We may need a revolution or secession

Sadly, those may be the only options to save this country as a free democratic republic. I don't want either, but neither did the partiots of 1776. Should history repeat itself?

Well, lessee: The government arrested without bail people who committed no crime with no criminal background just being in or around the capitol on J6, kicking down their doors with battering rams, then has resorted to denying them bail, holding them for years with no charges, torturing them and keeping them in solitary, stuff they would never try to do against even al Quada terrorists. If they did, they would be hit with a thousand legal and human rights violations.

Now we find out that the government is probing and investigating people and their innocent purchases and history again without due cause nor warrant just for using the word MAGA on social media, buying a gun, or shopping at certain places like Dicks, etc.

Aren't these tactics usually associated with communist regimes like China, North Korea or Russia? Then when asked, people like Janet Yetzin refuse to take questions nor answer.

Amended to set the stage for the second White-Replacement War a hundred years later. Populists will expel Constitution-bangers. Only a New Right will defeat the New Left.



co·i·tus ˈkō-ə-təs

Synonyms of coitus
: physical union of male and female genitalia accompanied by rhythmic movements : SEXUAL INTERCOURSE sense 1 compare ORGASM
"Our" media? I guess bed wetters like YOU do live in your own false reality, but THE MEDIA most certainly manipulates emotions and incites all sorts of violence. Otherwise hordes of bed wetters LIKE YOU would not have spent 18 months destroying cities because a piece of shit thug had a heart attack in police custody after attempting to commit a felony with altered US Currency, evade arrest and died.

Most everyone who has an objective opinion and is actually informed ignores the media, and isn't a mindless bed wetting parrot LIKE YOU.

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Calm yourself Bed Wetter. Rest assured, I did not spend 18 seconds, much less 18 month participating or supporting violent rioting. Tennessee, remember. We had no Floyd rioting. You cannot even come up with a single sentence, I ever posted, that would support rioting, or insurrection, or any mass violent attacks. It does bring up a question in relation to the thread topic, though. The George Floyd riots are the reason you believe we need a revolution or a secession? That is a totally asinine reason. I am surprise you would be dumb enough to bring it up, in this thread.
You're like the passive/aggressive mate who packs their bags, yells loudly that they are leaving, and peers around the corner to see if their mate is actually paying attention.

We aren't.
You'll Pay a Lot More If You Don't Pay Attention

All those who worship the Old Right are huffy-puffy blowhards who will hug their couches, as you say. Beware of the populist New Right.
We get these threads pretty regularly. Thinly-veiled threats of violence if they don't get their way.

Yes and 99 out of 100 come from the far left and they are seldom thinly veiled. Most often, the left tells us they are coming for us and out to destroy us, the normal, hard-working, gun-toting, god fearing American, out to eradicate us just for being white. They make it clear too they take glee in doing it.

Yet you never seem to notice nor mind but let one conservative speak up /defensively/ and you are right on top of the matter!!!
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Calm yourself Bed Wetter. Rest assured, I did not spend 18 seconds, much less 18 month participating or supporting violent rioting. Tennessee, remember. We had no Floyd rioting. You cannot even come up with a single sentence, I ever posted, that would support rioting, or insurrection, or any mass violent attacks. It does bring up a question in relation to the thread topic, though. The George Floyd riots are the reason you believe we need a revolution or a secession? That is a totally asinine reason. I am surprise you would be dumb enough to bring it up, in this thread.
Of course YOU didn't go out and riot bed wetter, your masters have "professional" militants in the modern KKK to do that for you. Kamala Toe Harris wasn't out there throwing incendiaries at police, firebombing court houses, burning businesses, or looting. She just helped keep them out of jail. We know YOU didn't go to DC and attempt to burn down a church, breech WH grounds causing an alarm that forced SS into an enhanced defense condition. We know YOU didn't topple monuments, desecrate memorials to fallen patriots, neither did xiden, or poolously. Ya'll just dismissed it as acceptable behavior of "oppressed minorities" or some other insane bullshit.

