ancient basement pussies dreaming of being actual men.

Start shit and you're dead within 24 hours you slack jawed yokels.
obviously your comment is aimed at the dem/libs because our side has the police, the military, and all of the guns and ammo. It would be a very quick revolution and then the country could live by the constitution again.
as long as the govt. can continue to print money to keep the failing economy afloat, people will accept the bullshit that is happening.

if that ever changes and this economy fails. I mean REALLY fails, shits gonna get real in a hurry.

"We may need a revolution or secession"?​

The teabagger paradise already exists, I will even buy a few tickets.
Carlson loves it over there..........Just like his daddy loves it.

"Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe ...​

X · realDonaldTrump
47.1K+ likes · 10 years ago

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?



https://www.aeroflot.ru › us-en
Welcome to the official website of the Russian airline Aeroflot! On our website you can buy a plane ticket at a bargain price.

Teabaggers really show their love.



  • 1707576634420.png
    150 bytes · Views: 4

"We may need a revolution or secession"?​

The teabagger paradise already exists, I will even buy a few tickets.
Carlson loves it over there..........Just like his daddy loves it.

"Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe ...

View attachment 900120
X · realDonaldTrump
47.1K+ likes · 10 years ago
Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?


View attachment 900115
https://www.aeroflot.ru › us-en
Welcome to the official website of the Russian airline Aeroflot! On our website you can buy a plane ticket at a bargain price.

Teabaggers really show their love.

View attachment 900118
They've made their choice.

They've chosen a corrupt, murderous, authoritarian, kleptocratic, anti-West, anti-American former KGB thug dictator over their country.

And of course, they'll say that Biden is actually all of those things, because that's the conditioning.

At some level, somewhere, they know this is wrong and it's anti-American.
first of all that clown is a rino who has been bought by the dems. secondly everything you put in bullets is untrue.
The guy CO-WROTE the bill dummy.

You saying something "not true" while he is painstakingly explaining to you whats in the bill is LAUGHABLE.
5000 a day is a no go. It is ridiculous to claim that is a number we can live with.
What is "5000 a day"?

You probably don't even know.


The most important provision of the bill is the 5,000 migrant encounters Border Emergency Authority! This doesn't means 5,000 people get to come in every day. It means 5,000 people are detained, screened, and deported.This 5,000 level of the Border Emergency Authority means that if the border ever becomes overwhelmed (which it is right now), then the border automatically shuts down under federal law. NOBODY is being screened if this happens. NOBODY is getting in if this happens. Everyone is just detained and deported without being screened.President Biden would have no ability to stop this under federal law if this bill passed. President Biden would be unable to keep the border open at these levels even if he wanted to.
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What is "5000 a day"?

You probably don't even know.


The most important provision of the bill is the 5,000 migrant encounters Border Emergency Authority! This doesn't means 5,000 people get to come in every day. It means 5,000 people are detained, screened, and deported.This 5,000 level of the Border Emergency Authority means that if the border ever becomes overwhelmed (which it is right now), then the border automatically shuts down under federal law. NOBODY is being screened if this happens. NOBODY is getting in if this happens. Everyone is just detained and deported without being screened.President Biden would have no ability to stop this under federal law if this bill passed. President Biden would be unable to keep the border open at these levels even if he wanted to.
LOL ya sure thing Biden has no interest in preventing anyone from entering this country and has allowed how many millions in the last 3 years? You are crazy.
LOL ya sure thing Biden has no interest in preventing anyone from entering this country and has allowed how many millions in the last 3 years? You are crazy.

What part of President Biden would have no ability to stop this under federal law if this bill passed. do you not understand about this law?

This is not Biden telling you this, but an Oklahoma Republican who co-wrote the law

Even aside from that, Biden has DIRECT AND IMMEDIATE INTEREST in resolving problems going on right now at the border. Americans who's votes he wants like that sort of thing.
Fuck you. Make a move and you are dead. Your family is dead.rveryone you knew is dead. Bring bitch and quit talking on a chatboard, you fucking pussies. You are not men. You are fat babies.
I love when sniveling bitch ass faggoty bed wetters talk tough, especially "warriors" with a low melt down temperature. Pieces of shit LIKE YOU empower criminal sociopaths in government, and I suppose you believe they're going to protect you after they collapse the economy and render the dollar worthless.

Regardless, what is being discussed isn't a violent revolution by anyone sane or relevant. The discussion is focused on removing your regressive voice from our political demands. We want liberty and prosperity, you want tyranny and poverty. Fuck you. Go live in North Korea or some place that has your dystopian shit hole established already and leave the rest of us alone you pathetic traitor. You're the only one here who has even remotely suggested violence as far as I've seen.

BTW what fuckin retard ever made YOU a mod? Something tells me he sucks a lot in life too.
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We lost the drug war because as long as there are users in this country who demand the product, there will be suppliers.
We Don't Need More Prisons; We Need More Morgues

Users are spoiled trash who can easily be exterminated if the silly ignorant rulers didn't think it was inhumane to poison the drug supply. A leader who wanted to defend the country against these druggie thieves would even let a dealer leave town if he agreed to pass out poisoned drugs to his humanoid junkpiles.
Well, you need only look to 1861-1865.

How'd that work out for everyone? :)
If anybody except Abe Lincoln had been president, it would have worked out quite well for the Confederacy. There was a lot of support among politicians and government officials to just let the Confederacy go rather than fight an expensive war.
That is just your media. You should vary your entertainment and get some bran in your diet.
"Our" media? I guess bed wetters like YOU do live in your own false reality, but THE MEDIA most certainly manipulates emotions and incites all sorts of violence. Otherwise hordes of bed wetters LIKE YOU would not have spent 18 months destroying cities because a piece of shit thug had a heart attack in police custody after attempting to commit a felony with altered US Currency, evade arrest and died.

Most everyone who has an objective opinion and is actually informed ignores the media, and isn't a mindless bed wetting parrot LIKE YOU.

We Don't Need More Prisons; We Need More Morgues

Users are spoiled trash who can easily be exterminated if the silly ignorant rulers didn't think it was inhumane to poison the drug supply. A leader who wanted to defend the country against these druggie thieves would even let a dealer leave town if he agreed to pass out poisoned drugs to his humanoid junkpiles.
The drugs are poison enough. End the stupid drug war so that users can OD much faster and the people who are retarded and self destructive will voluntarily surrender to natural selection.

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