We may need a revolution or secession

Probably because most lefties here don’t think that compromise is a dirty word.

Only the compromises never, ever, EVER, go the other way with you clods. It's always the right bending to you.

You never bend to them.
That's a fucking joke. 5000 per day isn't closing the border, fool.

Look what 19 fucking carpet pilots did when they got control of some airplanes.

It is utterly insane to me that anyone is even suggesting something so asinine, but then again this is a building where retarded carnival freaks and over priced slot machine whores who believe islands can capsize write this sort of legislation. Congress has gone full retard. Idiocracy would be an improvement.

Only the compromises never, ever, EVER, go the other way with you clods. It's always the right bending to you.

You never bend to them.
Excellent point.

We, I don't want a War, an insurrection or any other kind of violence. I've seen War and -- It is ugly. Very ugly. War is the lack of reason, the inability to use intelligence, a loss of sanity.

What we need is -- And I'm sorry to tell you this, is for Conservatives to get off theri lazy fucking asses and join in. Or, at the very least -- Vote.

There's a lot more of us than there is of them. They just make the most noise and have manged to capture the noise-making part of our society.

They'll bend to us if we make them
Put another way, dumbass. If the border is closed there is no need to deport.

Like I said, you lie worse than biden.
No, they don't.

Fuck you lie worse than biden.

You are too stupid to know fact from Trumptard fiction.

Republican co-writer explains to you:

The most important provision of the bill is the 5,000 migrant encounters Border Emergency Authority! This doesn't means 5,000 people get to come in every day. It means 5,000 people are detained, screened, and deported.This 5,000 level of the Border Emergency Authority means that if the border ever becomes overwhelmed (which it is right now), then the border automatically shuts down under federal law. NOBODY is being screened if this happens. NOBODY is getting in if this happens. Everyone is just detained and deported without being screened.President Biden would have no ability to stop this under federal law if this bill passed. President Biden would be unable to keep the border open at these levels even if he wanted to.
You are too stupid to know fact from Trumptard fiction.

Republican co-writer explains to you:

The most important provision of the bill is the 5,000 migrant encounters Border Emergency Authority! This doesn't means 5,000 people get to come in every day. It means 5,000 people are detained, screened, and deported.This 5,000 level of the Border Emergency Authority means that if the border ever becomes overwhelmed (which it is right now), then the border automatically shuts down under federal law. NOBODY is being screened if this happens. NOBODY is getting in if this happens. Everyone is just detained and deported without being screened.President Biden would have no ability to stop this under federal law if this bill passed. President Biden would be unable to keep the border open at these levels even if he wantedBiden.

Which is total bullshit BECAUSE THEY AREN'T EVEN TRYING NOW!

Which is total bullshit BECAUSE THEY AREN'T EVEN TRYING NOW!

Yep, doesn't matter whats FACTUALLY in the bill, you'll just keep repeating some dumbass fantasies in your head.

Stop wasting my time.

Do you have any clue at all what you are saying?

You clearly don't. So far there are at least 8 million illegals in the country. ALL let in by your hero, the obummerbiden. NONE of them have had any sort of vetting.

And little dumbass you, and your pet sock....John doe, ignore that simple fact.

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