It's wonderful that the DNC employs hordes of listless shit for brains parasitic marxist filth to do the real exertions for you, we know how lazy you fuckers can be. They created hordes of vacuous little minions with $100K in college debt, completely lobotomized, unemployable, and criminally dangerous so that you can pretend it isn't something you support, condone, finance and encourage. Why wouldn't we want pieces of shit LIKE YOU to have an even greater influence on our government?

Of course YOU didn't go out and riot bed wetter, your masters have "professional" militants in the modern KKK to do that for you. Kamala Toe Harris wasn't out there throwing incendiaries at police, firebombing court houses, burning businesses, or looting. She just helped keep them out of jail. We know YOU didn't go to DC and attempt to burn down a church, breech WH grounds causing an alarm that forced SS into an enhanced defense condition. We know YOU didn't topple monuments, desecrate memorials to fallen patriots, neither did xiden, or poolously. Ya'll just dismissed it as acceptable behavior of "oppressed minorities" or some other insane bullshit.

It's wonderful that the DNC employs hordes of listless shit for brains parasitic marxist filth to do the real exertions for you, we know how lazy you fuckers can be. They created hordes of vacuous little minions with $100K in college debt, completely lobotomized, unemployable, and criminally dangerous so that you can pretend it isn't something you support, condone, finance and encourage. Why wouldn't we want pieces of shit LIKE YOU to have an even greater influence on our government?

View attachment 900261
And that is why you favor secession and revolution (the Thread Topic)? Dude, you ain't right.
And that is why you favor secession and revolution (the Thread Topic)? Dude, you ain't right.
Again, you exist in a false reality. In spite of the numerous posts I have made insisting "revolution" isn't even a sane idea, bed wetters LIKE YOU, will still assert that is MY objective,

It's TURDS LIKE YOU, that want to "revolt" and destroy the country. There rest of us want the COTUS adhered too and the republic to be prosperous and sovereign. Bed wetting filth LIKE YOU favors the end of the USA. I want to keep it, and for pieces of shit LIKE YOU to have ZERO INFLUENCE on how I am governed.
Again, you exist in a false reality. In spite of the numerous posts I have made insisting "revolution" isn't even a sane idea, bed wetters LIKE YOU, will still assert that is MY objective,

It's TURDS LIKE YOU, that want to "revolt" and destroy the country. There rest of us want the COTUS adhered too and the republic to be prosperous and sovereign. Bed wetting filth LIKE YOU favors the end of the USA. I want to keep it, and for pieces of shit LIKE YOU to have ZERO INFLUENCE on how I am governed.
I must have missed your many posts. You chose to take a secession/revolution topic to riots in northern cities, when nobody remembers any talk of secession or revolution, so I figured you had just lost it, so was reminding you of the topic. You still sound like a crazy man screaming on the corner, while people and traffic pass you by. I hope you get to feeling better real soon. In not, you should seek help from competent medical professionals. Take your meds and try not to get too exited.
Sadly, those may be the only options to save this country as a free democratic republic. I don't want either, but neither did the partiots of 1776. Should history repeat itself?
If Democrats were honest people they would just look around and see how terrible the Biden administration has been for everyone.

We went from being energy independent under Trump, to not having enough energy to take care of ourselves under Biden.

African Americans went from being almost fully employed under Trump to being almost fully unemployed under Biden.

Everyone in the Biden Regime is corrupt or has been corrupted. The fascist Democrats have "dirt" - real or manufactured - on everyone. We will move to Communism (no. not "Socialist Democracy") soon since it has been proven people can be controlled by some manufactured pandemic OR be blackmailed into doing just about anything to save themselves. It's a sick way to run a nation. But that's what we have.

My hope is that soon, incontrovertible truth will be made evident to people not just in this country but in the world that will smash the crushing oppression we have been living under with Democrats and other bad people at the helm.

Maybe there will be enough people willing to take an honest look at things to avoid a civil war. Balkanization may not be a good thing right now, but it would be a last resort.

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