We may need a revolution or secession

And that is why you favor secession and revolution (the Thread Topic)? Dude, you ain't right.

No, what ain't right is our country. Is isn't America any more. My father, a WWII vet, would not recognize it much less wish to serve it. Unlike Michelle, I can no longer be proud of the USA. And it is driving many to consider drastic solutions.
No, what ain't right is our country. Is isn't America any more. My father, a WWII vet, would not recognize it much less wish to serve it. Unlike Michelle, I can no longer be proud of the USA. And it is driving many to consider drastic solutions.
I doubt, my WWII Navy veteran father would be much impressed with the state of affairs, either, but I bet both on their dying days would have served if possible to defend it.
The relativie few, but loud, considering drastic steps are, by in large the nut ball reactionary class, and assorted trumper revolutionary want to be types, like those that favored attacking the US Capital. That was a failed action, ending with most of the ring leaders in jail for years to come. Most do not want to be in jail for years to come, or worse, and simply will not participate, just as they did not participate on January 6, 2021.
If Democrats were honest people they would just look around and see how terrible the Biden administration has been for everyone.

We went from being energy independent under Trump, to not having enough energy to take care of ourselves under Biden.

African Americans went from being almost fully employed under Trump to being almost fully unemployed under Biden.

Everyone in the Biden Regime is corrupt or has been corrupted. The fascist Democrats have "dirt" - real or manufactured - on everyone. We will move to Communism (no. not "Socialist Democracy") soon since it has been proven people can be controlled by some manufactured pandemic OR be blackmailed into doing just about anything to save themselves. It's a sick way to run a nation. But that's what we have.

My hope is that soon, incontrovertible truth will be made evident to people not just in this country but in the world that will smash the crushing oppression we have been living under with Democrats and other bad people at the helm.

Maybe there will be enough people willing to take an honest look at things to avoid a civil war. Balkanization may not be a good thing right now, but it would be a last resort.
USA was never energy independent. Energy companies buy and sell on the global market, especially oil. It's a capitalist system.

You're being oppressed? How?
but I bet both on their dying days would have served if possible to defend it.
Not if they understood what they are defending now. Why don't you ask your father if he would defend an America that puts illegal aliens ahead of its own veterans kicking them out on the street to make room for alien invaders, why don't you ask him if he would fight and die for a fascist regime who arrests its political prisoners on no charges with no crime, no court dates, and no due process.

like those that favored attacking the US Capital.
No one attacked the capitol. A rally was held there, a protest as allowed by the constitution over a wholly illegal election whose very question of it was suppressed by the government, which was purposefully provoked and instigated into a riot, as we now clearly have proven and has been admitted.

ending with most of the ring leaders in jail for years to come.
There was no organization, no ring leaders, and no one will be in jail for more than a few years, excessive considering the misdemeanor nature of 99% of the charges, the worst of which involved fighting with the police, meanwhile,. illegal aliens were just caught fighting with the police, beat them up, then were re-released without bail.
Not if they understood what they are defending now. Why don't you ask your father if he would defend an America that puts illegal aliens ahead of its own veterans kicking them out on the street to make room for alien invaders, why don't you ask him if he would fight and die for a fascist regime who arrests its political prisoners on no charges with no crime, no court dates, and no due process.
but, but.......TRUMP......MAGA cult......insurrection!!!!!!!
I must have missed your many posts. You chose to take a secession/revolution topic to riots in northern cities, when nobody remembers any talk of secession or revolution, so I figured you had just lost it, so was reminding you of the topic. You still sound like a crazy man screaming on the corner, while people and traffic pass you by. I hope you get to feeling better real soon. In not, you should seek help from competent medical professionals. Take your meds and try not to get too exited.
Bed wetters like you ALWAYS miss the obvious and you're just going to continue being stupid.
Inferior Citizens Desperately Need to Feel Superior to the Majority

A republic is a foster government. Serfs who childishly worship imaginary father-figures preach that we should remain a republic. They will scurry away when the fighting starts.

If you've got a better idea for gov't than what we've got now, I'd like to hear it. Or from anybody else for that matter. IMHO, it ain't the system, it's the people running it.
If you've got a better idea for gov't than what we've got now, I'd like to hear it. Or from anybody else for that matter. IMHO, it ain't the system, it's the people running it.
The guy CO-WROTE the bill dummy.

You saying something "not true" while he is painstakingly explaining to you whats in the bill is LAUGHABLE.
the guy is a rino. he was lying about the contents of the bill and morons like you believed the lies. That bill would not shut down the border or reduce the daily flow of illegals into our country. Sure, it limits it to 5K per day, but gives potus the authority to make any exceptions he wants by the stroke of a pen. It would send billions more of our tax dollars to Ukraine to support that corrupt government in its losing war with Russia. You really should actually try to read it before posting more nonsense.
the guy is a rino. he was lying about the contents of the bill and morons like you believed the lies. That bill would not shut down the border or reduce the daily flow of illegals into our country. Sure, it limits it to 5K per day, but gives potus the authority to make any exceptions he wants by the stroke of a pen. It would send billions more of our tax dollars to Ukraine to support that corrupt government in its losing war with Russia. You really should actually try to read it before posting more nonsense.

Ohhh I see, it's not so much about the border, its about you not wanting America to live up to the promises we've made to Ukraine when they agreed to give up their nuclear arms in exchange for security assurances.

Well I've got news for you bub, American majority still has enough sense to support Ukraine. Aid will be passed without you getting ANYTHING on the border, so fuck all you usefull idiots.

Enjoy the status quo on the border while Democrats will beat you loser Trumptards upside the head all the way to the voting booth for turning down the bipartisan FIX BORDER NOW bill.
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the guy is a rino. he was lying about the contents of the bill and morons like you believed the lies. That bill would not shut down the border or reduce the daily flow of illegals into our country. Sure, it limits it to 5K per day, but gives potus the authority to make any exceptions he wants by the stroke of a pen. It would send billions more of our tax dollars to Ukraine to support that corrupt government in its losing war with Russia. You really should actually try to read it before posting more nonsense.
I love it!! Another RINO is declared and more voters cast aside. Is this really a party that’s serious about winning or have they given up on democracy?
We get these threads pretty regularly. Thinly-veiled threats of violence if they don't get their way.

What's the point? Do they think it's scary?
We need a leader who will get things done, even if it means using unconventional methods.
We need a leader who will get things done, even if it means using unconventional methods.
Then vote for people who can bring Congress and the country together, so we can all have input, and so that we can all have skin in the game.

I know, I know. That's not what you want. You want an authoritarian who will jam your beliefs down everyone's throats.

Why do the ends of the spectrum think that's a long term answer to anything?
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Then vote for people who can bring Congress and the country together, so we can all have input, and so that we can all have skin in the game.

I know, I know. That's not what you want. You want an authoritarian who will jam your beliefs down everyone's throats.
LOL I notice you NEVER tell your fellow violent lefties on this board to bring us together.

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