We may never be able to lock her up

Hillary Clinton must be the worlds greatest fucking criminal ever. All those crimes......She was what? A first lady and a Senator?

Not sure which is funnier, the fact that no charges have ever been filed (that there proves it, right?) and yet the moroonies still believe the Faux bullshit.
What other losing Presidential candidate has had so many obsessing after them two + years after they lost? Conservative republicans sure are special.
Hillary Clinton must be the worlds greatest fucking criminal ever. All those crimes......She was what? A first lady and a Senator?

Not sure which is funnier, the fact that no charges have ever been filed (that there proves it, right?) and yet the moroonies still believe the Faux bullshit.
What other losing Presidential candidate has had so many obsessing after them two + years after they lost? Conservative republicans sure are special.

Yeah.................because people stopped bitching about Jr. about a year and a half into Obama's presidency. Two years into Trump's, and they are STILL bitching about Obama.
I would have preferred Bernie Sanders to have run. My roomie and I were fully in support of him before he dropped out.

And, when it was found out that Hillary had put her thumb on the scale to get the nomination, both of us were disappointed that her campaign did what it did, but because of the characters on the other side, as well as the amount of experience she had, we were still willing to vote for Hillary.
Hillary Clinton must be the worlds greatest fucking criminal ever. All those crimes......She was what? A first lady and a Senator?

Not sure which is funnier, the fact that no charges have ever been filed (that there proves it, right?) and yet the moroonies still believe the Faux bullshit.
What other losing Presidential candidate has had so many obsessing after them two + years after they lost? Conservative republicans sure are special.
There's never been such a criminal losing illegitimate party candidate before.

(I say 'illegitimate' because Hillary never actually won the Democratic Party nomination.)
I would have preferred Bernie Sanders to have run. My roomie and I were fully in support of him before he dropped out.

And, when it was found out that Hillary had put her thumb on the scale to get the nomination, both of us were disappointed that her campaign did what it did, but because of the characters on the other side, as well as the amount of experience she had, we were still willing to vote for Hillary.
Sanders actually won the nomination...and had it stolen by Hillary and the DNC. The ironic thing is that polls showed Sanders would have actually won, as opposed to losing like Hillary did.

Hillary Clinton’s political career is over, kaput, finished.

The media has avoided that story.....but it is so obvious....this great deceiver and perhaps much worse....is dead in the water, abandoned in the cold and of no relevance any longer. Hallelujah!!!

Yet perhaps the single biggest development of recent days barely made news: Hillary Clinton’s political career is over, kaput, finished.

Conservatives – purveyors of third-world authoritarian dictatorships: lock up the political opposition.

Yea, that's it, because she's political opposition...dumbass.
You guys have been doing this since the bush administration. Is it shocking that some of the right are now starting to drop to your level?
Are you making that up or are you just delusional?

Neither. You guys routinely called for Bush to be killed. You’ve done the same with Trump
As you guys did with Obama and Hillary. What is the point?

There were no calls for them to be killed

The left wingers have a long, long history of violence and threats of violence not even to mention all the vulgar diatribes we now see from Hollywood stars.....America should have no place for these sorts.

A long history of violence among U.S. liberals
The U.S. was built on violence. Since when isn’t it a place for violence. You weenies need to grow a pair and toughen up.
I never felt "lock her up" would ever happen. I highly doubt you'll ever see a former first lady behind bars. Just wont happen.
A man I worked with 10 years ago showed up at a conference with classified information in a briefcase. He had kept the classified with him in the hotel the night before....WITH HIM...Not left with anyone, stored in their bathroom.

The moment he showed up the next morning and took it out of his briefcase He was noticed doing so. By noon he was arrested and fired. He went to jail. He had done less than Hillary, yet He went to jail.

Does the man have a name? Is there a case number?

Hillary didn't carry a folder around in a brief-case. She received an email without classified markings with information that was largely not considered classified at the time. Three investigation found no reasonable prosecutor would have brought charges.
A man I worked with 10 years ago showed up at a conference with classified information in a briefcase. He had kept the classified with him in the hotel the night before....WITH HIM...Not left with anyone, stored in their bathroom.

The moment he showed up the next morning and took it out of his briefcase He was noticed doing so. By noon he was arrested and fired. He went to jail. He had done less than Hillary, yet He went to jail.

Does the man have a name? Is there a case number?

Hillary didn't carry a folder around in a brief-case. She received an email without classified markings with information that was largely not considered classified at the time. Three investigation found no reasonable prosecutor would have brought charges.
Hillary scrubbed her servers and smashed cell phones...all to destroy evidence.

Hillary Clinton’s political career is over, kaput, finished.

The media has avoided that story.....but it is so obvious....this great deceiver and perhaps much worse....is dead in the water, abandoned in the cold and of no relevance any longer. Hallelujah!!!

Yet perhaps the single biggest development of recent days barely made news: Hillary Clinton’s political career is over, kaput, finished.

Where have you been the past two years? Interesting that you needed an oped to tell you that HRC is done. She even said herself she is not running.

Hillary Clinton’s political career is over, kaput, finished.

The media has avoided that story.....but it is so obvious....this great deceiver and perhaps much worse....is dead in the water, abandoned in the cold and of no relevance any longer. Hallelujah!!!

Yet perhaps the single biggest development of recent days barely made news: Hillary Clinton’s political career is over, kaput, finished.

She has been replaced by a White Native American, a black Indian, and a blonde airhead.

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