We may need a revolution or secession

Do you want to win this revolution of yours or not?
All we need is a few more Vikings and another unarmed woman and we will overcome the security at the Capital and take over the country, unless you shoot the unarmed women again.

Do you promise to behave and not murder our unarmed women this time or will I have to call the whole thing off?
it cost thousands of american lives. but the constitution survived. that is ultimately what matters
No, a constitution that is ignored like a step child, unless Progressive can dig something out of the Constitution that benefits them. Then all of a sudden they are Constitutionalists again.
Cheer up. Cut the drama. The choice will be neither.:hmpf:
Yep, just tyranny from here on out.

partially true, but the supply continued because congress was bribed, and is being bribed today, why do you think the southern border remains open?
You could build a 10 mile high wall around the United States and it wouldn't stop the flow of drugs into this country.
we lost the drug war because congress was bribed by big pharma and the chinese and mexican drug trafficers.
Yeah, right. Consumer demand that and the desire to profit in the underground economy had nothing to do with it.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
No, a constitution that is ignored like a step child, unless Progressive can dig something out of the Constitution that benefits them. Then all of a sudden they are Constitutionalists again.
If anyone is guilty of "overthrowing" and undermining our nation, it it the collectivists who use the very freedom granted by the COTUS as cover. Their destruction was deliberate, planned out decades ago and mostly achieved. Very little has been done to undermine them, but it seems that people are getting sick of them enough that things might change. If Trump does get back into office I'll have some optimism, but if he is replaced with another democrook sociopath you can expect scorched earth.

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